Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2401.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2401 Author: eem Time: 1 June 2018, 3:09:07.535061 pm UUID: 29232e0e-c9e3-41d8-ae75-519db862e02c Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2400 Cogit: Answer better closed PIC data from primitiveCollectCogCodeConstituents. i.e. scan preceding methods for references to closed PICs and store temporarily the send site's first case cache tag (mapped to a class) in the PIC's methodObject field for later harvesting. Answder am array of PIC selector followed by class, target pairs, where target is either a method or #doesNotUnderstand:. Slang: Avoid issuing warnings for <var: 'foo' declareC: 'extern someFunction()'> pragmas. Extract type info from extern declarations as well as static declarations. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2400 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>extractTypeFor:fromDeclaration: (in category 'utilities') ----- extractTypeFor: aVariable fromDeclaration: aVariableDeclaration "Eliminate inessentials from aVariableDeclaration to answer a C type without the variable, or initializations etc" | decl | + ((aVariableDeclaration beginsWith: 'static ') + or: [aVariableDeclaration beginsWith: 'extern ']) ifTrue: + [^self extractTypeFor: aVariable fromDeclaration: (aVariableDeclaration allButFirst: 7)]. + decl := (aVariableDeclaration indexOf: $= ifAbsent: []) + ifNotNil: [:index| aVariableDeclaration copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1] + ifNil: [aVariableDeclaration]. - decl := aVariableDeclaration. - (decl beginsWith: 'static') ifTrue: - [decl := decl allButFirst: 6]. - (decl indexOf: $= ifAbsent: []) ifNotNil: - [:index| decl := decl copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1]. decl := decl copyReplaceAll: aVariable with: '' tokenish: [:ch| ch = $_ or: [ch isAlphaNumeric]]. ^self baseTypeForType: decl! Item was added: + ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>isFunctionalCType: (in category 'type inference') ----- + isFunctionalCType: aType + "Answer if aType is either a function or a pointer to a function." + ^aType last == $) and: [(aType indexOf: $() > 0]! Item was changed: ----- Method: CogVMSimulator>>utilitiesMenu: (in category 'UI') ----- utilitiesMenu: aMenuMorph aMenuMorph add: 'toggle transcript' action: #toggleTranscript; add: 'clone VM' action: #cloneSimulationWindow; addLine; add: 'print ext head frame' action: #printExternalHeadFrame; add: 'print int head frame' action: #printHeadFrame; add: 'print mc/cog head frame' action: [self printFrame: cogit processor fp WithSP: cogit processor sp]; add: 'short print ext head frame & callers' action: [self shortPrintFrameAndCallers: framePointer]; add: 'short print int head frame & callers' action: [self shortPrintFrameAndCallers: localFP]; add: 'short print mc/cog head frame & callers' action: [self shortPrintFrameAndCallers: cogit processor fp]; add: 'long print ext head frame & callers' action: [self printFrameAndCallers: framePointer SP: stackPointer]; add: 'long print int head frame & callers' action: [self printFrameAndCallers: localFP SP: localSP]; add: 'long print mc/cog head frame & callers' action: [self printFrameAndCallers: cogit processor fp SP: cogit processor sp]; add: 'print frame...' action: [(self promptHex: 'print frame') ifNotNil: [:fp| self printFrame: fp]]; add: 'print call stack' action: #printCallStack; add: 'print stack call stack' action: #printStackCallStack; add: 'print stack call stack of...' action: [(self promptHex: 'frame') ifNotNil: [:fp| self printStackCallStackOf: fp]]; add: 'print call stack of...' action: [(self promptHex: 'context or process oop') ifNotNil: [:obj| self printCallStackOf: obj]]; add: 'print call stack of frame...' action: [(self promptHex: 'frame') ifNotNil: [:fp| self printCallStackFP: fp]]; add: 'print all stacks' action: #printAllStacks; add: 'write back local ptrs' action: [stackPointer := localSP. framePointer := localFP. instructionPointer := localIP. self writeBackHeadFramePointers]; add: 'write back mc ptrs' action: [stackPointer := cogit processor sp. framePointer := cogit processor fp. instructionPointer := cogit processor pc. self externalWriteBackHeadFramePointers]; addLine; add: 'print rump C stack' action: [objectMemory printMemoryFrom: cogit processor sp to: cogit getCStackPointer]; add: 'print registers' action: [cogit processor printRegistersOn: transcript]; add: 'print register map' action: [cogit printRegisterMapOn: transcript]; add: 'disassemble method/trampoline...' action: [(self promptHex: 'pc') ifNotNil: [:pc| cogit disassembleCodeAt: pc]]; add: 'disassemble method/trampoline at pc' action: [cogit disassembleCodeAt: (((cogit codeEntryFor: cogit processor pc) isNil and: [(cogit methodZone methodFor: cogit processor pc) = 0]) ifTrue: [instructionPointer] ifFalse: [cogit processor pc])]; add: 'disassemble ext head frame method' action: [cogit disassembleMethod: (self frameMethod: framePointer)]; add: 'print oop...' action: [(self promptHex: 'print oop') ifNotNil: [:oop| self printOop: oop]]; add: 'long print oop...' action: [(self promptHex: 'print oop') ifNotNil: [:oop| self longPrintOop: oop]]; add: 'print context...' action: [(self promptHex: 'print context') ifNotNil: [:oop| self printContext: oop]]; add: 'symbolic method...' action: [(self promptHex: 'method bytecodes') ifNotNil: [:oop| self symbolicMethod: oop]]; addLine; add: 'inspect object memory' target: objectMemory action: #inspect; add: 'run leak checker' action: [Cursor execute showWhile: [self runLeakChecker]]; add: 'inspect cointerpreter' action: #inspect; add: 'inspect cogit' target: cogit action: #inspect; add: 'inspect method zone' target: cogit methodZone action: #inspect. self isThreadedVM ifTrue: [aMenuMorph add: 'inspect thread manager' target: self threadManager action: #inspect]. aMenuMorph addLine; add: 'print cog methods' target: cogMethodZone action: #printCogMethods; + add: 'print cog methods with prim...' action: + [(self promptNum: 'prim index') ifNotNil: [:pix| cogMethodZone printCogMethodsWithPrimitive: pix]]; - add: 'print cog methods with prim...' action: [(self promptNum: 'prim index') ifNotNil: [:pix| cogMethodZone printCogMethodsWithPrimitive: pix]]; add: 'print cog methods with selector...' action: [|s| s := UIManager default request: 'selector'. s notEmpty ifTrue: [s = 'nil' ifTrue: [s := nil]. cogMethodZone methodsDo: [:m| (s ifNil: [m selector = objectMemory nilObject] ifNotNil: [(objectMemory numBytesOf: m selector) = s size and: [(self str: s n: (m selector + objectMemory baseHeaderSize) cmp: (objectMemory numBytesOf: m selector)) = 0]]) ifTrue: [cogit printCogMethod: m]]]]; add: 'print cog methods with method...' action: + [(self promptHex: 'method') ifNotNil: [:methodOop| cogMethodZone printCogMethodsWithMethod: methodOop]]; - [(self promptHex: 'method') ifNotNil: [:methodOop| - cogMethodZone methodsDo: - [:m| - m methodObject = methodOop ifTrue: - [cogit printCogMethod: m]]]]; add: 'print cog method for...' action: [(self promptHex: 'pc') ifNotNil: [:pc| cogit printCogMethodFor: pc]]; add: 'print cog method header for...' action: [(self promptHex: 'pc') ifNotNil: [:pc| cogit printCogMethodHeaderFor: pc]]; add: 'print trampoline table' target: cogit action: #printTrampolineTable; add: 'print prim trace log' action: #dumpPrimTraceLog; add: 'report recent instructions' target: cogit action: #reportLastNInstructions; add: (cogit printRegisters ifTrue: ['no print registers each instruction'] ifFalse: ['print registers each instruction']) action: [cogit printRegisters: cogit printRegisters not]; add: (cogit printInstructions ifTrue: ['no print instructions each instruction'] ifFalse: ['print instructions each instruction']) action: [cogit printInstructions: cogit printInstructions not]; addLine; add: (cogit singleStep ifTrue: ['no single step'] ifFalse: ['single step']) action: [cogit singleStep: cogit singleStep not]; add: 'click step' action: [cogit setClickStepBreakBlock]; add: 'set break pc', cogit breakPC menuPrompt, '...-ve to disable or remove' action: [cogit promptForBreakPC]; add: 'set break count...' action: [|s| s := UIManager default request: 'break count (dec)'. s notEmpty ifTrue: [breakCount := Integer readFrom: s readStream]]; add: 'set break selector...' action: [|s| s := UIManager default request: 'break selector (MNU:foo for MNU)'. s notEmpty ifTrue: [(s size > 4 and: [s beginsWith: 'MNU:']) ifTrue: [self setBreakMNUSelector: (s allButFirst: 4)] ifFalse: [self setBreakSelector: s]]]; add: 'set break block...' action: [|s| s := UIManager default request: 'break block' initialAnswer: '[:theCogit| false]'. s notEmpty ifTrue: [self setBreakBlockFromString: s]]; add: 'set cogit break method...' action: [(self promptHex: 'cogit breakMethod') ifNotNil: [:bm| cogit setBreakMethod: bm]]; add: (printBytecodeAtEachStep ifTrue: ['no print bytecode each bytecode'] ifFalse: ['print bytecode each bytecode']) action: [self ensureDebugAtEachStepBlock. printBytecodeAtEachStep := printBytecodeAtEachStep not]; add: (printFrameAtEachStep ifTrue: ['no print frame each bytecode'] ifFalse: ['print frame each bytecode']) action: [self ensureDebugAtEachStepBlock. printFrameAtEachStep := printFrameAtEachStep not]. ^aMenuMorph! Item was added: + ----- Method: Cogit>>cleanUpFailingCogCodeConstituents: (in category 'profiling primitives') ----- + cleanUpFailingCogCodeConstituents: cogMethodArg + <var: #cogMethodArg type: #'CogMethod *'> + <inline: #never> "i.e. this should never be called, so keep it out of the main path." + | cogMethod | + <var: #cogMethod type: #'CogMethod *'> + cogMethod := cogMethodArg. + [cogMethod < methodZone limitZony] whileTrue: + [cogMethod cmType = CMClosedPIC ifTrue: + [cogMethod methodObject: 0]. + cogMethod := methodZone methodAfter: cogMethod]. + "would like to assert this, but it requires the leak checked be run :-( + self assert: self allMachineCodeObjectReferencesValid." + coInterpreter popRemappableOop. + ^nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>cogCodeConstituents: (in category 'profiling primitives') ----- cogCodeConstituents: withDetails "Answer the contents of the code zone as an array of pair-wise element, address in ascending address order. Answer a string for a runtime routine or abstract label (beginning, end, etc), a CompiledMethod for a CMMethod, + or a selector (presumably a Symbol) for a PIC. + If withDetails is true + - answer machine-code to bytecode pc mapping information for methods + - answer class, target pair information for closed PIC + N.B. Since the class tag for the first case of a closed PIC is stored at the send site, it must be collected + by scanning methods (see collectCogConstituentFor:Annotation:Mcpc:Bcpc:Method:). Since closed PICs + are never shared they always come after the method that references them, so we don't need an extra pass + to collect the first case class tags, which are (temporarily) assigned to each closed PIC's methodObject field. + But we do need to reset the methodObject fields to zero. This is done in createPICData:, unless memory + runs out, in which case it is done by cleanUpFailingCogCodeConstituents:." - or a selector (presumably a Symbol) for a PIC." <api> | count cogMethod constituents label value | <var: #cogMethod type: #'CogMethod *'> count := trampolineTableIndex / 2 + 3. "+ 3 for start, freeStart and end" cogMethod := self cCoerceSimple: methodZoneBase to: #'CogMethod *'. [cogMethod < methodZone limitZony] whileTrue: [cogMethod cmType ~= CMFree ifTrue: [count := count + 1]. cogMethod := methodZone methodAfter: cogMethod]. constituents := coInterpreter instantiateClass: coInterpreter classArray indexableSize: count * 2. constituents ifNil: [^constituents]. coInterpreter pushRemappableOop: constituents. ((label := objectMemory stringForCString: 'CogCode') isNil or: [(value := self positiveMachineIntegerFor: codeBase) isNil]) ifTrue: + [coInterpreter popRemappableOop. + ^nil]. - [^nil]. coInterpreter + storePointerUnchecked: 0 ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: label; + storePointerUnchecked: 1 ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: value. - storePointerUnchecked: 0 ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: label; - storePointerUnchecked: 1 ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: value. 0 to: trampolineTableIndex - 1 by: 2 do: [:i| ((label := objectMemory stringForCString: (trampolineAddresses at: i)) isNil or: [(value := self positiveMachineIntegerFor: (trampolineAddresses at: i + 1) asUnsignedInteger) isNil]) ifTrue: [coInterpreter popRemappableOop. ^nil]. coInterpreter + storePointerUnchecked: 2 + i ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: label; + storePointerUnchecked: 3 + i ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: value]. - storePointerUnchecked: 2 + i ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: label; - storePointerUnchecked: 3 + i ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: value]. count := trampolineTableIndex + 2. cogMethod := self cCoerceSimple: methodZoneBase to: #'CogMethod *'. [cogMethod < methodZone limitZony] whileTrue: [cogMethod cmType ~= CMFree ifTrue: + [| profileData | + profileData := self profileDataFor: cogMethod withDetails: withDetails. + profileData ifNil: [^self cleanUpFailingCogCodeConstituents: cogMethod]. + coInterpreter - [coInterpreter storePointerUnchecked: count + ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) + withValue: profileData. - ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop - withValue: (self valueOf: cogMethod). value := withDetails + ifTrue: [self collectCogMethodConstituent: cogMethod] + ifFalse: [self positiveMachineIntegerFor: cogMethod asUnsignedInteger]. + value ifNil: [^self cleanUpFailingCogCodeConstituents: cogMethod]. - ifFalse: [self positiveMachineIntegerFor: cogMethod asUnsignedInteger] - ifTrue: [self collectCogMethodConstituent: cogMethod]. - value ifNil: [coInterpreter popRemappableOop. ^nil]. coInterpreter storePointerUnchecked: count + 1 + ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) - ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: value. count := count + 2]. cogMethod := methodZone methodAfter: cogMethod]. ((label := objectMemory stringForCString: 'CCFree') isNil or: [(value := self positiveMachineIntegerFor: methodZone zoneFree) isNil]) ifTrue: [coInterpreter popRemappableOop. ^nil]. coInterpreter + storePointerUnchecked: count ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: label; + storePointerUnchecked: count + 1 ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: value. - storePointerUnchecked: count ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: label; - storePointerUnchecked: count + 1 ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: value. ((label := objectMemory stringForCString: 'CCEnd') isNil or: [(value := self positiveMachineIntegerFor: methodZone zoneEnd) isNil]) ifTrue: [coInterpreter popRemappableOop. ^nil]. coInterpreter + storePointerUnchecked: count + 2 ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: label; + storePointerUnchecked: count + 3 ofObject: (self maybeTopRemapped: constituents) withValue: value. - storePointerUnchecked: count + 2 ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: label; - storePointerUnchecked: count + 3 ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: value. constituents := coInterpreter popRemappableOop. coInterpreter beRootIfOld: constituents. + "would like to assert this, but it requires the leak checked be run :-( + self assert: self allMachineCodeObjectReferencesValid." ^constituents! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>collectCogConstituentFor:Annotation:Mcpc:Bcpc:Method: (in category 'profiling primitives') ----- collectCogConstituentFor: descriptor Annotation: isBackwardBranchAndAnnotation Mcpc: mcpc Bcpc: bcpc Method: cogMethodArg <var: #descriptor type: #'BytecodeDescriptor *'> <var: #mcpc type: #'char *'> <var: #cogMethodArg type: #'void *'> + <var: #targetMethod type: #'CogMethod *'> + | address entryPoint | - | address | descriptor ifNil: [^0]. descriptor isMapped ifFalse: [^0]. address := self positiveMachineIntegerFor: mcpc. + address ifNil: [^PrimErrNoMemory]. "This cannot trigger a GC but fails if not enough space in Eden," - address ifNil: [^InsufficientCodeSpace]. "We should have a dedicated error code... This cannot trigger a GC but fails if not enough space in Eden," "Assumes we write the values into topRemappableOop" coInterpreter storePointerUnchecked: cogConstituentIndex ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop withValue: address. coInterpreter storePointerUnchecked: cogConstituentIndex + 1 ofObject: coInterpreter topRemappableOop + withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: bcpc). - withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: bcpc).. cogConstituentIndex := cogConstituentIndex + 2. + + "Collect any first case classTags for closed PICs." + ((isBackwardBranchAndAnnotation noMask: 1) + and: [self isSendAnnotation: isBackwardBranchAndAnnotation >> 1]) ifTrue: + [entryPoint := backEnd callTargetFromReturnAddress: mcpc asInteger. + entryPoint > methodZoneBase ifTrue: "send is linked" + [self targetMethodAndSendTableFor: entryPoint annotation: isBackwardBranchAndAnnotation >> 1 into: + [:targetMethod :sendTable| + targetMethod cmType = CMClosedPIC ifTrue: + [targetMethod methodObject: (objectRepresentation classForInlineCacheTag: (backEnd inlineCacheTagAt: mcpc))]]]]. + ^0! - ^ 0! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>createCPICData: (in category 'profiling primitives') ----- createCPICData: cPIC + "Answer an Array of the PIC's selector, followed by class and targetMethod/doesNotUnderstand: for each entry in the PIC." <var: #cPIC type: #'CogMethod *'> + | picData | - | pc entryPoint targetMethod value array | <var: #targetMethod type: #'CogMethod *'> + self assert: (cPIC methodObject = 0 or: [objectMemory addressCouldBeOop: cPIC methodObject]). + picData := objectMemory instantiateClass: objectMemory classArray indexableSize: cPIC cPICNumCases * 2 + 1. + picData ifNil: [^picData]. + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 0 ofObject: picData withValue: cPIC selector. - array := 1. - array := objectMemory instantiateClass: objectMemory classArray indexableSize: 1 + cPIC cPICNumCases. - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 0 ofObject: array withValue: cPIC selector. 1 to: cPIC cPICNumCases do: + [:i| | pc entryPoint target targetMethod class | - [:i| pc := self addressOfEndOfCase: i inCPIC: cPIC. + i = 1 + ifTrue: + [class := cPIC methodObject. "first case may have been collected and stored here by collectCogConstituentFor:Annotation:Mcpc:Bcpc:Method:" + class = 0 ifTrue: [class := objectMemory nilObject]. "cPIC is unreferenced; likely evolved to OpenPIC" + entryPoint := backEnd jumpLongTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc] + ifFalse: + [class := objectRepresentation classForInlineCacheTag: + (backEnd literal32BeforeFollowingAddress: pc - backEnd jumpLongConditionalByteSize). + entryPoint := backEnd jumpLongConditionalTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc]. - entryPoint := i = 1 - ifTrue: [backEnd jumpLongTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc] - ifFalse: [backEnd jumpLongConditionalTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc]. "Find target from jump. A jump to the MNU entry-point should collect #doesNotUnderstand:" (cPIC containsAddress: entryPoint) ifTrue: + [target := objectMemory splObj: SelectorDoesNotUnderstand] - [value := objectMemory splObj: SelectorDoesNotUnderstand] ifFalse: [targetMethod := self cCoerceSimple: entryPoint - cmNoCheckEntryOffset to: #'CogMethod *'. self assert: targetMethod cmType = CMMethod. + target := targetMethod methodObject]. + objectMemory + storePointerUnchecked: i * 2 - 1 ofObject: picData withValue: class; + storePointerUnchecked: i * 2 ofObject: picData withValue: target]. + objectMemory beRootIfOld: picData. + cPIC methodObject: 0. "restore invariant." + ^picData! - value := targetMethod methodObject]. - objectMemory storePointer: i ofObject: array withValue: value]. - ^ array! Item was added: + ----- Method: Cogit>>maybeTopRemapped: (in category 'profiling primitives') ----- + maybeTopRemapped: anOop + <inline: true> + ^SPURVM ifTrue: [anOop] ifFalse: [objectMemory topRemappableOop]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Cogit>>offsetAndSendTableFoAnnotation:into: (in category 'in-line cacheing') ----- + offsetAndSendTableFoAnnotation: annotation into: binaryBlock + "Find the relevant sendTable for a linked-send with the given annotation. + c.f. annotationForSendTable:" + <inline: true> + | offset sendTable | + <var: #sendTable type: #'sqInt *'> + annotation = IsSendCall ifTrue: + [offset := cmEntryOffset. + sendTable := ordinarySendTrampolines] ifFalse: + [(BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend and: [annotation = IsDirectedSuperSend]) ifTrue: + [offset := cmNoCheckEntryOffset. + sendTable := directedSuperSendTrampolines] ifFalse: + [(BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend and: [annotation = IsDirectedSuperBindingSend]) ifTrue: + [offset := cmNoCheckEntryOffset. + sendTable := directedSuperBindingSendTrampolines] ifFalse: + [(NewspeakVM and: [annotation = IsNSSelfSend]) ifTrue: + [offset := cmEntryOffset. + sendTable := selfSendTrampolines] ifFalse: + [(NewspeakVM and: [annotation = IsNSDynamicSuperSend]) ifTrue: + [offset := cmEntryOffset. + sendTable := dynamicSuperSendTrampolines] ifFalse: + [self assert: annotation = IsSuperSend. + offset := cmNoCheckEntryOffset. + sendTable := superSendTrampolines]]]]]. + + binaryBlock + value: offset + value: sendTable! Item was added: + ----- Method: Cogit>>profileDataFor:withDetails: (in category 'profiling primitives') ----- + profileDataFor: cogMethod withDetails: withDetails + "Answers characteristic data for the type of the cogMethod, answering + a CompiledMethod for a compiled method, + a selector for an open PIC + if withDetails then an array containing a selector followed by pairs of class and target method for a closed PIC, otherwise simply a selector." + <inline: true> + <var: #cogMethod type: #'CogMethod *'> + ^cogMethod cmType = CMMethod + ifTrue: [cogMethod methodObject] + ifFalse: [(withDetails and: [cogMethod cmType = CMClosedPIC]) + ifTrue: [self createCPICData: cogMethod] + ifFalse: [cogMethod selector]]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Cogit>>valueOf: (in category 'profiling primitives') ----- - valueOf: cogMethod - "gives the type of the cogMethod and returns a CompiledMethod for a compiled method, a selector for an openPIC or an array containing a selector followed by the methods present in the closedPIC for a closedPIC" - - <var: #cogMethod type: #'CogMethod *'> - ^cogMethod cmType = CMMethod - ifTrue: [cogMethod methodObject] - ifFalse: [cogMethod cmType = CMClosedPIC - ifTrue: [self createCPICData: cogMethod.] - ifFalse: [cogMethod selector]] - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>checkedDeclarationAt:put:in: (in category 'accessing') ----- checkedDeclarationAt: aVariableName put: aDeclaration in: aCCodeGen ((args includes: aVariableName) or: [(locals includes: aVariableName) + or: [(definingClass instVarIndexFor: aVariableName asString ifAbsent: nil) notNil + or: [aDeclaration beginsWith: 'extern ']]]) ifFalse: - or: [(definingClass instVarIndexFor: aVariableName asString ifAbsent: nil) notNil]]) ifFalse: [| msg | msg := definingClass name, '>>', selector, ' contains declaration for non-existent variable ', aVariableName. aCCodeGen ifNotNil: [aCCodeGen logger show: msg; cr] ifNil: [self error: msg]]. ^self declarationAt: aVariableName "<String>" put: aDeclaration! |
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