Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Cog to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/Cog-eem.410.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Cog-eem.410 Author: eem Time: 15 September 2020, 1:41:52.361982 pm UUID: 74aea94d-a83d-4b8a-a3e7-9744bddb8476 Ancestors: Cog-eem.409 Get the MIPS simulator not to inctement the pc when faulting. Fix a typo. =============== Diff against Cog-eem.409 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSELSimulator>>executeFault: (in category 'memory') ----- executeFault: address | jumpInstruction type | self assert: inDelaySlot not. + fault := #call. "default" jumpInstruction := MIPSInstruction new value: (self fetchInstruction: jumpingPC). + jumpInstruction opcode = J + ifTrue: [type := #jump] + ifFalse: + [jumpInstruction opcode = SPECIAL ifTrue: + [jumpInstruction function = JR ifTrue: + [fault := jumpInstruction rs = RA + ifTrue: [#return] + ifFalse: [#jump]]]]. - jumpInstruction opcode = J ifTrue: [type := #jump]. - jumpInstruction opcode = JAL ifTrue: [type := #call]. - jumpInstruction opcode = SPECIAL ifTrue: - [jumpInstruction function = JR ifTrue: - [jumpInstruction rs = RA - ifTrue: [type := #return] - ifFalse: [type := #jump]]. - jumpInstruction function = JALR ifTrue: - [type := #call]]. - self assert: type ~~ nil. ^(ProcessorSimulationTrap + pc: jumpingPC + nextpc: address - pc: nil - nextpc: nil address: address + type: fault - type: type accessor: nil) signal! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSELSimulator>>fetchInstruction: (in category 'memory') ----- fetchInstruction: address + address < executableBase ifTrue: [self executeFault: address]. + address > executableLimit ifTrue: [self executeFault: address]. - address < exectuableBase ifTrue: [self executeFault: address]. - address > exectuableLimit ifTrue: [self executeFault: address]. (address bitAnd: 3) = 0 ifFalse: [self error: 'Unaligned read']. ^memory unsignedLongAt: address + 1 bigEndian: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSELSimulator>>readFault: (in category 'memory') ----- readFault: address | destReg | self assert: inDelaySlot not. "Or we have to store nextPC somewhere." destReg := (MIPSInstruction new value: (self fetchInstruction: pc)) rt. ^(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 4 address: address + type: (fault := #read) - type: #read accessor: (self setterForRegister: destReg)) signal ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSELSimulator>>writeFault: (in category 'memory') ----- writeFault: address | srcReg | self assert: inDelaySlot not. "Or we have to store nextPC somewhere." srcReg := (MIPSInstruction new value: (self fetchInstruction: pc)) rt. ^(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 4 address: address + type: (fault := #write) - type: #write accessor: (self getterForRegister: srcReg)) signal ! Item was changed: Object subclass: #MIPSSimulator + instanceVariableNames: 'memory registers pc instructionCount inDelaySlot readableBase writableBase readableLimit writableLimit jumpingPC hi lo executableBase executableLimit fault' - instanceVariableNames: 'memory registers pc instructionCount inDelaySlot readableBase writableBase exectuableBase readableLimit writableLimit exectuableLimit jumpingPC hi lo' classVariableNames: 'EndSimulationPC' poolDictionaries: 'MIPSConstants' category: 'Cog-Processors'! !MIPSSimulator commentStamp: 'rmacnak 11/11/2015 20:33:00' prior: 0! Simulator for 32-bit MIPS, without implementation of memory access.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSSimulator>>attemptJumpTo:type: (in category 'instructions - control') ----- attemptJumpTo: nextPC type: trapType + (nextPC between: readableBase and: executableLimit) ifFalse: - (nextPC between: readableBase and: exectuableLimit) ifFalse: [^(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + OneInstruction address: nextPC + type: (fault := trapType)) - type: trapType) signal]. pc := nextPC - OneInstruction "Account for general increment"! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSSimulator>>initializeWithMemory: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initializeWithMemory: aByteArray memory := aByteArray. readableBase := 0. writableBase := 0. + executableBase := 0. - exectuableBase := 0. readableLimit := memory size. writableLimit := memory size. + executableLimit := memory size.! - exectuableLimit := memory size.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSSimulator>>runInMemory:minimumAddress:readOnlyBelow: (in category 'processor api') ----- runInMemory: aMemory minimumAddress: minimumAddress readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress "Note that minimumWritableAddress is both the minimum writeable address AND the maximum executable address" memory := aMemory. readableBase := minimumAddress. writableBase := minimumWritableAddress. + executableBase := minimumAddress. - exectuableBase := minimumAddress. readableLimit := aMemory byteSize. writableLimit := aMemory byteSize. + executableLimit := minimumWritableAddress. - exectuableLimit := minimumWritableAddress. self execute.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIPSSimulator>>step (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- step "If the next instruction is a branch, its delay slot will also be executed." | instruction | "Transcript print: instructionCount; nextPutAll: ' X '; nextPutAll: self currentInstruction; flush" + fault := nil. instruction := MIPSInstruction new value: (self fetchInstruction: pc). instruction decodeFor: self. + fault + ifNotNil: [fault := nil] + ifNil: [pc := pc + OneInstruction]. + instructionCount := instructionCount + 1! - pc := pc + OneInstruction. - instructionCount := instructionCount + 1.! |
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