Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2608.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2608 Author: eem Time: 11 December 2019, 3:54:39.87751 pm UUID: 56d4f721-2b53-47a0-848a-845793297010 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2607 Fix poor code for locating the last jump in the PIC prototype. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2607 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>expectedClosedPICPrototype: (in category 'in-line cacheing') ----- expectedClosedPICPrototype: cPIC "Use asserts to check if the ClosedPICPrototype is as expected from compileClosedPICPrototype, and can be updated as required via rewriteCPICCaseAt:tag:objRef:target:. If all asserts pass, answer 0, otherwise answer a bit mask identifying all the errors." "self disassembleFrom: methodZoneBase + (self sizeof: CogMethod) to: methodZoneBase + closedPICSize" <var: #cPIC type: #'CogMethod *'> | pc errors object classTag entryPoint | errors := 0. pc := cPIC asUnsignedInteger + firstCPICCaseOffset. "First jump is unconditional; subsequent ones are conditional" object := backEnd literalBeforeFollowingAddress: pc - backEnd jumpLongByteSize. (self asserta: object = self firstPrototypeMethodOop) ifFalse: [errors := 1]. entryPoint := backEnd jumpLongTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc. (self asserta: entryPoint = (self cPICPrototypeCaseOffset + 16rCA5E10)) ifFalse: [errors := errors + 2]. 1 to: MaxCPICCases - 1 do: [:i | | methodObjPC classTagPC | pc := pc + cPICCaseSize. "verify information in case is as expected." methodObjPC := pc - backEnd jumpLongConditionalByteSize - backEnd cmpC32RTempByteSize. object := backEnd literalBeforeFollowingAddress: methodObjPC. (self asserta: object = (self subsequentPrototypeMethodOop+ i)) ifFalse: [errors := errors bitOr: 4]. classTagPC := pc - backEnd jumpLongConditionalByteSize. classTag := backEnd literal32BeforeFollowingAddress: classTagPC. (self asserta: classTag = (16rBABE1F15 + i)) ifFalse: [errors := errors bitOr: 8]. entryPoint := backEnd jumpLongConditionalTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc. (self asserta: entryPoint = (self cPICPrototypeCaseOffset + 16rCA5E10 + (i * 16))) ifFalse: [errors := errors bitOr: 16]. "change case via rewriteCPICCaseAt:tag:objRef:target:" self rewriteCPICCaseAt: pc tag: (classTag bitXor: 16r5A5A5A5A) objRef: (object bitXor: 16rA5A5A5A5) target: (entryPoint bitXor: 16r55AA50). "don't xor least 4 bits to leave instruction alignment undisturbed" "verify information in case is as expected post update." object := backEnd literalBeforeFollowingAddress: methodObjPC. (self asserta: object = (self subsequentPrototypeMethodOop + i bitXor: 16rA5A5A5A5)) ifFalse: [errors := errors bitOr: 32]. classTag := backEnd literal32BeforeFollowingAddress: classTagPC. (self asserta: classTag = (16rBABE1F15 + i bitXor: 16r5A5A5A5A)) ifFalse: [errors := errors bitOr: 64]. entryPoint := backEnd jumpLongConditionalTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc. (self asserta: entryPoint = ((self cPICPrototypeCaseOffset + 16rCA5E10 + (i * 16)) bitXor: 16r55AA50)) ifFalse: [errors := errors bitOr: 128]. "finally restore case to the original state" self rewriteCPICCaseAt: pc tag: (classTag bitXor: 16r5A5A5A5A) objRef: (object bitXor: 16rA5A5A5A5) target: (entryPoint bitXor: 16r55AA50)]. + entryPoint := backEnd jumpLongTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: cPIC asUnsignedInteger + cPICEndOfCodeOffset. - entryPoint := backEnd jumpLongTargetBeforeFollowingAddress: pc + cPICEndSize - literalsManager endSizeOffset. (self asserta: entryPoint = (self cPICMissTrampolineFor: 0)) ifFalse: [errors := errors + 256]. ^errors! |
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