Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of CogTools to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/CogTools-eem.89.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: CogTools-eem.89 Author: eem Time: 7 June 2018, 4:24:39.450228 pm UUID: 08c05bc7-0618-4ae9-9d9c-cd76d1857cbd Ancestors: CogTools-eem.88 Eliminate a deprecation warning on Squeak. =============== Diff against CogTools-eem.88 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SqueakVMProfiler>>openInWindow (in category 'opening') ----- openInWindow "VMProfiler open" | window symbolListMorph labelsMorph buttons | (window := SystemWindow new) setProperty: #allowPaneSplitters toValue: false; model: self; setLabel: self class name; fillStyle: Color white; paneColor: Color white; color: Color white. (window respondsTo: #allowPaneSplitters:) ifTrue: [window allowPaneSplitters: false]. "Cope with Squeak 4.1 SystemWindow background color changes" window addMorph: (AlignmentMorph new color: Color white; yourself) frame: (0@0 corner: 1@1). symbolListMorph := PluggableListMorphOfManyAlt on: self list: #symbolList primarySelection: #symbolIndex changePrimarySelection: #toggleListIndex: listSelection: #symbolSelectionAt: changeListSelection: #symbolSelectionAt:put: getListElement: #listEntryForIndex: menu: #symbolListMenu:. + symbolListMorph hScrollBarPolicy: #whenNeeded. "buggy misnamed selector :)" - symbolListMorph showHScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded: false. "buggy misnamed selector :)" labelsMorph := VMProfileGraphLabelMorph model: self font: self labelFont getLabels: #positionedLabels. expressionTextMorph := PluggableTextMorph on: self text: nil accept: nil readSelection: #selectionRange menu: #expressionTextMenu:. expressionTextMorph setProperty: #alwaysAccept toValue: true; askBeforeDiscardingEdits: false; setBalloonText: 'type an expression to profile here'. buttons := OrderedCollection new. window addMorph: symbolListMorph frame: (0@0 corner: 0.15@1); addMorph: (graph := VMProfilePlotMorph model: self) frame: (0.15@0 corner: 1.0@0.7); addMorph: labelsMorph frame: (0.15@0.7 corner: 1.0@0.85); "address boxes" addMorph: (self addressTextMorph:'Type the low address of the histogram here' get: #lowAddressText set: #lowAddressText:) frame: (0.16@0.86 corner: 0.27@0.91); addMorph: (self addressTextMorph:'Type the high address of the histogram here' get: #highAddressText set: #highAddressText:) frame: (0.88@0.86 corner: 0.99@0.91); addMorph: (self totalTextMorph: 'Shows the total number of samples' get: #totalText) frame: (0.88@0.92 corner: 0.99@0.98); "symbol list check-box filters" addMorph: (self checkMorph: 'show module symbols' get: #showingModules set: #toggleShowModules) frame: (0.16@0.915 corner: 0.175@0.93); addMorph: (buttons addLast: (StringMorph contents: 'modules')) frame: (0.19@0.915 corner: 0.27@0.93); addMorph: (self checkMorph: 'show extern symbols' get: #showingPublicFunctions set: #toggleShowPublicFunctions) frame: (0.16@0.935 corner: 0.175@0.95); addMorph: (buttons addLast: (StringMorph contents: 'externs')) frame: (0.19@0.935 corner: 0.27@0.95); addMorph: (self checkMorph: 'show static symbols' get: #showingPrivateFunctions set: #toggleShowPrivateFunctions) frame: (0.16@0.955 corner: 0.175@0.97); addMorph: (buttons addLast: (StringMorph contents: 'statics')) frame: (0.19@0.955 corner: 0.27@0.97); addMorph: (self checkMorph: 'show static symbols' get: #showingLabels set: #toggleShowLabels) frame: (0.16@0.975 corner: 0.175@0.99); addMorph: (buttons addLast: (StringMorph contents: 'labels')) frame: (0.19@0.975 corner: 0.27@0.99); "history buttons" addMorph: (self historyButtonMorph: #backwardsButton help: 'go back to previous selection' set: #regress enable: #hasHistory color: #hasHistoryColor) frame: (0.28@0.86 corner: 0.315@0.90); addMorph: (self historyButtonMorph: #forwardsButton help: 'go forward to next selection' set: #progress enable: #hasFuture color: #hasFutureColor) frame: (0.32@0.86 corner: 0.355@0.90); "profiling buttons" addMorph: (self buttonMorph: #drawButton help: 'plot the graph' set: #plotGraph enable: #notProfilingAndData color: #clearColor) frame: (0.37@0.86 corner: 0.45@0.91); addMorph: (self buttonMorph: #clearButton help: 'clear the histogram data' set: #clearProfile enable: #notProfiling color: #clearColor) frame: (0.46@0.86 corner: 0.54@0.91); addMorph: (self buttonMorph: #startButton help: 'start the profiler' set: #startProfiling enable: #notProfiling color: #profileColor) frame: (0.28@0.915 corner: 0.36@0.96); addMorph: (self buttonMorph: #stopButton help: 'stop the profiler' set: #stopProfiling enable: #profiling color: #stopColor) frame: (0.37@0.915 corner: 0.45@0.96); addMorph: (self buttonMorph: #profileExpressionButton help: 'compile and profile the expression to the right' set: #profileExpression enable: #notProfiling color: #profileColor) frame: (0.46@0.915 corner: 0.54@0.96); addMorph: expressionTextMorph frame: (0.55@0.86 corner: 0.87@0.98); addMorph: (self checkMorph: 'Run the full garbage collector prior to profiling' get: #gcPriorToProfile set: #toggleGcPriorToProfile) frame: (0.28@0.97 corner: 0.295@0.985); addMorph: (buttons addLast: (StringMorph contents: 'gc prior')) frame: (0.30@0.97 corner: 0.365@0.995); addMorph: (self checkMorph: 'Clear the profile prior to profiling' get: #clearPriorToProfile set: #toggleClearPriorToProfile) frame: (0.37@0.97 corner: 0.385@0.985); addMorph: (buttons addLast: (StringMorph contents: 'clear prior')) frame: (0.39@0.97 corner: 0.455@0.995); addMorph: (self checkMorph: 'Run the profiled expression in its own process' get: #forkProfile set: #toggleForkProfile) frame: (0.46@0.97 corner: 0.475@0.985); addMorph: (buttons addLast: (StringMorph contents: 'fork profile')) frame: (0.48@0.97 corner: 0.545@0.995). . "A Color transparent fillStyle used to be the default. What a pain that things change so radically from release to release!!" graph fillStyle: Color transparent. self updateButtons. "weird!!" buttons do: [:buttonMorph| buttonMorph color: Color black]. "otherwise labels don't show :(" window openInWorld. self toggleShowing: #module. ^window! |
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