Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Cog to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/Cog-eem.45.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Cog-eem.45 Author: eem Time: 24 July 2011, 12:37:45.539 pm UUID: 5b38d4e4-2a1f-477e-b79a-a82e37e0403a Ancestors: Cog-eem.44 Cog needs to live somewhere, and VMMaker is where that somewhere should be. Update error handling for SISTA support. =============== Diff against Cog-eem.44 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien class>>defaultIntegerBaseInDebugger (in category 'debugger') ----- + defaultIntegerBaseInDebugger + ^16! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>handleMovEbGbFailureAt:in:readOnlyBelow: (in category 'error handling') ----- handleMovEbGbFailureAt: pc "<Integer>" in: memoryArray "<Bitmap|ByteArray>" readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress "<Integer>" "Convert an execution primitive failure for a byte register write into a ProcessorSimulationTrap signal." | modrmByte | ^(((modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 2) bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80) "ModRegRegDisp32" ifTrue: [(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 6 address: ((self perform: (#(eax ecx edx ebx esp ebp esi edi) at: (modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + 1)) + (memoryArray unsignedLongAt: pc + 3 bigEndian: false) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF) type: #write accessor: (#(al cl dl bl ah ch dh bh) at: ((modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + 1))) signal] ifFalse: + [self reportPrimitiveFailure]! - [self handleExecutionPrimitiveFailureAt: pc - in: memoryArray - readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress]! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>handleMovEvGvFailureAt:in:readOnlyBelow: (in category 'error handling') ----- handleMovEvGvFailureAt: pc "<Integer>" in: memoryArray "<Bitmap|ByteArray>" readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress "<Integer>" "Convert an execution primitive failure for a register write into a ProcessorSimulationTrap signal." + | modrmByte | + ^((modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 2) bitAnd: 16rC7) = 16r5 "ModRegInd & disp32" - | modrmByte address | - ^(((modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 2) bitAnd: 16rC7) = 16r5 "ModRegInd & disp32" - and: [(address := memoryArray unsignedLongAt: pc + 3 bigEndian: false) >= minimumWritableAddress]) ifTrue: [(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 6 + address: (memoryArray unsignedLongAt: pc + 3 bigEndian: false) - address: address type: #write accessor: (#(eax ecx edx ebx esp ebp esi edi) at: ((modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + 1))) signal] ifFalse: + [self reportPrimitiveFailure]! - [self handleExecutionPrimitiveFailureAt: pc - in: memoryArray - readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress]! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>handleMovGbEbFailureAt:in:readOnlyBelow: (in category 'error handling') ----- handleMovGbEbFailureAt: pc "<Integer>" in: memoryArray "<Bitmap|ByteArray>" readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress "<Integer>" "Convert an execution primitive failure for a byte register load into a ProcessorSimulationTrap signal." | modrmByte | ^(((modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 2) bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80) "ModRegRegDisp32" ifTrue: [(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 6 address: ((self perform: (#(eax ecx edx ebx esp ebp esi edi) at: (modrmByte bitAnd: 7) + 1)) + (memoryArray unsignedLongAt: pc + 3 bigEndian: false) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF) type: #read accessor: (#(al: cl: dl: bl: ah: ch: dh: bh:) at: ((modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + 1))) signal] ifFalse: + [self reportPrimitiveFailure]! - [self handleExecutionPrimitiveFailureAt: pc - in: memoryArray - readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress]! Item was changed: ----- Method: BochsIA32Alien>>handleMovGvEvFailureAt:in:readOnlyBelow: (in category 'error handling') ----- handleMovGvEvFailureAt: pc "<Integer>" in: memoryArray "<Bitmap|ByteArray>" readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress "<Integer>" "Convert an execution primitive failure for a register load into a ProcessorSimulationTrap signal." | modrmByte | ^(((modrmByte := memoryArray byteAt: pc + 2) bitAnd: 16rC7) = 16r5) "ModRegInd & disp32" ifTrue: [(ProcessorSimulationTrap pc: pc nextpc: pc + 6 address: (memoryArray unsignedLongAt: pc + 3 bigEndian: false) type: #read accessor: (#(eax: ecx: edx: ebx: esp: ebp: esi: edi:) at: ((modrmByte >> 3 bitAnd: 7) + 1))) signal] ifFalse: + [self reportPrimitiveFailure]! - [self handleExecutionPrimitiveFailureAt: pc - in: memoryArray - readOnlyBelow: minimumWritableAddress]! |
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