Igor Stasenko uploaded a new version of VMMaker-oscog to project VM Maker:
http://www.squeaksource.com/VMMaker/VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.89.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.89
Author: IgorStasenko
Time: 1 January 2001, 1:12:22 am
UUID: 89539a1b-1a5b-4dca-abcf-8786cba00da7
Summary of merge
VMMaker.oscog-eem.88 with VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.68
- preserving ClipboardExtendedPlugin
Float class>>fromIEEE64BitWord: anInteger
use of methodReturnValue: is cool
preserved #primitiveImageFormatVersion
(most probably will remove it as well)
typo in #primitiveMPEG3GetTime: fileHandle
# result , instead of #result
(parser doesn't barks however)
(whole Mpeg3Plugin is cleaner in .dtl branch)
storeImageSegmentInto: segmentWordArray outPointers: outPointerArray roots: arrayOfRoots
copied from ObjectMemory to NewObjectMemory.. why?
this feature is broken anyways.. so i cannot care less
ccgValBlock: valString
still contains #fixTemps in Eliot's branch
- new finalization is still not integrated in Eliot's branch
- readImageFromFile: f HeapSize: desiredHeapSize StartingAt: imageOffset
still using old sqAllocateMemory() in Eliot's branch instead of
added by Esteban
- primLoadModule and primitiveDisableModuleLoading are not integrated in Eliot's branch
VMMakerTool class>>initialize
menu registration fix from Mariano are not integrated in Eliot's branch