A new version of VMMaker was added to project VM Maker Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/VMMakerInbox/VMMaker.oscog-fn.2757.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: VMMaker.oscog-fn.2757
Author: fn
Time: 29 May 2020, 10:29:35.998527 am
UUID: 52be099f-82ff-4e19-a4d7-cebeb9271919
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-ul.2756
Update and fix SlangTests>>testSimpleMethod after recent sqInt-related changes.
=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-ul.2756 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SlangTests>>testSimpleMethod (in category 'tests') -----
| codeGenerator tMethod code |
codeGenerator := CCodeGenerator new.
tMethod := codeGenerator compileToTMethodSelector: #extBBytecode in: StackInterpreter.
self assert: #( #'['
byte #':=' self fetchByte #'.'
self fetchNextBytecode #'.'
extB #':=' #(numExtB #= 0 and: #'[' byte #> 127 #']')
ifTrue: #'[' byte #- 256 #']'
ifFalse: #'[' #(extB bitShift: 8) #+ byte #']' #'.'
numExtB #':=' numExtB #+ 1 #'.'
#'^' self
equals: (Scanner new scanTokens: tMethod parseTree printString).
code := String streamContents: [:s| tMethod emitCCodeOn: s generator: codeGenerator].
code := code allButFirst: (code indexOfSubCollection: 'sqInt') - 1.
self assert: #('sqInt' 'extBBytecode(void)' '{' 'sqInt' 'byte;'
'byte' '=' 'fetchByte();'
'extB' '=' '((numExtB' '==' '0)' '&&' '(byte' '>' '0x7F)'
'?' 'byte' '-' '256'
+ ':' '((((sqInt)((usqInt)(extB)' '<<' '8))))' '+' 'byte);'
- ':' '(((usqInt)' 'extB' '<<' '8))' '+' 'byte);'
'numExtB' '+=' '1;' 'return' 'self;' '}')
equals: (code findTokens: Character separators) asArray !