Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2778.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2778 Author: eem Time: 20 July 2020, 5:27:46.688881 pm UUID: b747c434-29c0-4abf-9e8b-3787a02c06ea Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2777 Slang: Infer the correct types for the float/double accessors. Hence correct primitiveSpurFloatArrayAt for Float32Array. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2777 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>inferTypesForImplicitlyTypedVariablesIn: (in category 'type inference') ----- inferTypesForImplicitlyTypedVariablesIn: aCodeGen "infer types for untyped variables from assignments and arithmetic uses. For debugging answer a Dictionary from var to the nodes that determined types This for debugging: (self copy inferTypesForImplicitlyTypedVariablesIn: aCodeGen)" | alreadyExplicitlyTypedOrNotToBeTyped asYetUntyped mustBeSigned newDeclarations effectiveNodes | aCodeGen maybeBreakForTestToInline: selector in: self. alreadyExplicitlyTypedOrNotToBeTyped := declarations keys asSet. asYetUntyped := locals copyWithoutAll: alreadyExplicitlyTypedOrNotToBeTyped. mustBeSigned := Set new. newDeclarations := Dictionary new. effectiveNodes := Dictionary new. "this for debugging" parseTree nodesDo: [:node| | type var | "If there is something of the form i >= 0, then i should be signed, not unsigned." (node isSend and: [(locals includes: (var := node receiver variableNameOrNil)) and: [(#(<= < >= >) includes: node selector) and: [node args first isConstant and: [node args first value = 0]]]]) ifTrue: [mustBeSigned add: var. effectiveNodes at: var put: { #signed. node }, (effectiveNodes at: var ifAbsent: [#()])]. "if an assignment to an untyped local of a known type, set the local's type to that type. Only observe known sends (methods in the current set) and typed local variables." (node isAssignment and: [(locals includes: (var := node variable name)) and: [(alreadyExplicitlyTypedOrNotToBeTyped includes: var) not]]) ifTrue: "don't be fooled by previously inferred types" [type := node expression isSend ifTrue: [aCodeGen returnTypeForSend: node expression in: self ifNil: nil] ifFalse: [self typeFor: (node expression isAssignment ifTrue: [node expression variable] ifFalse: [node expression]) in: aCodeGen]. type "If untyped, then cannot type the variable yet. A subsequent assignment may assign a subtype of what this type ends up being" ifNil: "Further, if the type derives from an as-yet-untyped method, we must defer." [alreadyExplicitlyTypedOrNotToBeTyped add: var. (node expression isSend and: [(aCodeGen methodNamed: node expression selector) notNil]) ifTrue: [newDeclarations removeKey: var ifAbsent: nil]] ifNotNil: "Merge simple types (but *don't* merge untyped vars); complex types must be defined by the programmer." + [((aCodeGen isSimpleType: type) or: [aCodeGen isFloatingPointCType: type]) ifTrue: - [(aCodeGen isSimpleType: type) ifTrue: [(asYetUntyped includes: var) ifTrue: [newDeclarations at: var put: type, ' ', var. asYetUntyped remove: var] ifFalse: [aCodeGen mergeTypeOf: var in: newDeclarations with: type method: self]. effectiveNodes at: var put: { newDeclarations at: var. node }, (effectiveNodes at: var ifAbsent: [#()])]]]]. mustBeSigned do: [:var| (newDeclarations at: var ifAbsent: nil) ifNotNil: [:decl| | type | type := aCodeGen extractTypeFor: var fromDeclaration: decl. type first == $u ifTrue: [newDeclarations at: var put: (aCodeGen signedTypeForIntegralType: type), ' ', var]]]. newDeclarations keysAndValuesDo: [:var :decl| declarations at: var put: decl]. ^effectiveNodes! |
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