Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Cog to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/Cog-eem.397.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Cog-eem.397 Author: eem Time: 9 February 2020, 5:38:36.722575 pm UUID: b1ce51e7-354e-4614-b5ab-0f910c320450 Ancestors: Cog-eem.396 Finish the mechanics of the 64-to-32-bit converter. The resulting image doesn't yet run. So more work to do. =============== Diff against Cog-eem.396 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: Spur32to64BitImageConverter>>sixtyFourBitHeap (in category 'private-accessing') ----- + sixtyFourBitHeap + ^targetHeap! Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur64to32BitImageConverter>>ensureSmallFloatInClassTable (in category 'bootstrap image') ----- ensureSmallFloatInClassTable "it should already be there..." + self assert: (targetHeap hashBitsOf: self smallFloatClass) = self sixtyFourBitHeap smallFloatTag! - self assert: (targetHeap hashBitsOf: self smallFloatClass) = targetHeap smallFloatTag! Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur64to32BitImageConverter>>mapSourceOop: (in category 'bootstrap image') ----- mapSourceOop: sourceObj "sourceInterpreter printOop: sourceObj" "Map in-range Floats to SmallFloat64's, and in-range LargePointiveIntegers and LargeNegativeIntegers to SmallInteger" ^map at: sourceObj ifAbsent: [| value box | self assert: (sourceHeap isImmediate: sourceObj). (sourceHeap isImmediateCharacter: sourceObj) ifTrue: [targetHeap characterObjectOf: (sourceHeap characterValueOf: sourceObj)] ifFalse: [(sourceHeap isIntegerObject: sourceObj) ifTrue: [(targetHeap isIntegerValue: (value := sourceHeap integerValueOf: sourceObj)) ifTrue: [targetHeap integerObjectOf: value] ifFalse: [box := targetHeap allocateSlots: 2 format: (targetHeap byteFormatForNumBytes: value digitLength) classIndex: (value < 0 ifTrue: [ClassLargeNegativeIntegerCompactIndex] ifFalse: [ClassLargePositiveIntegerCompactIndex]). targetHeap storeLong64: 0 ofObject: box withValue: value abs. box]] ifFalse: [self assert: (sourceHeap isImmediateFloat: sourceObj). box := targetHeap allocateSlots: 2 + format: targetHeap firstLongFormat + classIndex: ClassFloatCompactIndex. - format: (targetHeap byteFormatForNumBytes: value digitLength) - classIndex: (value < 0 - ifTrue: [ClassLargeNegativeIntegerCompactIndex] - ifFalse: [ClassLargePositiveIntegerCompactIndex]). targetHeap storeLong64: 0 ofObject: box withValue: (sourceHeap smallFloatBitsOf: sourceObj). box]]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Spur64to32BitImageConverter>>sixtyFourBitHeap (in category 'private-accessing') ----- + sixtyFourBitHeap + ^sourceHeap! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMtoNBitImageConverter>>fillInBitsObject:from: (in category 'bootstrap image') ----- fillInBitsObject: targetObj from: sourceObj + 0 to: (sourceHeap num32BitUnitsOf: sourceObj) - 1 do: - 0 to: (sourceHeap numBytesOf: sourceObj) - 1 do: [:i| targetHeap + storeLong32: i - storeByte: i ofObject: targetObj + withValue: (sourceHeap fetchLong32: i ofObject: sourceObj)]! - withValue: (sourceHeap fetchByte: i ofObject: sourceObj)]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMtoNBitImageConverter>>fillInObjects (in category 'bootstrap image') ----- fillInObjects "sourceInterpreter printOop: sourceObj" + | i freeListsObject | - | i | {sourceHeap markStack. sourceHeap weaklingStack. sourceHeap mournQueue} do: [:obj| obj ~= sourceHeap nilObject ifTrue: [map at: obj put: (map at: sourceHeap nilObject)]]. i := 0. + freeListsObject := sourceHeap freeListsObject. sourceHeap allObjectsDo: [:sourceObj| (i := i + 1) >= 10000 ifTrue: [Transcript nextPut: $.; flush. i := 0]. (map at: sourceObj ifAbsent: nil) ifNotNil: [:targetObj| | format classIndex | (targetHeap numSlotsOf: targetObj) > 0 ifTrue: "filter-out filtered objStack pages" [format := sourceHeap formatOf: sourceObj. (targetHeap isPointersFormat: format) ifTrue: [((targetHeap isIndexableFormat: format) and: [(classIndex := targetHeap classIndexOf: targetObj) <= ClassBlockClosureCompactIndex and: [classIndex >= ClassMethodContextCompactIndex]]) ifTrue: [self fillInPointerObjectWithPC: targetObj from: sourceObj] ifFalse: [self fillInPointerObject: targetObj from: sourceObj]] ifFalse: [(targetHeap isCompiledMethodFormat: format) ifTrue: [self fillInCompiledMethod: targetObj from: sourceObj] + ifFalse: + [sourceObj ~= freeListsObject ifTrue: + [self fillInBitsObject: targetObj from: sourceObj]]]]] - ifFalse: [self fillInBitsObject: targetObj from: sourceObj]]]] ifNil: [self assert: (self isUnmappedObject: sourceObj)]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMtoNBitImageConverter>>sixtyFourBitHeap (in category 'private-accessing') ----- + sixtyFourBitHeap + self subclassResponsibility! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMtoNBitImageConverter>>smallFloatClass (in category 'bootstrap image') ----- smallFloatClass + ^targetHeap fetchPointer: sourceHeap smallFloatTag ofObject: targetHeap classTableFirstPage! - self subclassResponsibility! |
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