Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2772.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2772 Author: eem Time: 6 July 2020, 10:09:36.962415 am UUID: 925a3892-829d-4417-bd5b-1a6a26678025 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2771 VM Parameters primitive(s). Fix the issue with the allocation failure test on 32-bit systems. It really is a Vm bug that parameter #67 must be a SmallInteger. It should be a positive machine integer. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2771 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterPrimitives>>primitiveAllVMParameters: (in category 'system control primitives') ----- primitiveAllVMParameters: paramsArraySize + "See primitiveVMParameter method comment. + N.B. use storePointerUnchecked:and finally beRootIfOld: to save size and time" - "See primitiveVMParameter method comment" | result | result := objectMemory instantiateClass: (objectMemory splObj: ClassArray) indexableSize: paramsArraySize. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 0 ofObject: result withValue: (self positiveMachineIntegerFor: objectMemory oldSpaceSize). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 1 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory newSpaceSize). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 2 ofObject: result withValue: (self positiveMachineIntegerFor: objectMemory totalMemorySize). "objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 3 ofObject: result withValue: objectMemory nilObject was allocationCount". "objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 4 ofObject: result withValue: objectMemory nilObject allocationsBetweenGCs". objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 5 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory tenuringThreshold). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 6 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statFullGCs). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 7 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statFullGCUsecs + 500 // 1000). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 8 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: (objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory statScavenges] ifFalse: [objectMemory statIncrGCs])). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 9 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: (objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory statScavengeGCUsecs] ifFalse: [objectMemory statIncrGCUsecs]) + 500 // 1000). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 10 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statTenures). "JITTER VM info unused; 11 - 14/12 - 15 available for reuse" 11 to: 18 do: [:i | objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: i ofObject: result withValue: ConstZero]. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 15 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory positive64BitIntegerFor: statIdleUsecs). (SistaVM and: [self isCog]) ifTrue: [objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 16 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory floatObjectOf: self getCogCodeZoneThreshold)]. objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 17 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statCompactionUsecs + 500 // 1000); storePointerUnchecked: 18 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory scavengeThresholdAsExtent)]. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 19 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory positive64BitIntegerFor: self ioUTCStartMicroseconds). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 20 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory rootTableCount). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 21 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statRootTableOverflows). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 22 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: extraVMMemory). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 23 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory shrinkThreshold). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 24 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory growHeadroom). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 25 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: self ioHeartbeatMilliseconds). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 26 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMarkCount). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 27 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSweepCount). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 28 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMkFwdCount). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 29 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statCompMoveCount). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 30 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statGrowMemory). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 31 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statShrinkMemory). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 32 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statRootTableCount). objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: "was statAllocationCount" [objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 33 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory positive64BitIntegerFor: objectMemory currentAllocatedBytes)]. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 34 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSurvivorCount). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 35 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: (self microsecondsToMilliseconds: objectMemory statGCEndUsecs)). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 36 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSpecialMarkCount). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 37 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statIGCDeltaUsecs + 500 // 1000). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 38 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: statPendingFinalizationSignals). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 39 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory wordSize). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 40 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: self imageFormatVersion). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 41 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: numStackPages). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 42 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: desiredNumStackPages). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 43 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory edenBytes). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 44 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: desiredEdenBytes). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 45 ofObject: result withValue: self getCogCodeSize. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 46 ofObject: result withValue: self getDesiredCogCodeSize. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 47 ofObject: result withValue: self getCogVMFlags. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 48 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: self ioGetMaxExtSemTableSize). "50 & 51 (49 & 50) reserved for parameters that persist in the image" objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 51 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory rootTableCapacity). objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 52 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory numSegments); storePointerUnchecked: 53 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory freeSize); storePointerUnchecked: 54 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory floatObjectOf: objectMemory getHeapGrowthToSizeGCRatio)]. + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 55 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statProcessSwitch). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 56 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statIOProcessEvents). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 57 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statForceInterruptCheck). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 58 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statCheckForEvents). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 59 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statStackOverflow). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 60 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statStackPageDivorce). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 61 ofObject: result withValue: self getCodeCompactionCount. + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 62 ofObject: result withValue: self getCodeCompactionMSecs. + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 63 ofObject: result withValue: self getCogMethodCount. + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 64 ofObject: result withValue: self getCogVMFeatureFlags. + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 65 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: self stackPageByteSize). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 55 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statProcessSwitch). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 56 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statIOProcessEvents). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 57 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statForceInterruptCheck). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 58 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statCheckForEvents). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 59 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statStackOverflow). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 60 ofObject: result withValue: (self positive64BitIntegerFor: statStackPageDivorce). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 61 ofObject: result withValue: self getCodeCompactionCount. - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 62 ofObject: result withValue: self getCodeCompactionMSecs. - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 63 ofObject: result withValue: self getCogMethodCount. - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 64 ofObject: result withValue: self getCogVMFeatureFlags. - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 65 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: self stackPageByteSize). objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory + storePointerUnchecked: 66 ofObject: result withValue: (self positiveMachineIntegerFor: objectMemory maxOldSpaceSize)]. - storePointerUnchecked: 66 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory maxOldSpaceSize)]. objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 67 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory floatObjectOf: stackPages statAverageLivePagesWhenMapping). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 68 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: stackPages statMaxPageCountWhenMapping). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 69 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: self vmProxyMajorVersion). objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 70 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: self vmProxyMinorVersion). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 71 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMarkUsecs + 500 // 1000). + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 72 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSweepUsecs + 500 // 1000). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 71 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMarkUsecs + 500 // 1000). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 72 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSweepUsecs + 500 // 1000). objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 73 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMaxAllocSegmentTime + 500 // 1000)]. + objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 74 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory booleanObjectOf: self primitiveDoMixedArithmetic). - objectMemory storePointerUnchecked: 74 ofObject: result withValue: (objectMemory booleanObjectOf: self primitiveDoMixedArithmetic). objectMemory beRootIfOld: result. self methodReturnValue: result! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterPrimitives>>primitiveGetVMParameter: (in category 'system control primitives') ----- primitiveGetVMParameter: arg "See primitiveVMParameter method comment. N.B. written as a returning case to avoid branch limits in the V3 bytecode set." arg caseOf: { [1] -> [^self positiveMachineIntegerFor: objectMemory oldSpaceSize]. [2] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory newSpaceSize]. [3] -> [^self positiveMachineIntegerFor: objectMemory totalMemorySize]. [6] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory tenuringThreshold]. [7] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statFullGCs]. [8] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statFullGCUsecs + 500 // 1000]. [9] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: (objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory statScavenges] ifFalse: [objectMemory statIncrGCs])]. [10] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: (objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory statScavengeGCUsecs] ifFalse: [objectMemory statIncrGCUsecs]) + 500 // 1000]. [11] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statTenures]. [12] -> [^ConstZero]. "Was JITTER VM info" [13] -> [^ConstZero]. "Was JITTER VM info" [14] -> [^ConstZero]. "Was JITTER VM info" [15] -> [^ConstZero]. "Was JITTER VM info" [16] -> [^self positive64BitIntegerFor: statIdleUsecs]. [17] -> [^(SistaVM and: [self isCog]) ifTrue: [objectMemory floatObjectOf: self getCogCodeZoneThreshold] ifFalse: [ConstZero]]. [18] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statCompactionUsecs + 500 // 1000] ifFalse: [ConstZero]]. [19] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory scavengeThresholdAsExtent] ifFalse: [ConstZero]]. [20] -> [^objectMemory positive64BitIntegerFor: self ioUTCStartMicroseconds]. [21] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory rootTableCount]. [22] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statRootTableOverflows]. [23] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: extraVMMemory]. [24] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory shrinkThreshold]. [25] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory growHeadroom]. [26] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: self ioHeartbeatMilliseconds]. [27] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMarkCount]. [28] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSweepCount]. [29] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMkFwdCount]. [30] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statCompMoveCount]. [31] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statGrowMemory]. [32] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statShrinkMemory]. [33] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statRootTableCount]. [34] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue:"was statAllocationCount" [objectMemory positive64BitIntegerFor: objectMemory currentAllocatedBytes]]. [35] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSurvivorCount]. [36] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: (self microsecondsToMilliseconds: objectMemory statGCEndUsecs)]. [37] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSpecialMarkCount]. [38] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statIGCDeltaUsecs + 500 // 1000]. [39] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: statPendingFinalizationSignals]. [40] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory wordSize]. [41] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: self imageFormatVersion]. [42] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: numStackPages]. [43] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: desiredNumStackPages]. [44] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory edenBytes]. [45] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: desiredEdenBytes]. [46] -> [^self getCogCodeSize]. [47] -> [^self getDesiredCogCodeSize]. [48] -> [^self getCogVMFlags]. [49] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: self ioGetMaxExtSemTableSize]. [52] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory rootTableCapacity]. [53] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory numSegments]]. [54] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory freeSize]]. [55] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory floatObjectOf: objectMemory getHeapGrowthToSizeGCRatio]]. [56] -> [^self positive64BitIntegerFor: statProcessSwitch]. [57] -> [^self positive64BitIntegerFor: statIOProcessEvents]. [58] -> [^self positive64BitIntegerFor: statForceInterruptCheck]. [59] -> [^self positive64BitIntegerFor: statCheckForEvents]. [60] -> [^self positive64BitIntegerFor: statStackOverflow]. [61] -> [^self positive64BitIntegerFor: statStackPageDivorce]. [62] -> [^self getCodeCompactionCount]. [63] -> [^self getCodeCompactionMSecs]. [64] -> [^self getCogMethodCount]. [65] -> [^self getCogVMFeatureFlags]. [66] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: self stackPageByteSize]. [67] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: + [self positiveMachineIntegerFor: objectMemory maxOldSpaceSize]]. - [objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory maxOldSpaceSize]]. [68] -> [^objectMemory floatObjectOf: stackPages statAverageLivePagesWhenMapping]. [69] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: stackPages statMaxPageCountWhenMapping]. [70] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: self vmProxyMajorVersion]. [71] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: self vmProxyMinorVersion]. [72] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMarkUsecs + 500 // 1000]. [73] -> [^objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statSweepUsecs + 500 // 1000]. [74] -> [^objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMaxAllocSegmentTime + 500 // 1000]]. [75] -> [^objectMemory booleanObjectOf: self primitiveDoMixedArithmetic] } otherwise: [^nil]! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterPrimitives>>primitiveSetVMParameter:arg: (in category 'system control primitives') ----- primitiveSetVMParameter: index arg: argOop "See primitiveVMParameter method comment" | arg result | + "argOop read & checks; in most cases this is an integer parameter. Handle the exceptions." + index + caseOf: { + [17] -> [((objectMemory isFloatInstance: argOop) + or: [objectMemory isIntegerObject: argOop]) ifFalse: + [primFailCode := PrimErrBadArgument]]. + [55] -> [((objectMemory isFloatInstance: argOop) + or: [objectMemory isIntegerObject: argOop]) ifFalse: + [primFailCode := PrimErrBadArgument]]. + [68] -> [((objectMemory isFloatInstance: argOop) + or: [objectMemory isIntegerObject: argOop]) ifFalse: + [primFailCode := PrimErrBadArgument]]. + [67] -> [arg := self positiveMachineIntegerValueOf: argOop]. + [75] -> [arg := objectMemory booleanValueOf: argOop] } + otherwise: [arg := objectMemory integerValueOf: argOop]. + self failed ifTrue: + [^self primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument]. - "argOop read & checks; in most cases this is an integer parameter. In some it is either an integer or a Float" - index = 75 - ifTrue: - [ arg := objectMemory booleanValueOf: argOop. - self failed ifTrue: [^self primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument]] - ifFalse: [(index = 17 or: [index = 55 or: [index = 68]]) - ifTrue: - [((objectMemory isFloatInstance: argOop) - or: [objectMemory isIntegerObject: argOop]) ifFalse: - [^self primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument]] - ifFalse: [(objectMemory isIntegerObject: argOop) ifFalse: - [^self primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument]. - arg := objectMemory integerValueOf: argOop]]. "assume failure, then set success for handled indices" self primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument. index caseOf: { [5] -> [objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifFalse: ["Was: result := allocationsBetweenGCs. allocationsBetweenGCs := arg." "Ignore for now, because old images won't start up otherwise. See 45 for eden size setting." result := objectMemory nilObject. self initPrimCall]]. [6] -> [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory tenuringThreshold. primFailCode := objectMemory tenuringThreshold: arg]. [11] -> [arg >= 0 ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statTenures. objectMemory statTenures: arg. self initPrimCall]]. [17] -> [(SistaVM and: [self isCog]) ifTrue: [result := objectMemory floatObjectOf: self getCogCodeZoneThreshold. primFailCode := self setCogCodeZoneThreshold: (self noInlineLoadFloatOrIntFrom: argOop)]]. [23] -> [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: extraVMMemory. extraVMMemory := arg. self initPrimCall]. [24] -> [arg > 0 ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory shrinkThreshold. objectMemory shrinkThreshold: arg. self initPrimCall]]. [25] -> [arg > 0 ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory growHeadroom. objectMemory growHeadroom: arg. self initPrimCall]]. [26] -> [arg >= 0 ifTrue: "0 turns off the heartbeat" [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: self ioHeartbeatMilliseconds. self ioSetHeartbeatMilliseconds: arg. self initPrimCall]]. [34] -> [(objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI "was statAllocationCount; now statAllocatedBytes" and: [arg >= 0]) ifTrue: [result := objectMemory positive64BitIntegerFor: objectMemory currentAllocatedBytes. objectMemory setCurrentAllocatedBytesTo: arg. self initPrimCall]]. [43] -> [(arg between: 0 and: 65535) ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: desiredNumStackPages. desiredNumStackPages := arg. self initPrimCall]]. [45] -> [arg >= 0 ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: desiredEdenBytes. desiredEdenBytes := arg. self initPrimCall]]. [47] -> [(self isCog and: [arg between: 0 and: self maxCogCodeSize]) ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: self getDesiredCogCodeSize. self setDesiredCogCodeSize: arg. self initPrimCall]]. [48] -> [arg >= 0 ifTrue: [| oldPrimitiveDoMixedArithmetic | oldPrimitiveDoMixedArithmetic := primitiveDoMixedArithmetic. result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: self getCogVMFlags. self initPrimCall. "i.e. setCogVMFlags: can fail" self setCogVMFlags: arg. (primFailCode = 0 and: [oldPrimitiveDoMixedArithmetic ~= primitiveDoMixedArithmetic]) ifTrue: [self flushMethodCache. self flushMethodsWithMachineCodePrimitivesAndContinueAnswering: result "NOT REACHED (in CoInterpreter)"]]]. [49] -> [(arg between: 0 and: 65535) ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: self ioGetMaxExtSemTableSize. self initPrimCall. "i.e. ioSetMaxExtSemTableSize: is allowed to fail" self setMaxExtSemSizeTo: arg]]. [55] -> [objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [result := objectMemory floatObjectOf: objectMemory getHeapGrowthToSizeGCRatio. primFailCode := objectMemory setHeapGrowthToSizeGCRatio: (self noInlineLoadFloatOrIntFrom: argOop)]]. [67] -> [(arg >= 0 and: [objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI]) ifTrue: + [result := self positiveMachineIntegerFor: objectMemory maxOldSpaceSize. - [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory maxOldSpaceSize. primFailCode := objectMemory setMaxOldSpaceSize: arg]]. [68] -> [result := objectMemory floatObjectOf: stackPages statAverageLivePagesWhenMapping. self initPrimCall. "i.e. statAverageLivePagesWhenMapping: is allowed to fail" stackPages statAverageLivePagesWhenMapping: (self noInlineLoadFloatOrIntFrom: argOop)]. [69] -> [arg >= 0 ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: stackPages statMaxPageCountWhenMapping. stackPages statMaxPageCountWhenMapping: arg. self initPrimCall]]. [74] -> [(arg >= 0 and: [objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI]) ifTrue: [result := objectMemory integerObjectOf: objectMemory statMaxAllocSegmentTime + 500 // 1000. stackPages statMaxAllocSegmentTime: arg. "usually 0" self initPrimCall]]. [75] -> [| mustFlush | result := objectMemory booleanObjectOf: self primitiveDoMixedArithmetic. self initPrimCall. mustFlush := primitiveDoMixedArithmetic ~= arg. primitiveDoMixedArithmetic := arg. mustFlush ifTrue: [self flushMethodCache. self flushMethodsWithMachineCodePrimitivesAndContinueAnswering: result "NOT REACHED (in CoInterpreter)"]] } otherwise: []. self successful ifTrue: [self methodReturnValue: result] "return old value" ifFalse: [self primitiveFailFor: PrimErrInappropriate] "attempting to write a read-only or non-existent parameter"! |
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