VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2470.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2470.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2470
Author: eem
Time: 22 October 2018, 3:24:27.362245 pm
UUID: df5df1d8-a195-4cba-becc-b8833a08355a
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2469

Fix a regression in VMMaker.oscog-eem.2467.

Slang: special case coercing a Float literal to #float, emitting it as N.Mf

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2469 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BitBltSimulation>>lockSurfaceFn: (in category 'surface support') -----
+ lockSurfaceFn: sourceHandle _: pitchPtr _: x _: y _: w _: h
+ "Simulate the lockSurfaceFn function call as a failure to load the surface."
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ ^0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BitBltSimulation>>lockSurfaceFn:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'surface support') -----
- lockSurfaceFn: sourceHandle _: pitchPtr _: x _: y _: w _: h
- "Simulate the lockSurfaceFn function call as a failure to load the surface."
- <doNotGenerate>
- ^0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BitBltSimulation>>querySurfaceFn: (in category 'surface support') -----
+ querySurfaceFn: handle _: widthPtr _: heightPtr _: depthPtr _: endianPtr
+ "Query the dimension of an OS surface.
+ This method is provided so that in case the inst vars of the
+ source form are broken, *actual* values of the OS surface
+ can be obtained. This might, for instance, happen if the user
+ resizes the main window.
+ This is a simulation of the querySurfaceFn function call; simulate as a failure."
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ ^false!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: BitBltSimulation>>querySurfaceFn:_:_:_:_: (in category 'surface support') -----
- querySurfaceFn: handle _: widthPtr _: heightPtr _: depthPtr _: endianPtr
- "Query the dimension of an OS surface.
- This method is provided so that in case the inst vars of the
- source form are broken, *actual* values of the OS surface
- can be obtained. This might, for instance, happen if the user
- resizes the main window.
- This is a simulation of the querySurfaceFn function call; simulate as a failure."
- <doNotGenerate>
- ^false!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>generateCCoercion:on:indent: (in category 'C translation') -----
  generateCCoercion: msgNode on: aStream indent: level
  "Generate the C code for this message onto the given stream."
+ | cExpr cType literal |
+ cExpr := msgNode args first.
+ cType := msgNode args last value.
+ (cType = #float
+ and: [cExpr isConstant
+ and: [cExpr value isFloat
+ and: [(literal := self cLiteralFor: cExpr value) allSatisfy: [:c| c == $. or: [c isDigit]]]]]) ifTrue:
+ [aStream nextPutAll: literal; nextPut: $f.
+ ^self].
  aStream nextPutAll: '(('.
+ aStream nextPutAll: cType.
- aStream nextPutAll: msgNode args last value.
  aStream nextPutAll: ') '.
+ self emitCExpression: cExpr on: aStream.
+ aStream nextPut: $)!
- self emitCExpression: msgNode args first on: aStream.
- aStream nextPut: $)
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_Create: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ dir_Create: dirNameIndex _: dirNameSize
+ ^[FileDirectory default
+ primCreateDirectory: (interpreterProxy interpreter
+ asString: dirNameIndex
+ size: dirNameSize).
+   true]
+ on: Error
+ do: [:ex| false]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_Create:_: (in category 'simulation') -----
- dir_Create: dirNameIndex _: dirNameSize
- ^[FileDirectory default
- primCreateDirectory: (interpreterProxy interpreter
- asString: dirNameIndex
- size: dirNameSize).
-   true]
- on: Error
- do: [:ex| false]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_EntryLookup: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ dir_EntryLookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: entryNameString _: entryNameStringLength _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink
+ "sqInt dir_EntryLookup(char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, char *nameString, sqInt nameStringLength,
+ /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate,
+        sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt *posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)"
+ | result pathName entryName |
+ pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString.
+ entryName := ((0 to: entryNameStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (entryNameString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString.
+ result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName name: entryName.
+ result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries].
+ result isInteger ifTrue:
+ [result > 1 ifTrue:
+ [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result].
+ ^DirBadPath].
+ name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1.
+ nameLength at: 0 put: result first size.
+ creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2).
+ modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3).
+ isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4).
+ sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5).
+ posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]).
+ isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]).
+ ^DirEntryFound!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_EntryLookup:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') -----
- dir_EntryLookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: entryNameString _: entryNameStringLength _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink
- "sqInt dir_EntryLookup(char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, char *nameString, sqInt nameStringLength,
- /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate,
-        sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt *posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)"
- | result pathName entryName |
- pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString.
- entryName := ((0 to: entryNameStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (entryNameString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString.
- result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName name: entryName.
- result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries].
- result isInteger ifTrue:
- [result > 1 ifTrue:
- [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result].
- ^DirBadPath].
- name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1.
- nameLength at: 0 put: result first size.
- creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2).
- modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3).
- isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4).
- sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5).
- posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]).
- isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]).
- ^DirEntryFound!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_Lookup: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ dir_Lookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: index _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink
+ "sqInt dir_Lookup( char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, sqInt index,
+ /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate,
+   sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt * posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)"
+ | result pathName |
+ pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString.
+ result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName index: index.
+ result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries].
+ result isInteger ifTrue:
+ [result > 1 ifTrue:
+ [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result].
+ ^DirBadPath].
+ name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1.
+ nameLength at: 0 put: result first size.
+ creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2).
+ modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3).
+ isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4).
+ sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5).
+ posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]).
+ isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]).
+ ^DirEntryFound!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: FilePluginSimulator>>dir_Lookup:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') -----
- dir_Lookup: pathString _: pathStringLength _: index _: name _: nameLength _: creationDate _: modificationDate _: isDirectory _: sizeIfFile _: posixPermissions _: isSymlink
- "sqInt dir_Lookup( char *pathString, sqInt pathStringLength, sqInt index,
- /* outputs: */ char *name, sqInt *nameLength, sqInt *creationDate, sqInt *modificationDate,
-   sqInt *isDirectory, squeakFileOffsetType *sizeIfFile, sqInt * posixPermissions, sqInt *isSymlink)"
- | result pathName |
- pathName := ((0 to: pathStringLength - 1) collect: [:i| (pathString at: i) asCharacter]) as: ByteString.
- result := self primLookupEntryIn: pathName index: index.
- result ifNil: [^DirNoMoreEntries].
- result isInteger ifTrue:
- [result > 1 ifTrue:
- [interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: result].
- ^DirBadPath].
- name replaceFrom: 1 to: result first size with: result first startingAt: 1.
- nameLength at: 0 put: result first size.
- creationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 2).
- modificationDate at: 0 put: (result at: 3).
- isDirectory at: 0 put: (result at: 4).
- sizeIfFile at: 0 put: (result at: 5).
- posixPermissions at: 0 put: (result at: 6 ifAbsent: [(result at: 4) ifTrue: [8r755] ifFalse: [8r644]]).
- isSymlink at: 0 put: (result at: 7 ifAbsent: [false]).
- ^DirEntryFound!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FloatArrayPlugin>>primitiveDivFloatArray (in category 'arithmetic primitives') -----
  "Primitive. Divide each element in the receiver by the corresponding element in the argument, both FloatArrays, and store the result into the receiver."
  <export: true>
  | rcvr arg rcvrPtr argPtr length |
  <var: #rcvrPtr type: #'float *'>
  <var: #argPtr type: #'float *'>
  arg := interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
  rcvr := interpreterProxy stackValue: 1.
  ((interpreterProxy isWords: arg)
  and: [(interpreterProxy isWords: rcvr)
  and: [(length := interpreterProxy stSizeOf: arg) = (interpreterProxy stSizeOf: rcvr)]]) ifFalse:
  [^interpreterProxy primitiveFail].
  rcvrPtr := self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: rcvr) to: #'float *'.
  argPtr := self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: arg) to: #'float *'.
  "Check if any of the argument's values is zero"
  0 to: length - 1 do:
+ [:i| (argPtr at: i) = (self cCoerce: 0.0 to: #float) ifTrue: "i.e. check for both 0.0 and -0.0"
- [:i| (argPtr + i) = 0.0 ifTrue: "i.e. check for both 0.0 and -0.0"
  [^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]].
  0 to: length - 1 do:
  [:i| rcvrPtr at: i put: (self cCoerce: (rcvrPtr at: i) to: #double) / (self cCoerce: (argPtr at: i) to: #double)].
  interpreterProxy pop: 1 "Leave rcvr on stack"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InterpreterPlugin>>strncpy: (in category 'simulation support') -----
+ strncpy: aString _: bString _: n
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ ^interpreterProxy strncpy: aString _: bString _: n!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InterpreterPlugin>>strncpy:_:_: (in category 'simulation support') -----
- strncpy: aString _: bString _: n
- <doNotGenerate>
- ^interpreterProxy strncpy: aString _: bString _: n!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGReadImagefromByteArrayonFormdoDitheringerrorMgrReadScanlines: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ primJPEGReadImagefromByteArrayonFormdoDitheringerrorMgrReadScanlines: jpegDecompressStruct _: jpegErrorMgr2Struct _: source _: sourceSize _: ditherFlag _: formBitmap _: pixelsPerWord _: wordsPerRow _: formNativeDepth
+ "void primJPEGReadImagefromByteArrayonFormdoDitheringerrorMgrReadScanlines(
+    char* jpegDecompressStruct,
+    char* jpegErrorMgr2Struct,
+    char* source,
+    unsigned int sourceSize,
+    int ditherFlag,
+    unsigned int* bitmap,
+    unsigned int pixelsPerWord,
+    unsigned int wordsPerRow,
+    int nativeDepth)"
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ | sourceBytes decompressStruct errorStruct form |
+ sourceBytes := source asByteArray.
+ decompressStruct := jpegDecompressStruct asByteArray.
+ errorStruct := jpegErrorMgr2Struct asByteArray.
+ (self evaluateIfFailed:
+ [| slave height |
+ slave := JPEGReadWriter2 new.
+ height := slave primImageWidth: decompressStruct. "cheating ;-)"
+ form := Form extent: wordsPerRow * pixelsPerWord @ height depth: formNativeDepth.
+ slave
+ primJPEGReadImage: decompressStruct
+ fromByteArray: sourceBytes
+ onForm: form
+ doDithering: true
+ errorMgr: errorStruct]) ifTrue: [^nil].
+ jpegDecompressStruct overwriteContentsWith: decompressStruct.
+ jpegErrorMgr2Struct overwriteContentsWith: errorStruct.
+ source overwriteContentsWith: sourceBytes. "could happen..."
+ ByteArray adoptInstance: form bits.
+ formBitmap overwriteContentsWith: form bits.
+ ^nil!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGReadImagefromByteArrayonFormdoDitheringerrorMgrReadScanlines:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') -----
- primJPEGReadImagefromByteArrayonFormdoDitheringerrorMgrReadScanlines: jpegDecompressStruct _: jpegErrorMgr2Struct _: source _: sourceSize _: ditherFlag _: formBitmap _: pixelsPerWord _: wordsPerRow _: formNativeDepth
- "void primJPEGReadImagefromByteArrayonFormdoDitheringerrorMgrReadScanlines(
-    char* jpegDecompressStruct,
-    char* jpegErrorMgr2Struct,
-    char* source,
-    unsigned int sourceSize,
-    int ditherFlag,
-    unsigned int* bitmap,
-    unsigned int pixelsPerWord,
-    unsigned int wordsPerRow,
-    int nativeDepth)"
- <doNotGenerate>
- | sourceBytes decompressStruct errorStruct form |
- sourceBytes := source asByteArray.
- decompressStruct := jpegDecompressStruct asByteArray.
- errorStruct := jpegErrorMgr2Struct asByteArray.
- (self evaluateIfFailed:
- [| slave height |
- slave := JPEGReadWriter2 new.
- height := slave primImageWidth: decompressStruct. "cheating ;-)"
- form := Form extent: wordsPerRow * pixelsPerWord @ height depth: formNativeDepth.
- slave
- primJPEGReadImage: decompressStruct
- fromByteArray: sourceBytes
- onForm: form
- doDithering: true
- errorMgr: errorStruct]) ifTrue: [^nil].
- jpegDecompressStruct overwriteContentsWith: decompressStruct.
- jpegErrorMgr2Struct overwriteContentsWith: errorStruct.
- source overwriteContentsWith: sourceBytes. "could happen..."
- ByteArray adoptInstance: form bits.
- formBitmap overwriteContentsWith: form bits.
- ^nil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGWriteImageonByteArrayformqualityprogressiveJPEGerrorMgrWriteScanlines: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ primJPEGWriteImageonByteArrayformqualityprogressiveJPEGerrorMgrWriteScanlines: width _: height _: nativeDepth _: bitmap _: jpegCompressStruct _: jpegErrorMgr2Struct _: quality _: progressiveFlag _: pixelsPerWord _: wordsPerRow _: destination _: destinationSizePtr
+ "void primJPEGWriteImageonByteArrayformqualityprogressiveJPEGerrorMgrWriteScanlines(
+ unsigned int width,
+ unsigned int height,
+ int nativeDepth,
+ unsigned int* bitmap,
+ char* jpegCompressStruct,
+ char* jpegErrorMgr2Struct,
+ int quality,
+ int progressiveFlag,
+ unsigned int pixelsPerWord,
+ unsigned int wordsPerRow,
+ char* destination,
+ unsigned int* destinationSizePtr)"
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ | bits form compressStruct errorStruct destinationBytes destinationSize |
+ bits := bitmap asByteArray.
+ Bitmap adoptInstance: bits.
+ form := Form extent: width @ height depth: nativeDepth bits: bits.
+ compressStruct := jpegCompressStruct asByteArray.
+ errorStruct := jpegErrorMgr2Struct asByteArray.
+ destinationBytes := destination asByteArray.
+ (self evaluateIfFailed:
+ [destinationSize :=JPEGReadWriter2 new
+ primJPEGWriteImage: compressStruct
+ onByteArray: destinationBytes
+ form: form
+ quality: quality
+ progressiveJPEG: progressiveFlag
+ errorMgr: errorStruct]) ifTrue: [^nil].
+ jpegCompressStruct overwriteContentsWith: compressStruct.
+ jpegErrorMgr2Struct overwriteContentsWith: errorStruct.
+ destination overwriteContentsWith: destinationBytes.
+ destinationSizePtr at: 0 put: destinationSize.
+ ^nil!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGWriteImageonByteArrayformqualityprogressiveJPEGerrorMgrWriteScanlines:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') -----
- primJPEGWriteImageonByteArrayformqualityprogressiveJPEGerrorMgrWriteScanlines: width _: height _: nativeDepth _: bitmap _: jpegCompressStruct _: jpegErrorMgr2Struct _: quality _: progressiveFlag _: pixelsPerWord _: wordsPerRow _: destination _: destinationSizePtr
- "void primJPEGWriteImageonByteArrayformqualityprogressiveJPEGerrorMgrWriteScanlines(
- unsigned int width,
- unsigned int height,
- int nativeDepth,
- unsigned int* bitmap,
- char* jpegCompressStruct,
- char* jpegErrorMgr2Struct,
- int quality,
- int progressiveFlag,
- unsigned int pixelsPerWord,
- unsigned int wordsPerRow,
- char* destination,
- unsigned int* destinationSizePtr)"
- <doNotGenerate>
- | bits form compressStruct errorStruct destinationBytes destinationSize |
- bits := bitmap asByteArray.
- Bitmap adoptInstance: bits.
- form := Form extent: width @ height depth: nativeDepth bits: bits.
- compressStruct := jpegCompressStruct asByteArray.
- errorStruct := jpegErrorMgr2Struct asByteArray.
- destinationBytes := destination asByteArray.
- (self evaluateIfFailed:
- [destinationSize :=JPEGReadWriter2 new
- primJPEGWriteImage: compressStruct
- onByteArray: destinationBytes
- form: form
- quality: quality
- progressiveJPEG: progressiveFlag
- errorMgr: errorStruct]) ifTrue: [^nil].
- jpegCompressStruct overwriteContentsWith: compressStruct.
- jpegErrorMgr2Struct overwriteContentsWith: errorStruct.
- destination overwriteContentsWith: destinationBytes.
- destinationSizePtr at: 0 put: destinationSize.
- ^nil!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Matrix2x3Plugin>>roundAndStoreResultPoint: (in category 'private') -----
  roundAndStoreResultPoint: nItemsToPop
  "Store the result of a previous operation.
  Fail if we cannot represent the result as SmallInteger"
  m23ResultX := m23ResultX + 0.5.
  m23ResultY := m23ResultY + 0.5.
+ ((self okayIntValue: m23ResultX)
+ and: [self okayIntValue: m23ResultY]) ifFalse:
+ [^interpreterProxy primitiveFail].
+ interpreterProxy
+ pop: nItemsToPop
+ thenPush: (interpreterProxy
+ makePointwithxValue: m23ResultX asInteger
+ yValue: m23ResultY asInteger)!
- (self okayIntValue: m23ResultX) ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail].
- (self okayIntValue: m23ResultY) ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail].
- interpreterProxy pop: nItemsToPop thenPush:
- (interpreterProxy makePointwithxValue: m23ResultX asInteger
- yValue: m23ResultY asInteger)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>memmove: (in category 'simulation only') -----
+ memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ | dst src  |
+ dst := destAddress asInteger.
+ src := sourceAddress asInteger.
+ "Emulate the c library memmove function"
+ self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0.
+ destAddress > sourceAddress
+ ifTrue:
+ [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do:
+ [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do:
+ [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>memmove:_:_: (in category 'simulation only') -----
- memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes
- <doNotGenerate>
- | dst src  |
- dst := destAddress asInteger.
- src := sourceAddress asInteger.
- "Emulate the c library memmove function"
- self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0.
- destAddress > sourceAddress
- ifTrue:
- [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do:
- [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]]
- ifFalse:
- [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do:
- [:i| self long32At: dst + i put: (self long32At: src + i)]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>memcpy: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ memcpy: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes
+ "For SpurGenerationScavenger>>copyToFutureSpace:bytes:. N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove."
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress asInteger + bytes > sourceAddress])
+ or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress asInteger + bytes > destAddress]]).
+ ^self memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>memcpy:_:_: (in category 'simulation') -----
- memcpy: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes
- "For SpurGenerationScavenger>>copyToFutureSpace:bytes:. N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove."
- <doNotGenerate>
- self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress asInteger + bytes > sourceAddress])
- or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress asInteger + bytes > destAddress]]).
- ^self memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VMClass>>memcpy: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
+ memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ "implementation of memcpy(3). N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove."
+ (dString isString or: [sString isString]) ifFalse:
+ [| destAddress sourceAddress |
+ dString class == ByteArray ifTrue:
+ [self memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes].
+ destAddress := dString asInteger.
+ sourceAddress := sString asInteger.
+ self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress + bytes > sourceAddress])
+ or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress + bytes > destAddress]])].
+ dString isInteger
+ ifTrue:
+ [1 to: bytes do:
+ [:i| | v |
+ v := sString isString
+ ifTrue: [sString basicAt: i]
+ ifFalse: [self byteAt: sString + i - 1].
+ self byteAt: dString + i - 1 put: v]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [1 to: bytes do:
+ [:i| | v |
+ v := sString isString
+ ifTrue: [sString basicAt: i]
+ ifFalse: [self byteAt: sString + i - 1].
+ dString basicAt: i put: v]].
+ ^dString!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: VMClass>>memcpy:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
- memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes
- <doNotGenerate>
- "implementation of memcpy(3). N.B. If ranges overlap, must use memmove."
- (dString isString or: [sString isString]) ifFalse:
- [| destAddress sourceAddress |
- dString class == ByteArray ifTrue:
- [self memcpy: dString _: sString _: bytes].
- destAddress := dString asInteger.
- sourceAddress := sString asInteger.
- self deny: ((destAddress <= sourceAddress and: [destAddress + bytes > sourceAddress])
- or: [sourceAddress <= destAddress and: [sourceAddress + bytes > destAddress]])].
- dString isInteger
- ifTrue:
- [1 to: bytes do:
- [:i| | v |
- v := sString isString
- ifTrue: [sString basicAt: i]
- ifFalse: [self byteAt: sString + i - 1].
- self byteAt: dString + i - 1 put: v]]
- ifFalse:
- [1 to: bytes do:
- [:i| | v |
- v := sString isString
- ifTrue: [sString basicAt: i]
- ifFalse: [self byteAt: sString + i - 1].
- dString basicAt: i put: v]].
- ^dString!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VMClass>>memmove: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
+ memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ | dst src  |
+ dst := destAddress asInteger.
+ src := sourceAddress asInteger.
+ "Emulate the c library memmove function"
+ self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0.
+ destAddress > sourceAddress
+ ifTrue:
+ [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do:
+ [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do:
+ [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: VMClass>>memmove:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
- memmove: destAddress _: sourceAddress _: bytes
- <doNotGenerate>
- | dst src  |
- dst := destAddress asInteger.
- src := sourceAddress asInteger.
- "Emulate the c library memmove function"
- self assert: bytes \\ 4 = 0.
- destAddress > sourceAddress
- ifTrue:
- [bytes - 4 to: 0 by: -4 do:
- [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]]
- ifFalse:
- [0 to: bytes - 4 by: 4 do:
- [:i| self longAt: dst + i put: (self longAt: src + i)]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VMClass>>strcat: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
+ strcat: aString _: bString
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ "implementation of strcat(3)"
+ ^(self asString: aString), (self asString: bString)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: VMClass>>strcat:_: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
- strcat: aString _: bString
- <doNotGenerate>
- "implementation of strcat(3)"
- ^(self asString: aString), (self asString: bString)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VMClass>>strncmp: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
+ strncmp: aString _: bString _: n
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ "implementation of strncmp(3)"
+ bString isString
+ ifTrue:
+ [1 to: n do:
+ [:i| | v |
+ v := (aString basicAt: i) - (bString basicAt: i).
+ v ~= 0 ifTrue: [^v]]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [1 to: n do:
+ [:i| | v |
+ v := (aString basicAt: i) - (self byteAt: bString + i - 1).
+ v ~= 0 ifTrue: [^v]]].
+ ^0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: VMClass>>strncmp:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
- strncmp: aString _: bString _: n
- <doNotGenerate>
- "implementation of strncmp(3)"
- bString isString
- ifTrue:
- [1 to: n do:
- [:i| | v |
- v := (aString basicAt: i) - (bString basicAt: i).
- v ~= 0 ifTrue: [^v]]]
- ifFalse:
- [1 to: n do:
- [:i| | v |
- v := (aString basicAt: i) - (self byteAt: bString + i - 1).
- v ~= 0 ifTrue: [^v]]].
- ^0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: VMClass>>strncpy: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
+ strncpy: dest _: src _: n
+ <doNotGenerate>
+ "implementation of strncpy(3).
+ See e.g. https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/manpages-dev/strncpy.3.en.html
+ The C version always takes an address; the simulation allows a String, ByteArray,
+ CArray or address within the simulation object memory (Positive Integer)"
+ | getBlock setBlock count |
+ count := n.
+ "Determine the source and destination access blocks based on the parameter type"
+ getBlock := src isCollection
+ ifTrue:
+ [count := count min: src size.
+ src isString
+ ifTrue: [[ :idx | src basicAt: idx]] "basicAt: answers integers"
+ ifFalse:
+ [src class == ByteArray ifTrue:
+ [[ :idx | src at: idx]]]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [src isInteger
+ ifTrue: [[ :idx | self byteAt: src + idx - 1]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [src class == CArray ifTrue:
+ [[ :idx | src at: idx - 1]]]].
+ getBlock ifNil: [self error: 'unhandled type of source string'].
+ setBlock := dest isCollection
+ ifTrue:
+ [dest isString
+ ifTrue: [[ :idx | dest basicAt: idx put: (getBlock value: idx)]] "basicAt:put: stores integers"
+ ifFalse:
+ [dest class == ByteArray ifTrue:
+ [[ :idx | dest at: idx put: (getBlock value: idx)]]]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [dest isInteger ifTrue:
+ [[ :idx | self byteAt: dest + idx - 1 put: (getBlock value: idx)]]].
+ setBlock ifNil: [self error: 'unhandled type of destination string'].
+ 1 to: count do: setBlock.
+ "SVr4, 4.3BSD, C89, C99 require the remainder of the buffer be filled with nulls"
+ getBlock := [:idx| 0].
+ count + 1 to: n do: setBlock.
+ ^dest!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: VMClass>>strncpy:_:_: (in category 'C library simulation') -----
- strncpy: dest _: src _: n
- <doNotGenerate>
- "implementation of strncpy(3).
- See e.g. https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/manpages-dev/strncpy.3.en.html
- The C version always takes an address; the simulation allows a String, ByteArray,
- CArray or address within the simulation object memory (Positive Integer)"
- | getBlock setBlock count |
- count := n.
- "Determine the source and destination access blocks based on the parameter type"
- getBlock := src isCollection
- ifTrue:
- [count := count min: src size.
- src isString
- ifTrue: [[ :idx | src basicAt: idx]] "basicAt: answers integers"
- ifFalse:
- [src class == ByteArray ifTrue:
- [[ :idx | src at: idx]]]]
- ifFalse:
- [src isInteger
- ifTrue: [[ :idx | self byteAt: src + idx - 1]]
- ifFalse:
- [src class == CArray ifTrue:
- [[ :idx | src at: idx - 1]]]].
- getBlock ifNil: [self error: 'unhandled type of source string'].
- setBlock := dest isCollection
- ifTrue:
- [dest isString
- ifTrue: [[ :idx | dest basicAt: idx put: (getBlock value: idx)]] "basicAt:put: stores integers"
- ifFalse:
- [dest class == ByteArray ifTrue:
- [[ :idx | dest at: idx put: (getBlock value: idx)]]]]
- ifFalse:
- [dest isInteger ifTrue:
- [[ :idx | self byteAt: dest + idx - 1 put: (getBlock value: idx)]]].
- setBlock ifNil: [self error: 'unhandled type of destination string'].
- 1 to: count do: setBlock.
- "SVr4, 4.3BSD, C89, C99 require the remainder of the buffer be filled with nulls"
- getBlock := [:idx| 0].
- count + 1 to: n do: setBlock.
- ^dest!