VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2826.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2826.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2826
Author: eem
Time: 26 September 2020, 7:40:24.668927 pm
UUID: 0dd1c326-6391-497c-896b-b605178640de
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2825

Reduce the duplication of the Alien decoding functions. Provide isAlien:

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2825 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: IA32ABIPlugin>>primSizeField (in category 'primitives-accessing') -----
  "Answer the signed 32- or 64-bit integer comprising the size field (the first 32- or 64-bit field)."
  "<Alien> primSizeField ^<Integer>
  <primitive: 'primSizeField' error: errorCode module: 'IA32ABI'>"
+ | rcvr valueOop |
- | rcvr value valueOop |
  <export: true>
  rcvr := interpreterProxy stackValue: 0.
+ valueOop := interpreterProxy wordSize = 8
+ ifTrue: [interpreterProxy signed64BitIntegerFor: (self longAt: rcvr + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize) signedIntFromLong64]
+ ifFalse: [interpreterProxy signed32BitIntegerFor:(self longAt: rcvr + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize) signedIntFromLong].
- value := self cppIf: interpreterProxy bytesPerOop = 8
- ifTrue: [(self longAt: rcvr + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize) signedIntFromLong64]
- ifFalse: [(self longAt: rcvr + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize) signedIntFromLong].
- valueOop := self signedMachineIntegerFor: value.
  ^interpreterProxy methodReturnValue: valueOop!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: IA32ABIPlugin>>sizeField: (in category 'private-support') -----
- sizeField: rcvr
- "Answer the first field of rcvr which is assumed to be an Alien of at least 8 bytes"
- <inline: true>
- ^self longAt: rcvr + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: IA32ABIPlugin>>startOfData: (in category 'private-support') -----
- startOfData: rcvr "<Alien oop> ^<Integer>"
- "Answer the start of rcvr's data.  For direct aliens this is the address of
- the second field.  For indirect and pointer aliens it is what the second field points to."
- <inline: true>
- ^(self sizeField: rcvr) > 0
- ifTrue: [rcvr + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize + interpreterProxy bytesPerOop]
- ifFalse: [self longAt: rcvr + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize + interpreterProxy bytesPerOop]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InterpreterPlugin>>isAlien: (in category 'alien support') -----
+ isAlien: oop
+ "Answer if oop is an Alien.  We could ask if isWordsOrBytes: first, but that doesn't help.  We still have to do the is:KindOf: walk.
+ We're not interested in fast falsehood, but as fast as possible truth, and with the current API this is it."
+ <inline: true>
+ ^interpreterProxy is: oop KindOf: interpreterProxy classAlien!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InterpreterPlugin>>sizeField: (in category 'alien support') -----
+ sizeField: alienOop
+ "Answer the size field of an alienOop which is assumed to be an Alien of at least 8 bytes (32-bits) or 16 bytes (64 bits)"
+ <inline: true>
+ ^self longAt: alienOop + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InterpreterPlugin>>startOfData: (in category 'alien support') -----
+ startOfData: alienOop
+ "Answer the start of an Alien's data.  For direct aliens this is the address of the second field.
+ For indirect and pointer aliens it is what the second field points to."
+ ^(self sizeField: alienOop) > 0
+ ifTrue: [alienOop + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize + interpreterProxy bytesPerOop]
+ ifFalse: [self longAt: alienOop + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize + interpreterProxy bytesPerOop]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ThreadedFFIPlugin>>sizeField: (in category 'primitive support') -----
- sizeField: oop
- "Answer the first field of oop which is assumed to be an Alien of at least 8 bytes"
- <inline: true>
- ^self longAt: oop + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ThreadedFFIPlugin>>startOfData: (in category 'primitive support') -----
- startOfData: oop "<Alien oop> ^<Integer>"
- "Answer the start of oop's data.  For direct aliens this is the address of
- the second field.  For indirect and pointer aliens it is what the second field points to."
- <inline: true>
- ^(self sizeField: oop) > 0
- ifTrue: [oop + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize + interpreterProxy bytesPerOop]
- ifFalse: [self longAt: oop + interpreterProxy baseHeaderSize + interpreterProxy bytesPerOop]!