ClementBera uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2148 Author: cb Time: 13 March 2017, 4:26:04.291103 pm UUID: 7ad32bbc-667b-4b98-9588-6bbd8f15d214 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-dtl.2147 I do not merge with Eliot's version as it seems buggy. - Changed pushFullClosure code to worj around a slang compilation bug - fixes and improvements in SocketSimulatorPlugin and StackInterpreterSimulator to support Pharo simulation better =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-dtl.2147 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CoInterpreter>>pushFullClosureNumArgs:copiedValues:compiledBlock:receiverIsOnStack:ignoreContext: (in category 'stack bytecodes') ----- pushFullClosureNumArgs: numArgs copiedValues: numCopiedArg compiledBlock: compiledBlock receiverIsOnStack: receiverIsOnStack ignoreContext: ignoreContext "The compiler has pushed the values to be copied, if any. The receiver has been pushed on stack before if specified. Create a Closure with space for the copiedValues and pop numCopied values off the stack into the closure. Sets outerContext, compiledBlock, numArgs and receiver as specified.." <inline: true> | numCopied newClosure context startIndex | "No need to record the pushed copied values in the outerContext." + ignoreContext + ifTrue: [context := objectMemory nilObject ] + ifFalse: [context := self ensureFrameIsMarried: localFP SP: localSP + (numCopiedArg * objectMemory bytesPerOop)]. - context := ignoreContext - ifTrue: [objectMemory nilObject ] - ifFalse: [self ensureFrameIsMarried: localFP SP: localSP + (numCopiedArg * objectMemory bytesPerOop)]. newClosure := self fullClosureIn: context numArgs: numArgs numCopiedValues: numCopiedArg compiledBlock: compiledBlock. cogit recordSendTrace ifTrue: [self recordTrace: TraceBlockCreation thing: newClosure source: TraceIsFromInterpreter]. receiverIsOnStack ifFalse: [ startIndex := FullClosureFirstCopiedValueIndex. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: FullClosureReceiverIndex ofObject: newClosure withValue: self receiver. numCopied := numCopiedArg ] ifTrue: [ startIndex := FullClosureReceiverIndex. numCopied := numCopiedArg + 1 ]. numCopied > 0 ifTrue: [0 to: numCopied - 1 do: [ :i | "Assume: have just allocated a new BlockClosure; it must be young. Thus, can use unchecked stores." objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: i + startIndex ofObject: newClosure withValue: (self internalStackValue: numCopied - i - 1)]. self internalPop: numCopied]. self fetchNextBytecode. self internalPush: newClosure! Item was added: + ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqResolverLocalAddress (in category 'simulation') ----- + sqResolverLocalAddress + "For now don't simulate the implicit semaphore." + | bytes | + bytes := NetNameResolver primLocalAddress. + self assert: bytes size = 4. + "Effectively netAddressToInt: bytes" + ^ ((bytes at: 4)) + + ((bytes at: 3) <<8) + + ((bytes at: 2) <<16) + + ((bytes at: 1) <<24)! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>pushFullClosureNumArgs:copiedValues:compiledBlock:receiverIsOnStack:ignoreContext: (in category 'stack bytecodes') ----- pushFullClosureNumArgs: numArgs copiedValues: numCopiedArg compiledBlock: compiledBlock receiverIsOnStack: receiverIsOnStack ignoreContext: ignoreContext "The compiler has pushed the values to be copied, if any. The receiver has been pushed on stack before if specified. Create a Closure with space for the copiedValues and pop numCopied values off the stack into the closure. Sets outerContext, compiledBlock, numArgs and receiver as specified.." <inline: true> | numCopied newClosure context startIndex | "No need to record the pushed copied values in the outerContext." + ignoreContext + ifTrue: [context := objectMemory nilObject ] + ifFalse: [context := self ensureFrameIsMarried: localFP SP: localSP + (numCopiedArg * objectMemory bytesPerOop)]. - context := ignoreContext - ifTrue: [objectMemory nilObject ] - ifFalse: [self ensureFrameIsMarried: localFP SP: localSP + (numCopiedArg * objectMemory bytesPerOop)]. newClosure := self fullClosureIn: context numArgs: numArgs numCopiedValues: numCopiedArg compiledBlock: compiledBlock. receiverIsOnStack ifFalse: [ startIndex := FullClosureFirstCopiedValueIndex. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: FullClosureReceiverIndex ofObject: newClosure withValue: self receiver. numCopied := numCopiedArg ] ifTrue: [ startIndex := FullClosureReceiverIndex. numCopied := numCopiedArg + 1 ]. numCopied > 0 ifTrue: [0 to: numCopied - 1 do: [ :i | "Assume: have just allocated a new BlockClosure; it must be young. Thus, can use unchecked stores." objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: i + startIndex ofObject: newClosure withValue: (self internalStackValue: numCopied - i - 1)]. self internalPop: numCopied]. self fetchNextBytecode. self internalPush: newClosure! Item was removed: - ----- Method: StackInterpreterSimulator>>externalWriteBackHeadFramePointers (in category 'stack pages') ----- - externalWriteBackHeadFramePointers - self assert: (localFP = framePointer - or: [localFP = (self frameCallerFP: framePointer)]). - super externalWriteBackHeadFramePointers! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterSimulator>>getErrorObjectFromPrimFailCode (in category 'debugging traps') ----- getErrorObjectFromPrimFailCode + (primFailCode > 1 and: [(#(primitiveNew primitiveFetchNextMourner) includes: primitiveFunctionPointer) not]) ifTrue: [self halt]. - primFailCode > 1 ifTrue: [self halt]. ^super getErrorObjectFromPrimFailCode! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterSimulator>>primitiveDirectoryEntry (in category 'file primitives') ----- primitiveDirectoryEntry | name pathName arrayNilOrSymbol result | name := self stringOf: self stackTop. pathName := self stringOf: (self stackValue: 1). - "temporary work-around to make it work in Pharo..." - self cppIf: PharoVM ifTrue: [ pathName := Smalltalk imagePath ]. - self successful ifFalse: [^self primitiveFail]. arrayNilOrSymbol := FileDirectory default primLookupEntryIn: pathName name: name. arrayNilOrSymbol ifNil: [self pop: 3 thenPush: objectMemory nilObject. ^self]. arrayNilOrSymbol isArray ifFalse: ["arrayNilOrSymbol ~~ #primFailed ifTrue: [self halt]. " self transcript show: name , ' NOT FOUND'. ^self primitiveFail]. result := PharoVM ifTrue: [self makeDirEntryName: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 1) size: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 1) size createDate: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 2) modDate: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 3) isDir: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 4) fileSize: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 5) + posixPermissions: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 6 ifAbsent: [8r644]) isSymlink: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]) ] - posixPermissions: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 6) isSymlink: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 7) ] ifFalse: [self makeDirEntryName: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 1) size: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 1) size createDate: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 2) modDate: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 3) isDir: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 4) fileSize: (arrayNilOrSymbol at: 5) ]. self pop: 3 thenPush: result! |
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