Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Cog to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/Cog-eem.422.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Cog-eem.422 Author: eem Time: 29 October 2020, 6:07:26.875213 pm UUID: 85b1cd7f-c753-4a65-9100-9f2408ba0f5c Ancestors: Cog-eem.421 Compare-and-swap support for BochsX64Alien =============== Diff against Cog-eem.421 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>abiMarshallArg0: (in category 'accessing-abstract') ----- + abiMarshallArg0: arg0 + "Marshall one integral argument according to the ABI. + Currently used in the COGMTVM to tryLockVMOwner:" + self push: arg0! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsX64Alien class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- initialize "BochsX64Alien initialize" | it | it := self basicNew. OpcodeExceptionMap := Array new: 256 withAll: #handleExecutionPrimitiveFailureAt:in:rex:. OpcodeExceptionMap at: 1 + it twoByteEscape put: #handleTwoByteEscapeFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it operandSizeOverridePrefix put: #handleOperandSizeOverridePrefixFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it callOpcode put: #handleCallFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it jmpOpcode put: #handleJmpFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it retOpcode put: #handleRetFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movALObOpcode put: #handleMovALObFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movAXOvOpcode put: #handleMovAXOvFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movObALOpcode put: #handleMovObALFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movOvAXOpcode put: #handleMovOvAXFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movGvEvOpcode put: #handleMovGvEvFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movEvGvOpcode put: #handleMovEvGvFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movGbEbOpcode put: #handleMovGbEbFailureAt:in:rex:; at: 1 + it movEbGbOpcode put: #handleMovEbGbFailureAt:in:rex:; + at: 1 + 16rF0 put: #handleGroup6through10FailureAt:in:rex:; "Table A6 One-Byte and Two-Byte Opcode ModRM Extensions" at: 1 + 16rFE put: #handleGroup4FailureAt:in:rex:; "Table A6 One-Byte and Two-Byte Opcode ModRM Extensions" at: 1 + 16rFF put: #handleGroup5FailureAt:in:rex:. "Table A6 One-Byte and Two-Byte Opcode ModRM Extensions" ExtendedOpcodeExceptionMap := Array new: 256 withAll: #handleExecutionPrimitiveFailureAt:in:rex:. ExtendedOpcodeExceptionMap at: 1 + it movGvEbOpcode put: #handleMovGvEbFailureAt:in:rex:! Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>abiMarshallArg0: (in category 'accessing-abstract') ----- + abiMarshallArg0: arg0 + "Marshall one integral argument according to the ABI. + Currently used in the COGMTVM to tryLockVMOwner:" + (CogX64Compiler classPool at: #CArg0Reg) = 1 + ifTrue: [self rcx: arg0] "Hack; Win64" + ifFalse: [self rdi: arg0] "Hack; SysV"! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>decorateDisassembly:for:fromAddress: (in category 'disassembly') ----- decorateDisassembly: anInstructionString for: aSymbolManager "<Cogit>" fromAddress: address | string i1 i2 v o extra | string := PrintCodeBytes ifTrue: [anInstructionString] ifFalse: [anInstructionString copyFrom: 1 to: (anInstructionString lastIndexOf: $:) - 1]. "trailing space useful for parsing numbers" aSymbolManager relativeBaseForDisassemblyInto: [:baseAddress :baseName| string := baseName, '+', (address - baseAddress printStringBase: 16 length: 4 padded: true), (string copyFrom: (string indexOf: $:) + 1 to: string size)]. ((i1 := string indexOfSubCollection: '%ds:(') > 0 or: [(i1 := string indexOfSubCollection: '%ss:(') > 0]) ifTrue: + [string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 + to: i1 + 3 + with: ((string copyFrom: i1 to: i1 + 9) = '%ds:(%rbx)' + ifTrue: ['%ds:0x0']"So the next clause finds it..." + ifFalse: [''])]. - [string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 to: i1 + 3 with: '']. (i1 := string indexOfSubCollection: '%ds:0x') > 0 ifTrue: [i2 := i1 + 6. ['0123456789abcdef' includes: (string at: i2)] whileTrue: [i2 := i2 + 1]. (v := string copyFrom: i2 to: (i2 + 5 min: string size)) = '(%rbx)' ifTrue: + [| i3 | + o := Integer readFrom: (ReadStream on: string from: i1 + 6 to: i2 - 1) base: 16. - [o := Integer readFrom: (ReadStream on: string from: i1 + 6 to: i2 - 1) base: 16. (aSymbolManager lookupAddress: aSymbolManager varBaseAddress + o) ifNotNil: + [:varName| extra := ' = ', varName]. + (i3 := string indexOfSubCollection: '%ds:0x0(%rbx)' startingAt: i1) > 0 ifTrue: + [string := string copyReplaceFrom: i3 to: i3 + 6 with: ''. + i2 := 0]]. - [:varName| extra := ' = ', varName]]. v = '(%rip)' ifTrue: [o := anInstructionString size - (anInstructionString lastIndexOf: $:) - 1 / 3. "Count number of instruction bytes to find size of instruction" o := o + address. "Add address of instruction" o := o + (Integer readFrom: (ReadStream on: string from: i1 + 6 to: i2 - 1) base: 16) signedIntFromLong64. "Add offset to yield pc-relative address" (aSymbolManager lookupAddress: o) ifNotNil: [:methodName| extra := ' = ', methodName]]. v = ReceiverResultRegDereference ifTrue: [o := Integer readFrom: (ReadStream on: string from: i1 + 6 to: i2 - 1) base: 16. (aSymbolManager lookupInstVarOffset: o) ifNotNil: [:varName| string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 to: i2 - 1 with: varName,'@',o printString. i2 := 0]]. i2 ~= 0 ifTrue: [string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 to: i2 - 1 with: (aSymbolManager lookupCHexString: (string copyFrom: i1 + 4 to: i2 - 1))]]. (i1 := string indexOfSubCollection: '%ss:0x') > 0 ifTrue: [i2 := i1 + 6. ['0123456789abcdef' includes: (string at: i2)] whileTrue: [i2 := i2 + 1]. ((string at: i2) = $( and: [(string at: i2 + 1) = $%]) ifTrue: [o := Integer readFrom: (ReadStream on: string from: i1 + 6 to: i2 - 1) base: 16. o := (o bitAnd: (1 bitShift: 31) - 1) - (o bitAnd: (1 bitShift: 31)). ((string copyFrom: i2 to: (i2 + 5 min: string size)) = '(%rbp)' and: [PrintTempNames]) ifTrue: [(aSymbolManager lookupFrameOffset: o) ifNotNil: [:varName| string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 to: i2 - 1 with: varName,'@',o printString. i2 := 0]]. i2 ~= 0 ifTrue: [string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 to: i2 - 1 with: o printString]]]. (i1 := string indexOfSubCollection: '$0x') > 0 ifTrue: [i2 := i1 + 3. ['0123456789abcdef' includes: (string at: i2)] whileTrue: [i2 := i2 + 1]. string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 + 1 to: i2 - 1 with: (aSymbolManager lookupCHexString: (string copyFrom: i1 + 1 to: i2 - 1))]. ((i1 := string indexOf: $() > 1 and: [(string at: i1 + 1) isDigit and: [i1 < (i2 := string indexOf: $))]]) ifTrue: [string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 + 1 to: i2 - 1 with: (aSymbolManager lookupCHexString: (string copyFrom: i1 + 1 to: i2 - 1)). i1 := string indexOfSubCollection: '+0x'. "calls & jumps" i1 > 0 ifTrue: [o := Integer readFrom: (i2 := ReadStream on: string from: i1 + 3 to: string size) base: 16. o := ((o bitAnd: (1 bitShift: 63) - 1) - (o bitAnd: (1 bitShift: 63))) printStringRadix: 16. o := o first = $1 ifTrue: [o copyReplaceFrom: 1 to: 3 with: '+0x'] ifFalse: [o copyReplaceFrom: 2 to: 4 with: '0x']. string := string copyReplaceFrom: i1 to: i2 position with: o]]. ^extra ifNil: [string] ifNotNil: [PrintCodeBytes ifTrue: [i1 := string lastIndexOf: $:. string copyReplaceFrom: i1 - 1 to: i1 - 2 with: extra] ifFalse: [string, ';', extra]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>handleGroup6through10FailureAt:in:rex: (in category 'error handling') ----- + handleGroup6through10FailureAt: pc "<Integer>" in: memoryArray "<Bitmap|ByteArray>" rex: rexByteOrNil "<Integer|nil>" + "Convert an execution primitive failure for a group 5 instruction into the relevant ProcessorSimulationTrap signal." + | rexByte modrmByte baseReg srcReg | + (((rexByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 2) bitAnd: 16rF8) = self rexPrefix + and: [(memoryArray byteAt: pc + 3) = 16r0F + and: [(memoryArray byteAt: pc + 4) = 16rB1]]) ifTrue: + [modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 5. + modrmByte >> 6 = 0 ifTrue: "ModRegInd" + [srcReg := (modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByte bitAnd: 4) bitShift: 1). + baseReg := (modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByte bitAnd: 1) bitShift: 3). + ^(CompareAndSwapSimulationTrap + pc: pc + nextpc: pc + 5 + address: (self perform: (self registerStateGetters at: baseReg + 1)) + type: #write + accessor: (self registerStateSetters at: srcReg + 1)) + expectedValue: self rax; + storedValue: (self perform: (self registerStateGetters at: srcReg + 1)); + signal]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>handleMovEvGvFailureAt:in:rex: (in category 'error handling') ----- handleMovEvGvFailureAt: pc "<Integer>" in: memoryArray "<Bitmap|ByteArray>" rex: rexByteOrNil "<Integer|nil>" "Convert an execution primitive failure for a register write into a ProcessorSimulationTrap signal." | modrmByte getter base offset | self assert: rexByteOrNil notNil. modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 3. + getter := self registerStateGetters at: (modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 4) << 1) + 1. - getter := self registerStateGetters at: ((modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 4) << 1) + 1). (modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC7) = 16r5 ifTrue: "ModRegInd & disp32" [^(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 7 address: (memoryArray unsignedLongAt: pc + 4 bigEndian: false) type: #write accessor: getter) signal]. + (modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC0) = 0 ifTrue: "ModRegInd" + [base := self registerStateGetters at: (modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 1) << 3) + 1. + ^(ProcessorSimulationTrap + pc: pc + nextpc: pc + 3 + address: (self perform: base) + type: #write + accessor: getter) + signal]. (modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80 ifTrue: "ModRegRegDisp32" [offset := memoryArray longAt: pc + 4 bigEndian: false. + base := self registerStateGetters at: (modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 1) << 3) + 1. - base := self registerStateGetters at: ((modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 1) << 3) + 1). ^(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 7 address: (self perform: base) + offset type: #write accessor: getter) signal]. (modrmByte bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r40 ifTrue: "ModRegRegDisp8" [offset := memoryArray unsignedByteAt: pc + 4. offset > 127 ifTrue: [offset := offset - 256]. + base := self registerStateGetters at: (modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 1) << 3) + 1. - base := self registerStateGetters at: ((modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + ((rexByteOrNil bitAnd: 1) << 3) + 1). ^(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 4 address: (self perform: base) + offset type: #write accessor: getter) signal]. ^self reportPrimitiveFailure! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>printFields:inRegisterState:on: (in category 'printing') ----- printFields: fields inRegisterState: registerStateVector on: aStream | rsvs | aStream ensureCr. rsvs := registerStateVector readStream. fields withIndexDo: [:sym :index| | val | sym = #cr ifTrue: [aStream cr] ifFalse: [(val := rsvs next) isNil ifTrue: [^self]. (sym beginsWith: 'xmm') ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: sym; nextPut: $:; space. val printOn: aStream base: 16 length: 16 padded: true. aStream space; nextPut: $(. "At the image level Float is apparently in big-endian format" ((Float basicNew: 2) at: 2 put: (val bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF); at: 1 put: (val bitShift: -32); yourself) printOn: aStream. aStream nextPut: $)] ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: sym; nextPut: $:; space. val printOn: aStream base: 16 length: 8 padded: true. + #rflags == sym - #eflags == sym ifTrue: [aStream space. 'C-P-A-ZS---O' withIndexDo: [:flag :bitIndex| flag ~= $- ifTrue: [aStream nextPut: flag; nextPutAll: 'F='; print: (val bitAnd: 1 << (bitIndex - 1)) >> (bitIndex - 1); space]]] ifFalse: [val > 16 ifTrue: [aStream space; nextPut: $(. val printOn: aStream base: 10 length: 1 padded: false. aStream nextPut: $)]]]. (fields at: index + 1) ~~ #cr ifTrue: [aStream tab]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>rflags (in category 'accessing') ----- rflags + ^self unsignedLongAt: 621! - ^self unsignedLongLongAt: 621! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>rflags: (in category 'accessing') ----- rflags: anUnsignedInteger + ^self unsignedLongAt: 621 put: anUnsignedInteger! - ^self unsignedLongLongAt: 621 put: anUnsignedInteger! Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>setFlagsForCompareAndSwap: (in category 'execution') ----- + setFlagsForCompareAndSwap: aBoolean + "Set ZF to aBoolean" + | flags | + flags := self rflags bitClear: 64. + self rflags: (aBoolean ifTrue: [flags + 64] ifFalse: [flags])! Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsX64Alien64>>prevRip (in category 'accessing') ----- + prevRip + ^self unsignedLongLongAt: 673! Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsX64Alien64>>prevRip: (in category 'accessing') ----- + prevRip: anUnsignedInteger + ^self unsignedLongLongAt: 673 put: anUnsignedInteger! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsX64Alien64>>rflags (in category 'accessing') ----- rflags + ^self unsignedLongAt: 633! - ^self unsignedLongLongAt: 633! Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsX64Alien64>>rflags: (in category 'accessing') ----- + rflags: anUnsignedInteger + ^self unsignedLongAt: 633 put: anUnsignedInteger! Item was added: + ----- Method: CogProcessorAlien>>setFlagsForCompareAndSwap: (in category 'execution') ----- + setFlagsForCompareAndSwap: aBoolean + "If the processor sets flags in a compare-and-swap instruction, set its flags + according to aBoolean which is true if the compare-and-swap succeeded." + self subclassResponsibility! |
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