VM Maker: Cog-eem.412.mcz

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VM Maker: Cog-eem.412.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Cog to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Cog-eem.412
Author: eem
Time: 23 October 2020, 8:21:06.015949 pm
UUID: 5aa6e5fb-f48c-45fc-9b43-a5ffda953561
Ancestors: Cog-eem.411

Simplifications in set/void register state.
State to revive MultiProcessor.

=============== Diff against Cog-eem.411 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>setRegisterState: (in category 'accessing-abstract') -----
- setRegisterState: aRegisterStateArray
- "N.B. keep in sync with voidRegisterState"
- self eax: (aRegisterStateArray at: 1).
- self ebx: (aRegisterStateArray at: 2).
- self ecx: (aRegisterStateArray at: 3).
- self edx: (aRegisterStateArray at: 4).
- self esp: (aRegisterStateArray at: 5).
- self ebp: (aRegisterStateArray at: 6).
- self esi: (aRegisterStateArray at: 7).
- self edi: (aRegisterStateArray at: 8).
- self eip: (aRegisterStateArray at: 9).
- self eflags: (aRegisterStateArray at: 10).
- self xmm0low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 11).
- self xmm1low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 12).
- self xmm2low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 13).
- self xmm3low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 14).
- self xmm4low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 15).
- self xmm5low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 16).
- self xmm6low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 17).
- self xmm7low: (aRegisterStateArray at: 18)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>voidRegisterState (in category 'accessing-abstract') -----
- voidRegisterState
- "N.B. keep in sync with setRegisterState:"
- self setRegisterState: (Array new: 18 withAll: 0)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CogProcessorAlien>>setRegisterState: (in category 'accessing-abstract') -----
+ setRegisterState: aRegisterStateArray
+ "N.B. keep in sync with registerState, voidRegisterState, registerStateSetters, registerStateGetters"
+ | setters |
+ setters := self registerStateSetters.
+ aRegisterStateArray withIndexDo:
+ [:state :index|
+ self perform: (setters at: index) with: state]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CogProcessorAlien>>voidRegisterState (in category 'accessing-abstract') -----
+ voidRegisterState
+ "N.B. keep in sync with registerState, voidRegisterState, registerStateSetters, registerStateGetters"
+ self registerStateSetters do:
+ [:setter| self perform: setter with: 0]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: GdbARMAlien>>setRegisterState: (in category 'accessing-abstract') -----
- setRegisterState: aRegisterStateArray
- "N.B. keep in sync with voidRegisterState"
- self r0:  (aRegisterStateArray at: 1).
- self r1: (aRegisterStateArray at: 2).
- self r2: (aRegisterStateArray at: 3).
- self r3: (aRegisterStateArray at: 4).
- self r4: (aRegisterStateArray at: 5).
- self r5: (aRegisterStateArray at: 6).
- self r6: (aRegisterStateArray at: 7).
- self r7: (aRegisterStateArray at: 8).
- self r8: (aRegisterStateArray at: 9).
- self r9: (aRegisterStateArray at: 10).
- self r10: (aRegisterStateArray at: 11).
- self fp: (aRegisterStateArray at: 12).
- self r12: (aRegisterStateArray at: 13).
- self sp: (aRegisterStateArray at: 14).
- self lr: (aRegisterStateArray at: 15).
- self pc: (aRegisterStateArray at: 16).
- self eflags:  (aRegisterStateArray at: 17).!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: GdbARMAlien>>voidRegisterState (in category 'accessing-abstract') -----
- voidRegisterState
- "N.B. keep in sync with setRegisterState:"
- self setRegisterState: (Array new: 17 withAll: 0)!

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #MultiProcessor
+ instanceVariableNames: 'mutex processor guardedProcessorProtocol unguardedProcessorProtocol owner registerState coInterpreter threadIndex cogit'
- instanceVariableNames: 'mutex processor guardedProcessorProtocol unguardedProcessorProtocol owner registerState coInterpreter threadIndex'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Cog-Processors'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MultiProcessor>>coInterpreter: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  coInterpreter: aCoInterpreter
+ coInterpreter := aCoInterpreter.
+ cogit := aCoInterpreter cogit!
- coInterpreter := aCoInterpreter!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MultiProcessor>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'message forwarding') -----
  doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
  "Forward a message to the actual processor, managing a thread-switch if necessary.
  Catch ProcessorSimulationTraps and raise them outside of the critical section to
  avoid deadlock when reentering the VM from a trap and switching threads in the run-time."
  | selector result trap |
  selector := aMessage selector.
  (guardedProcessorProtocol includes: selector) ifFalse:
  [^(unguardedProcessorProtocol includes: selector)
  ifTrue: [processor perform: selector withArguments: aMessage arguments]
  ifFalse: [super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage]].
+ (#(simulateLeafCallOf:nextpc:memory:) includes: selector) ifTrue:
+ [self halt: selector].
  result := [mutex critical:
  [owner ~~ mutex owningProcess ifTrue:
  [owner ifNotNil:
  [registerState at: owner put: processor registerState].
  (registerState at: (owner := mutex owningProcess) ifAbsent: nil)
  ifNil: [coInterpreter initializeProcessorForThreadIndex: (threadIndex := threadIndex + 1)]
  ifNotNil: [:newState| processor setRegisterState: newState]].
  processor perform: selector withArguments: aMessage arguments]]
+ on: ProcessorSimulationTrap, Error, AssertionFailure
+ do: [:ex|
+ ex class == ProcessorSimulationTrap ifFalse:
+ [ex pass].
+ trap := ex].
- on: ProcessorSimulationTrap, Error
- do: [:ex| trap := ex].
  ^trap ifNil: [result] ifNotNil: [trap signal]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MultiProcessor>>flushICacheFrom:to: (in category 'system primitives') -----
+ flushICacheFrom: startAddress "<Integer>" to: endAddress "<Integer>"
+ processor flushICacheFrom: startAddress to: endAddress!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MultiProcessor>>processor: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  processor: aProcessor
  processor := aProcessor.
+ "Try and compute messages such as those in the execution category, for which
+ we should thread-switch, and those, in accessing, for which we don't need to.
+ Better would be to use pragmas to label those messages we should thread-switch on."
+ guardedProcessorProtocol := Set new.
+ unguardedProcessorProtocol := Set new.
+ (aProcessor class withAllSuperclasses copyUpThrough: CogProcessorAlien) do:
+ [:class|
+ unguardedProcessorProtocol addAll: class selectors.
+ #(execution) do:
+ [ :category|
+ guardedProcessorProtocol addAll: (class organization listAtCategoryNamed: category)]].
+ unguardedProcessorProtocol removeAll: guardedProcessorProtocol!
- guardedProcessorProtocol := aProcessor class selectors asSet
- addAll: aProcessor class superclass selectors;
- yourself.
- unguardedProcessorProtocol := #(#'Cog API' #opcodes #disassembly #printing)
- inject: Set new
- into: [ :protocol :category|
- protocol
- addAll: (aProcessor class organization listAtCategoryNamed: category);
- addAll: (aProcessor class superclass organization listAtCategoryNamed: category);
- yourself].
- guardedProcessorProtocol removeAll: unguardedProcessorProtocol!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Mutex>>owningProcess (in category '*Cog-Processors-accessing') -----
+ owningProcess
+ ^owner!