ClementBera uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2412 Author: cb Time: 8 June 2018, 11:21:25.866032 am UUID: f19cf5db-fa17-4984-8f08-aac504dd5d67 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2411 - Fixed compilation errors and some warnings. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-cb.2411 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>storePointer:ofFreeChunk:withValue: (in category 'heap management') ----- storePointer: fieldIndex ofFreeChunk: objOop withValue: valuePointer self assert: (self isFreeObject: objOop). self assert: (valuePointer = 0 or: [self isFreeObject: valuePointer]). self assert: (fieldIndex >= 0 and: [fieldIndex < (self numSlotsOfAny: objOop) + or: [fieldIndex = 0 "forwarders and free objs" + or: [fieldIndex = 1 and: [self wordSize = 4]]]]). - or: [fieldIndex = 0 "forwarders and free objs"] - or: [fieldIndex = 1 and: [self wordSize = 4]]]). ^self longAt: objOop + self baseHeaderSize + (fieldIndex << self shiftForWord) put: valuePointer! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>unlinkFreeChunk:atIndex:bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer: (in category 'free space') ----- unlinkFreeChunk: chunk atIndex: index bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer: bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer "Unlink and answer a small chunk from one of the fixed size freeLists" <inline: true> "inlining is important because bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer is often true" |next| self assert: ((self bytesInObject: chunk) = (index * self allocationUnit) and: [index > 1 "a.k.a. (self bytesInObject: chunk) > self allocationUnit" and: [(self startOfObject: chunk) = chunk]]). + + "For some reason the assertion is not compiled correctly" + self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [self assert: (self bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer:(self bytesInObject: chunk)) = bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer]. + - self assert: (self bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer:(self bytesInObject: chunk)) = bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer. freeLists at: index put: (next := self fetchPointer: self freeChunkNextIndex ofFreeChunk: chunk). (bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer and: [next ~= 0]) ifTrue: [self storePointer: self freeChunkPrevIndex ofFreeChunk: next withValue: 0]. ^chunk! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>unlinkFreeChunk:chunkBytes: (in category 'free space') ----- unlinkFreeChunk: freeChunk chunkBytes: chunkBytes "Unlink a free object from the free lists. Do not alter totalFreeOldSpace. Used for coalescing." | index node next prev | index := chunkBytes / self allocationUnit. "Pathological 64 bits case - size 1 - single linked list" (self bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer: chunkBytes) ifFalse: [node := freeLists at: index. prev := 0. [node ~= 0] whileTrue: [self assert: node = (self startOfObject: node). self assertValidFreeObject: node. next := self fetchPointer: self freeChunkNextIndex ofFreeChunk: node. node = freeChunk ifTrue: [prev = 0 ifTrue: [self unlinkFreeChunk: freeChunk atIndex: index bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer: false] ifFalse: [self setNextFreeChunkOf: prev withValue: next bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer: false]. + ^freeChunk]. - ^self]. prev := node. node := next]. self error: 'freeChunk not found in free list of size 1']. prev := self fetchPointer: self freeChunkPrevIndex ofFreeChunk: freeChunk. "Has prev element: update double linked list" prev ~= 0 ifTrue: [self setNextFreeChunkOf: prev withValue: (self fetchPointer: self freeChunkNextIndex ofFreeChunk: freeChunk) chunkBytes: chunkBytes. + ^freeChunk]. - ^self]. "Is the beginning of a list" "Small chunk" + (index < self numFreeLists and: [1 << index <= freeListsMask]) ifTrue: + [self unlinkFreeChunk: freeChunk atIndex: index bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer: true. + ^freeChunk]. - (index < self numFreeLists and: [1 << index <= freeListsMask]) ifTrue: [ - ^self unlinkFreeChunk: freeChunk atIndex: index bytesBigEnoughForPrevPointer: true ]. "Large chunk" next := self fetchPointer: self freeChunkNextIndex ofFreeChunk: freeChunk. next = 0 ifTrue: "no list; remove the interior node" [self unlinkSolitaryFreeTreeNode: freeChunk] ifFalse: "list; replace node with it" + [self inFreeTreeReplace: freeChunk with: next]. + ^freeChunk - [self inFreeTreeReplace: freeChunk with: next] ! |
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