VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2262.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2262.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2262
Author: eem
Time: 10 August 2017, 3:43:50.372252 pm
UUID: 8b531242-de02-48aa-b418-8d2dde0bec6c
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-sk.2261

LargeIntegers plugin
Fix the crash for 2009 nthRoot: 100000 due to digitDivLarge:with:negative: failing to check if allocations fail.  The example produces 600k byet long integers and so provokes plenty of allocation failures.

In addition mark some support methods as <inline: #always> to eliminate their unnecessary uninlined versions.

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-sk.2261 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>byteSizeOfLargeInt: (in category 'util') -----
  byteSizeOfLargeInt: bytesOop
  "Answer the number of bytes required to represent a LargeInteger.
  Precondition: bytesOop is not a small integer."
+ <inline: #always>
  ^ interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: bytesOop!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>createLargeIntegerNeg:byteLength: (in category 'util') -----
  createLargeIntegerNeg: neg byteLength: byteLength
+ <inline: #always>
- <inline: true>
  instantiateClass: (neg
  ifTrue: [interpreterProxy classLargeNegativeInteger]
  ifFalse: [interpreterProxy classLargePositiveInteger])
  indexableSize: byteLength!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>createLargeIntegerNeg:digitLength: (in category 'util') -----
  createLargeIntegerNeg: neg digitLength: digitLength
+ <inline: #always>
+ ^self createLargeIntegerNeg: neg byteLength: digitLength * 4!
- <inline: true>
- ^self
- createLargeIntegerNeg: neg byteLength: digitLength * 4!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>digit:Lshift: (in category 'oop functions') -----
  digit: anOop Lshift: shiftCount
  "Attention: this method invalidates all oop's!! Only newOop is valid at return."
  "Does not normalize."
  | newOop highBit newDigitLen newByteLen oldDigitLen |
  oldDigitLen := self digitSizeOfLargeInt: anOop.
  (highBit := self cDigitHighBit: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: anOop)
  len: oldDigitLen) = 0 ifTrue: [^  interpreterProxy instantiateClass: (interpreterProxy fetchClassOf: anOop) indexableSize: 1].
  newByteLen := highBit + shiftCount + 7 // 8.
  self remapOop: anOop in:
  [newOop := interpreterProxy
  instantiateClass: (interpreterProxy fetchClassOf: anOop)
  indexableSize: newByteLen].
+ newOop ifNil:
+ [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrNoMemory.
+ ^nil].
- newOop ifNil: [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrNoMemory].
  newDigitLen := newByteLen + 3 // 4.
  cDigitLshift: shiftCount
  from: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: anOop)
  len: oldDigitLen
  to: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: newOop)
  len: newDigitLen.
  ^ newOop!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>digitDivLarge:with:negative: (in category 'oop functions') -----
  digitDivLarge: firstInteger with: secondInteger negative: neg
  "Does not normalize."
  "Division by zero has to be checked in caller."
  | firstDigitLen secondDigitLen quoDigitLen d div rem quo result |
  firstDigitLen := self digitSizeOfLargeInt: firstInteger.
  secondDigitLen := self digitSizeOfLargeInt: secondInteger.
  quoDigitLen := firstDigitLen - secondDigitLen + 1.
  quoDigitLen <= 0
  [self remapOop: firstInteger in: [result := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classArray indexableSize: 2].
+ result ifNotNil:
+ [interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 1 put: (0 asOop: SmallInteger).
+ interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 2 put: firstInteger].
- interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 1 put: (0 asOop: SmallInteger).
- interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 2 put: firstInteger.
  ^ result].
  "set rem and div to copies of firstInteger and secondInteger, respectively.
+ However,  to facilitate use of Knuth's algorithm, multiply rem and div by 2
+ (that is, shift) until the high word of div is >=16r80000000"
-  However,  
- to facilitate use of Knuth's algorithm, multiply rem and div by 2 (that
- is, shift)  
- until the high word of div is >=16r80000000"
  d := 32 - (self cHighBit32: (self unsafeDigitOfLargeInt: secondInteger at: secondDigitLen)).
  self remapOop: firstInteger
+ in: [div := self digit: secondInteger Lshift: d.
+ div ifNotNil:
+ [div := self largeInt: div growTo: (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: div) + 1 * 4].
+ div ifNil: [^div]].
- in:
- [div := self digit: secondInteger Lshift: d.
- div := self largeInt: div growTo: (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: div) + 1 * 4].
  self remapOop: div
+ in: [rem := self digit: firstInteger Lshift: d.
+ rem ifNotNil:
+ [(self digitSizeOfLargeInt: rem) = firstDigitLen ifTrue:
+ [rem := self largeInt: rem growTo: firstDigitLen + 1 * 4]].
+ rem ifNil: [^rem]].
+ self remapOop: #(div rem)
+ in: [quo := self createLargeIntegerNeg: neg digitLength: quoDigitLen].
- in:
- [rem := self digit: firstInteger Lshift: d.
- (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: rem) = firstDigitLen
- ifTrue: [rem := self largeInt: rem growTo: firstDigitLen + 1 * 4]].
- self remapOop: #(div rem ) in: [quo := self createLargeIntegerNeg: neg digitLength: quoDigitLen].
  cDigitDiv: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: div)
  len: (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: div)
  rem: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: rem)
  len: (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: rem)
  quo: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: quo)
  len: (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: quo).
+ self remapOop: quo
+ in: [rem := self digit: rem Rshift: d lookfirst: (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: div) - 1].
- self remapOop: #(quo ) in: [rem := self
- digit: rem
- Rshift: d
- lookfirst: (self digitSizeOfLargeInt: div)
- - 1].
  "^ Array with: quo with: rem"
+ self remapOop: #(quo rem)
+ in: [result := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classArray indexableSize: 2].
+ result ifNotNil:
+ [interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 1 put: quo.
+ interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 2 put: rem].
+ ^result!
- self remapOop: #(quo rem ) in: [result := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classArray indexableSize: 2].
- interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 1 put: quo.
- interpreterProxy stObject: result at: 2 put: rem.
- ^ result!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>largeInt:growTo: (in category 'oop util') -----
  largeInt: aBytesObject growTo: newByteLen
  "Attention: this method invalidates all oop's!! Only newBytes is valid at return."
  "Does not normalize."
  | newBytes oldDigitLen newDigitLen copyLen |
  self remapOop: aBytesObject in:
  [newBytes := interpreterProxy
  instantiateClass: (interpreterProxy fetchClassOf: aBytesObject)
+ indexableSize: newByteLen.
+ newBytes ifNil:
+ [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrNoMemory. ^nil]].
- indexableSize: newByteLen].
- newBytes ifNil: [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrNoMemory].
  newDigitLen := newByteLen + 3 // 4.
  oldDigitLen := self digitSizeOfLargeInt: aBytesObject.
  copyLen := oldDigitLen < newDigitLen
  ifTrue: [oldDigitLen]
  ifFalse: [newDigitLen].
  cDigitCopyFrom: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: aBytesObject)
  to: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: newBytes)
  len: copyLen.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: (in category 'util') -----
  pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: bytesObject
+ <inline: #always>
- <inline: true>
  <returnTypeC: #'unsigned int *'>
  ^interpreterProxy cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: bytesObject) to: #'unsigned int *'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LargeIntegersPlugin>>unsafeDigitOfLargeInt:at: (in category 'util') -----
  unsafeDigitOfLargeInt: anOop at: ix
  "Argument must not be aSmallInteger!!"
+ <inline: #always>
- <inline: true>
  <returnTypeC: #'unsigned int'>
  ^self cDigitOf: (self pointerToFirstDigitOfLargeInt: anOop) at: ix - 1!