Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker Inbox: http://source.squeak.org/VMMakerInbox/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2766.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2766 Author: eem Time: 23 June 2020, 7:19:31.803115 pm UUID: 308db3f3-ab74-442d-a8ac-d142375477b1 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2765 Spur: For Slang to inline numPointerSlotsOf:format: into followForwardedObjectFields:toDepth: (given Slang's current limitations) we must simply assign the result of numPointerSlotsOf:format: to a variable, not use it in an expression. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2765 =============== Item was changed: + ----- Method: Spur32BitCoMemoryManager>>followForwardedObjectFields:toDepth: (in category 'forwarding') ----- - ----- Method: Spur32BitCoMemoryManager>>followForwardedObjectFields:toDepth: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- followForwardedObjectFields: objOop toDepth: depth "Follow pointers in the object to depth. Answer if any forwarders were found. How to avoid cyclic structures?? A temporary mark bit? eem 6/22/2020 no need since depth is always finite." <api> <inline: false> + | found fmt numSlots | - | found fmt limit | found := false. self assert: ((self isPointers: objOop) or: [self isOopCompiledMethod: objOop]). fmt := self formatOf: objOop. + numSlots := self numPointerSlotsOf: objOop format: fmt. - limit := (self numPointerSlotsOf: objOop format: fmt) - 1. "It is essential to skip the first field of a method because it may be a reference to a Cog method in the method zone, not a real object at all." ((self isCompiledMethodFormat: fmt) ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0]) + to: numSlots - 1 - to: limit do: [:i| | oop | oop := self fetchPointer: i ofObject: objOop. (self isNonImmediate: oop) ifTrue: [(self isForwarded: oop) ifTrue: [found := true. oop := self followForwarded: oop. self storePointer: i ofObject: objOop withValue: oop]. (depth > 0 and: [(self hasPointerFields: oop) and: [self followForwardedObjectFields: oop toDepth: depth - 1]]) ifTrue: [found := true]]]. ^found! Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur64BitCoMemoryManager>>followForwardedObjectFields:toDepth: (in category 'forwarding') ----- followForwardedObjectFields: objOop toDepth: depth "Follow pointers in the object to depth. Answer if any forwarders were found. How to avoid cyclic structures?? A temporary mark bit? eem 6/22/2020 no need since depth is always finite." <api> <inline: false> + | found fmt numSlots | - | found fmt limit | found := false. self assert: ((self isPointers: objOop) or: [self isOopCompiledMethod: objOop]). fmt := self formatOf: objOop. + numSlots := self numPointerSlotsOf: objOop format: fmt. - limit := (self numPointerSlotsOf: objOop format: fmt) - 1. "It is essential to skip the first field of a method because it may be a reference to a Cog method in the method zone, not a real object at all." ((self isCompiledMethodFormat: fmt) ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0]) + to: numSlots - 1 - to: limit do: [:i| | oop | oop := self fetchPointer: i ofObject: objOop. (self isNonImmediate: oop) ifTrue: [(self isForwarded: oop) ifTrue: [found := true. oop := self followForwarded: oop. self storePointer: i ofObject: objOop withValue: oop]. (depth > 0 and: [(self hasPointerFields: oop) and: [self followForwardedObjectFields: oop toDepth: depth - 1]]) ifTrue: [found := true]]]. ^found! |
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