Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2482.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2482 Author: eem Time: 8 November 2018, 12:50:24.101736 pm UUID: 7df020b4-6565-4768-9e4a-75bc5464ed95 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2481 Slang Fix mis-handling of trailing boolean on inlining in conditionals when trailing boolean would cause the conditional to be taken. e.g. in self tryCopyingBitsQuickly ifTrue: [^nil]. tryCopyingBitsQuickly ends with ^true but the in lining code handled the trailing ^true by taking the fall-through path past the ^nil. Comnsequently fix a regression in the BitBlt primitive caused by cleanups in VMMaker.oscog-eem.2461. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2481 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>inlineReturningConditional:in: (in category 'inlining') ----- inlineReturningConditional: aSendNode in: aCodeGen "Inline aSend ifTrue:/ifFalse: [^expr] where aSend is inlineable and always answers booleans. We inline ^expr into aSend." | returnIfTrue returnNode replacementTree map lastNode label method | self assert: self == aCodeGen currentMethod. self assert: (self isInlineableConditional: aSendNode in: aCodeGen). aCodeGen maybeBreakForInlineOf: aSendNode receiver in: self. returnIfTrue := aSendNode selector = #ifTrue:. returnNode := aSendNode args first. method := (aCodeGen methodNamed: aSendNode receiver selector) copy. replacementTree := method inlineFunctionCall: aSendNode receiver in: aCodeGen. map := Dictionary new. + "The last node is either a return or a boolean constant." + lastNode := replacementTree statements last. + replacementTree statements last isReturn + ifTrue: + [replacementTree statements last expression value == returnIfTrue ifTrue: + [lastNode := nil "i.e. take the fall-through path and /don't/ return"]] + ifFalse: + [self assert: (lastNode isConstant and: [#(true false) includes: lastNode value]). + lastNode value == returnIfTrue ifTrue: "i.e. /do/ return" + [map at: lastNode put: returnNode]]. - (replacementTree statements last isReturn - and: [replacementTree statements last expression value = returnIfTrue not]) ifTrue: - [lastNode := replacementTree statements last]. replacementTree nodesDo: [:node| | expr | node isReturn ifTrue: [expr := node expression. self assert: (expr isConstant and: [#(true false) includes: expr value]). map at: node put: (expr value == returnIfTrue ifTrue: [returnNode] ifFalse: [node == lastNode ifTrue: [TLabeledCommentNode new setComment: 'end ', aSendNode receiver selector, '; fall through'] ifFalse: [label ifNil: [label := TLabeledCommentNode new setLabel: (self unusedLabelForInlining: method)]. TGoToNode new setLabel: label label]])]]. replacementTree replaceNodesIn: map. self addVarsDeclarationsAndLabelsOf: method except: method args. replacementTree comment: {'inline ', aSendNode receiver selector}. ^label ifNil: [replacementTree] ifNotNil: [TStmtListNode new setArguments: #() statements: {replacementTree. label}]! |
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