Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2783.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2783 Author: eem Time: 27 July 2020, 2:42:27.399676 pm UUID: dcea91a9-4a6e-4ec1-aefc-a4ee18389e99 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2782 CoInterpreter: Fix a bug in not setting desiredCogCodeSize to the size supplied in the header, hence fixing vm parameter 47's value. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2782 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CoInterpreter>>readImageFromFile:HeapSize:StartingAt: (in category 'image save/restore') ----- readImageFromFile: f HeapSize: desiredHeapSize StartingAt: imageOffset "Read an image from the given file stream, allocating an amount of memory to its object heap. V3: desiredHeapSize is the total size of the heap. Fail if the image has an unknown format or requires more than the specified amount of memory. Spur: desiredHeapSize is ignored; this routine will attempt to provide at least extraVMMemory's ammount of free space after the image is loaded, taking any free space in the image into account. extraVMMemory is stored in the image header and is accessible as vmParameterAt: 23. If extraVMMemory is 0, the value defaults to the default grow headroom. Fail if the image has an unknown format or if sufficient memory cannot be allocated. Details: This method detects when the image was stored on a machine with the opposite byte ordering from this machine and swaps the bytes automatically. Furthermore, it allows the header information to start 512 bytes into the file, since some file transfer programs for the Macintosh apparently prepend a Mac-specific header of this size. Note that this same 512 bytes of prefix area could also be used to store an exec command on Unix systems, allowing one to launch Smalltalk by invoking the image name as a command." | swapBytes headerStart headerSize dataSize oldBaseAddr minimumMemory heapSize bytesRead bytesToShift firstSegSize hdrNumStackPages hdrEdenBytes hdrCogCodeSize headerFlags hdrMaxExtSemTabSize allocationReserve | <var: #f type: #sqImageFile> <var: #heapSize type: #usqInt> <var: #dataSize type: #'size_t'> <var: #minimumMemory type: #usqInt> <var: #desiredHeapSize type: #usqInt> <var: #allocationReserve type: #usqInt> <var: #headerStart type: #squeakFileOffsetType> <var: #imageOffset type: #squeakFileOffsetType> metaclassNumSlots := 6. "guess Metaclass instSize" classNameIndex := 6. "guess (Class instVarIndexFor: 'name' ifAbsent: []) - 1" swapBytes := self checkImageVersionFrom: f startingAt: imageOffset. headerStart := (self sqImageFilePosition: f) - 4. "record header start position" headerSize := self getWord32FromFile: f swap: swapBytes. dataSize := self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. oldBaseAddr := self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. objectMemory specialObjectsOop: (self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes). objectMemory lastHash: (self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes). "N.B. not used." savedWindowSize := self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. headerFlags := self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. self setImageHeaderFlagsFrom: headerFlags. extraVMMemory := self getWord32FromFile: f swap: swapBytes. "N.B. ignored in V3." hdrNumStackPages := self getShortFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. "4 stack pages is small. Should be able to run with as few as three. 4 should be comfortable but slow. 8 is a reasonable default. Can be changed via vmParameterAt: 43 put: n. Can be set as a preference (Info.plist, VM.ini, command line etc). If desiredNumStackPages is already non-zero then it has been set as a preference. Ignore (but preserve) the header's default." numStackPages := desiredNumStackPages ~= 0 ifTrue: [desiredNumStackPages] ifFalse: [hdrNumStackPages = 0 ifTrue: [self defaultNumStackPages] ifFalse: [hdrNumStackPages]]. desiredNumStackPages := hdrNumStackPages. "This slot holds the size of the native method zone in 1k units. (pad to word boundary)." hdrCogCodeSize := (self getShortFromFile: f swap: swapBytes) * 1024. cogCodeSize := desiredCogCodeSize ~= 0 ifTrue: [desiredCogCodeSize] ifFalse: [hdrCogCodeSize = 0 ifTrue: [cogit defaultCogCodeSize] + ifFalse: [desiredCogCodeSize := hdrCogCodeSize]]. "set for vmParameter 47" - ifFalse: [hdrCogCodeSize]]. cogCodeSize > cogit maxCogCodeSize ifTrue: [cogCodeSize := cogit maxCogCodeSize]. hdrEdenBytes := self getWord32FromFile: f swap: swapBytes. objectMemory edenBytes: (desiredEdenBytes ~= 0 ifTrue: [desiredEdenBytes] ifFalse: [hdrEdenBytes = 0 ifTrue: [objectMemory defaultEdenBytes] ifFalse: [hdrEdenBytes]]). desiredEdenBytes := hdrEdenBytes. hdrMaxExtSemTabSize := self getShortFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. hdrMaxExtSemTabSize ~= 0 ifTrue: [self setMaxExtSemSizeTo: hdrMaxExtSemTabSize]. "pad to word boundary. This slot can be used for anything else that will fit in 16 bits. Preserve it to be polite to other VMs." the2ndUnknownShort := self getShortFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. firstSegSize := self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. objectMemory firstSegmentSize: firstSegSize. "compare memory requirements with availability" allocationReserve := self interpreterAllocationReserveBytes. minimumMemory := cogCodeSize "no need to include the stackZone; this is alloca'ed" + dataSize + objectMemory newSpaceBytes + allocationReserve. objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [| freeOldSpaceInImage headroom | freeOldSpaceInImage := self getLongFromFile: f swap: swapBytes. headroom := objectMemory initialHeadroom: extraVMMemory givenFreeOldSpaceInImage: freeOldSpaceInImage. heapSize := objectMemory roundUpHeapSize: cogCodeSize "no need to include the stackZone; this is alloca'ed" + dataSize + headroom + objectMemory newSpaceBytes + (headroom > allocationReserve ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [allocationReserve])] ifFalse: [heapSize := cogCodeSize "no need to include the stackZone; this is alloca'ed" + desiredHeapSize + objectMemory newSpaceBytes + (desiredHeapSize - dataSize > allocationReserve ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [allocationReserve]). heapSize < minimumMemory ifTrue: [self insufficientMemorySpecifiedError]]. "allocate a contiguous block of memory for the Squeak heap and ancilliary data structures" objectMemory memory: (self allocateMemory: heapSize minimum: minimumMemory imageFile: f headerSize: headerSize) asUnsignedInteger. objectMemory memory ifNil: [self insufficientMemoryAvailableError]. heapBase := objectMemory setHeapBase: objectMemory memory + cogCodeSize memoryLimit: objectMemory memory + heapSize endOfMemory: objectMemory memory + cogCodeSize + dataSize. "position file after the header" self sqImageFile: f Seek: headerStart + headerSize. "read in the image in bulk, then swap the bytes if necessary" bytesRead := objectMemory readHeapFromImageFile: f dataBytes: dataSize. bytesRead ~= dataSize ifTrue: [self unableToReadImageError]. self ensureImageFormatIsUpToDate: swapBytes. "compute difference between old and new memory base addresses" bytesToShift := objectMemory memoryBaseForImageRead - oldBaseAddr. self initializeInterpreter: bytesToShift. "adjusts all oops to new location" self initializeCodeGenerator. ^dataSize! |
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