Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2398.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2398 Author: eem Time: 30 May 2018, 8:42:12.26673 pm UUID: 5065644b-1af9-4f57-a2d0-427fd5f0e20b Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2397 Have Slang serve is rather than we work-around Slang, in as much as Slang now outputs any ext5ern ... declaration, so we no longer need a fake temp var with associated crap to keep the compiler happy. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2397 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CogARMCompiler>>aeabiDivModFunctionAddr (in category 'ARM convenience instructions') ----- aeabiDivModFunctionAddr + "Answer the address of the __aeabi_idivmod() call provided by the ARM low level libs to do an integer divide that returns the quo in R0 and rem in R1. + A word on the somewhat strange usage of idivmod herein; we need a declaration for the _aeabi_idivmod helper function, despite the fact that in a simple C program test, you don't. + To get that declaration we need a variable to hang it off; thus the non-existent var idivmod, and in simulation we need to simulate it, which is what aeabiDiv:Mod: does." - "return the address of the __aeabi_idivmod() call provided by the ARM low level libs to do an integer divide that returns the quo in R0 and rem in R1. - A word on the somewhat strange usage of idivmod herein; we need a declaration for the _aeabi_idivmod helper function, despite the fact that in a simple C program test, you don't. To get that declaration we need a variable to hang it off and said variable needs to be referred to in order to not get culled. Thus the temp var idivmod, the declaration for it that has nothing to do with it and the odd usage in the inSmalltalk: block." - | idivmod | <returnTypeC: #usqInt> <var: #idivmod declareC: 'extern void __aeabi_idivmod(int dividend, int divisor)'> + ^self cCode: '(usqInt)__aeabi_idivmod' inSmalltalk:[#aeabiDiv:Mod:]! - ^self cCode: '(usqInt)__aeabi_idivmod' inSmalltalk:[idivmod := #aeabiDiv:Mod:]! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>ownVM: (in category 'vm scheduling') ----- ownVM: threadIndexAndFlags <api> <inline: false> "This is the entry-point for plugins and primitives that wish to reacquire the VM after having released it via disownVM or callbacks that want to acquire it without knowing their ownership status. While this exists for the threaded FFI VM we use it to reset newMethod and the argumentCount after a callback. Answer the argumentCount encoded as a SmallInteger if the current thread is the VM thread. Answer -1 if the current thread is unknown to the VM and fails to take ownership." - | amInVMThread | <var: 'amInVMThread' declareC: 'extern sqInt amInVMThread(void)'> - self cCode: [] inSmalltalk: [amInVMThread := 1. amInVMThread class]. self amInVMThread ifFalse: [^-1]. self assert: primFailCode = 0. self assert: ((objectMemory isOopCompiledMethod: newMethod) and: [(self argumentCountOf: newMethod) = argumentCount]). self push: newMethod. ^objectMemory integerObjectOf: argumentCount! Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>emitCLocalsOn:generator: (in category 'C code generation') ----- emitCLocalsOn: aStream generator: aCodeGen "Emit a C function header for this method onto the given stream." + | volatileVariables maybeExternFunctions | - | volatileVariables | volatileVariables := properties includesKey: #volatile. self refersToGlobalStruct ifTrue: [aStream next: 3 put: Character space; "there's already an opening ${ on this line; see sender" nextPutAll: (volatileVariables ifTrue: ['DECL_MAYBE_VOLATILE_SQ_GLOBAL_STRUCT'] ifFalse: ['DECL_MAYBE_SQ_GLOBAL_STRUCT'])]. aStream cr. + maybeExternFunctions := (declarations select: [:decl| decl beginsWith: 'extern']) keys. + (locals isEmpty and: [maybeExternFunctions isEmpty]) ifFalse: + [(aCodeGen sortStrings: locals, maybeExternFunctions) do: - locals isEmpty ifFalse: - [(aCodeGen sortStrings: locals) do: [ :var | | decl | decl := self declarationAt: var. (volatileVariables or: [(decl beginsWith: 'static') or: [(decl beginsWith: 'extern') or: [usedVariablesCache includes: var]]]) ifTrue: [aStream next: 4 put: Character space. volatileVariables ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: #volatile; space]. aStream nextPutAll: decl; nextPut: $;; cr]]. aStream cr]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ThreadedARMFFIPlugin>>ffiCalloutTo:SpecOnStack:in: (in category 'callout support') ----- ffiCalloutTo: procAddr SpecOnStack: specOnStack in: calloutState <var: #procAddr type: #'void *'> <var: #calloutState type: #'CalloutState *'> <var: #loadFloatRegs declareC: 'extern void loadFloatRegs(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)'> "Go out, call this guy and create the return value. This *must* be inlined because of the alloca of the outgoing stack frame in ffiCall:WithFlags:NumArgs:Args:AndTypes:" + | myThreadIndex atomicType floatRet intRet | - | myThreadIndex atomicType floatRet intRet loadFloatRegs | <var: #floatRet type: #double> <var: #intRet type: #usqLong> <inline: true> - self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [loadFloatRegs := #used. loadFloatRegs class]. self maybeDisownVM: calloutState threadIndexInto: [:threadIndex| myThreadIndex := threadIndex]. calloutState floatRegisterIndex > 0 ifTrue: [self load: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 0)) to: 'double *') at: 0) Flo: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 2)) to: 'double *') at: 0) a: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 4)) to: 'double *') at: 0) t: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 6)) to: 'double *') at: 0) R: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 8)) to: 'double *') at: 0) e: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 10)) to: 'double *') at: 0) g: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 12)) to: 'double *') at: 0) s: ((self cCoerceSimple: (self addressOf: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 14)) to: 'double *') at: 0)]. (self allocaLiesSoSetSpBeforeCall or: [self mustAlignStack]) ifTrue: [self setsp: calloutState argVector]. atomicType := self atomicTypeOf: calloutState ffiRetHeader. (atomicType >> 1) = (FFITypeSingleFloat >> 1) ifTrue: [atomicType = FFITypeSingleFloat ifTrue: [floatRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'float (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3)] ifFalse: "atomicType = FFITypeDoubleFloat" [floatRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'double (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3)]. "undo any callee argument pops because it may confuse stack management with the alloca." (self isCalleePopsConvention: calloutState callFlags) ifTrue: [self setsp: calloutState argVector]. self maybeOwnVM: calloutState threadIndex: myThreadIndex. ^interpreterProxy floatObjectOf: floatRet]. intRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'usqIntptr_t (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3). "undo any callee argument pops because it may confuse stack management with the alloca." (self isCalleePopsConvention: calloutState callFlags) ifTrue: [self setsp: calloutState argVector]. self maybeOwnVM: calloutState threadIndex: myThreadIndex. (calloutState ffiRetHeader anyMask: FFIFlagPointer+FFIFlagStructure) ifTrue: ["Note: Order is important here since FFIFlagPointer + FFIFlagStructure is used to represent 'typedef void* VoidPointer' and VoidPointer must be returned as pointer *not* as struct." (calloutState ffiRetHeader anyMask: FFIFlagPointer) ifTrue: [^self ffiReturnPointer: intRet ofType: (self ffiReturnType: specOnStack) in: calloutState]. ^self ffiReturnStruct: intRet ofType: (self ffiReturnType: specOnStack) in: calloutState]. ^self ffiCreateIntegralResultOop: intRet ofAtomicType: atomicType in: calloutState! Item was changed: ----- Method: ThreadedX64SysVFFIPlugin>>ffiCalloutTo:SpecOnStack:in: (in category 'callout support') ----- ffiCalloutTo: procAddr SpecOnStack: specOnStack in: calloutState <var: #procAddr type: #'void *'> <var: #calloutState type: #'CalloutState *'> <var: #loadFloatRegs declareC: 'extern void loadFloatRegs(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)'> "Go out, call this guy and create the return value. This *must* be inlined because of the alloca of the outgoing stack frame in ffiCall:WithFlags:NumArgs:Args:AndTypes:" + | myThreadIndex atomicType floatRet intRet | - | myThreadIndex atomicType floatRet intRet loadFloatRegs | <var: #floatRet type: #double> <var: #intRet type: #SixteenByteReturn> <inline: true> - self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [loadFloatRegs := #used. loadFloatRegs class]. self maybeDisownVM: calloutState threadIndexInto: [:threadIndex| myThreadIndex := threadIndex]. calloutState floatRegisterIndex > 0 ifTrue: [self load: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 0) Flo: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 1) a: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 2) t: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 3) R: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 4) e: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 5) g: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 6) s: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 7)]. (self allocaLiesSoSetSpBeforeCall or: [self mustAlignStack]) ifTrue: [self setsp: calloutState argVector]. atomicType := self atomicTypeOf: calloutState ffiRetHeader. (atomicType >> 1) = (FFITypeSingleFloat >> 1) ifTrue: [atomicType = FFITypeSingleFloat ifTrue: [floatRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'float (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 4) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 5)] ifFalse: "atomicType = FFITypeDoubleFloat" [floatRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'double (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 4) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 5)]. self maybeOwnVM: calloutState threadIndex: myThreadIndex. ^interpreterProxy floatObjectOf: floatRet]. intRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'SixteenByteReturn (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 4) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 5). self maybeOwnVM: calloutState threadIndex: myThreadIndex. (calloutState ffiRetHeader anyMask: FFIFlagPointer+FFIFlagStructure) ifTrue: ["Note: Order is important here since FFIFlagPointer + FFIFlagStructure is used to represent 'typedef void* VoidPointer' and VoidPointer must be returned as pointer *not* as struct." (calloutState ffiRetHeader anyMask: FFIFlagPointer) ifTrue: [^self ffiReturnPointer: intRet a ofType: (self ffiReturnType: specOnStack) in: calloutState]. ^self ffiReturnStruct: intRet ofType: (self ffiReturnType: specOnStack) in: calloutState]. ^self ffiCreateIntegralResultOop: intRet a ofAtomicType: atomicType in: calloutState! Item was changed: ----- Method: ThreadedX64Win64FFIPlugin>>ffiCalloutTo:SpecOnStack:in: (in category 'callout support') ----- ffiCalloutTo: procAddr SpecOnStack: specOnStack in: calloutState <var: #procAddr type: #'void *'> <var: #calloutState type: #'CalloutState *'> <var: #loadFloatRegs declareC: 'extern void loadFloatRegs(double, double, double, double)'> "Go out, call this guy and create the return value. This *must* be inlined because of the alloca of the outgoing stack frame in ffiCall:WithFlags:NumArgs:Args:AndTypes:" + | myThreadIndex atomicType floatRet intRet | - | myThreadIndex atomicType floatRet intRet loadFloatRegs | <var: #floatRet type: #double> <var: #intRet type: #usqLong> <inline: true> - self cCode: '' inSmalltalk: [loadFloatRegs := #used. loadFloatRegs class]. self maybeDisownVM: calloutState threadIndexInto: [:threadIndex| myThreadIndex := threadIndex]. calloutState floatRegisterSignature > 0 ifTrue: [self load: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 0) Flo: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 1) at: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 2) Re: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 3) gs: (calloutState floatRegisters at: 4)]. (self allocaLiesSoSetSpBeforeCall or: [self mustAlignStack]) ifTrue: [self setsp: calloutState argVector]. atomicType := self atomicTypeOf: calloutState ffiRetHeader. (atomicType >> 1) = (FFITypeSingleFloat >> 1) ifTrue: [atomicType = FFITypeSingleFloat ifTrue: [floatRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'float (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3)] ifFalse: "atomicType = FFITypeDoubleFloat" [floatRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'double (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3)]. "undo any callee argument pops because it may confuse stack management with the alloca." (self isCalleePopsConvention: calloutState callFlags) ifTrue: [self setsp: calloutState argVector]. self maybeOwnVM: calloutState threadIndex: myThreadIndex. ^interpreterProxy floatObjectOf: floatRet]. intRet := self dispatchFunctionPointer: (self cCoerceSimple: procAddr to: 'usqIntptr_t (*)(sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t, sqIntptr_t)') with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 0) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 1) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 2) with: (calloutState integerRegisters at: 3). "undo any callee argument pops because it may confuse stack management with the alloca." (self isCalleePopsConvention: calloutState callFlags) ifTrue: [self setsp: calloutState argVector]. self maybeOwnVM: calloutState threadIndex: myThreadIndex. (calloutState ffiRetHeader anyMask: FFIFlagPointer+FFIFlagStructure) ifTrue: ["Note: Order is important here since FFIFlagPointer + FFIFlagStructure is used to represent 'typedef void* VoidPointer' and VoidPointer must be returned as pointer *not* as struct." (calloutState ffiRetHeader anyMask: FFIFlagPointer) ifTrue: [^self ffiReturnPointer: intRet ofType: (self ffiReturnType: specOnStack) in: calloutState]. ^self ffiReturnStruct: intRet ofType: (self ffiReturnType: specOnStack) in: calloutState]. ^self ffiCreateIntegralResultOop: intRet ofAtomicType: atomicType in: calloutState! |
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