Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2775.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2775 Author: eem Time: 16 July 2020, 4:10:20.53343 pm UUID: 5277c7af-b6e2-42b2-879d-eab85ff574c2 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2774 ThreadedFFIPlugin: Add primitiveCDataModel which with 0 args answers the C data model name (LLP64, ILP32 et al), and with a ByteArray arg of 9 elements, answers the sizes of char, short, etc, & wchar_t. Add ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator to test the above primitive. Hence implement InterpreterProxy>>deny: & stringForCString:. Slang: Fix a bug with the struct name cache (somehow I lost the updates to the methods that loaded the cache, which should have been changed to send ensureStructTypeCache). Rename ensureStructTypeNameCache to ensureStructTypeCache to match voidStructTypeCache. Allow TMethod>>typeFor:in: to infer tpes for non-integral constants (integral constants need very special handling, done in the client). Eliminate unnecessary parentheses in ifNil:. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2774 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>generateIfNil:on:indent: (in category 'C translation') ----- generateIfNil: msgNode on: aStream indent: level "Generate the C code for this message onto the given stream." (self isNilConstantReceiverOf: msgNode) ifFalse: + [aStream nextPutAll: 'if (!!'. + self emitCExpression: msgNode receiver on: aStream indent: level + 1. + aStream nextPutAll: ') {'; cr. - [aStream nextPutAll: 'if (!!('. - msgNode receiver emitCCodeAsExpressionOn: aStream level: level + 1 generator: self. - aStream nextPutAll: ')) {'; cr. msgNode args last emitCCodeOn: aStream level: level + 1 generator: self. aStream tab: level; nextPut: $}] ifTrue: [msgNode args first emitCCodeOn: aStream level: level generator: self]! Item was added: + ----- Method: InterpreterProxy>>deny: (in category 'testing') ----- + deny: aBooleanOrBlock + aBooleanOrBlock value ifTrue: [AssertionFailure signal: 'Assertion failed']! Item was changed: ----- Method: InterpreterProxy>>stringForCString: (in category 'testing') ----- stringForCString: aCString "Answer a ByteString object containing the bytes (possibly UTF-8?) in the null-terminated C string aCString." <option: #(atLeastVMProxyMajor:minor: 1 14)> <returnTypeC: #sqInt> <var: #aCString type: #'char *'> + self assert: aCString isString. + ^aCString! - self notYetImplemented! Item was changed: ----- Method: TConstantNode>>typeOrNilFrom:in: (in category 'type inference') ----- typeOrNilFrom: aCodeGenerator in: aTMethod "For integers, answer int unless the value does not fit into a 32bits signed int. In that case, answer the shortest architecture independant integer type that could hold the constant. This method must be consistent with CCodeGenerator>>cLiteralFor:" | hb | value isInteger ifTrue: [value positive ifTrue: [hb := value highBit. hb < 32 ifTrue: [^#int]. hb = 32 ifTrue: [^#'unsigned int']. hb = 64 ifTrue: [^#'unsigned long long']. ^#'long long'] ifFalse: [hb := value bitInvert highBit. hb < 32 ifTrue: [^#int]. ^#'long long']]. value isFloat ifTrue: [^#double]. + (#(nil true false) includes: value) ifTrue: [^#sqInt]. "A machine word sized variable is better on 64-bits than int, we think." - (#(nil true false) includes: value) ifTrue: [^#int]. (value isString and: [value isSymbol not]) ifTrue: [^#'char *']. ^nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>typeFor:in: (in category 'utilities') ----- + typeFor: aVariableOrConstantOrVariableNameString in: aCodeGen - typeFor: aVariable in: aCodeGen "Answer the type for aVariable, deferring to aCodeGen (which defers to the vmClass) if no type is found and the variable is global (not an arg or a local). Expect the cCodeGen to answer nil for variables without types. nil for typelessness is required by the type propagation logic in inlineSend:directReturn:exitVar:in:." | varName | + aVariableOrConstantOrVariableNameString isString ifFalse: + ["N.B. Very important *not* to type integers, to allow the client to do the work of merging various integer types." + (aVariableOrConstantOrVariableNameString isConstant + and: [aVariableOrConstantOrVariableNameString value isInteger not]) ifTrue: + [^aVariableOrConstantOrVariableNameString typeOrNilFrom: aCodeGen in: self]]. + varName := aVariableOrConstantOrVariableNameString asString. - varName := aVariable asString. ^(declarations at: varName ifAbsent: [(args includes: varName) "arg types default to sqInt" ifTrue: ['sqInt ', varName] ifFalse: [(locals includes: varName) ifFalse: "don't provide type for locals" [aCodeGen typeOfVariable: varName]]]) ifNotNil: [:decl| aCodeGen extractTypeFor: varName fromDeclaration: decl]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ThreadedFFIPlugin>>primitiveCDataModel (in category 'primitives') ----- + primitiveCDataModel + "Two forms of C Data Model infomation. + With 0 arguments answer the string naming the C data model, LP32, LP64, LLP64, etc. + WIth 1 argument, which must be a ByteArray of at least 9 elements, answer the sizes of + char, short, int, long, long long, wchar_t, float, double, void *." + <export: true> + | errorCode model | + interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount = 1 ifTrue: + [| sizes | + sizes := interpreterProxy stackValue: 0. + ((interpreterProxy isBytes: sizes) + and: [(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: sizes) = 9]) ifFalse: + [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadArgument]. + (self cCoerceSimple: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: sizes) to: #'char *') + at: 0 put: (self sizeof: #char); + at: 1 put: (self sizeof: #short); + at: 2 put: (self sizeof: #int); + at: 3 put: (self sizeof: #long); + at: 4 put: (self sizeof: #'long long'); + at: 5 put: (self sizeof: #wchar_t); + at: 6 put: (self sizeof: #float); + at: 7 put: (self sizeof: #double); + at: 8 put: (self sizeof: #'void *'). + ^interpreterProxy methodReturnValue: sizes]. + + interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount = 0 ifFalse: + [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrBadNumArgs]. + + "Attempt to identify the programming model: + LP32 ILP32 LLP64 LP64 ILP64 SILP64(unidentified) + char 8 8 8 8 8 8 + + short 16 16 16 16 16 64 + + int 16 32 32 32 64 64 + + long 32 32 32 64 64 64 + + long long 64 64 64 64 64 64 + + pointer 32 32 64 64 64 64" + + errorCode := 0. "Set bit 0 if char is wrong, bit 1 if short is wrong, 2 for int, 3 for long, 4 for long long, 5 for void *" + (self sizeof: #char) ~= 1 ifTrue: + [errorCode := errorCode + 1]. + (self sizeof: #short) ~= 2 ifTrue: "N.B. SILP64 exists on Cray supercomputers; we don't care..." + [errorCode := errorCode + 2]. + (self sizeof: #'long long') ~= 8 ifTrue: + [errorCode := errorCode + 16]. + + (self sizeof: #'void *') = 8 ifTrue: "LP64 LLP64 ILP64" + [(self sizeof: #int) = 8 ifTrue: "ILP64" + [(self sizeof: #long) = 8 + ifTrue: [model := 'ILP64'] + ifFalse: [errorCode := errorCode + 8]]. + (self sizeof: #int) = 4 ifTrue: "LP64 or LLP64" + [(self sizeof: #long) = 8 ifTrue: "LP64" + [model := 'LP64']. + (self sizeof: #long) = 4 ifTrue: "LLP64" + [model := 'LLP64']. + ((self sizeof: #long) ~= 8 and: [(self sizeof: #long) ~= 4]) ifTrue: + [errorCode := errorCode + 8]]. + ((self sizeof: #int) ~= 8 and: [(self sizeof: #int) ~= 4]) ifTrue: + [errorCode := errorCode + 4]]. + + (self sizeof: #'void *') = 4 ifTrue: "LP32 ILP32" + [(self sizeof: #long) ~= 4 ifTrue: + [errorCode := errorCode + 8]. + (self sizeof: #int) = 4 ifTrue: "ILP32" + [model := 'ILP32']. + (self sizeof: #int) = 2 ifTrue: "LP32" + [model := 'LP32']. + ((self sizeof: #int) ~= 4 and: [(self sizeof: #int) ~= 2]) ifTrue: + [errorCode := errorCode + 4]]. + + ((self sizeof: #'void *') ~= 8 and: [(self sizeof: #'void *') ~= 4]) ifTrue: + [errorCode := errorCode + 32]. + + errorCode ~= 0 ifTrue: + [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailForOSError: errorCode]. + model ifNil: + [^interpreterProxy primitiveFailFor: PrimErrNotFound]. + interpreterProxy methodReturnString: model + + "Screed for testing + | proxy plugin | + proxy := InterpreterProxy new. + plugin := ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator new. + plugin sizes: (Dictionary newFromPairs: #(char 1 short 2 int 4 long 4 #'long long' 8 #'void *' 8 #'void *' 4 float 4 double 8 wchar_t 4)). + plugin sizes: (Dictionary newFromPairs: #(char 1 short 2 int 2 long 4 #'long long' 8 #'void *' 4 float 4 double 8 wchar_t 4)). + plugin instVarNamed: 'interpreterProxy' put: proxy. + proxy synthesizeStackFor: plugin with: (Array with: (ByteArray new: 9)). + plugin primitiveCDataModel. + ^proxy stackValue: 0"! Item was added: + ThreadedFFIPlugin subclass: #ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator + instanceVariableNames: 'sizes' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'VMMaker-Plugins-FFI'! + + !ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator commentStamp: 'eem 7/16/2020 12:22' prior: 0! + A ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator exists to test a few primitives such as primitiveCProgrammingModel. + + Instance Variables + sizes a Dictionary of sizes for sizeof:! Item was added: + ----- Method: ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator>>sizeof: (in category 'simulation support') ----- + sizeof: aType + ^sizes + ifNil: [super sizeof: aType] + ifNotNil: [sizes at: aType]! Item was added: + ----- Method: ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator>>sizes (in category 'accessing') ----- + sizes + + ^ sizes! Item was added: + ----- Method: ThreadedFFIPluginPartialSimulator>>sizes: (in category 'accessing') ----- + sizes: anObject + + sizes := anObject.! Item was added: + ----- Method: VMStructType class>>ensureStructTypeCache (in category 'translation') ----- + ensureStructTypeCache + ^StructTypeNameCache ifNil: + [StructTypeNameCache := Set new. + self allSubclassesDo: + [:sc| sc addStructTypeNamesTo: StructTypeNameCache]. + StructTypeNameCache]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: VMStructType class>>ensureStructTypeNameCache (in category 'translation') ----- - ensureStructTypeNameCache - ^StructTypeNameCache ifNil: - [StructTypeNameCache := Set new. - self allSubclassesDo: - [:sc| sc addStructTypeNamesTo: StructTypeNameCache]. - StructTypeNameCache]! Item was changed: ----- Method: VMStructType class>>isTypePointerToStruct: (in category 'translation') ----- isTypePointerToStruct: type | index | ^type notNil and: [(index := type indexOf: $*) > 0 + and: [self ensureStructTypeCache anySatisfy: - and: [self ensureStructTypeNameCache anySatisfy: [:structType| (type beginsWith: structType) and: [index > structType size]]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: VMStructType class>>isTypeStruct: (in category 'translation') ----- isTypeStruct: type + self ensureStructTypeCache. - StructTypeNameCache ifNil: - [StructTypeNameCache := Set new. - self allSubclassesDo: - [:sc| StructTypeNameCache add: sc name; add: sc structTypeName]]. ^type notNil and: [StructTypeNameCache anySatisfy: [:structType| type = structType]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: VMStructType class>>structTargetKindForDeclaration: (in category 'translation') ----- structTargetKindForDeclaration: decl ^(decl notNil + and: [(self ensureStructTypeCache includes: decl) - and: [(self ensureStructTypeNameCache includes: decl) or: [StructTypeNameCache anySatisfy: [:structType| (decl beginsWith: structType) and: [(decl indexOf: $* ifAbsent: [decl indexOf: Character space]) > structType size]]]]) ifTrue: [(decl indexOf: $*) > 0 ifTrue: [#pointer] ifFalse: [#struct]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: VMStructType class>>structTargetKindForType: (in category 'translation') ----- structTargetKindForType: type + self ensureStructTypeCache. - StructTypeNameCache ifNil: - [StructTypeNameCache := Set new. - self allSubclassesDo: - [:sc| StructTypeNameCache add: sc name; add: sc structTypeName ]]. ^(type notNil and: [StructTypeNameCache anySatisfy: [:structType| (type beginsWith: structType) and: [type size = structType size or: [(type at: structType size + 1) isAlphaNumeric not]]]]) ifTrue: [(type includes: $*) ifTrue: [#pointer] ifFalse: [#struct]]! |
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