Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:
http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2429.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2429
Author: eem
Time: 13 August 2018, 4:13:58.493394 pm
UUID: ca51a594-525f-41d4-aee6-b30e8009415b
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2428
Oops; there were two...
=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2428 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: InterpreterSimulator>>openOn:extraMemory: (in category 'initialization') -----
openOn: fileName extraMemory: extraBytes
"InterpreterSimulator new openOn: 'clone.im' extraMemory: 100000"
| f version headerSize count oldBaseAddr bytesToShift swapBytes |
"open image file and read the header"
["begin ensure block..."
f := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName.
imageName := f fullName.
f binary.
version := self nextLongFrom: f. "current version: 16r1968 (=6504) vive la revolucion!!"
(self readableFormat: version)
ifTrue: [swapBytes := false]
ifFalse: [(version := self byteSwapped: version) = self imageFormatVersion
ifTrue: [swapBytes := true]
ifFalse: [self error: 'incomaptible image format']].
headerSize := self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes.
self setEndOfMemory: (self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes). "first unused location in heap"
oldBaseAddr := self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes. "object memory base address of image"
specialObjectsOop := self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes.
lastHash := self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes. "Should be loaded from, and saved to the image header"
lastHash = 0 ifTrue: [lastHash := 999].
savedWindowSize := self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes.
fullScreenFlag := self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes.
extraVMMemory := self nextLongFrom: f swap: swapBytes.
"allocate interpreter memory"
self setMemoryLimit: endOfMemory + extraBytes.
"read in the image in bulk, then swap the bytes if necessary"
f position: headerSize.
memory := Bitmap new: memoryLimit // 4.
count := f readInto: memory startingAt: 1 count: endOfMemory // 4.
count ~= (endOfMemory // 4) ifTrue: [self halt].
ensure: [f close].
swapBytes ifTrue:
[UIManager default
informUser: 'Swapping bytes of foreign image...'
during: [self reverseBytesInImage]].
self initialize.
bytesToShift := self startOfMemory - oldBaseAddr. "adjust pointers for zero base address"
+ UIManager default
+ informUser: 'Relocating object pointers...'
+ during: [self initializeInterpreter: bytesToShift]!
- Utilities informUser: 'Relocating object pointers...'
- during: [self initializeInterpreter: bytesToShift].
- !