VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2565.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2565.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2565
Author: eem
Time: 18 September 2019, 6:10:19.899413 pm
UUID: 4878d905-e31e-4027-9660-593effe84ebc
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-cb.2564

Eliminate a bogus assert in compileFullBlockMethodFrameBuild: (and explain why).
Use #= to compare integers in isNonForwarderReceiver: instead of #==.

Also add some Socket simulation (sorry Nicolas, we're working on trhe same thing.  My version is correct, because I created the Socket simulation; forgive me for discarding your changes).

These get as far as primitiveSocketListenWithOrWithoutBacklog which breaks the hack used to invoke the smart-syntax methods.

To be clear we should discard VMMaker.oscog-nice.2565 and continue from these changes.

Fix some errors in initializing in-image compilation and include full blocks in the pc mapping tests.

Nuke the now obsolete Cogit>>sizeof:, and fix four instances of a comment typo.

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-cb.2564 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Cogit class>>initializedInstanceForTests: (in category 'in-image compilation support') -----
  initializedInstanceForTests: optionsDictionaryOrArray
  "Answer an instance of a Cogit suitable for running tests that has initialized
  its method zone (generated trampolines etc)"
  | cogit coInterpreter |
  cogit := self instanceForTests: optionsDictionaryOrArray.
  coInterpreter := CurrentImageCoInterpreterFacade forCogit: cogit.
  setInterpreter: coInterpreter;
  singleStep: true;
+ initializeCodeZoneFrom: 1024 upTo: coInterpreter memory byteSize.
- initializeCodeZoneFrom: 1024 upTo: coInterpreter memory size.
  cogit methodZone freeStart: (cogit methodZone freeStart roundUpTo: 1024)]
  on: Notification
  do: [:ex|
  (ex messageText beginsWith: 'cannot find receiver for') ifTrue:
  [ex resume: coInterpreter].
  ex pass].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Cogit class>>testPCMappingSelect:options: (in category 'tests') -----
  testPCMappingSelect: aBlock options: optionsDictionaryOrArray
  "Test pc mapping both ways using a selection of the methods in the current image."
  | cogit coInterpreter n |
  cogit := self initializedInstanceForTests: optionsDictionaryOrArray.
  coInterpreter := cogit coInterpreter.
  n := -1.
  SystemNavigation new allSelect:
+ [:m| | retrym cm |
+ (m isQuick not
+  and: [aBlock value: m]) ifTrue:
- [:m| | cm |
- (m isQuick not
- and: [aBlock value: m]) ifTrue:
  [(n := n + 1) \\ 10 = 0 ifTrue: [Transcript nextPut: $.; flush].
+ retrym := true.
+ [(cm := cogit
- cm := cogit
  cog: (coInterpreter oopForObject: m)
+ selector: (coInterpreter oopForObject: m selector)) isNil and: [retrym]] whileTrue:
+ [retrym := false.
+ cogit methodZone clearCogCompiledCode.
+ coInterpreter initializeObjectMap].
+  cm
+ ifNil: [Transcript halt show: 'After 1 Cog compiled code compaction, still not able to generate the cog method...']
+ ifNotNil: [cogit testPCMappingForCompiledMethod: m cogMethod: cm].
+ m encoderClass supportsFullBlocks ifTrue:
+ [m nestedBlockMethods do:
+ [:bm| | retryb cbm |
+ (n := n + 1) \\ 10 = 0 ifTrue: [Transcript nextPut: $,; flush].
+ retryb := true.
+ [(cbm := cogit
+ cogFullBlockMethod: (coInterpreter oopForObject: bm)
+ numCopied: bm numCopiedValues) isNil and: [retryb]] whileTrue:
+ [retryb := false.
+ cogit methodZone clearCogCompiledCode.
+ coInterpreter initializeObjectMap].
+  cbm
+ ifNil: [Transcript show: 'After 1 Cog compiled code compaction, still not able to generate the cog block...']
+ ifNotNil: [cogit testPCMappingForCompiledMethod: bm cogMethod: cbm]]]].
- selector: (coInterpreter oopForObject: m selector).
-  cm ifNil:
- [cogit methodZone clearCogCompiledCode.
- coInterpreter initializeObjectMap.
- cm := cogit
- cog: (coInterpreter oopForObject: m)
- selector: (coInterpreter oopForObject: m selector).
- cm ifNil: [Transcript show: 'After 1 Cog compiled code compaction, still not able to generate the cog method...' ] ].
-  cm ifNotNil:
- [cogit testPCMappingForCompiledMethod: m cogMethod: cm]].

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Cogit>>sizeof: (in category 'translation support') -----
- sizeof: aCType
- <doNotGenerate>
- | bfc |
- aCType == #BytecodeFixup ifTrue:
- [bfc := self class bytecodeFixupClass.
- ^bfc alignedByteSizeOf: bfc forClient: self].
- ^super sizeof: aCType!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SocketPlugin>>primitiveSocket:getOptions: (in category 'primitives') -----
  primitiveSocket: socket getOptions: optionName
  | s optionNameStart optionNameSize returnedValue errorCode results |
  <var: #s type: #SocketPtr>
  <var: #optionNameStart type: #'char *'>
+ self primitive: 'primitiveSocketGetOptions' parameters: #(Oop Oop).
- self primitive: 'primitiveSocketGetOptions'
- parameters: #(Oop Oop).
  s := self socketValueOf: socket.
  interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isBytes: optionName).
  optionNameStart := self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: optionName) to: #'char *'.
  optionNameSize := interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: optionName.
  interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^nil].
  returnedValue := 0.
  errorCode := self sqSocketGetOptions: s
  optionNameStart: optionNameStart
  optionNameSize: optionNameSize
+ returnedValue: (self addressOf: returnedValue put: [:val| returnedValue := val]).
- returnedValue: (self addressOf: returnedValue).
  results := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classArray indexableSize: 2.
+ interpreterProxy
+ storePointer: 0 ofObject: results withValue: errorCode asSmallIntegerObj;
+ storePointer: 1 ofObject: results withValue: returnedValue asSmallIntegerObj.
+ ^results!
- interpreterProxy storePointer: 0 ofObject: results withValue: errorCode asSmallIntegerObj.
- interpreterProxy storePointer: 1 ofObject: results withValue: returnedValue asSmallIntegerObj.
- ^ results!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SocketPlugin>>primitiveSocket:setOptions:value: (in category 'primitives') -----
  primitiveSocket: socket setOptions: optionName value: optionValue
  It is only used with booleans and integers and parsing these back out of strings in
  is STUPID."
  | s optionNameStart optionNameSize optionValueStart optionValueSize returnedValue errorCode results |
  <var: #s type: #SocketPtr>
  <var: #optionNameStart type: #'char *'>
  <var: #optionValueStart type: #'char *'>
+ self primitive: 'primitiveSocketSetOptions' parameters: #(Oop Oop Oop).
- self primitive: 'primitiveSocketSetOptions'
- parameters: #(Oop Oop Oop).
  s := self socketValueOf: socket.
  interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isBytes: optionName).
  optionNameStart := self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: optionName) to: #'char *'.
  optionNameSize := interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: optionName.
  interpreterProxy success: (interpreterProxy isBytes: optionValue).
  optionValueStart:= self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: optionValue) to: #'char *'.
  optionValueSize := interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: optionValue.
  interpreterProxy failed ifTrue: [^nil].
  returnedValue := 0.
  errorCode := self sqSocketSetOptions: s
  optionNameStart: optionNameStart
  optionNameSize: optionNameSize
  optionValueStart: optionValueStart
  optionValueSize: optionValueSize
+ returnedValue: (self addressOf: returnedValue put: [:val| returnedValue := val]).
- returnedValue: (self addressOf: returnedValue).
  results := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: interpreterProxy classArray indexableSize: 2.
+ interpreterProxy
+ storePointer: 0 ofObject: results withValue: errorCode asSmallIntegerObj;
+ storePointer: 1 ofObject: results withValue: returnedValue asSmallIntegerObj.
+ ^results!
- interpreterProxy storePointer: 0 ofObject: results withValue: errorCode asSmallIntegerObj.
- interpreterProxy storePointer: 1 ofObject: results withValue: returnedValue asSmallIntegerObj.
- ^ results!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocket:AcceptFrom:RecvBytes:SendBytes:SemaID:ReadSemaID:WriteSemaID: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocket: sockPtr AcceptFrom: serverSocket RecvBytes: recvBufSize SendBytes: sendBufSize SemaID: semaIndex ReadSemaID: readSemaIndex WriteSemaID: writeSemaIndex
+ "Simulate the sqSocketAcceptFromRecvBytesSendBytesSemaIDReadSemaIDWriteSemaID function.
+ We descend beneath the Socket abstraction to simulate as accurately as possible."
+ | semaphoresAndIndexes semaphores indexes socketHandle |
+ semaphoresAndIndexes := Smalltalk newExternalSemaphores: 3.
+ semaphores := semaphoresAndIndexes first.
+ indexes := semaphoresAndIndexes second.
+ socketHandle := [Socket basicNew
+ primAcceptFrom: serverSocket
+ receiveBufferSize: recvBufSize
+ sendBufSize: sendBufSize
+ semaIndex: indexes first
+ readSemaIndex: indexes second
+ writeSemaIndex: indexes third]
+ on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+ do: [:ex|
+ #failed].
+ socketHandle == #failed ifTrue:
+ [interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+ Smalltalk unregisterExternalObjects: semaphores.
+ ^self].
+ "N.B. There is now a Processor yield in doSignalExternalSemaphores: every 100 virtual microseconds.
+ This allows these to make progress.  Their job is to map a host signal into a signal of the relevant index."
+ self map: socketHandle
+ to: sockPtr
+ type: nil
+ register: semaphores
+ spawning: [[semaphores first wait. interpreterProxy  signalSemaphoreWithIndex: semaIndex] repeat]
+ and: [[semaphores second wait. interpreterProxy  signalSemaphoreWithIndex: readSemaIndex] repeat]
+ and: [[semaphores third wait. interpreterProxy  signalSemaphoreWithIndex: writeSemaIndex] repeat]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocket:ListenOnPort:BacklogSize:Interface: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocket: socketHandle ListenOnPort: portNumber BacklogSize: backlog Interface: addr
+ ^[Socket basicNew
+ primSocket: ((self hostSocketHandleFromSimSocketHandle: socketHandle) ifNil: [^self])
+ listenOn: portNumber
+ backlogSize: backlog
+ interface: (self netAddressAsByteArrayFromInt: addr)]
+ on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+ do: [:ex|
+ interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+ 0]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocketError: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocketError: socketHandleCArray
+ ^[Socket basicNew
+ primSocketError: ((self hostSocketHandleFromSimSocketHandle: socketHandleCArray) ifNil: [^false])]
+ on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+ do: [:ex|
+ interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+ false]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocketGetOptions:optionNameStart:optionNameSize:returnedValue: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocketGetOptions: socketHandle
+ optionNameStart: optionNameStart optionNameSize: optionNameSize
+ returnedValue: valuePtrBlock
+ "Simulate sqSocketGetOptionsoptionNameStartoptionNameSizereturnedValue.
+ Answer the error code and assign the value through valuePtrBlock."
+ | optionName |
+ optionName := self asString: optionNameStart size: optionNameSize.
+ ^[| errAndValue |
+ errAndValue := Socket basicNew
+ primSocket: ((self hostSocketHandleFromSimSocketHandle: socketHandle) ifNil: [^self])
+ getOption: optionName.
+ valuePtrBlock at: 0 put: errAndValue second.
+ errAndValue first]
+ on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+ do: [:ex|
+ interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+ 0]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocketRemoteAddress: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocketRemoteAddress: socketHandleCArray
+ ^[| remoteAddress |
+   remoteAddress := Socket basicNew
+ primSocketRemoteAddress: ((self hostSocketHandleFromSimSocketHandle: socketHandleCArray) ifNil: [^false]).
+ "Effectively netAddressToInt: remoteAddress"
+ ((remoteAddress at: 4)) +
+ ((remoteAddress at: 3) <<8) +
+ ((remoteAddress at: 2) <<16) +
+ ((remoteAddress at: 1) <<24)]
+ on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+ do: [:ex|
+ interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+ false]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocketSetOptions:optionNameStart:optionNameSize:optionValueStart:optionValueSize:returnedValue: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocketSetOptions: socketHandle
+ optionNameStart: optionNameStart optionNameSize: optionNameSize optionValueStart: optionValueStart optionValueSize: optionValueSize
+ returnedValue: valuePtrBlock
+ "Simulate sqSocketSetOptionsoptionNameStartoptionNameSizeoptionValueStartoptionValueSizereturnedValue.
+ Answer the error code and assign the value through valuePtrBlock."
+ | optionName optionValue |
+ optionName := self asString: optionNameStart size: optionNameSize.
+ optionValue := self asString: optionValueStart size: optionValueSize.
+ ^[| errAndValue |
+ errAndValue := Socket basicNew
+ primSocket: ((self hostSocketHandleFromSimSocketHandle: socketHandle) ifNil: [^self])
+ setOption: optionName
+ value: optionValue.
+ valuePtrBlock at: 0 put: errAndValue second.
+ errAndValue first]
+ on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+ do: [:ex|
+ interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+ 0]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>>compileFullBlockMethodFrameBuild: (in category 'compile abstract instructions') -----
  compileFullBlockMethodFrameBuild: numCopied
  <option: #SistaV1BytecodeSet>
  useTwoPaths ifTrue:
  [ "method with only inst var store, we compile only slow path for now"
  useTwoPaths := false.
  self cppIf: IMMUTABILITY ifTrue: [ needsFrame := true ] ].
  needsFrame ifFalse:
+ ["it is OK for numCopied to be non-zero provided that the block does not actually use the copied values.
+ There are some blocks like this, e.g. that simply reference copied values to mark them as used for Slang.
+ See e.g. CroquetPlugin>>#primitiveGatherEntropy which contains the block [bufPtr. bufSize. false],
+ which the bytecode compiler optimizes to [false]."
+ false ifTrue: [self assert: numCopied = 0].
- [self assert: numCopied = 0.
  self compileFullBlockFramelessEntry: numCopied.
  self initSimStackForFramelessBlock: initialPC.
  super compileFullBlockMethodFrameBuild: numCopied.
  self initSimStackForFramefulMethod: initialPC!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>>isNonForwarderReceiver: (in category 'testing') -----
  isNonForwarderReceiver: reg
  "Do not inline (inBlock access)"
  ^self receiverIsInReceiverResultReg
+ and: [inBlock = 0 "Method, rcvr may be forwarder in blocks without inst var access."
+ and: [reg = ReceiverResultReg]]!
- and: [inBlock == 0 "Method, rcvr may be forwarder in blocks without inst var access."
- and: [reg == ReceiverResultReg]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: VMClass>>asByteArray: (in category 'C library extensions') -----
  asByteArray: aStringOrStringIndex
  "aStringOrStringIndex is either a string or an address in the heap.
+ Create a ByteArray of the requested length from the bytes in the
- Create a ByteArray of the requested length form the bytes in the
  heap starting at stringIndex."
  | sz |
  aStringOrStringIndex isString ifTrue:
  [^aStringOrStringIndex asByteArray].
  sz := self strlen: aStringOrStringIndex.
  ^self strncpy: (ByteArray new: sz) _: aStringOrStringIndex _: sz!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: VMClass>>asByteArray:size: (in category 'C library extensions') -----
  asByteArray: baIndex size: baSize
  "baIndex is an address in the heap.  Create a ByteArray of the requested length
+ from the bytes in the heap starting at baIndex."
- form the bytes in the heap starting at baIndex."
  ^self strncpy: (ByteArray new: baSize) _: baIndex _: baSize!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: VMClass>>asString: (in category 'C library extensions') -----
  asString: aStringOrStringIndex
  "aStringOrStringIndex is either a string or an address in the heap.
+ Create a String of the requested length from the bytes in the
- Create a String of the requested length form the bytes in the
  heap starting at stringIndex."
  | sz |
  aStringOrStringIndex isString ifTrue:
  sz := self strlen: aStringOrStringIndex.
  ^self strncpy: (ByteString new: sz) _: aStringOrStringIndex _: sz!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: VMClass>>asString:size: (in category 'C library extensions') -----
  asString: stringIndex size: stringSize
  "stringIndex is an address in the heap.  Create a String of the requested length
+ from the bytes in the heap starting at stringIndex."
- form the bytes in the heap starting at stringIndex."
  ^self strncpy: (ByteString new: stringSize) _: stringIndex _: stringSize!