Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Cog to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/Cog-eem.424.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Cog-eem.424 Author: eem Time: 30 October 2020, 6:33:53.848366 pm UUID: bb913004-6fb8-4e7e-9c53-55153bb970db Ancestors: Cog-eem.423 MultiProcessor needs to save the register state after each execution in the doesNotUnderstand: so that the right state can be restored on entry to the doesNotUnderstand: wrapper. =============== Diff against Cog-eem.423 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>setIntegerRegisterState: (in category 'accessing-abstract') ----- + setIntegerRegisterState: newState + "Set the state reasonably efficiently, for the benefit of the MultiProcessor." + self eax: (newState at: 1). + self ebx: (newState at: 2). + self ecx: (newState at: 3). + self edx: (newState at: 4). + self esp: (newState at: 5). + self ebp: (newState at: 6). + self esi: (newState at: 7). + self edi: (newState at: 8). + self eip: (newState at: 9). + self eflags: (newState at: 10)! Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsX64Alien>>setIntegerRegisterState: (in category 'accessing-abstract') ----- + setIntegerRegisterState: newState + "Set the state reasonably efficiently, for the benefit of the MultiProcessor." + self rax: (newState at: 1). + self rbx: (newState at: 2). + self rcx: (newState at: 3). + self rdx: (newState at: 4). + self rsp: (newState at: 5). + self rbp: (newState at: 6). + self rsi: (newState at: 7). + self rdi: (newState at: 8). + self r8: (newState at: 9). + self r9: (newState at: 10). + self r10: (newState at: 11). + self r11: (newState at: 12). + self r12: (newState at: 13). + self r13: (newState at: 14). + self r14: (newState at: 15). + self r15: (newState at: 16). + self rip: (newState at: 17). + self rflags: (newState at: 18)! Item was changed: ----- Method: MultiProcessor>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'message forwarding') ----- doesNotUnderstand: aMessage "Forward a message to the actual processor, managing a thread-switch if necessary. Catch ProcessorSimulationTraps and raise them outside of the critical section to avoid deadlock when reentering the VM from a trap and switching threads in the run-time." | selector result trap contextInCritical | selector := aMessage selector. (guardedProcessorProtocol includes: selector) ifFalse: [^(unguardedProcessorProtocol includes: selector) ifTrue: [processor perform: selector withArguments: aMessage arguments] ifFalse: [super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage]]. + [mutex critical: + [contextInCritical := thisContext. + owner ~~ mutex owningProcess ifTrue: + [(registerState at: (owner := mutex owningProcess) ifAbsent: nil) + ifNil: [coInterpreter initializeProcessorForThreadIndex: (threadIndex := threadIndex + 1)] + ifNotNil: [:newState| processor setIntegerRegisterState: newState]]. + result := processor perform: selector withArguments: aMessage arguments. + registerState at: owner put: processor integerRegisterState]] + on: ProcessorSimulationTrap, Error, AssertionFailure + do: [:ex| + ex isProcessorSimulationTrap ifFalse: + [ex pass]. + "Alas things are not so simple with ARMv8 ldp/stp... + The comments in these two methods explain..." + (self isAboutToReturn: ex signalerContext) ifFalse: + [self saveStackFor: ex signalerContext + above: contextInCritical + homeContext: thisContext home]. + trap := ex]. - result := [mutex critical: - [contextInCritical := thisContext. - owner ~~ mutex owningProcess ifTrue: - [owner ifNotNil: - [registerState at: owner put: processor registerState]. - (registerState at: (owner := mutex owningProcess) ifAbsent: nil) - ifNil: [coInterpreter initializeProcessorForThreadIndex: (threadIndex := threadIndex + 1)] - ifNotNil: [:newState| processor setRegisterState: newState]]. - processor perform: selector withArguments: aMessage arguments]] - on: ProcessorSimulationTrap, Error, AssertionFailure - do: [:ex| - ex isProcessorSimulationTrap ifFalse: - [ex pass]. - "Alas things are not so simple with ARMv8 ldp/stp... - The comments in these two methods explain..." - (self isAboutToReturn: ex signalerContext) ifFalse: - [self saveStackFor: ex signalerContext - above: contextInCritical - homeContext: thisContext home]. - trap := ex]. ^trap ifNil: [result] ifNotNil: [trap signal ifNotNil: [:resultOfSignal| resultOfSignal == self ifTrue: [processor] ifFalse: [resultOfSignal]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MultiProcessor>>processor: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- processor: aProcessor processor := aProcessor. "Try and compute messages such as those in the execution category, for which we should thread-switch, and those, in accessing, for which we don't need to. Better would be to use pragmas to label those messages we should thread-switch on." guardedProcessorProtocol := Set new. unguardedProcessorProtocol := Set new. (aProcessor class withAllSuperclasses copyUpThrough: CogProcessorAlien) do: [:class| unguardedProcessorProtocol addAll: class selectors. + #(execution #'accessing-abstract') do: - #(execution) do: [ :category| guardedProcessorProtocol addAll: (class organization listAtCategoryNamed: category)]]. unguardedProcessorProtocol removeAll: guardedProcessorProtocol! |
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