Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2876.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2876 Author: eem Time: 10 November 2020, 7:46:01.852115 pm UUID: e5dba4f0-62a2-4385-a1aa-67c8617b9fd2 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2875 Cogit: Fix a sign bug in addressIsInCodeZone: which could affect 32-bit VMs. Fix NumTrampolines for COGMTVM, moving the computation to where it belongs, in Cogit. Add a range-check assert to catch overrunning the trampolineTable (failure modes are confusing; e.g. limitAddress got smashed which made Open PIC generation break). Fix the mis-assumption in postGCUpdateDisplayBits that Display bits is always an object (it could be a surface handle). =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2875 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CogObjectRepresentationForSpur class>>declareCVarsIn: (in category 'translation') ----- declareCVarsIn: aCodeGen - "Deal wuth the fact that the number of trampolines depends on IMMUTABILITY - and that IMMUTABILITY can be defined at compile time. Yes, this is a mess." - | current values | - current := InitializationOptions at: #IMMUTABILITY ifAbsent: nil. - values := #(true false) collect: - [:bool| - InitializationOptions at: #IMMUTABILITY put: bool. - self cogitClass initializeNumTrampolines. - (Cogit classPool at: #NumTrampolines) printString]. - current - ifNil: [InitializationOptions removeKey: #IMMUTABILITY] - ifNotNil: [InitializationOptions at: #IMMUTABILITY put: current]. - values first ~= values last ifTrue: - [aCodeGen addConstantForBinding: #NumTrampolines -> ('(IMMUTABILITY ? ' , values first , ' : ' , values last , ')')]. aCodeGen var: #ceStoreTrampolines + declareC: '#if IMMUTABILITY\sqInt ceStoreTrampolines[', NumStoreTrampolines printString, '];\#endif'! - declareC: '#if IMMUTABILITY\sqInt ceStoreTrampolines[', NumStoreTrampolines printString, '];\#endif'! Item was changed: ----- Method: CogObjectRepresentationForSpur class>>numTrampolines (in category 'trampoline support') ----- numTrampolines ^super numTrampolines + (SistaV1BytecodeSet ifTrue: [9] "(small,large)x(method,block,fullBlock) context creation, ceNewHashTrampoline, ceStoreCheckContextReceiverTrampoline and ceScheduleScavengeTrampoline" ifFalse: [7] "(small,large)x(method,block) context creation, ceNewHashTrampoline, ceStoreCheckContextReceiverTrampoline and ceScheduleScavengeTrampoline") + + (IMMUTABILITY + ifTrue: [NumStoreTrampolines] + ifFalse: [0]) - + NumStoreTrampolines + (SistaVM ifTrue: [1] "inline newHash" ifFalse: [0])! Item was changed: ----- Method: CogX64Compiler>>isWithinMwOffsetRange: (in category 'testing') ----- isWithinMwOffsetRange: anAddress "Answer if an address can be accessed using the offset in a MoveMw:r:R: or similar instruction. We assume this is true for 32-bit processors and expect 64-bit processors to answer false for values in the interpreter or the object memory. Restrict our use of offsets to reference + addresses within the method zone, rather than checking for a 32-bit offset, so as to keep the - addresses within the method zone, rather than checking for a 32-bit offset, si as to keep the simulator and real VM in sync." ^cogit addressIsInCodeZone: anAddress! Item was added: + ----- Method: Cogit class>>bindingForNumTrampolines (in category 'translation') ----- + bindingForNumTrampolines + "The number of trampolines depends on some translation-time constants and some compile-time constants. + This answers a binding the computes the right value for the compile-time defintions." + | mtValues roValues | + mtValues := self numTrampolineValuesFor: #COGMTVM. + roValues := self numTrampolineValuesFor: #IMMUTABILITY. + ^#NumTrampolines -> ('(', (mtValues min min: roValues min) printString, + ' + (COGMTVM ? ', (mtValues max - mtValues min) printString, ' : 0)', + ' + (IMMUTABILITY ? ', (roValues max - roValues min) printString, ' : 0))') + + "self bindingForNumTrampolines"! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit class>>declareCVarsIn: (in category 'translation') ----- declareCVarsIn: aCCodeGenerator | backEnd | backEnd := CogCompilerClass basicNew. #( 'coInterpreter' 'objectMemory' 'methodZone' 'objectRepresentation' 'cogBlockMethodSurrogateClass' 'cogMethodSurrogateClass' 'nsSendCacheSurrogateClass' 'threadManager' 'processor' 'lastNInstructions' 'simulatedAddresses' 'simulatedTrampolines' 'simulatedVariableGetters' 'simulatedVariableSetters' 'processorFrameValid' 'printRegisters' 'printInstructions' 'clickConfirm' 'singleStep') do: [:simulationVariableNotNeededForRealVM| aCCodeGenerator removeVariable: simulationVariableNotNeededForRealVM]. NewspeakVM ifFalse: [#( 'selfSendTrampolines' 'dynamicSuperSendTrampolines' 'implicitReceiverSendTrampolines' 'outerSendTrampolines' 'ceEnclosingObjectTrampoline' 'numIRCs' 'indexOfIRC' 'theIRCs') do: [:variableNotNeededInNormalVM| aCCodeGenerator removeVariable: variableNotNeededInNormalVM]]. aCCodeGenerator removeConstant: #COGMTVM. "this should be defined at compile time" aCCodeGenerator addHeaderFile:'<stddef.h>'; "for e.g. offsetof" addHeaderFile:'"sqCogStackAlignment.h"'; addHeaderFile:'"dispdbg.h"'; "must precede cointerp.h & cogit.h otherwise NoDbgRegParms gets screwed up" addHeaderFile:'"cogmethod.h"'. NewspeakVM ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator addHeaderFile:'"nssendcache.h"']. aCCodeGenerator addHeaderFile:'#if COGMTVM'; addHeaderFile:'"cointerpmt.h"'; addHeaderFile:'#else'; addHeaderFile:'"cointerp.h"'; addHeaderFile:'#endif'; addHeaderFile:'"cogit.h"'. aCCodeGenerator var: #ceGetFP declareC: 'usqIntptr_t (*ceGetFP)(void)'; var: #ceGetSP declareC: 'usqIntptr_t (*ceGetSP)(void)'; var: #ceCaptureCStackPointers declareC: 'void (*ceCaptureCStackPointers)(void)'; var: #ceInvokeInterpret declareC: 'void (*ceInvokeInterpret)(void)'; var: #ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #ceCallCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*ceCallCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #realCECallCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*realCECallCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #ceCallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs declareC: 'void (*ceCallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs)(void)'; var: #realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs declareC: 'void (*realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs)(void)'; var: #postCompileHook declareC: 'void (*postCompileHook)(CogMethod *)'; var: #openPICList declareC: 'CogMethod *openPICList = 0'; var: #maxMethodBefore type: #'CogBlockMethod *'; var: 'enumeratingCogMethod' type: #'CogMethod *'. aCCodeGenerator var: #ceTryLockVMOwner declareC: '#if COGMTVM\uintptr_t (*ceTryLockVMOwner)(uintptr_t);\#endif'. backEnd numICacheFlushOpcodes > 0 ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator var: #ceFlushICache declareC: 'static void (*ceFlushICache)(usqIntptr_t from, usqIntptr_t to)']. aCCodeGenerator var: #ceFlushDCache declareC: '#if DUAL_MAPPED_CODE_ZONE\static void (*ceFlushDCache)(usqIntptr_t from, usqIntptr_t to)\#endif'; var: #codeToDataDelta declareC: '#if DUAL_MAPPED_CODE_ZONE\static sqInt codeToDataDelta\#else\# define codeToDataDelta 0\#endif'. aCCodeGenerator declareVar: 'aMethodLabel' type: #'AbstractInstruction'; "Has to come lexicographically before backEnd & methodLabel" var: #backEnd declareC: 'AbstractInstruction * const backEnd = &aMethodLabel'; var: #methodLabel declareC: 'AbstractInstruction * const methodLabel = &aMethodLabel'. self declareC: #(abstractOpcodes stackCheckLabel blockEntryLabel blockEntryNoContextSwitch stackOverflowCall sendMiss entry noCheckEntry selfSendEntry dynSuperEntry fullBlockNoContextSwitchEntry fullBlockEntry picMNUAbort picInterpretAbort endCPICCase0 endCPICCase1 cPICEndOfCodeLabel) as: #'AbstractInstruction *' in: aCCodeGenerator. aCCodeGenerator declareVar: #cPICPrototype type: #'CogMethod *'; declareVar: #blockStarts type: #'BlockStart *'; declareVar: #fixups type: #'BytecodeFixup *'; declareVar: #methodZoneBase type: #usqInt. aCCodeGenerator var: #ordinarySendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt ordinarySendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #superSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt superSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'. BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator var: #directedSuperSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt directedSuperSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #directedSuperBindingSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt directedSuperBindingSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]']. NewspeakVM ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator var: #selfSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt selfSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #dynamicSuperSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt dynamicSuperSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #implicitReceiverSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt implicitReceiverSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #outerSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt outerSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]']. aCCodeGenerator + addConstantForBinding: self bindingForNumTrampolines; var: #trampolineAddresses declareC: 'static char *trampolineAddresses[NumTrampolines*2]'; var: #objectReferencesInRuntime declareC: 'static usqInt objectReferencesInRuntime[NumObjRefsInRuntime+1]'; var: #labelCounter type: #int; var: #traceFlags declareC: 'int traceFlags = 8 /* prim trace log on by default */'; var: #cStackAlignment declareC: 'const int cStackAlignment = STACK_ALIGN_BYTES'. aCCodeGenerator declareVar: #minValidCallAddress type: #'usqIntptr_t'. aCCodeGenerator vmClass generatorTable ifNotNil: [:bytecodeGenTable| aCCodeGenerator var: #generatorTable declareC: 'static BytecodeDescriptor generatorTable[', bytecodeGenTable size printString, ']', (self tableInitializerFor: bytecodeGenTable in: aCCodeGenerator)]. "In C the abstract opcode names clash with the Smalltalk generator syntactic sugar. Most of the syntactic sugar is inlined, but alas some remains. Rename the syntactic sugar to avoid the clash." (self organization listAtCategoryNamed: #'abstract instructions') do: [:s| aCCodeGenerator addSelectorTranslation: s to: 'g', (aCCodeGenerator cFunctionNameFor: s)]. aCCodeGenerator addSelectorTranslation: #halt: to: 'haltmsg'. self declareFlagVarsAsByteIn: aCCodeGenerator! Item was added: + ----- Method: Cogit class>>numTrampolineValuesFor: (in category 'translation') ----- + numTrampolineValuesFor: option + | current values | + current := VMBasicConstants classPool at: option. + values := #(true false) collect: + [:bool| + VMBasicConstants classPool at: option put: bool. + self cogitClass initializeNumTrampolines. + Cogit classPool at: #NumTrampolines]. + VMBasicConstants classPool at: option put: current. + ^values! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit class>>numTrampolines (in category 'trampoline support') ----- numTrampolines ^37 "29 + 4 each for self and super sends" + + (COGMTVM ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0]) "try lock routine" - + (COGMTVM ifTrue: [2] ifFalse: [0]) "try lock/unlock routines" + (LowcodeVM ifTrue: [3] ifFalse: [0]) + CogCompilerClass numTrampolines "self withAllSubclasses collect: [:c| {c. (c instVarNames select: [:ea| ea beginsWith: 'ce']) size}]"! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>addressIsInCodeZone: (in category 'testing') ----- addressIsInCodeZone: address <inline: true> ^address asUnsignedInteger >= codeBase + and: [address asUnsignedInteger < methodZone zoneEnd]! - and: [address < methodZone zoneEnd]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>recordGeneratedRunTime:address: (in category 'initialization') ----- recordGeneratedRunTime: aString address: address <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + self assert: trampolineTableIndex + 2 <= (NumTrampolines * 2). trampolineAddresses at: trampolineTableIndex put: aString; at: trampolineTableIndex + 1 put: (self cCoerceSimple: address to: #'char *'). + trampolineTableIndex := trampolineTableIndex + 2 + + "self printTrampolineTable"! - trampolineTableIndex := trampolineTableIndex + 2! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>ioBeDisplay:width:height:depth: (in category 'I/O primitive support') ----- ioBeDisplay: bitsOrHandle width: width height: height depth: depth "Record the position and dimensions of the display bitmap, and inform the display subsystem of the installation of a new display bitmap." <var: #bitsOrHandle type: #'void *'> - | changed | - changed := displayBits ~= bitsOrHandle. displayBits := bitsOrHandle. displayWidth := width. displayHeight := height. displayDepth := depth. self ioNoteDisplayChanged: bitsOrHandle width: width height: height depth: depth! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>postGCUpdateDisplayBits (in category 'object memory support') ----- postGCUpdateDisplayBits "Update the displayBits after a GC may have moved it. + Answer if the displayBits appear valid. The wrinkle here is that the displayBits could be a surface handle." - Answer if the displayBits appear valid" <inline: false> | displayObj bitsOop bitsNow | displayObj := objectMemory splObj: TheDisplay. ((objectMemory isPointers: displayObj) + and: [(objectMemory lengthOf: displayObj) >= 4]) ifFalse: - and: [(objectMemory lengthOf: displayObj) >= 4 - and: [objectMemory isWordsOrBytes: (bitsOop := objectMemory fetchPointer: 0 ofObject: displayObj)]]) ifFalse: [^false]. + + bitsOop := objectMemory fetchPointer: 0 ofObject: displayObj. + (objectMemory isIntegerObject: bitsOop) ifTrue: "It's a surface; our work here is done..." + [^true]. + ((objectMemory addressCouldBeObj: bitsOop) + and: [objectMemory isWordsOrBytes: bitsOop]) ifFalse: + [^false]. + (objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI and: [objectMemory isPinned: bitsOop]) ifFalse: [bitsNow := self cCode: [objectMemory firstIndexableField: bitsOop] inSmalltalk: [(objectMemory firstIndexableField: bitsOop) asInteger]. displayBits ~= bitsNow ifTrue: [displayBits := bitsNow. + self ioNoteDisplayChanged: displayBits width: displayWidth height: displayHeight depth: displayDepth]. + objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: + [objectMemory pinObject: bitsOop]]. - self ioNoteDisplayChanged: displayBits width: displayWidth height: displayHeight depth: displayDepth]]. ^true! |
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