ClementBera uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2390 Author: cb Time: 29 May 2018, 4:10:06.474615 pm UUID: 24984602-b70a-4b9c-af24-2ff42f844c26 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2389 Fixed consistency checks in VMClass to succeed if no compactorClass is present. Fixed simulation of segments to re-use correctly memory. It used to be badly broken (sometimes the simulator would think there is enough room for segment + delta, but there wasn't; other segments would just overlap each other entirely). Added segmentOverlap assertions and debugging convenience. Finally I have the same bug in the simulator than in the real C VM! I can debug my compactor again. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-cb.2389 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>sqAllocateMemorySegmentOfSize:Above:AllocatedSizeInto: (in category 'simulation only') ----- sqAllocateMemorySegmentOfSize: segmentSize Above: minAddress AllocatedSizeInto: allocSizePtrOrBlock <doNotGenerate> "Simulate heap growth by growing memory by segmentSize + a delta. To test bridges alternate the delta between 0 bytes and 1M bytes depending on the number of segments. The delta will be the distance between segments to be bridged." | delta newMemory start | self assert: segmentSize \\ memory bytesPerElement = 0. delta := segmentManager numSegments odd ifTrue: [1024 * 1024] ifFalse: [0]. + "A previous shrink may have freed up memory. Don't bother to grow if there's already room. + At minAddress there is a hole of segmentSize or it is the segLimit of the last segment. + However there is no hole of segmentSize + delta guaranteed..." + 0 to: segmentManager numSegments - 1 do: + [:i| | segment bridge | + segment := segmentManager segments at: i. + bridge := segmentManager bridgeAt: i. + (segment segLimit >= minAddress + and: [(self bytesInObject: bridge) - self bridgeSize >= (segmentSize + delta)]) ifTrue: [ + allocSizePtrOrBlock value: segmentSize. + ^ segment segLimit + delta] ]. - "A previous shrink may have freed up memory. Don't bother to grow if there's already room." - segmentManager lastSegment segLimit + segmentSize + delta <= (memory size * memory bytesPerElement) ifTrue: - [allocSizePtrOrBlock value: segmentSize. - ^minAddress + delta]. start := memory size * memory bytesPerElement + delta. newMemory := memory class new: memory size + (segmentSize + delta / memory bytesPerElement). newMemory replaceFrom: 1 to: memory size with: memory startingAt: 1. memory := newMemory. allocSizePtrOrBlock value: segmentSize. ^start! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurSegmentManager>>addSegmentOfSize: (in category 'growing/shrinking memory') ----- addSegmentOfSize: ammount <returnTypeC: #'SpurSegmentInfo *'> <inline: false> | allocatedSize | <var: #newSeg type: #'SpurSegmentInfo *'> <var: #segAddress type: #'void *'> <var: #allocatedSize type: #'usqInt'> self cCode: [] inSmalltalk: [segments ifNil: [^nil]]. "bootstrap" (manager "sent to the manager so that the simulator can increase memory to simulate a new segment" sqAllocateMemorySegmentOfSize: ammount Above: (self firstGapOfSizeAtLeast: ammount) AllocatedSizeInto: (self cCode: [self addressOf: allocatedSize] inSmalltalk: [[:sz| allocatedSize := sz]])) ifNotNil: [:segAddress| | newSegIndex newSeg | newSegIndex := self insertSegmentFor: segAddress asUnsignedIntegerPtr. + "Simulation insertion code duplicates entries if newSegIndex ~= numSegments - 1" + self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [segments at: newSegIndex put: SpurSegmentInfo new]. newSeg := self addressOf: (segments at: newSegIndex). newSeg segStart: segAddress asUnsignedIntegerPtr; segSize: allocatedSize. + self assert: self segmentOverlap not. "self printSegmentAddresses." self bridgeFrom: (self addressOf: (segments at: newSegIndex - 1)) to: newSeg. self bridgeFrom: newSeg to: (newSegIndex = (numSegments - 1) ifFalse: [self addressOf: (segments at: newSegIndex + 1)]). totalHeapSizeIncludingBridges := totalHeapSizeIncludingBridges + allocatedSize. "test isInMemory:" 0 to: numSegments - 1 do: [:i| self assert: (self isInSegments: (segments at: i) segStart). self assert: (self isInSegments: (segments at: i) segLimit - manager wordSize). self assert: ((self isInSegments: (segments at: i) segLimit) not or: [i < (numSegments - 1) and: [(segments at: i) segLimit = (segments at: i + 1) segStart]]). self assert: ((self isInSegments: (segments at: i) segStart - manager wordSize) not or: [i > 0 and: [(segments at: i - 1) segLimit = (segments at: i) segStart]])]. ^newSeg]. ^nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurSegmentManager>>bridgeFrom:to: (in category 'growing/shrinking memory') ----- bridgeFrom: aSegment to: nextSegmentOrNil "Create a bridge from aSegment to the next segment, or create a terminating bridge if there is no next segment." <var: #aSegment type: #'SpurSegmentInfo *'> <var: #nextSegmentOrNil type: #'SpurSegmentInfo *'> | segEnd clifton bridgeSpan | segEnd := aSegment segLimit. clifton := segEnd - manager bridgeSize. "clifton is where the Avon bridge begins..." bridgeSpan := nextSegmentOrNil ifNil: [manager bridgeSize] ifNotNil: [nextSegmentOrNil segStart - segEnd + manager bridgeSize]. + self assert: bridgeSpan >= 0. manager initSegmentBridgeWithBytes: bridgeSpan at: clifton. "the revised bridge should get us to the new segment" self assert: (manager addressAfter: (manager objectStartingAt: clifton)) = (nextSegmentOrNil ifNil: [aSegment segLimit] ifNotNil: [nextSegmentOrNil segStart]) ! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurSegmentManager>>printSegmentAddresses (in category 'simulation only') ----- + printSegmentAddresses + <doNotGenerate> + "Convenient when debugging segment overlap" + Transcript show: 'Seg addresses: '; cr. + 0 to: numSegments - 1 do: + [:i| + Transcript + show: (segments at: i) segStart; + show: ' -> '; + show: (segments at: i) segLimit; + show: ' ; ']. + Transcript cr.! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurSegmentManager>>segmentOverlap (in category 'growing/shrinking memory') ----- + segmentOverlap + "Answers true if a segment overlaps with another one." + 0 to: numSegments - 1 do: + [:i| | starti endi | + starti := (segments at: i) segStart. + endi := (segments at: i) segLimit. + 0 to: numSegments - 1 do: + [:j| | startj endj | + startj := (segments at: j) segStart. + endj := (segments at: j) segLimit. + i = j ifFalse: + [(starti < startj or: [starti >= endj]) + ifFalse: + [self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [self error: 'segment overlap ' , i printString , ' and ' , j printString]. + ^true]. + (endi <= startj or: [endi >= endj]) + ifFalse: [self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [self error: 'segment overlap ' , i printString , ' and ' , j printString]. + ^true]. + "self printSegmentAddresses" + ]]]. + ^false! Item was changed: ----- Method: VMClass class>>initializeMiscConstants (in category 'initialization') ----- initializeMiscConstants "Falsify the `what type of VM is this?' flags that are defined in the various interp.h files. Subclass implementations need to include a super initializeMiscConstants" | omc | VMBIGENDIAN class. "Mention this for the benefit of CCodeGenerator>>emitCConstantsOn:" SPURVM := STACKVM := COGVM := COGMTVM := false. initializationOptions ifNil: [self initializationOptions: Dictionary new]. omc := initializationOptions at: #ObjectMemory ifAbsent: nil. (omc isNil and: [self defaultObjectMemoryClass notNil]) ifTrue: [omc := initializationOptions at: #ObjectMemory put: self defaultObjectMemoryClass name]. initializationOptions at: #SqueakV3ObjectMemory "the good ole default" ifAbsentPut: (omc ifNil: [true] ifNotNil: [(Smalltalk at: omc) includesBehavior: ObjectMemory]); at: #SpurObjectMemory "the new contender" ifAbsentPut: (omc ifNil: [false] ifNotNil: [(Smalltalk at: omc) includesBehavior: SpurMemoryManager]). "Use ifAbsentPut: so that they will get copied back to the VMMaker's options and dead code will likely be eliminated." PharoVM := initializationOptions at: #PharoVM ifAbsentPut: [false]. NewspeakVM := initializationOptions at: #NewspeakVM ifAbsentPut: [false]. SistaVM := initializationOptions at: #SistaVM ifAbsentPut: [false]. TempVectReadBarrier := initializationOptions at: #TempVectReadBarrier ifAbsentPut: [false]. LowcodeVM := initializationOptions at: #LowcodeVM ifAbsentPut: [false]. MULTIPLEBYTECODESETS := initializationOptions at: #MULTIPLEBYTECODESETS ifAbsentPut: [false]. "These must be set only if specified, not defaulted, because they are set on the command line or in include files." initializationOptions at: #VMBIGENDIAN ifPresent: [:value| VMBIGENDIAN := value]; at: #ObjectMemory ifPresent: [:value| SPURVM := value beginsWith: 'Spur']; at: #STACKVM ifPresent: [:value| STACKVM := value]; at: #COGVM ifPresent: [:value| COGVM := initializationOptions at: #COGVM]; at: #COGMTVM ifPresent: [:value| COGMTVM := initializationOptions at: #COGMTVM]. "consistency checks" (TempVectReadBarrier and: [SPURVM not]) ifTrue: [self error: 'read barrier works with spur VM only...']. (SistaVM and: [SPURVM not]) ifTrue: [self error: 'Sista VM works with spur VM only...']. + ((initializationOptions at: #compactorClass ifAbsent: []) = #SpurSelectiveCompactor and: [TempVectReadBarrier not]) ifTrue: [self error: 'Selective compactor requires read barrier']. - ((initializationOptions at: #compactorClass) = #SpurSelectiveCompactor and: [TempVectReadBarrier not]) ifTrue: [self error: 'Selective compactor requires read barrier']. "And not these; they're compile-time" IMMUTABILITY := initializationOptions at: #IMMUTABILITY ifAbsent: [SPURVM] "Default as enabled for Spur VMs"! |
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