ClementBera uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2419 Author: cb Time: 3 July 2018, 11:01:23.189761 am UUID: 7d60e922-f6a4-4659-9f35-87fcec6a3b93 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-topa.2418 Added stats for Marking time and sweep time in full GC. Make them available as vm parameters 72 and 73. Now we have: fullGCTime = markingTime + scavengeTime + compactionTime With all but scavenge time available, but can be computed in-image from the 3 others. We note that compactionTime includes sweepTime for convenience. Depending on the compactor used, we have: Planning -> sweepTime = 0. Sweeper -> sweepTime = compactionTime. Selective -> selectiveCompactionTime = compactionTime - sweepTime =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-topa.2418 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: ObjectMemory>>statMarkUsecs (in category 'accessing') ----- + statMarkUsecs + ^ 0! Item was added: + ----- Method: ObjectMemory>>statSweepUsecs (in category 'accessing') ----- + statSweepUsecs + ^ 0! Item was changed: CogClass subclass: #SpurMemoryManager (excessive size, no diff calculated) Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>fullGC (in category 'gc - global') ----- fullGC "Perform a full lazy compacting GC. Answer the size of the largest free chunk." <returnTypeC: #usqLong> <inline: #never> "for profiling" needGCFlag := false. gcStartUsecs := coInterpreter ioUTCMicrosecondsNow. statMarkCount := 0. coInterpreter preGCAction: GCModeFull. self globalGarbageCollect. coInterpreter postGCAction: GCModeFull. - statFullGCs := statFullGCs + 1. statGCEndUsecs := coInterpreter ioUTCMicrosecondsNow. + self updateFullGCStats. - statFullGCUsecs := statFullGCUsecs + (statGCEndUsecs - gcStartUsecs). - statCompactionUsecs := statCompactionUsecs + (statGCEndUsecs - compactionStartUsecs). ^(freeLists at: 0) ~= 0 ifTrue: [self bytesInObject: self findLargestFreeChunk] ifFalse: [0]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>globalGarbageCollect (in category 'gc - global') ----- globalGarbageCollect <inline: true> "inline into fullGC" self assert: self validObjStacks. self assert: (self isEmptyObjStack: markStack). self assert: (self isEmptyObjStack: weaklingStack). "Mark objects /before/ scavenging, to empty the rememberedTable of unmarked roots." self markObjects: true. + gcMarkEndUsecs := coInterpreter ioUTCMicrosecondsNow. + - scavenger forgetUnmarkedRememberedObjects. self doScavenge: MarkOnTenure. "Mid-way the leak check must be more lenient. Unmarked classes will have been expunged from the table, but unmarked instances will not yet have been reclaimed." self runLeakCheckerFor: GCModeFull excludeUnmarkedObjs: true classIndicesShouldBeValid: true. compactionStartUsecs := coInterpreter ioUTCMicrosecondsNow. segmentManager prepareForGlobalSweep. "for notePinned:" compactor compact. self attemptToShrink. self setHeapSizeAtPreviousGC. self assert: self validObjStacks. self assert: (self isEmptyObjStack: markStack). self assert: (self isEmptyObjStack: weaklingStack). self assert: self allObjectsUnmarked. self runLeakCheckerFor: GCModeFull! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>initialize (in category 'initialization') ----- initialize "We can put all initializations that set something to 0 or to false here. In C all global variables are initialized to 0, and 0 is false." remapBuffer := Array new: RemapBufferSize. remapBufferCount := extraRootCount := 0. "see below" freeListsMask := totalFreeOldSpace := lowSpaceThreshold := 0. checkForLeaks := 0. needGCFlag := signalLowSpace := marking := false. becomeEffectsFlags := gcPhaseInProgress := 0. statScavenges := statIncrGCs := statFullGCs := 0. + statMarkUsecs := statSweepUsecs := statScavengeGCUsecs := statIncrGCUsecs := statFullGCUsecs := statCompactionUsecs := statGCEndUsecs := gcSweepEndUsecs := 0. - statScavengeGCUsecs := statIncrGCUsecs := statFullGCUsecs := statCompactionUsecs := statGCEndUsecs := 0. statSGCDeltaUsecs := statIGCDeltaUsecs := statFGCDeltaUsecs := 0. statGrowMemory := statShrinkMemory := statRootTableCount := statAllocatedBytes := 0. statRootTableOverflows := statMarkCount := statCompactPassCount := statCoalesces := 0. "We can initialize things that are allocated but are lazily initialized." unscannedEphemerons := SpurContiguousObjStack new. "we can initialize things that are virtual in C." scavenger := SpurGenerationScavenger simulatorClass new manager: self; yourself. segmentManager := SpurSegmentManager simulatorClass new manager: self; yourself. compactor := self class compactorClass simulatorClass new manager: self; yourself. "We can also initialize here anything that is only for simulation." heapMap := CogCheck32BitHeapMap new. "N.B. We *don't* initialize extraRoots because we don't simulate it." maxOldSpaceSize := self class initializationOptions ifNotNil: [:initOpts| initOpts at: #maxOldSpaceSize ifAbsent: [0]] ifNil: [0]! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>statMarkUsecs (in category 'accessing') ----- + statMarkUsecs + ^statMarkUsecs! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>statSweepUsecs (in category 'accessing') ----- + statSweepUsecs + ^statSweepUsecs! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>updateFullGCStats (in category 'gc - global') ----- + updateFullGCStats + "Stats updated (since VM start-up): + 1) number of full GCs, + 2) time spent in full GC, + 3) time spent in compaction (included in 2) + 4) time spent in sweep phase (included in 2 & 3, 0 if no sweep phase) + 5) time spent in mark phase (included in 2)" + statFullGCs := statFullGCs + 1. + statFullGCUsecs := statFullGCUsecs + (statGCEndUsecs - gcStartUsecs). + statCompactionUsecs := statCompactionUsecs + (statGCEndUsecs - compactionStartUsecs). + gcSweepEndUsecs = 0 ifFalse: [statSweepUsecs := statSweepUsecs + (gcSweepEndUsecs - compactionStartUsecs)]. + statMarkUsecs := statMarkUsecs + (gcMarkEndUsecs - gcStartUsecs).! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>updateSweepEndUsecs (in category 'accessing') ----- + updateSweepEndUsecs + gcSweepEndUsecs := coInterpreter ioUTCMicrosecondsNow.! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurSelectiveCompactor>>compact (in category 'api') ----- compact <inline: #never> "for profiling, though we profile selectiveCompaction and sweep separatly." self resetFreeLists. self freePastSegmentsAndSetSegmentToFill. self globalSweepAndSegmentOccupationAnalysis. + manager updateSweepEndUsecs. self selectiveCompaction. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurSweeper>>compact (in category 'api') ----- compact <inline: #never> "for profiling" self resetFreeLists. + self globalSweep. + manager updateSweepEndUsecs! - self globalSweep! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterPrimitives>>primitiveVMParameter (in category 'system control primitives') ----- (excessive size, no diff calculated) |
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