Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2592.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2592 Author: eem Time: 24 November 2019, 7:31:01.460535 pm UUID: 760ff6d7-453c-4ba2-a154-ca5e68ecc0ec Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-tpr.2591 Fix a bogus assert fail in cloning an OS or FFI error object on failing a primitive. On Spur we shouldn't check for a known class index, as a PrimitiveError does not have a known class. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-tpr.2591 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>eeInstantiateAnySmallClassIndex:format:numSlots: (in category 'instantiation') ----- + eeInstantiateAnySmallClassIndex: classIndex format: objFormat numSlots: numSlots + "Instantiate a small instance of a class. ee stands for execution engine and + implies that this allocation will *NOT* cause a GC. small implies the object will have + less than 255 slots. N.B. the instantiated object IS NOT FILLED and must be completed + before returning it to Smalltalk. Since this call is used in routines that do just that we + are safe. Break this rule and die in GC. Result is guaranteed to be young." + <inline: true> + self assert: (numSlots >= 0 and: [classIndex ~= 0 and: [(self classAtIndex: classIndex) ~= nilObj]]). + self assert: (objFormat < self firstByteFormat + ifTrue: [objFormat] + ifFalse: [objFormat bitAnd: self byteFormatMask]) + = (self instSpecOfClass: (self classAtIndex: classIndex)). + ^self allocateSmallNewSpaceSlots: numSlots format: objFormat classIndex: classIndex! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>cloneOSErrorObj:numSlots: (in category 'message sending') ----- cloneOSErrorObj: errObj numSlots: numSlots "If errObj is a pointer object with at least two slots, then answer a clone of the error object with the second slot set to the value of osErrorCode, and if an PrimErrFFIException, then the third slow with the exceptionPC." | clone | <inline: true> clone := objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory + eeInstantiateAnySmallClassIndex: (objectMemory classIndexOf: errObj) - eeInstantiateSmallClassIndex: (objectMemory classIndexOf: errObj) format: objectMemory nonIndexablePointerFormat numSlots: numSlots] ifFalse: [objectMemory eeInstantiateSmallClass: (objectMemory fetchClassOfNonImm: errObj) numSlots: numSlots]. 0 to: numSlots - 1 do: [:i| objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: i ofObject: clone withValue: (objectMemory fetchPointer: i ofObject: errObj)]. (numSlots > 2 and: [primFailCode = PrimErrFFIException]) ifTrue: [objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 1 ofObject: clone withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: (self cCoerceSimple: osErrorCode to: #usqLong)); storePointerUnchecked: 2 ofObject: clone withValue: (self positiveMachineIntegerFor: exceptionPC)] ifFalse: [objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 1 ofObject: clone withValue: (self signed64BitIntegerFor: osErrorCode)]. ^clone! |
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