Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2480.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2480 Author: eem Time: 31 October 2018, 10:33:03.858395 am UUID: bb3ffda7-8241-4dea-b886-d656e474b6c1 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2479 Simulator: Provide simulation stubs for the B3DAcceleratorPlugin C api. Slang: Provide some clean up of pointer types in TMethods and type extraction, ensuring there's a space before any trailing *'s. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2479 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dDrawArrays:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dDrawArrays: handle _: mode _: minIdx _: maxIdx + "int b3dDrawArrays(int handle, int mode, int minIdx, int maxIdx)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dDrawElements:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dDrawElements: handle _: mode _: faceSize _: facePtr + "int b3dDrawElements(int handle, int mode, int nFaces, unsigned int *facePtr)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dDrawRangeElements:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dDrawRangeElements: handle _: mode _: minIdx _: maxIdx _: faceSize _: facePtr + "int b3dDrawRangeElements(int handle, int mode, int minIdx, int maxIdx, int nFaces, unsigned int *facePtr)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dLoadClientState:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dLoadClientState: handle _: vtxData _: vtxSize _: colorData _: colorSize _: normalData _: normalSize _: txData _: txSize + "int b3dLoadClientState(int handle, float *vtxData, int vtxSize, float *colorData, int colorSize, float *normalData, int normalSize, float *txData, int txSize)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxActualTextureDepth:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxActualTextureDepth: renderer _: handle + "int b3dxActualTextureDepth(int renderer, int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxAllocateTexture:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxAllocateTexture: renderer _: w _: h _: d + "int b3dxAllocateTexture(int renderer, int w, int h, int d)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxCompositeTexture:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxCompositeTexture: rendererHandle _: texHandle _: x _: y _: w _: h _: translucent + "int b3dxCompositeTexture(int renderer, int handle, int x, int y, int w, int h, int translucent)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxDestroyRenderer: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxDestroyRenderer: handle + "int b3dxDestroyRenderer(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxDestroyTexture:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxDestroyTexture: renderer _: handle + "int b3dxDestroyTexture(int renderer, int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxDisableLights: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxDisableLights: handle + "int b3dxDisableLights(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxFinishRenderer: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxFinishRenderer: handle + "int b3dxFinishRenderer(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxFlushRenderer: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxFlushRenderer: handle + "int b3dxFlushRenderer(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxGetRendererColorMasks:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxGetRendererColorMasks: handle _: masks + "int b3dxGetRendererColorMasks(int handle, int *masks)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxGetRendererSurfaceDepth: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxGetRendererSurfaceDepth: handle + "int b3dxGetRendererSurfaceDepth(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxGetRendererSurfaceHandle: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxGetRendererSurfaceHandle: handle + "int b3dxGetRendererSurfaceHandle(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxGetRendererSurfaceHeight: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxGetRendererSurfaceHeight: handle + "int b3dxGetRendererSurfaceHeight(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxGetRendererSurfaceWidth: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxGetRendererSurfaceWidth: handle + "int b3dxGetRendererSurfaceWidth(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxIsOverlayRenderer: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxIsOverlayRenderer: handle + "int b3dxIsOverlayRenderer(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxLoadLight:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxLoadLight: handle _: i _: light + "int b3dxLoadLight(int handle, int index, B3DPrimitiveLight *light)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxLoadMaterial:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxLoadMaterial: handle _: material + "int b3dxLoadMaterial(int handle, B3DPrimitiveMaterial *material)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxRenderVertexBuffer:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxRenderVertexBuffer: handle _: primType _: flags _: texHandle _: vtxArray _: vtxCount _: idxArray _: idxCount + "int b3dxRenderVertexBuffer(int handle, int primType, int flags, int texHandle, float *vtxArray, int vtxSize, int *idxArray, int idxSize)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxSwapRendererBuffers: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxSwapRendererBuffers: handle + "int b3dxSwapRendererBuffers(int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxTextureByteSex:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxTextureByteSex: renderer _: handle + "int b3dxTextureByteSex(int renderer, int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxTextureColorMasks:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxTextureColorMasks: renderer _: handle _: masks + "int b3dxTextureColorMasks(int renderer, int handle, int masks[4])" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxTextureSurfaceHandle:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxTextureSurfaceHandle: renderer _: handle + "int b3dxTextureSurfaceHandle(int renderer, int handle)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^-1! Item was added: + ----- Method: B3DAcceleratorPlugin>>b3dxUploadTexture:_:_:_:_:_: (in category 'simulation') ----- + b3dxUploadTexture: renderer _: handle _: w _: h _: d _: bitsPtr + "int b3dxUploadTexture(int renderer, int handle, int w, int h, int d, void* bits)" + <doNotGenerate> + ^false! Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>baseTypeForType: (in category 'utilities') ----- baseTypeForType: aCType "Reduce various declarations to the most basic type we can determine." + | type fpIndex closeidx openidx | - | type fpIndex closeidx openidx index | type := aCType. ((openidx := type indexOfSubCollection: 'const ') > 0 and: [openidx = 1 or: [(type at: openidx) isSeparator]]) ifTrue: [type := type copyReplaceFrom: openidx to: openidx + 5 with: '']. ((type beginsWith: 'unsigned') and: [(type includes: $:) and: [type last isDigit]]) ifTrue: [^#usqInt]. "collapse e.g. void (*foo(int bar))(void) to void (*)(void)" (fpIndex := type indexOfSubCollection: '(*') > 0 ifTrue: ["elide the function arguments after *, if there are any" type := type copyReplaceFrom: (type indexOf: $( startingAt: fpIndex + 1) to: (type indexOf: $) startingAt: fpIndex + 1) with: ''. "elide the function name after *, if there is one" type := type copyReplaceFrom: fpIndex + 2 to: (type indexOf: $) startingAt: fpIndex + 1) with: ')']. "collapse [size] to *" openidx := 0. [(openidx := type indexOf: $[ startingAt: openidx + 1) > 0 and: [(closeidx := type indexOf: $] startingAt: openidx + 1) > 0]] whileTrue: [type := type copyReplaceFrom: openidx to: closeidx with: '*']. + + "map foo* to foo *" + ^self conventionalTypeForType: type! - type := type withBlanksTrimmed. - index := type size. - "Ensure there is a space between the type and any trailing *'s" - [(type at: index) == $*] whileTrue: - [index := index - 1]. - (index < type size - and: [(type at: index) ~~ Character space]) ifTrue: - [type := (type copyFrom: 1 to: index), ' ', (type copyFrom: index + 1 to: type size)]. - ^type! Item was added: + ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>conventionalTypeForType: (in category 'utilities') ----- + conventionalTypeForType: aCTypeString + "The pointer type convention in this version of VMMaker is to have a space between the base type and any *'s. + C type comparisons are simple string comparisons; therefore the convention matters. + Ensure there is a space between the base type and any trailing *'s. Trim whitespace." + | type index | + type := aCTypeString withBlanksTrimmed. + index := type size. + [(type at: index) == $*] whileTrue: + [index := index - 1]. + (index < type size + and: [(type at: index) ~~ Character space]) ifTrue: + [type := (type copyFrom: 1 to: index), ' ', (type copyFrom: index + 1 to: type size)]. + ^type! Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>returnTypeForSend:in:ifNil: (in category 'type inference') ----- returnTypeForSend: sendNode in: aTMethod ifNil: typeIfNil "Answer the return type for a send. Unbound sends default to typeIfNil. Methods with types as yet unknown have a type determined either by the kernelReturnTypes or the table below, or, if they are in neither set, then nil. The inferred type should match as closely as possible the C type of generated expessions so that inlining would not change the expression. If there is a method for sel but its return type is as yet unknown it mustn't be defaulted, since on a subsequent pass its type may be computable." | sel methodOrNil | methodOrNil := self anyMethodNamed: (sel := sendNode selector). (methodOrNil notNil and: [methodOrNil returnType notNil]) ifTrue: [^self baseTypeForType: methodOrNil returnType]. ^kernelReturnTypes at: sel ifAbsent: [sel caseOf: { [#integerValueOf:] -> [#sqInt]. [#isIntegerObject:] -> [#int]. [#negated] -> [self promoteArithmeticTypes: (sendNode receiver typeFrom: self in: aTMethod) and: #int]. [#+] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#-] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#*] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#/] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#//] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#\\] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#rem:] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#quo:] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. "C99 Sec Bitwise shift operators ... 3 Sematics ... The integer promotions are performed on each of the operands. The type of the result is that of the promoted left operand..." [#>>] -> [sendNode receiver typeFrom: self in: aTMethod]. [#<<] -> [sendNode receiver typeFrom: self in: aTMethod]. [#addressOf:] -> [(sendNode receiver typeFrom: self in: aTMethod) ifNil: [#sqInt] ifNotNil: [:type| type, (type last isLetter ifTrue: [' *'] ifFalse: ['*'])]]. [#at:] -> [self typeForDereference: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#bitAnd:] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#bitOr:] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#bitXor:] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#bitClear:] -> [self typeForArithmetic: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#bitInvert32] -> [#'unsigned int']. [#bitInvert64] -> [self promoteArithmeticTypes: (sendNode receiver typeFrom: self in: aTMethod) and: #int]. [#byteSwap32] -> [#'unsigned int']. [#byteSwap64] -> [#'unsigned long long']. [#byteSwapped32IfBigEndian:] -> [#'unsigned int']. [#byteSwapped64IfBigEndian:] -> [#'unsigned long long']. [#=] -> [#int]. [#~=] -> [#int]. [#==] -> [#int]. [#~~] -> [#int]. [#<] -> [#int]. [#<=] -> [#int]. [#>] -> [#int]. [#>=] -> [#int]. [#between:and:] -> [#int]. [#anyMask:] -> [#int]. [#allMask:] -> [#int]. [#noMask:] -> [#int]. [#isNil] -> [#int]. [#notNil] -> [#int]. [#&] -> [#int]. [#|] -> [#int]. [#not] -> [#int]. [#asFloat] -> [#double]. [#atan] -> [#double]. [#exp] -> [#double]. [#log] -> [#double]. [#sin] -> [#double]. [#sqrt] -> [#double]. [#asLong] -> [#long]. [#asInteger] -> [#sqInt]. [#asIntegerPtr] -> [#'sqIntptr_t']. [#asUnsignedInteger] -> [#usqInt]. [#asUnsignedIntegerPtr]-> [#'usqIntptr_t']. [#asUnsignedLong] -> [#'unsigned long']. [#asUnsignedLongLong] -> [#'unsigned long long']. [#asVoidPointer] -> [#'void *']. [#signedIntToLong] -> [#usqInt]. "c.f. generateSignedIntToLong:on:indent:" [#signedIntToShort] -> [#usqInt]. "c.f. generateSignedIntToShort:on:indent:" + [#cCoerce:to:] -> [self conventionalTypeForType: sendNode args last value]. + [#cCoerceSimple:to:] -> [self conventionalTypeForType: sendNode args last value]. - [#cCoerce:to:] -> [sendNode args last value]. - [#cCoerceSimple:to:] -> [sendNode args last value]. [#sizeof:] -> [#'usqIntptr_t']. "Technically it's a size_t but it matches on target architectures so far..." [#ifTrue:ifFalse:] -> [self typeForConditional: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#ifFalse:ifTrue:] -> [self typeForConditional: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#ifTrue:] -> [self typeForConditional: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#ifFalse:] -> [self typeForConditional: sendNode in: aTMethod]. [#and:] -> [#sqInt]. [#or:] -> [#sqInt]. [#caseOf:] -> [self typeFor: sendNode args first in: aTMethod] } otherwise: "If there /is/ a method for sel but its return type is as yet unknown it /mustn't/ be defaulted, since on a subsequent pass its type may be computable. Only default unbound selectors." [methodOrNil ifNotNil: [nil] ifNil: [typeIfNil]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>recordDeclarationsIn: (in category 'transforming') ----- recordDeclarationsIn: aCCodeGen "Record C type declarations of the forms <returnTypeC: 'float'> <var: #foo declareC: 'float foo'> <var: #foo type:'float'> <var: #foo as: Class> or the older, obsolete self returnTypeC: 'float'. self var: #foo declareC: 'float foo' self var: #foo type:'float'. self var: #foo as: Class and remove the declarations from the method body." | newStatements | properties pragmas notEmpty ifTrue: [properties pragmas do: [:pragma| + pragma keyword == #var:declareC: ifTrue: - pragma keyword = #var:declareC: ifTrue: [self checkedDeclarationAt: pragma arguments first asString put: pragma arguments last in: aCCodeGen]. + pragma keyword == #var:type: ifTrue: - pragma keyword = #var:type: ifTrue: [| varName varType | varName := pragma arguments first asString. + varType := aCCodeGen conventionalTypeForType: pragma arguments last. + varType last == $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. - varType := pragma arguments last. - varType last = $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. self checkedDeclarationAt: varName put: varType, varName in: aCCodeGen]. + pragma keyword == #var:as: ifTrue: - pragma keyword = #var:as: ifTrue: [| theClass | theClass := Smalltalk at: pragma arguments last name asSymbol ifAbsent: [nil]. theClass isBehavior ifFalse: [^self error: 'declarator must be a Behavior']. self checkedDeclarationAt: pragma arguments first value asString put: (theClass ccgDeclareCForVar: pragma arguments first asString) in: aCCodeGen]. + pragma keyword == #returnTypeC: ifTrue: - pragma keyword = #returnTypeC: ifTrue: [self returnType: pragma arguments last]. pragma keyword = #doNotGenerate: ifTrue: [locals removeKey: pragma arguments last]]. ^self]. newStatements := OrderedCollection new: parseTree statements size. parseTree statements do: [:stmt | | isDeclaration | isDeclaration := false. stmt isSend ifTrue: + [stmt selector == #var:declareC: ifTrue: - [stmt selector = #var:declareC: ifTrue: [isDeclaration := true. self declarationAt: stmt args first value asString put: stmt args last value]. + stmt selector = #var:type: ifTrue: + [| varName varType | - stmt selector = #var:type: ifTrue: [ - | varName varType | isDeclaration := true. varName := stmt args first value asString. + varType := aCCodeGen conventionalTypeForType: stmt args last value. + varType last == $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. + self declarationAt: varName put: varType, varName]. + stmt selector == #var:as: ifTrue: - varType := stmt args last value. - varType last = $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. - self declarationAt: varName put: varType, varName. - ]. - stmt selector = #var:as: ifTrue: [| theClass | isDeclaration := true. theClass := Smalltalk at: stmt args last name asSymbol ifAbsent: [nil]. theClass isBehavior ifFalse: [^self error: 'declarator must be a Behavior']. self declarationAt: stmt args first value asString put: (theClass ccgDeclareCForVar: stmt args first value asString)]. + stmt selector == #returnTypeC: ifTrue: - stmt selector = #returnTypeC: ifTrue: [isDeclaration := true. returnType := stmt args last value]]. isDeclaration ifFalse: [newStatements add: stmt]]. parseTree setStatements: newStatements asArray! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>setSelector:definingClass:args:locals:block:primitive:properties:comment: (in category 'initialization') ----- setSelector: sel definingClass: class args: argList locals: localList block: aBlockNode primitive: aNumber properties: methodProperties comment: aComment "Initialize this method using the given information." selector := sel. definingClass := class. returnType := #sqInt. "assume return type is sqInt for now" args := argList asOrderedCollection collect: [:arg | arg key]. locals := (localList collect: [:arg | arg key]) asSet. declarations := Dictionary new. primitive := aNumber. properties := methodProperties. comment := aComment. parseTree := aBlockNode asTranslatorNodeIn: self. labels := Set new. complete := false. "set to true when all possible inlining has been done" export := self extractExportDirective. static := self extractStaticDirective. self extractSharedCase. isPrimitive := false. "set to true only if you find a primtive direction." suppressingFailureGuards := self extractSuppressFailureGuardDirective. + self recordDeclarationsIn: CCodeGenerator basicNew. "Just for conventionalTypeForType:" - self recordDeclarationsIn: nil. self extractPrimitiveDirectives. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>recordDeclarationsIn: (in category 'transformations') ----- recordDeclarationsIn: aCCodeGen "Record C type declarations of the forms <returnTypeC: 'float'> <var: #foo declareC: 'float foo'> <var: #foo type:'float'> or the older, obsolete self returnTypeC: 'float'. self var: #foo declareC: 'float foo' self var: #foo type:'float'. and remove the declarations from the method body." | newStatements | properties pragmas notEmpty ifTrue: [properties pragmas do: [:pragma| + pragma keyword == #var:declareC: ifTrue: - pragma keyword = #var:declareC: ifTrue: [self checkedDeclarationAt: pragma arguments first asString put: pragma arguments last in: aCCodeGen]. + pragma keyword == #var:type: ifTrue: - pragma keyword = #var:type: ifTrue: [| varName varType | varName := pragma arguments first asString. + varType := aCCodeGen conventionalTypeForType: pragma arguments last. + varType last == $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. - varType := pragma arguments last. - varType last = $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. self checkedDeclarationAt: varName put: varType, varName in: aCCodeGen]. pragma keyword = #returnTypeC: ifTrue: [self returnType: pragma arguments last]. pragma keyword = #doNotGenerate: ifTrue: [locals remove: pragma arguments last]]. ^self]. newStatements := OrderedCollection new: parseTree statements size. + parseTree statements do: + [ :stmt | | isDeclaration | - parseTree statements do: [ :stmt | - | isDeclaration | isDeclaration := false. + stmt isSend ifTrue: + [stmt selector == #var:declareC: ifTrue: + [isDeclaration := true. + self declarationAt: stmt args first value asString put: stmt args last value]. + stmt selector == #var:type: ifTrue: + [| varName varType | - stmt isSend ifTrue: [ - stmt selector = #var:declareC: ifTrue: [ isDeclaration := true. - self declarationAt: stmt args first value asString put: stmt args last value. - ]. - stmt selector = #var:type: ifTrue: [ - | varName varType | - isDeclaration := true. varName := stmt args first value asString. + varType := aCCodeGen conventionalTypeForType: stmt args last value. + varType last == $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. + self declarationAt: varName put: varType, varName]. + stmt selector = #returnTypeC: ifTrue: + [isDeclaration := true. + returnType := stmt args last value]]. + isDeclaration ifFalse: + [newStatements add: stmt]]. - varType := stmt args last value. - varType last = $* ifFalse: [varType := varType, ' ']. - self declarationAt: varName put: varType, varName. - ]. - stmt selector = #returnTypeC: ifTrue: [ - isDeclaration := true. - returnType := stmt args last value. - ]. - ]. - isDeclaration ifFalse: [ - newStatements add: stmt. - ]. - ]. parseTree setStatements: newStatements asArray.! |
On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 at 01:34, <[hidden email]> wrote:
Not actually a request to change anything since <doNotGenerate> is a well established convention, but just sharing a thought that occurs to me because I like to understand conventions rather than take them for granted. For someone naively looking through the code for the first time, <doNotGenerate> indicates what it "doesn't" but not what it "does" and <simulation> might be more intuitive for newcomers to understand. Its a question of which is better to be explicit and which implicit. Two sides of the same coin... <doNotGenerate> - explicit about code generation, implicit about simulation <simulation> - explicit about simulation, implicit about code generation. anyway... cheers -ben |
Hi, I think doNotGenerate goes beyond simulation. It can be used in debugging only code, or in code used to generate other code. It's just a detail though. On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 2:17 PM Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
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