Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of FileAttributesPlugin to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/FileAttributesPlugin.oscog-akg.43.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: FileAttributesPlugin.oscog-akg.43 Author: akg Time: 24 October 2018, 7:58:57.494882 am UUID: 858c0600-cb54-485c-a61f-0f504638709f Ancestors: FileAttributesPlugin.oscog-akg.42 FileAttributesPlugin 2.0.5 More VM simulator fixes: - #faCloseDirectory: handles invalid parameters better - signal errors back to the simulated image rather than raising an error in the simulator =============== Diff against FileAttributesPlugin.oscog-akg.42 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAttributesPlugin>>versionString (in category 'version string') ----- versionString "Answer a string containing the version string for this plugin." <inline: #always> + ^'2.0.5'! - ^'2.0.4'! Item was added: + ----- Method: FileAttributesPluginSimulator>>byteStringFromOop: (in category 'simulation support') ----- + byteStringFromOop: anOop + "Answer a copy of the supplied ByteString Oop" + + | sz array ptr | + + sz := interpreterProxy stSizeOf: anOop. + ptr := interpreterProxy arrayValueOf: anOop. + array := ByteString new: sz. + self strncpy: array _: ptr _: sz. + ^array! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAttributesPluginSimulator>>classOf: (in category 'simulation support') ----- classOf: anOop | clsOop | anOop = interpreterProxy nilObject ifTrue: [^UndefinedObject]. clsOop := interpreterProxy fetchClassOf: anOop. clsOop = interpreterProxy classArray ifTrue: [^Array]. clsOop = interpreterProxy classByteArray ifTrue: [^ByteArray]. + clsOop = interpreterProxy classString ifTrue: [^ByteString]. self error: 'unknown class'! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAttributesPluginSimulator>>faCloseDirectory: (in category 'simulation') ----- faCloseDirectory: faPath "Simulate the the call by actually calling the primitive and discarding the stat information (which will be retrieved again later in the simulation)." | result status | result := self primClosedir: (self faPathPtr: faPath). + result isNumber ifFalse: + [faPath at: 3 put: nil. - result ifNotNil: [ - faPath at: 3 put: nil. status := 0 ] + ifTrue: + [status := result < 0 + ifTrue: [result] + ifFalse: [self unableToCloseDir]]. - ifNil: [status := self unexpectedError]. ^status ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAttributesPluginSimulator>>fromOop: (in category 'simulation support') ----- fromOop: anOop | cls | cls := self classOf: anOop. cls = UndefinedObject ifTrue: [^nil]. cls = Array ifTrue: [^self arrayFromOop: anOop]. cls = ByteArray ifTrue: [^self byteArrayFromOop: anOop]. + cls = ByteString ifTrue: [^self byteStringFromOop: anOop]. self error: 'Unknown class'.! Item was changed: ----- Method: FileAttributesPluginSimulator>>signalError:for: (in category 'primitives') ----- signalError: error for: aByteArray "In the simulation, just return the error code" + error ifNil: [ ^interpreterProxy primitiveFail ]. + error isSymbol ifTrue: [ ^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: + ((SmalltalkImage current specialObjectsArray at: 52) indexOf: error) ]. - error ifNil: [ ^self primitiveFailed ]. - error isSymbol ifTrue: [ ^self primitiveFailed: error ]. error isPrimitiveError ifFalse: [ "We shouldn't ever get here" ^self primitiveFailed. ]. ^error errorCode. ! |
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