David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker-dtl.424.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker-dtl.424 Author: dtl Time: 5 April 2021, 4:11:26.362 pm UUID: 4bdf5efb-f2f2-47b9-a80f-93e9c910412b Ancestors: VMMaker-dtl.423 VMMaker 4.19.7 Fix unit tests and C code generation for #cppIf:ifTrue:ifFalse: #cppIf:ifTrue: oscog compatibility methods. Tests were incorrectly written to specify #ifdef generation instead of the intended #if directives. =============== Diff against VMMaker-dtl.423 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>generateOscogInlineCppIf:on:indent: (in category 'C translation') ----- generateOscogInlineCppIf: msgNode on: aStream indent: level "Generate the C code for this message onto the given stream." + "Translate cppIf:ifTrue: as if it was isDefinedTrueExpression:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue:ifFalse: - "Translate cppIf:ifTrue: as if it was isDefined:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue: by adding nil argument entries for the comment node and the Smalltalk expression node. Compatibility for externally maintained plugins." msgNode args size = 2 + ifTrue: [| newArgs emptyStatementList | - ifTrue: [| newArgs | "Expand the arguments array to match that of cppIf:ifTrue:ifFalse: " + emptyStatementList := TStmtListNode + readFrom: '(TStmtListNode basicNew instVarAt: 1 put: nil; instVarAt: 2 put: #(); instVarAt: 3 put: ((OrderedCollection new)); yourself)'. + newArgs := Array new: 5. - newArgs := Array new: 4. newArgs at: 1 put: (msgNode args at: 1). newArgs at: 4 put: (msgNode args at: 2). + newArgs at: 5 put: emptyStatementList. "empty #else clause" msgNode setSelector: msgNode selector receiver: msgNode receiver arguments: newArgs]. self + generateInlineCppIfElse: msgNode - generateInlineCppIfDef: msgNode on: aStream indent: level ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>generateOscogInlineCppIfElse:on:indent: (in category 'C translation') ----- generateOscogInlineCppIfElse: msgNode on: aStream indent: level "Generate the C code for this message onto the given stream." + "Translate cppIf:ifTrue:ifFalse: as if it was isDefinedTrueExpression:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue:ifFalse: + by adding dummy or nil argument entries for the comment node and the Smalltalk - "Translate cppIf:ifTrue:ifFalse: as if it was isDefined:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue:ifFalse: - by adding nil argument entries for the comment node and the Smalltalk expression node. Compatibility for externally maintained plugins." msgNode args size = 3 ifTrue: [| newArgs | "Expand the arguments array to match that of cppIf:ifTrue:ifFalse: " newArgs := Array new: 5. newArgs at: 1 put: (msgNode args at: 1). newArgs at: 4 put: (msgNode args at: 2). newArgs at: 5 put: (msgNode args at: 3). msgNode setSelector: msgNode selector receiver: msgNode receiver arguments: newArgs]. self + generateInlineCppIfElse: msgNode - generateInlineCppIfDefElse: msgNode on: aStream indent: level ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SlangTest>>testCppIfIfTrue (in category 'testing preprocessor directives - oscog compatibility') ----- testCppIfIfTrue "Test the oscog variant of isDefined:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue: Same as isDefined:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue: but does not support the comment and Smalltalk block." "(SlangTest selector: #testCppIfIfTrue) run" | stssi cString stringWithoutWhiteSpace lines expected | stssi := SlangTestSupportInterpreter inline: false. "verify that the default Smalltalk block that is evaluated in simulation" self assert: stssi ifdefElseEndif = #defaultBlockForSimulation. "verify generated C string" cString := stssi asCString: #cppIfIfTrue. lines := (cString findTokens: Character cr) select: [:e | { + '# if (HAVE_FOO)' . - '# ifdef HAVE_FOO' . ' return 1;' . '# else' . ' return 0;' . '# endif // HAVE_FOO' } includes: e ]. self should: lines size = 3. self should: ('*return 1*' match: lines second). "check the rest of the method, ignoring whitespace and ignoring the leading method comment" stringWithoutWhiteSpace := cString reject: [:e | e isSeparator]. + expected := 'sqIntcppIfIfTrue(void){#if(HAVE_FOO)return1;#endif//HAVE_FOOreturnnull;}'. - expected := 'sqIntcppIfIfTrue(void){#ifdefHAVE_FOOreturn1;#endif//HAVE_FOOreturnnull;}'. self should: expected = (stringWithoutWhiteSpace last: expected size). ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SlangTest>>testCppIfIfTrueIfFalse (in category 'testing preprocessor directives - oscog compatibility') ----- testCppIfIfTrueIfFalse "Test the oscog variant of isDefined:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue:ifFalse: Same as isDefined:inSmalltalk:comment:ifTrue:ifFalse: but does not support the comment and Smalltalk block." "(SlangTest selector: #testCppIfIfTrueIfFalse) run" | stssi cString stringWithoutWhiteSpace lines expected | stssi := SlangTestSupportInterpreter inline: false. "verify that the default Smalltalk block that is evaluated in simulation" self assert: stssi ifdefElseEndif = #defaultBlockForSimulation. "verify generated C string" cString := stssi asCString: #cppIfIfTrueIfFalse. lines := (cString findTokens: Character cr) select: [:e | { + '# if (HAVE_FOO)' . - '# ifdef HAVE_FOO' . ' return 1;' . '# else' . ' return 0;' . '# endif // HAVE_FOO' } includes: e ]. self should: lines size = 5. self should: ('*return 1*' match: lines second). self should: ('*return 0*' match: lines fourth). "check the rest of the method, ignoring whitespace and ignoring the leading method comment" stringWithoutWhiteSpace := cString reject: [:e | e isSeparator]. + expected := 'sqIntcppIfIfTrueIfFalse(void){#if(HAVE_FOO)return1;#elsereturn0;#endif//HAVE_FOOreturnnull;}'. - expected := 'sqIntcppIfIfTrueIfFalse(void){#ifdefHAVE_FOOreturn1;#elsereturn0;#endif//HAVE_FOOreturnnull;}'. self should: expected = (stringWithoutWhiteSpace last: expected size). ! Item was changed: ----- Method: VMMaker class>>versionString (in category 'version testing') ----- versionString "VMMaker versionString" + ^'4.19.7'! - ^'4.19.6'! |
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