VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2608.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2608.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2608
Author: eem
Time: 8 December 2019, 4:40:28.547125 pm
UUID: 26282794-c203-4817-b1ac-64d70706c86a
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2607

A64 concretizeConditionalJump:
Fix a Slang slip in decode64Imms:immr:

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2607 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CogARMv8Compiler>>computeJumpTargetOffset (in category 'generate machine code') -----
+ computeJumpTargetOffset
+ <inline: true>
+ | jumpTarget |
+ <var: #jumpTarget type: #'AbstractInstruction *'>
+ jumpTarget := self jumpTargetAddress.
+ ^jumpTarget signedIntFromLong - address signedIntFromLong.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CogARMv8Compiler>>concretizeConditionalJump: (in category 'generate machine code - concretize') -----
+ concretizeConditionalJump: conditionCode
+ "Will get inlined into concretizeAt: switch."
+ "Sizing/generating jumps.
+ Jump targets can be to absolute addresses or other abstract instructions.
+ Generating initial trampolines instructions may have no maxSize and be to absolute addresses.
+ Otherwise instructions must have a machineCodeSize which must be kept to."
+ <inline: true>
+ | offset |
+ offset := self computeJumpTargetOffset.
+   self assert: (self isInImmediateBranchRange: offset).
+ self machineCodeAt: 0 put: (self cond: conditionCode br: 0 offset: offset). "B offset"
+ ^4!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CogARMv8Compiler>>cond:br:offset: (in category 'generate machine code - support') -----
+ cond: cond br: link offset: offset
+ self assert: link = 0.
+ ^2r010101 << 26
+ + ((offset bitAnd: 1 << 19 - 1) << 5)
+ + cond!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CogARMv8Compiler>>decode64Imms:immr: (in category 'generate machine code - support') -----
  decode64Imms: imms immr: immr
  "See aarch64/instrs/integer/bitmasks/DecodeBitMasks J1-7389.
  This is a 64-bit version computing the imm mask (wmask) only."
  | mask |
+ self assert: ((imms between: 0 and: 63) and: [immr between: 0 and: 63]).
- self assert: ((imms between: 0 and: 63) and: (immr between: 0 and: 63)).
  "For logical immediates an all-ones value of S is reserved since it would generate a useless all-ones result (many times)"
  imms = 63 ifTrue:
  [^self cCode: [0] inSmalltalk: [#undefined]].
  mask := 1 << (imms + 1) - 1.
  ^immr = 0
  ifTrue: [mask]
  ifFalse: [(mask << (64 - immr) bitAnd: 1 << 64 - 1) + (mask >> immr)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CogARMv8Compiler>>isImmNImmSImmREncodableBitmask:ifTrue:ifFalse: (in category 'generate machine code - support') -----
  isImmNImmSImmREncodableBitmask: constant ifTrue: trinaryBlock "[:n :imms :immr|...]" ifFalse: nullaryBlock
  "See DecodeBitMasks J1-7389.
  See https://dinfuehr.github.io/blog/encoding-of-immediate-values-on-aarch64/
  This method is adapted from The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, AArch64AddressingModes.h processLogicalImmediate"
+ <inline: #always>
  | imm size mask countLeadingOnes countTrailingOnes immr n nImms rotateCount |
  (constant between: -1 and: 0) ifTrue:
  [^nullaryBlock value].
  imm := constant.
  "First, determine the element size."
  size := 32.
  [mask := 1 << size - 1.
  (imm bitAnd: mask) ~= (imm >> size)
  ifTrue: [size := size * 2. false]
  ifFalse: [size > 2]]
  whileTrue: [size := size / 2].
  "Second, determine the rotation to make the element be: 0^m 1^n."
  mask := 1 << 64 - 1 >> (64 - size).
  imm := imm bitAnd: mask.
  (self isShiftedMask: imm)
  [rotateCount := self countTrailingZeros: imm.
  countTrailingOnes := self countTrailingOnes: imm >> rotateCount]
  [imm := imm bitOr: mask bitInvert64.
  (self isShiftedMask: imm) ifFalse:
  [^nullaryBlock value].
  countLeadingOnes := self countLeadingOnes: imm.
  rotateCount := 64 - countLeadingOnes.
  countTrailingOnes := countLeadingOnes + (self countTrailingOnes: imm) - (64 - size)].
  "Encode in Immr the number of RORs it would take to get *from* 0^m 1^n
  to our target value, where I is the number of RORs to go the opposite direction."
  self assert: size > rotateCount. "rotateCount should be smaller than element size"
  immr := size - rotateCount bitAnd: size - 1.
  "If size has a 1 in the n'th bit, create a value that has zeroes in bits [0, n] and ones above that."
  nImms := (size - 1) bitInvert64 << 1.
  "Or the CTO value into the low bits, which must be below the Nth bit mentioned above."
  nImms := nImms bitOr:  countTrailingOnes - 1.
  "Extract the seventh bit and toggle it to create the N field."
  n := ((nImms >> 6) bitAnd: 1) bitXor: 1.
  nImms := nImms bitAnd: 16r3F.
  self assert: (self decode64Imms: nImms immr: immr) = constant.
  value: n
  value: nImms
  value: immr

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CogARMv8Compiler>>isInImmediateBranchRange: (in category 'testing') -----
+ isInImmediateBranchRange: offset
+ "ARM64 calls and jumps span +/- 1 mb."
+ <var: #offset type: #'usqIntptr_t'>
+ ^offset signedIntFromLong between: -16r100000 and: 16rFFFFC!