Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2451.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2451 Author: eem Time: 9 October 2018, 4:05:16.455082 pm UUID: 19cb967a-1123-4dbd-83b3-702e1d8350b5 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2450 Spur: Tweak followClassTable toi not waste effort following hiddenRootsObj. FilePlugin: avoid createDirectory: hack. Recategorise asString:[size:] =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-cb.2450 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: FilePlugin>>primitiveDirectoryCreate (in category 'directory primitives') ----- primitiveDirectoryCreate - | dirName dirNameIndex dirNameSize okToCreate | + <var: #dirNameIndex type: #'char *'> - <var: #dirNameIndex type: 'char *'> <export: true> dirName := interpreterProxy stackValue: 0. (interpreterProxy isBytes: dirName) ifFalse: [^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. dirNameIndex := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: dirName. dirNameSize := interpreterProxy byteSizeOf: dirName. "If the security plugin can be loaded, use it to check for permission. If not, assume it's ok" sCCPfn ~= 0 ifTrue: [okToCreate := self cCode: ' ((sqInt (*)(char *, sqInt))sCCPfn)(dirNameIndex, dirNameSize)' inSmalltalk: [true]. okToCreate ifFalse: [^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]]. + (self dir_Create: dirNameIndex _: dirNameSize) ifFalse: - (self - cCode: 'dir_Create(dirNameIndex, dirNameSize)' - inSmalltalk: [self createDirectory: (interpreterProxy asString: dirNameIndex size: dirNameSize)]) ifFalse: [^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. interpreterProxy pop: 1! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>createDirectory: (in category 'simulation') ----- - createDirectory: aString - ^[FileDirectory default primCreateDirectory: aString. - true] - on: Error - do: [:ex| false] - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_Create:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + dir_Create: dirNameIndex _: dirNameSize + ^[FileDirectory default + primCreateDirectory: (interpreterProxy interpreter + asString: dirNameIndex + size: dirNameSize). + true] + on: Error + do: [:ex| false]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_EntryLookup: (in category 'simulation') ----- - dir_EntryLookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: entryNameString _: entryNameStringLength _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink - "sqInt dir_EntryLookup(char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, char *nameString, sqInt nameStringLength, - /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate, - sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt *posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)" - | result pathName entryName | - pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString. - entryName := ((0 to: entryNameStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (entryNameString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString. - result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName name: entryName. - result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries]. - result isInteger ifTrue: - [result > 1 ifTrue: - [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result]. - ^DirBadPath]. - name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1. - nameLength at: 0 put: result first size. - creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2). - modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3). - isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4). - sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5). - posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]). - isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]). - ^DirEntryFound! Item was added: + ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_EntryLookup:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + dir_EntryLookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: entryNameString _: entryNameStringLength _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink + "sqInt dir_EntryLookup(char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, char *nameString, sqInt nameStringLength, + /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate, + sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt *posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)" + | result pathName entryName | + pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString. + entryName := ((0 to: entryNameStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (entryNameString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString. + result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName name: entryName. + result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries]. + result isInteger ifTrue: + [result > 1 ifTrue: + [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result]. + ^DirBadPath]. + name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1. + nameLength at: 0 put: result first size. + creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2). + modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3). + isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4). + sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5). + posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]). + isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]). + ^DirEntryFound! Item was removed: - ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_Lookup: (in category 'simulation') ----- - dir_Lookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: index _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink - "sqInt dir_Lookup( char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, sqInt index, - /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate, - sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt * posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)" - | result pathName | - pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString. - result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName index: index. - result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries]. - result isInteger ifTrue: - [result > 1 ifTrue: - [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result]. - ^DirBadPath]. - name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1. - nameLength at: 0 put: result first size. - creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2). - modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3). - isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4). - sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5). - posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]). - isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]). - ^DirEntryFound! Item was added: + ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_Lookup:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + dir_Lookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: index _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink + "sqInt dir_Lookup( char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, sqInt index, + /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate, + sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt * posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)" + | result pathName | + pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString. + result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName index: index. + result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries]. + result isInteger ifTrue: + [result > 1 ifTrue: + [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result]. + ^DirBadPath]. + name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1. + nameLength at: 0 put: result first size. + creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2). + modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3). + isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4). + sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5). + posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]). + isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]). + ^DirEntryFound! Item was removed: - ----- Method: InterpreterPlugin>>strncpy: (in category 'simulation support') ----- - strncpy: aString _: bString _: n - <doNotGenerate> - ^interpreterProxy strncpy: aString _: bString _: n! Item was added: + ----- Method: InterpreterPlugin>>strncpy:_:_: (in category 'simulation support') ----- + strncpy: aString _: bString _: n + <doNotGenerate> + ^interpreterProxy strncpy: aString _: bString _: n! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>memmove: (in category 'simulation only') ----- - memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes - <doNotGenerate> - | dst src | - dst := destAddress asInteger. - src := sourceAddress asInteger. - "Emulate the c library memmove function" - self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0. - destAddress > sourceAddress - ifTrue: - [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do: - [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]] - ifFalse: - [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do: - [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>memmove:_:_: (in category 'simulation only') ----- + memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes + <doNotGenerate> + | dst src | + dst := destAddress asInteger. + src := sourceAddress asInteger. + "Emulate the c library memmove function" + self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0. + destAddress > sourceAddress + ifTrue: + [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do: + [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]] + ifFalse: + [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do: + [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>followClassTable (in category 'selective compaction') ----- followClassTable + "In addition to postBecomeScanClassTable:, I follow the pages in the class table. + Because hiddenRootsObj follows nil, false, true and the freeLists, it can never be forwarded." + self deny: (self isForwarded: hiddenRootsObj). - "In addition to postBecomeScanClassTable:, I follow hiddenRootObj and its pages" - (self isForwarded: hiddenRootsObj) ifTrue: [hiddenRootsObj := self followForwarded: hiddenRootsObj]. 0 to: numClassTablePages - 1 do: [:i| | page | page := self followField: i ofObject: hiddenRootsObj. 0 to: (self numSlotsOf: page) - 1 do: [:j| | classOrNil | classOrNil := self fetchPointer: j ofObject: page. classOrNil ~= nilObj ifTrue: [(self isForwarded: classOrNil) ifTrue: [classOrNil := self followForwarded: classOrNil. self storePointer: j ofObject: page withValue: classOrNil]. (self rawHashBitsOf: classOrNil) = 0 ifTrue: [self storePointerUnchecked: j ofObject: page withValue: nilObj. "If the removed class is before the classTableIndex, set the classTableIndex to point to the empty slot so as to reuse it asap." (i << self classTableMajorIndexShift + j) < classTableIndex ifTrue: [classTableIndex := i << self classTableMajorIndexShift + j]]]]]. "classTableIndex must never index the first page, which is reserved for classes known to the VM." self assert: classTableIndex >= (1 << self classTableMajorIndexShift). + self assert: self validClassTableRootPages! - self assert: self validClassTableRootPages.! Item was removed: - ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>memcpy: (in category 'simulation') ----- - memcpy: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes - "For SpurGenerationScavenger>>copyToFutureSpace:bytes:. N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove." - <doNotGenerate> - self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress asInteger + bytes > sourceAddress]) - or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress asInteger + bytes > destAddress]]). - ^self memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>memcpy:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + memcpy: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes + "For SpurGenerationScavenger>>copyToFutureSpace:bytes:. N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove." + <doNotGenerate> + self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress asInteger + bytes > sourceAddress]) + or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress asInteger + bytes > destAddress]]). + ^self memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes! Item was changed: + ----- Method: VMClass>>asString: (in category 'C library extensions') ----- - ----- Method: VMClass>>asString: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- asString: aStringOrStringIndex "aStringOrStringIndex is either a string or an address in the heap. Create a String of the requested length form the bytes in the heap starting at stringIndex." <doNotGenerate> | sz | aStringOrStringIndex isString ifTrue: [^aStringOrStringIndex]. sz := self strlen: aStringOrStringIndex. ^self strncpy: (ByteString new: sz) _: aStringOrStringIndex _: sz! Item was changed: + ----- Method: VMClass>>asString:size: (in category 'C library extensions') ----- - ----- Method: VMClass>>asString:size: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- asString: stringIndex size: stringSize "stringIndex is an address in the heap. Create a String of the requested length form the bytes in the heap starting at stringIndex." <doNotGenerate> ^self strncpy: (ByteString new: stringSize) _: stringIndex _: stringSize! Item was removed: - ----- Method: VMClass>>memcpy: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- - memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes - <doNotGenerate> - "implementation of memcpy(3). N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove." - (dString isString or: [sString isString]) ifFalse: - [| destAddress sourceAddress | - dString class == ByteArray ifTrue: - [ByteString adoptInstance: dString. - ^[self memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes] ensure: - [ByteArray adoptInstance: dString]]. - destAddress := dString asInteger. - sourceAddress := sString asInteger. - self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress + bytes > sourceAddress]) - or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress + bytes > destAddress]])]. - dString isString - ifTrue: - [1 to: bytes do: - [:i| | v | - v := sString isString - ifTrue: [sString at: i] - ifFalse: [Character value: (self byteAt: sString + i - 1)]. - dString at: i put: v]] - ifFalse: - [1 to: bytes do: - [:i| | v | - v := sString isString - ifTrue: [(sString at: i) asInteger] - ifFalse: [self byteAt: sString + i - 1]. - self byteAt: dString + i - 1 put: v]]. - ^dString! Item was added: + ----- Method: VMClass>>memcpy:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- + memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes + <doNotGenerate> + "implementation of memcpy(3). N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove." + (dString isString or: [sString isString]) ifFalse: + [| destAddress sourceAddress | + dString class == ByteArray ifTrue: + [ByteString adoptInstance: dString. + ^[self memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes] ensure: + [ByteArray adoptInstance: dString]]. + destAddress := dString asInteger. + sourceAddress := sString asInteger. + self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress + bytes > sourceAddress]) + or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress + bytes > destAddress]])]. + dString isString + ifTrue: + [1 to: bytes do: + [:i| | v | + v := sString isString + ifTrue: [sString at: i] + ifFalse: [Character value: (self byteAt: sString + i - 1)]. + dString at: i put: v]] + ifFalse: + [1 to: bytes do: + [:i| | v | + v := sString isString + ifTrue: [(sString at: i) asInteger] + ifFalse: [self byteAt: sString + i - 1]. + self byteAt: dString + i - 1 put: v]]. + ^dString! Item was removed: - ----- Method: VMClass>>memmove: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- - memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes - <doNotGenerate> - | dst src | - dst := destAddress asInteger. - src := sourceAddress asInteger. - "Emulate the c library memmove function" - self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0. - destAddress > sourceAddress - ifTrue: - [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do: - [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]] - ifFalse: - [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do: - [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: VMClass>>memmove:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- + memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes + <doNotGenerate> + | dst src | + dst := destAddress asInteger. + src := sourceAddress asInteger. + "Emulate the c library memmove function" + self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0. + destAddress > sourceAddress + ifTrue: + [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do: + [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]] + ifFalse: + [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do: + [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: VMClass>>strcat: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- - strcat: aString _: bString - <doNotGenerate> - "implementation of strcat(3)" - ^(self asString: aString), (self asString: bString)! Item was added: + ----- Method: VMClass>>strcat:_: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- + strcat: aString _: bString + <doNotGenerate> + "implementation of strcat(3)" + ^(self asString: aString), (self asString: bString)! Item was removed: - ----- Method: VMClass>>strncmp: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- - strncmp: aString _: bString _: n - <doNotGenerate> - "implementation of strncmp(3)" - bString isString ifTrue: - [1 to: n do: - [:i| - (aString at: i) asCharacter ~= (bString at: i) ifTrue: - [^i]]. - ^0]. - 1 to: n do: - [:i| | v | - v := (aString at: i) asInteger - (self byteAt: bString + i - 1). - v ~= 0 ifTrue: [^v]]. - ^0! Item was added: + ----- Method: VMClass>>strncmp:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- + strncmp: aString _: bString _: n + <doNotGenerate> + "implementation of strncmp(3)" + bString isString ifTrue: + [1 to: n do: + [:i| + (aString at: i) asCharacter ~= (bString at: i) ifTrue: + [^i]]. + ^0]. + 1 to: n do: + [:i| | v | + v := (aString at: i) asInteger - (self byteAt: bString + i - 1). + v ~= 0 ifTrue: [^v]]. + ^0! Item was removed: - ----- Method: VMClass>>strncpy: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- - strncpy: aString _: bString _: n - <doNotGenerate> - "implementation of strncpy(3)" - aString isString - ifTrue: - [1 to: n do: - [:i| | v | - v := bString isString - ifTrue: [bString at: i] - ifFalse: [Character value: (self byteAt: bString + i - 1)]. - aString at: i put: v. - v asInteger = 0 ifTrue: [^aString]]] - ifFalse: - [1 to: n do: - [:i| | v | - v := bString isString - ifTrue: [(bString at: i) asInteger] - ifFalse: [self byteAt: bString + i - 1]. - self byteAt: aString + i - 1 put: v. - v = 0 ifTrue: [^aString]]]. - ^aString! Item was added: + ----- Method: VMClass>>strncpy:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') ----- + strncpy: aString _: bString _: n + <doNotGenerate> + "implementation of strncpy(3)" + aString isString + ifTrue: + [1 to: n do: + [:i| | v | + v := bString isString + ifTrue: [bString at: i] + ifFalse: [Character value: (self byteAt: bString + i - 1)]. + aString at: i put: v. + v asInteger = 0 ifTrue: [^aString]]] + ifFalse: + [1 to: n do: + [:i| | v | + v := bString isString + ifTrue: [(bString at: i) asInteger] + ifFalse: [self byteAt: bString + i - 1]. + self byteAt: aString + i - 1 put: v. + v = 0 ifTrue: [^aString]]]. + ^aString! |
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