Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2190.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2190 Author: eem Time: 11 April 2017, 5:52:10.631026 pm UUID: 7752b22c-922c-4063-88f7-d8ee8a016cb6 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2189 Sista Cogit: Implement ensureAllocatableSlots: support. RegisterAllocatingCogit: liveRegisters must work in frameless methods. Fix yet another methodOrBlockNumArgs/Temps mixup (this time in an assert). Add assertCorrectSimStackPtr and revert StackToRegisterMappingCogit's one; duplicateRegisterAssignmentsInTemporaries is a RegisterAllocatingCogit thang.. Misc: Eliminate some breaks left in various methods by mistake. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2189 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CogObjectRepresentationForSpur>>genGetInstanceOf:into:initializingIf: (in category 'bytecode generator support') ----- genGetInstanceOf: classObj into: destReg initializingIf: initializeInstance "Create an instance of classObj and assign it to destReg, initializing the instance if initializeInstance is true with nil or 0 as appropriate This is for inline primitives. Assume there is sufficient space in new space to complete the operation. Answer zero on success." | classIndex classFormat header slots | ((objectMemory isNonImmediate: classObj) and: [(coInterpreter objCouldBeClassObj: classObj) and: [(classIndex := objectMemory rawHashBitsOf: classObj) ~= 0 and: [(objectMemory isFixedSizePointerFormat: (objectMemory instSpecOfClassFormat: (classFormat := objectMemory formatOfClass: classObj))) and: [(slots := objectMemory fixedFieldsOfClassFormat: classFormat) < objectMemory numSlotsMask]]]]) ifFalse: [^UnimplementedOperation]. + self deny: destReg = TempReg. + header := objectMemory headerForSlots: slots format: (objectMemory instSpecOfClassFormat: classFormat) classIndex: classIndex. cogit MoveAw: objectMemory freeStartAddress R: destReg. self genStoreHeader: header intoNewInstance: destReg using: TempReg. cogit LoadEffectiveAddressMw: (objectMemory smallObjectBytesForSlots: slots) r: destReg R: TempReg; MoveR: TempReg Aw: objectMemory freeStartAddress. (initializeInstance and: [slots > 0]) ifTrue: [cogit genMoveConstant: objectMemory nilObject R: TempReg. 0 to: slots - 1 do: [:i| cogit MoveR: TempReg Mw: i * objectMemory wordSize + objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: destReg]]. ^0! Item was added: + ----- Method: CogObjectRepresentationForSpur>>genSetGCNeeded (in category 'bytecode generator support') ----- + genSetGCNeeded + <inline: true> + cogit + MoveCq: 1 R: TempReg; + MoveR: TempReg Aw: coInterpreter needGCFlagAddress! Item was added: + ----- Method: CurrentImageCoInterpreterFacadeForSpurObjectRepresentation>>needGCFlagAddress (in category 'accessing') ----- + needGCFlagAddress + ^self addressForLabel: #needGCFlag! Item was added: + ----- Method: CurrentImageCoInterpreterFacadeForSpurObjectRepresentation>>scavengeThreshold (in category 'accessing') ----- + scavengeThreshold + ^objectMemory scavengeThreshold! Item was changed: ----- Method: InterpreterPrimitives>>sHEAFn (in category 'simulation support') ----- sHEAFn <doNotGenerate> - self break. ^true! Item was added: + ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>>assertCorrectSimStackPtr (in category 'compile abstract instructions') ----- + assertCorrectSimStackPtr + <inline: true> "generates nothing anyway" + self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: + [deadCode ifFalse: + [self assert: simStackPtr + (needsFrame ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [1]) + = (self debugStackPointerFor: bytecodePC)]. + self deny: self duplicateRegisterAssignmentsInTemporaries]. + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>>liveRegisters (in category 'simulation stack') ----- liveRegisters | regsSet | + needsFrame + ifTrue: [regsSet := 0] + ifFalse: + [regsSet := (methodOrBlockNumArgs > self numRegArgs + or: [methodOrBlockNumArgs = 0]) + ifTrue: + [self registerMaskFor: ReceiverResultReg] + ifFalse: + [(self numRegArgs > 1 and: [methodOrBlockNumArgs > 1]) + ifFalse: [self registerMaskFor: ReceiverResultReg and: Arg0Reg] + ifTrue: [self registerMaskFor: ReceiverResultReg and: Arg0Reg and: Arg1Reg]]]. - self assert: needsFrame. - regsSet := 0. 0 to: simStackPtr do: [:i| regsSet := regsSet bitOr: (self simStackAt: i) registerMask]. LowcodeVM ifTrue: [(simNativeSpillBase max: 0) to: simNativeStackPtr do: [:i| regsSet := regsSet bitOr: (self simNativeStackAt: i) nativeRegisterMask]]. ^regsSet! Item was changed: ----- Method: RegisterAllocatingCogit>>mergeCurrentSimStackWith:forwards: (in category 'bytecode generator support') ----- mergeCurrentSimStackWith: fixup forwards: forwards "At a merge point the cogit expects the stack to be in the same state as mergeSimStack. mergeSimStack is the state as of some jump forward or backward to this point. So make simStack agree with mergeSimStack (it is, um, problematic to plant code at the jump). Values may have to be assigned to registers. Registers may have to be swapped. The state of optStatus must agree. Generate code to merge the current simStack with that of the target fixup, the goal being to keep as many registers live as possible. If the merge is forwards registers can be deassigned (since registers are always written to temp vars). But if backwards, nothing can be deassigned, and the state /must/ reflect the target." "self printSimStack; printSimStack: fixup mergeSimStack" "abstractOpcodes object copyFrom: startIndex to: opcodeIndex" <var: #fixup type: #'BytecodeFixup *'> | startIndex mergeSimStack currentEntry targetEntry writtenToRegisters | <var: #mergeSimStack type: #'SimStackEntry *'> <var: #targetEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'> <var: #currentEntry type: #'SimStackEntry *'> (mergeSimStack := fixup mergeSimStack) ifNil: [^self]. startIndex := opcodeIndex. "for debugging" "Assignments amongst the registers must be made in order to avoid overwriting. If necessary exchange registers amongst simStack's entries to resolve any conflicts." self resolveRegisterOrderConflictsBetweenCurrentSimStackAnd: mergeSimStack. (self asserta: (self conflictsResolvedBetweenSimStackAnd: mergeSimStack)) ifFalse: [Notification new tag: #failedMerge; signal]. "Compute written to registers. Perhaps we should use 0 in place of methodOrBlockNumTemps but Smalltalk does not assign to arguments." writtenToRegisters := 0. (self pushForMergeWith: mergeSimStack) ifTrue: [methodOrBlockNumTemps to: simStackPtr do: [:i| currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i. targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i. writtenToRegisters := writtenToRegisters bitOr: targetEntry registerMask. (currentEntry reconcileForwardsWith: targetEntry) ifTrue: [self assert: i >= methodOrBlockNumTemps. self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack. targetEntry type: SSRegister; register: targetEntry liveRegister]. "Note, we could update the simStack and spillBase here but that is done in restoreSimStackAtMergePoint: spilled ifFalse: [simSpillBase := i - 1]. simStack at: i put: (self cCode: [mergeSimStack at: i] inSmalltalk: [(mergeSimStack at: i) copy])"]] ifFalse: [simStackPtr to: methodOrBlockNumTemps by: -1 do: [:i| currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i. targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i. writtenToRegisters := writtenToRegisters bitOr: targetEntry registerMask. (currentEntry reconcileForwardsWith: targetEntry) ifTrue: [self assert: i >= methodOrBlockNumTemps. self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack. targetEntry type: SSRegister; register: targetEntry liveRegister]. "Note, we could update the simStack and spillBase here but that is done in restoreSimStackAtMergePoint: spilled ifFalse: [simSpillBase := i - 1]. simStack at: i put: (self cCode: [mergeSimStack at: i] inSmalltalk: [(mergeSimStack at: i) copy])"]]. "Note that since we've deassigned any conflicts beyond the temps above we need only compare the temps here." methodOrBlockNumTemps - 1 to: 0 by: -1 do: [:i| targetEntry := self simStack: mergeSimStack at: i. (targetEntry registerMask noMask: writtenToRegisters) ifTrue: [currentEntry := self simStack: simStack at: i. writtenToRegisters := writtenToRegisters bitOr: targetEntry registerMask. (currentEntry reconcileForwardsWith: targetEntry) ifTrue: + [self assert: i >= methodOrBlockNumTemps. - [self assert: i >= methodOrBlockNumArgs. self deassignRegisterForTempVar: targetEntry in: mergeSimStack]]]. optStatus isReceiverResultRegLive ifFalse: [forwards ifTrue: "a.k.a. fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf: (fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf and: [optStatus isReceiverResultRegLive])" [fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf: false] ifFalse: [fixup isReceiverResultRegSelf ifTrue: [self putSelfInReceiverResultReg]]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: SimpleStackBasedCogit>>genExtEnsureAllocatableSlots (in category 'bytecode generators') ----- + genExtEnsureAllocatableSlots + "SistaV1 * 236 11101100 iiiiiiii Ensure Allocatable Slots (+ Extend A * 256)" + | slots skip | + slots := (extA bitShift: 8) + byte1. + extA := 0. + self + MoveAw: objectMemory freeStartAddress R: TempReg; + CmpCq: objectMemory getScavengeThreshold - (objectMemory bytesPerOop * slots) R: TempReg. + skip := self JumpAboveOrEqual: 0. + objectRepresentation genSetGCNeeded. + self CallRT: ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline. + skip jmpTarget: self Label. + self annotateBytecode: skip getJmpTarget. + ^0! Item was changed: ----- Method: SistaCogit>>genBinaryConstOpVarInlinePrimitive: (in category 'inline primitive generators') ----- genBinaryConstOpVarInlinePrimitive: prim "Const op var version of binary inline primitives." "SistaV1: 248 11111000 iiiiiiii mjjjjjjj Call Primitive #iiiiiiii + (jjjjjjj * 256) m=1 means inlined primitive, no hard return after execution. See EncoderForSistaV1's class comment and StackInterpreter>>#binaryInlinePrimitive:" <option: #SistaVM> | ra val untaggedVal adjust | ra := self allocateRegForStackEntryAt: 0. self ssTop popToReg: ra. self ssPop: 1. val := self ssTop constant. self ssPop: 1. untaggedVal := val - objectMemory smallIntegerTag. prim caseOf: { "0 through 6, +, -, *, /, //, \\, quo:, SmallInteger op SmallInteger => SmallInteger, no overflow" [0] -> [self AddCq: untaggedVal R: ra]. [1] -> [self MoveCq: val R: TempReg. self SubR: ra R: TempReg. objectRepresentation genAddSmallIntegerTagsTo: TempReg. self MoveR: TempReg R: ra]. [2] -> [objectRepresentation genShiftAwaySmallIntegerTagsInScratchReg: ra. self MoveCq: untaggedVal R: TempReg. self MulR: TempReg R: ra. objectRepresentation genSetSmallIntegerTagsIn: ra]. + "2011 through 2015 Variable-sized pointers new, byte new, 16-bit new, 32-bit new, 64-bit new" + "2016 through 2020, bitAnd:, bitOr:, bitXor, bitShiftLeft:, bitShiftRight:, SmallInteger op SmallInteger => SmallInteger, no overflow" [16] -> [ self AndCq: val R: ra ]. [17] -> [ self OrCq: val R: ra ]. [18] -> [ self XorCw: untaggedVal R: ra. ]. [19] -> [ objectRepresentation genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: ra. self MoveCq: untaggedVal R: TempReg. self LogicalShiftLeftR: ra R: TempReg. objectRepresentation genAddSmallIntegerTagsTo: TempReg. self MoveR: TempReg R: ra]. [20] -> [objectRepresentation genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: ra. self MoveCq: untaggedVal R: TempReg. self ArithmeticShiftRightR: ra R: TempReg. objectRepresentation genClearAndSetSmallIntegerTagsIn: TempReg. self MoveR: TempReg R: ra]. "2032 through 2037, >, <, >=, <=. =, ~=, SmallInteger op SmallInteger => Boolean (flags?? then in jump bytecodes if ssTop is a flags value, just generate the instruction!!!!)" "CmpCqR is SubRCq so everything is reversed, but because no CmpRCq things are reversed again and we invert the sense of the jumps." [32] -> [ self CmpCq: val R: ra. self genBinaryInlineComparison: JumpLess opFalse: JumpGreaterOrEqual destReg: ra ]. [33] -> [ self CmpCq: val R: ra. self genBinaryInlineComparison: JumpGreater opFalse: JumpLessOrEqual destReg: ra ]. [34] -> [ self CmpCq: val R: ra. self genBinaryInlineComparison: JumpLessOrEqual opFalse: JumpGreater destReg: ra ]. [35] -> [ self CmpCq: val R: ra. self genBinaryInlineComparison: JumpGreaterOrEqual opFalse: JumpLess destReg: ra ]. [36] -> [ self CmpCq: val R: ra. self genBinaryInlineComparison: JumpZero opFalse: JumpNonZero destReg: ra ]. [37] -> [ self CmpCq: val R: ra. self genBinaryInlineComparison: JumpNonZero opFalse: JumpZero destReg: ra ]. "2064 through 2068, Pointer Object>>at:, Byte Object>>at:, Short16 Word Object>>at: LongWord32 Object>>at: Quad64Word Object>>at:. obj op 0-rel SmallInteger => oop" [64] -> [objectRepresentation genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: ra. adjust := (objectMemory baseHeaderSize >> objectMemory shiftForWord) - 1. "shift by baseHeaderSize and then move from 1 relative to zero relative" adjust ~= 0 ifTrue: [ self AddCq: adjust R: ra. ]. self genMoveConstant: val R: TempReg. self MoveXwr: ra R: TempReg R: ra]. [65] -> [objectRepresentation genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: ra. adjust := objectMemory baseHeaderSize - 1. "shift by baseHeaderSize and then move from 1 relative to zero relative" self AddCq: adjust R: ra. self genMoveConstant: val R: TempReg. self MoveXbr: ra R: TempReg R: ra. objectRepresentation genConvertIntegerToSmallIntegerInReg: ra] } otherwise: [^EncounteredUnknownBytecode]. self ssPushRegister: ra. ^0! Item was changed: ----- Method: SistaMethodZone>>setCogCodeZoneThreshold: (in category 'accessing') ----- setCogCodeZoneThreshold: ratio <api> <var: #ratio type: #double> - self break. (ratio >= 0.1 and: [ratio <= 1.0]) ifFalse: [^PrimErrBadArgument]. thresholdRatio := ratio. self computeAllocationThreshold. ^0! Item was added: + ----- Method: Spur32BitCoMemoryManager>>needGCFlagAddress (in category 'trampoline support') ----- + needGCFlagAddress + <api> + <returnTypeC: #usqInt> + ^self cCode: [(self addressOf: needGCFlag) asUnsignedInteger] + inSmalltalk: [cogit simulatedReadWriteVariableAddress: #needGCFlag in: self]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Spur64BitCoMemoryManager>>needGCFlagAddress (in category 'trampoline support') ----- + needGCFlagAddress + <api> + <returnTypeC: #usqInt> + ^self cCode: [(self addressOf: needGCFlag) asUnsignedInteger] + inSmalltalk: [cogit simulatedReadWriteVariableAddress: #needGCFlag in: self]! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>checkForAvailableSlots: (in category 'gc - scavenging') ----- + checkForAvailableSlots: slots + "Check for slots worth of free space being available. Answer if that many slots are available. + If that many slots are not availabe, schedule a scavenge." + <inline: true> + freeStart + (self bytesPerOop * slots) <= scavengeThreshold ifTrue: + [^true]. + needGCFlag := true. + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: StackDepthFinder>>ensureAllocateableSlots: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- + ensureAllocateableSlots: numSlots + "nothing to do here..."! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter class>>initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1 (in category 'initialization') ----- initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1 "See e.g. the cass comment for EncoderForSistaV1" "StackInterpreter initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1" "Note: This table will be used to generate a C switch statement." initializationOptions at: #SistaV1BytecodeSet put: (SistaV1BytecodeSet := true). BytecodeTable := Array new: 256. BytecodeEncoderClassName := #EncoderForSistaV1. BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend := true. BytecodeSetHasExtensions := true. LongStoreBytecode := 245. self table: BytecodeTable from: #( "1 byte bytecodes" ( 0 15 pushReceiverVariableBytecode) ( 16 31 pushLiteralVariable16CasesBytecode) ( 32 63 pushLiteralConstantBytecode) ( 64 75 pushTemporaryVariableBytecode) ( 76 pushReceiverBytecode) ( 77 pushConstantTrueBytecode) ( 78 pushConstantFalseBytecode) ( 79 pushConstantNilBytecode) ( 80 pushConstantZeroBytecode) ( 81 pushConstantOneBytecode) ( 82 extPushPseudoVariable) ( 83 duplicateTopBytecode) ( 84 87 unknownBytecode) ( 88 returnReceiver) ( 89 returnTrue) ( 90 returnFalse) ( 91 returnNil) ( 92 returnTopFromMethod) ( 93 returnNilFromBlock) ( 94 returnTopFromBlock) ( 95 extNopBytecode) ( 96 bytecodePrimAdd) ( 97 bytecodePrimSubtract) ( 98 bytecodePrimLessThanSistaV1) "for booleanCheatSistaV1:" ( 99 bytecodePrimGreaterThanSistaV1) "for booleanCheatSistaV1:" (100 bytecodePrimLessOrEqualSistaV1) "for booleanCheatSistaV1:" (101 bytecodePrimGreaterOrEqualSistaV1) "for booleanCheatSistaV1:" (102 bytecodePrimEqualSistaV1) "for booleanCheatSistaV1:" (103 bytecodePrimNotEqualSistaV1) "for booleanCheatSistaV1:" (104 bytecodePrimMultiply) (105 bytecodePrimDivide) (106 bytecodePrimMod) (107 bytecodePrimMakePoint) (108 bytecodePrimBitShift) (109 bytecodePrimDiv) (110 bytecodePrimBitAnd) (111 bytecodePrimBitOr) (112 bytecodePrimAt) (113 bytecodePrimAtPut) (114 bytecodePrimSize) (115 bytecodePrimNext) "i.e. a 0 arg special selector" (116 bytecodePrimNextPut) "i.e. a 1 arg special selector" (117 bytecodePrimAtEnd) (118 bytecodePrimIdenticalSistaV1) "for booleanCheatSistaV1:" (119 bytecodePrimClass) (120 bytecodePrimNotIdenticalSistaV1) "was blockCopy:" (121 bytecodePrimValue) (122 bytecodePrimValueWithArg) (123 bytecodePrimDo) "i.e. a 1 arg special selector" (124 bytecodePrimNew) "i.e. a 0 arg special selector" (125 bytecodePrimNewWithArg) "i.e. a 1 arg special selector" (126 bytecodePrimPointX) "i.e. a 0 arg special selector" (127 bytecodePrimPointY) "i.e. a 0 arg special selector" (128 143 sendLiteralSelector0ArgsBytecode) (144 159 sendLiteralSelector1ArgBytecode) (160 175 sendLiteralSelector2ArgsBytecode) (176 183 shortUnconditionalJump) (184 191 shortConditionalJumpTrue) (192 199 shortConditionalJumpFalse) (200 207 storeAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode) (208 215 storeAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode) (216 popStackBytecode) (217 unconditionnalTrapBytecode) (218 223 unknownBytecode) "2 byte bytecodes" (224 extABytecode) (225 extBBytecode) (226 extPushReceiverVariableBytecode) (227 extPushLiteralVariableBytecode) (228 extPushLiteralBytecode) (229 longPushTemporaryVariableBytecode) (230 unknownBytecode) (231 pushNewArrayBytecode) (232 extPushIntegerBytecode) (233 extPushCharacterBytecode) (234 extSendBytecode) (235 extSendSuperBytecode) + (236 extEnsureAllocatableSlots) - (236 unknownBytecode) (237 extUnconditionalJump) (238 extJumpIfTrue) (239 extJumpIfFalse) (240 extSistaStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode) (241 extSistaStoreAndPopLiteralVariableBytecode) (242 longStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode) (243 extSistaStoreReceiverVariableBytecode) (244 extSistaStoreLiteralVariableBytecode) (245 longStoreTemporaryVariableBytecode) (246 247 unknownBytecode) "3 byte bytecodes" (248 callPrimitiveBytecode) (249 extPushFullClosureBytecode) (250 extPushClosureBytecode) (251 extPushRemoteTempOrInstVarLongBytecode) (252 extStoreRemoteTempOrInstVarLongBytecode) (253 extStoreAndPopRemoteTempOrInstVarLongBytecode) (254 extJumpIfNotInstanceOfBehaviorsBytecode) (255 unknownBytecode) )! Item was added: + ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>extEnsureAllocatableSlots (in category 'miscellaneous bytecodes') ----- + extEnsureAllocatableSlots + "SistaV1 * 236 11101100 iiiiiiii Ensure Allocatable Slots (+ Extend A * 256)" + | slots ok | + slots := (extA bitShift: 8) + self fetchByte. + self fetchNextBytecode. + extA := 0. + ok := objectMemory checkForAvailableSlots: slots. + ok ifFalse: + [self externalizeIPandSP. + self checkForEventsMayContextSwitch: true. + self browserPluginReturnIfNeeded. + self internalizeIPandSP]! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit class>>initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1 (in category 'class initialization') ----- initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1 "StackToRegisterMappingCogit initializeBytecodeTableForSistaV1" numPushNilsFunction := #sistaV1:Num:Push:Nils:. pushNilSizeFunction := #sistaV1PushNilSize:numInitialNils:. BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend := true. FirstSpecialSelector := 96. NumSpecialSelectors := 32. self flag: 'Special selector send class must be inlined to agree with the interpreter, which inlines class. If class is sent to e.g. a general instance of ProtoObject then unless class is inlined there will be an MNU. It must be that the Cointerpreter and Cogit have identical semantics. We get away with not hardwiring the other special selectors either because in the Cointerpreter they are not inlined or because they are inlined only to instances of classes for which there will always be a method.'. self generatorTableFrom: #( "1 byte bytecodes" "pushes" (1 0 15 genPushReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef needsFrameNever: 1) (1 16 31 genPushLitVarDirSup16CasesBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 32 63 genPushLiteralConstantBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 64 75 genPushTemporaryVariableBytecode needsFrameIfMod16GENumArgs: 1) (1 76 76 genPushReceiverBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 77 77 genPushConstantTrueBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 78 78 genPushConstantFalseBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 79 79 genPushConstantNilBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 80 80 genPushConstantZeroBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 81 81 genPushConstantOneBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 82 82 genExtPushPseudoVariable) (1 83 83 duplicateTopBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (1 84 87 unknownBytecode) "returns" (1 88 88 genReturnReceiver return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0) (1 89 89 genReturnTrue return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0) (1 90 90 genReturnFalse return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0) (1 91 91 genReturnNil return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock 0) (1 92 92 genReturnTopFromMethod return needsFrameIfInBlock: isMappedInBlock -1) (1 93 93 genReturnNilFromBlock return needsFrameNever: -1) (1 94 94 genReturnTopFromBlock return needsFrameNever: -1) (1 95 95 genExtNopBytecode needsFrameNever: 0) "sends" (1 96 96 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AddRR) (1 97 97 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped SubRR) (1 98 98 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLess) (1 99 99 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreater) (1 100 100 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpLessOrEqual) (1 101 101 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpGreaterOrEqual) (1 102 102 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpZero) (1 103 103 genSpecialSelectorComparison isMapped JumpNonZero) (1 104 109 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) " #* #/ #\\ #@ #bitShift: //" (1 110 110 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped AndRR) (1 111 111 genSpecialSelectorArithmetic isMapped OrRR) (1 112 117 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#at: #at:put: #size #next #nextPut: #atEnd" (1 118 118 genSpecialSelectorEqualsEquals needsFrameNever: notMapped -1) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)" (1 119 119 genSpecialSelectorClass needsFrameIfStackGreaterThanOne: notMapped 0) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)" (1 120 120 genSpecialSelectorNotEqualsEquals needsFrameNever: notMapped -1) "not mapped because it is directly inlined (for now)" (1 121 127 genSpecialSelectorSend isMapped) "#value #value: #do: #new #new: #x #y" (1 128 143 genSendLiteralSelector0ArgsBytecode isMapped) (1 144 159 genSendLiteralSelector1ArgBytecode isMapped) (1 160 175 genSendLiteralSelector2ArgsBytecode isMapped) "jumps" (1 176 183 genShortUnconditionalJump branch v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:) (1 184 191 genShortJumpIfTrue branch isBranchTrue isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:) (1 192 199 genShortJumpIfFalse branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v3:ShortForward:Branch:Distance:) (1 200 207 genStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef is1ByteInstVarStore isMappedIfImmutability needsFrameIfImmutability: -1) (1 208 215 genStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode) (1 216 216 genPopStackBytecode needsFrameNever: -1) (1 217 217 genUnconditionalTrapBytecode isMapped) (1 218 223 unknownBytecode) "2 byte bytecodes" (2 224 224 extABytecode extension) (2 225 225 extBBytecode extension) "pushes" (2 226 226 genExtPushReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef) "Needs a frame for context inst var access" (2 227 227 genExtPushLitVarDirSupBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (2 228 228 genExtPushLiteralBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (2 229 229 genLongPushTemporaryVariableBytecode) (2 230 230 unknownBytecode) (2 231 231 genPushNewArrayBytecode) (2 232 232 genExtPushIntegerBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) (2 233 233 genExtPushCharacterBytecode needsFrameNever: 1) "returns" "sends" (2 234 234 genExtSendBytecode isMapped) (2 235 235 genExtSendSuperBytecode isMapped) "sista bytecodes" + (2 236 236 genExtEnsureAllocatableSlots isMapped) - (2 236 236 unknownBytecode) "jumps" (2 237 237 genExtUnconditionalJump branch isMapped "because of interrupt check" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:) (2 238 238 genExtJumpIfTrue branch isBranchTrue isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:) (2 239 239 genExtJumpIfFalse branch isBranchFalse isMapped "because of mustBeBoolean" v4:Long:Branch:Distance:) "stores" (2 240 240 genSistaExtStoreAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability) (2 241 241 genSistaExtStoreAndPopLiteralVariableBytecode isMappedIfImmutability) (2 242 242 genLongStoreAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode) (2 243 243 genSistaExtStoreReceiverVariableBytecode isInstVarRef isMappedIfImmutability) (2 244 244 genSistaExtStoreLiteralVariableBytecode isMappedIfImmutability) (2 245 245 genLongStoreTemporaryVariableBytecode) (2 246 247 unknownBytecode) "3 byte bytecodes" (3 248 248 genCallPrimitiveBytecode) (3 249 249 genExtPushFullClosureBytecode) (3 250 250 genExtPushClosureBytecode block v4:Block:Code:Size:) (3 251 251 genExtPushRemoteTempOrInstVarLongBytecode) (3 252 252 genExtStoreRemoteTempOrInstVarLongBytecode isMappedIfImmutability) (3 253 253 genExtStoreAndPopRemoteTempOrInstVarLongBytecode isMappedIfImmutability) (3 254 254 genExtJumpIfNotInstanceOfBehaviorsBytecode branch v4:Long:BranchIfNotInstanceOf:Distance:) (3 255 255 unknownBytecode))! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>>assertCorrectSimStackPtr (in category 'compile abstract instructions') ----- assertCorrectSimStackPtr <inline: true> "generates nothing anyway" self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [deadCode ifFalse: [self assert: simStackPtr + (needsFrame ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [1]) + = (self debugStackPointerFor: bytecodePC)]]. - = (self debugStackPointerFor: bytecodePC)]. - self deny: self duplicateRegisterAssignmentsInTemporaries]. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>>genExtEnsureAllocatableSlots (in category 'bytecode generators') ----- + genExtEnsureAllocatableSlots + "SistaV1 * 236 11101100 iiiiiiii Ensure Allocatable Slots (+ Extend A * 256)" + self ssFlushTo: simStackPtr. + ^super genExtEnsureAllocatableSlots! |
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