Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2403.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2403 Author: eem Time: 6 June 2018, 9:33:56.162374 am UUID: bf983b6e-5c95-423d-96aa-1324f824974c Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2402 BitBltPlugin: Move the checks for the dest and source forms being sufficiently large pointer objects into their respective validation routines. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2402 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: BitBltSimulation>>loadBitBltDestForm (in category 'interpreter interface') ----- loadBitBltDestForm "Load the dest form for BitBlt. Answer false if anything is wrong, true otherwise." | destBitsSize | <inline: true> + ((interpreterProxy isPointers: destForm) + and: [(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: destForm) >= 4]) ifFalse: + [^false]. destBits := interpreterProxy fetchPointer: FormBitsIndex ofObject: destForm. destWidth := interpreterProxy fetchInteger: FormWidthIndex ofObject: destForm. destHeight := interpreterProxy fetchInteger: FormHeightIndex ofObject: destForm. (destWidth >= 0 and: [destHeight >= 0]) ifFalse: [^false]. destDepth := interpreterProxy fetchInteger: FormDepthIndex ofObject: destForm. destMSB := destDepth > 0. destDepth < 0 ifTrue: [destDepth := 0 - destDepth]. "Ignore an integer bits handle for Display in which case the appropriate values will be obtained by calling ioLockSurfaceBits()." (interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: destBits) ifTrue: "Query for actual surface dimensions" [querySurfaceFn = 0 ifTrue: [self loadSurfacePlugin ifFalse: [^false]]. (self query: (interpreterProxy integerValueOf: destBits) Sur: (self addressOf: destWidth) fa: (self addressOf: destHeight) ce: (self addressOf: destDepth) Fn: (self addressOf: destMSB)) ifFalse: [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrCallbackError. ^false]. destPPW := 32 // destDepth. destBits := destPitch := 0] ifFalse: [(interpreterProxy isWordsOrBytes: destBits) ifFalse: [^false]. destPPW := 32 // destDepth. destPitch := destWidth + (destPPW-1) // destPPW * 4. destBitsSize := interpreterProxy byteSizeOf: destBits. destBitsSize >= (destPitch * destHeight) ifFalse: [^false]. "Skip header since external bits don't have one" destBits := self oopForPointer: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: destBits)]. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: BitBltSimulation>>loadBitBltFrom:warping: (in category 'interpreter interface') ----- loadBitBltFrom: bbObj warping: aBool "Load context from BitBlt instance. Return false if anything is amiss" "NOTE this should all be changed to minX/maxX coordinates for simpler clipping -- once it works!!" | ok | <inline: false> bitBltOop := bbObj. isWarping := aBool. bitBltIsReceiver := bbObj = (interpreterProxy stackValue: interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount). numGCsOnInvocation := interpreterProxy statNumGCs. combinationRule := interpreterProxy fetchInteger: BBRuleIndex ofObject: bitBltOop. (interpreterProxy failed or: [combinationRule < 0 or: [combinationRule > (OpTableSize - 2)]]) ifTrue: [^false "operation out of range"]. (combinationRule >= 16 and: [combinationRule <= 17]) ifTrue: [^false "fail for old simulated paint, erase modes"]. sourceForm := interpreterProxy fetchPointer: BBSourceFormIndex ofObject: bitBltOop. noSource := self ignoreSourceOrHalftone: sourceForm. halftoneForm := interpreterProxy fetchPointer: BBHalftoneFormIndex ofObject: bitBltOop. noHalftone := self ignoreSourceOrHalftone: halftoneForm. destForm := interpreterProxy fetchPointer: BBDestFormIndex ofObject: bbObj. - ((interpreterProxy isPointers: destForm) and: [(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: destForm) >= 4]) - ifFalse: [^false]. ok := self loadBitBltDestForm. ok ifFalse:[^false]. destX := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBDestXIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: 0. destY := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBDestYIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: 0. width := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBWidthIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: destWidth. height := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBHeightIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: destHeight. interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^false]. noSource ifTrue: [sourceX := sourceY := 0] ifFalse: + [ok := self loadBitBltSourceForm. - [((interpreterProxy isPointers: sourceForm) and: [(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: sourceForm) >= 4]) - ifFalse: [^false]. - ok := self loadBitBltSourceForm. ok ifFalse:[^false]. ok := self loadColorMap. ok ifFalse:[^false]. "Need the implicit setup here in case of 16<->32 bit conversions" (cmFlags bitAnd: ColorMapNewStyle) = 0 ifTrue:[self setupColorMasks]. sourceX := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBSourceXIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: 0. sourceY := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBSourceYIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: 0]. ok := self loadHalftoneForm. ok ifFalse:[^false]. clipX := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBClipXIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: 0. clipY := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBClipYIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: 0. clipWidth := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBClipWidthIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: destWidth. clipHeight := self fetchIntOrFloat: BBClipHeightIndex ofObject: bitBltOop ifNil: destHeight. interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^ false "non-integer value"]. clipX < 0 ifTrue: [clipWidth := clipWidth + clipX. clipX := 0]. clipY < 0 ifTrue: [clipHeight := clipHeight + clipY. clipY := 0]. clipX+clipWidth > destWidth ifTrue: [clipWidth := destWidth - clipX]. clipY+clipHeight > destHeight ifTrue: [clipHeight := destHeight - clipY]. numGCsOnInvocation ~= interpreterProxy statNumGCs ifTrue: "querySurface could be a callback in loadSourceFor: and loadDestForm:" [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrObjectMoved. ^false]. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: BitBltSimulation>>loadBitBltSourceForm (in category 'interpreter interface') ----- loadBitBltSourceForm "Load the source form for BitBlt. Return false if anything is wrong, true otherwise." | sourceBitsSize | <inline: true> + ((interpreterProxy isPointers: sourceForm) + and: [(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: sourceForm) >= 4]) ifFalse: + [^false]. sourceBits := interpreterProxy fetchPointer: FormBitsIndex ofObject: sourceForm. sourceWidth := self fetchIntOrFloat: FormWidthIndex ofObject: sourceForm. sourceHeight := self fetchIntOrFloat: FormHeightIndex ofObject: sourceForm. (sourceWidth >= 0 and: [sourceHeight >= 0]) ifFalse: [^false]. sourceDepth := interpreterProxy fetchInteger: FormDepthIndex ofObject: sourceForm. sourceMSB := sourceDepth > 0. sourceDepth < 0 ifTrue: [sourceDepth := 0 - sourceDepth]. + "Ignore an integer bits handle for Display in which case - "Ignore an integer bits handle for Display in which case the appropriate values will be obtained by calling ioLockSurfaceBits()." (interpreterProxy isIntegerObject: sourceBits) ifTrue: "Query for actual surface dimensions" [querySurfaceFn = 0 ifTrue: [self loadSurfacePlugin ifFalse:[^false]]. (self query: (interpreterProxy integerValueOf: sourceBits) Sur: (self addressOf: sourceWidth) fa: (self addressOf: sourceHeight) ce: (self addressOf: sourceDepth) Fn: (self addressOf: sourceMSB)) ifFalse: [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrCallbackError. ^false]. sourcePPW := 32 // sourceDepth. sourceBits := sourcePitch := 0] ifFalse: [(interpreterProxy isWordsOrBytes: sourceBits) ifFalse: [^false]. sourcePPW := 32 // sourceDepth. sourcePitch := sourceWidth + (sourcePPW-1) // sourcePPW * 4. sourceBitsSize := interpreterProxy byteSizeOf: sourceBits. sourceBitsSize >= (sourcePitch * sourceHeight) ifFalse: [^false]. "Skip header since external bits don't have one" sourceBits := self oopForPointer: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: sourceBits)]. ^true! |
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