Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2884.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2884 Author: eem Time: 14 November 2020, 10:00:58.142178 pm UUID: a121227d-80b9-46e4-aa93-f9ac9d7b2ca6 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2883 Slang: Fix a regression with inlining isClassOfNonImm:equalTo:compactClassIndex:. Not quite sure why but an argument assignment for the unused classOop argument was being generated when it shouldn't be. Cogit: save several lines by inlining wrappers around genTrampolineFor:called:numArgs:arg:arg:arg:arg:regsToSave:pushLinkReg:resultReg:appendOpcodes: =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2883 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CoInterpreter>>convertToInterpreterFrame: (in category 'frame access') ----- convertToInterpreterFrame: pcDelta + "Convert the top machine code frame to an interpreter frame. Support for - "Convert the top machine code frame to an interpeeter frame. Support for mustBeBoolean in the RegisterAllocatingCogit and for cloneContext: in shallowCopy when a code compaction is caused by machine code to bytecode pc mapping." | cogMethod methodHeader methodObj startBcpc | <var: 'cogMethod' type: #'CogBlockMethod *'> <var: 'p' type: #'char *'> self assert: (self isMachineCodeFrame: framePointer). cogMethod := self mframeCogMethod: framePointer. ((self mframeIsBlockActivation: framePointer) and: [cogMethod cmIsFullBlock not]) ifTrue: [methodHeader := (self cCoerceSimple: cogMethod cmHomeMethod to: #'CogMethod *') methodHeader. methodObj := (self cCoerceSimple: cogMethod cmHomeMethod to: #'CogMethod *') methodObject. startBcpc := cogMethod startpc] ifFalse: [methodHeader := (self cCoerceSimple: cogMethod to: #'CogMethod *') methodHeader. methodObj := (self cCoerceSimple: cogMethod to: #'CogMethod *') methodObject. startBcpc := self startPCOfMethod: methodObj]. "Map the machine code instructionPointer to the interpreter instructionPointer of the branch." instructionPointer := cogit bytecodePCFor: instructionPointer startBcpc: startBcpc in: cogMethod. instructionPointer := methodObj + objectMemory baseHeaderSize + instructionPointer - pcDelta - 1. "pre-decrement" self validInstructionPointer: instructionPointer inMethod: methodObj framePointer: framePointer. "Make space for the two extra fields in an interpreter frame" stackPointer to: framePointer + FoxMFReceiver by: objectMemory wordSize do: [:p| | oop | oop := objectMemory longAt: p. objectMemory longAt: p - objectMemory wordSize - objectMemory wordSize put: (objectMemory longAt: p)]. stackPointer := stackPointer - objectMemory wordSize - objectMemory wordSize. "Fill in the fields" objectMemory longAt: framePointer + FoxIFrameFlags put: (self encodeFrameFieldHasContext: (self mframeHasContext: framePointer) isBlock: (self mframeIsBlockActivation: framePointer) numArgs: cogMethod cmNumArgs); longAt: framePointer + FoxIFSavedIP put: instructionPointer; longAt: framePointer + FoxMethod put: methodObj. self setMethod: methodObj methodHeader: methodHeader! Item was changed: ----- Method: CoInterpreter>>iframeSavedIP: (in category 'frame access') ----- iframeSavedIP: theFP <var: #theFP type: #'char *'> + ^(stackPages longAt: theFP + FoxIFSavedIP) asUnsignedInteger! - ^stackPages longAt: theFP + FoxIFSavedIP! Item was changed: ----- Method: CoInterpreter>>returnToExecutive:postContextSwitch: (in category 'enilopmarts') ----- returnToExecutive: inInterpreter postContextSwitch: switchedContext "Return to the current frame, either by entering machine code, or longjmp-ing back to the interpreter or simply returning, depending on where we are. To know whether to return or enter machine code we have to know from whence we came. We could have come from the interpreter, either directly or via a machine code primitive. We could have come from machine code. The instructionPointer tells us where from. If it is above startOfMemory we're in the interpreter. If it is below, then we are in machine-code unless it is ceReturnToInterpreterPC, in which case we're in a machine-code primitive called from the interpreter." <inline: false> | cogMethod retValue fullyInInterpreter | <var: #cogMethod type: #'CogBlockMethod *'> cogit assertCStackWellAligned. (self isMachineCodeFrame: framePointer) ifTrue: [self assertValidExecutionPointe: instructionPointer r: framePointer s: stackPointer imbar: false line: #'__LINE__'. "If returning after a context switch then a result may have to be popped from the stack. If the process is suspended at a send then the result of the primitive in which the process was suspended is still on the stack and must be popped into ReceiverResultReg. If not, nothing should be popped and ReceiverResultReg gets the receiver." switchedContext ifTrue: [cogMethod := self mframeCogMethod: framePointer. self assert: (instructionPointer > cogit minCogMethodAddress and: [instructionPointer < cogit maxCogMethodAddress]). (instructionPointer ~= (cogMethod asInteger + cogMethod stackCheckOffset) and: [cogit isSendReturnPC: instructionPointer]) ifTrue: [self assert: (objectMemory addressCouldBeOop: self stackTop). retValue := self popStack] ifFalse: [retValue := self mframeReceiver: framePointer]] ifFalse: [retValue := self mframeReceiver: framePointer]. self push: instructionPointer. self push: retValue. cogit ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg "NOTREACHED"]. self setMethod: (self iframeMethod: framePointer). fullyInInterpreter := inInterpreter. instructionPointer = cogit ceReturnToInterpreterPC ifTrue: + [instructionPointer := self iframeSavedIP: framePointer. - [instructionPointer := (self iframeSavedIP: framePointer) asUnsignedInteger. fullyInInterpreter := false]. self assertValidExecutionPointe: instructionPointer r: framePointer s: stackPointer imbar: true line: #'__LINE__'. fullyInInterpreter ifFalse: [cogit ceInvokeInterpret "NOTREACHED"]. ^nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: CoInterpreterMT>>primitiveRelinquishProcessor (in category 'I/O primitives') ----- primitiveRelinquishProcessor "Relinquish the processor for up to the given number of microseconds. The exact behavior of this primitive is platform dependent. Override to check for waiting threads." | microSecs threadIndexAndFlags currentCStackPointer currentCFramePointer | <var: #currentCStackPointer type: #'void *'> <var: #currentCFramePointer type: #'void *'> - <var: #savedReenterInterpreter type: #'jmp_buf'> microSecs := self stackTop. (objectMemory isIntegerObject: microSecs) ifFalse: [^self primitiveFail]. self assert: (objectMemory fetchPointer: MyListIndex ofObject: self activeProcess) = objectMemory nilObject. self assert: relinquishing not. "DO NOT allow relinquishing the processor while we are profiling since this may skew the time base for our measures (it may reduce processor speed etc). Instead we go full speed, therefore measuring the precise time we spend in the inner idle loop as a busy loop." nextProfileTick = 0 ifTrue: "Presumably we have nothing to do; this primitive is typically called from the background process. So we should /not/ try and activate any threads in the pool; they will waste cycles finding there is no runnable process, and will cause a VM abort if no runnable process is found. But we /do/ want to allow FFI calls that have completed, or callbacks a chance to get into the VM; they do have something to do. DisownVMForProcessorRelinquish indicates this." [currentCStackPointer := CStackPointer. currentCFramePointer := CFramePointer. threadIndexAndFlags := self disownVM: DisownVMForProcessorRelinquish. self assert: relinquishing. self ioRelinquishProcessorForMicroseconds: (objectMemory integerValueOf: microSecs). self assert: relinquishing. self ownVM: threadIndexAndFlags. self assert: relinquishing not. self assert: cogThreadManager currentVMThread state = CTMAssignableOrInVM. self assert: currentCStackPointer = CStackPointer. self assert: currentCFramePointer = CFramePointer. "In simulation we allow ioRelinquishProcessorForMicroseconds: to fail so that we can arrange that the simulator responds to input events promply. This *DOES NOT HAPPEN* in the real vm." self cCode: [] inSmalltalk: [primFailCode ~= 0 ifTrue: [^self]]]. self assert: (objectMemory fetchPointer: MyListIndex ofObject: self activeProcess) = objectMemory nilObject. self pop: 1 "microSecs; leave rcvr on stack"! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genCheckForInterruptsTrampoline (in category 'initialization') ----- genCheckForInterruptsTrampoline + <inline: true> self zeroOpcodeIndex. "if we have a link register we will assume that it does not get automatically pushed onto the stack and thus there is no need to pop it before saving to instructionPointerAddress" backEnd hasLinkRegister ifTrue: [self MoveR: LinkReg Aw: coInterpreter instructionPointerAddress] ifFalse: [self PopR: TempReg. "instruction pointer" self MoveR: TempReg Aw: coInterpreter instructionPointerAddress]. ^self genTrampolineFor: #ceCheckForInterrupts called: 'ceCheckForInterruptsTrampoline' numArgs: 0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: false resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: true! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genNonLocalReturnTrampoline (in category 'initialization') ----- genNonLocalReturnTrampoline + <inline: true> self zeroOpcodeIndex. "write the return address to the coInterpreter instructionPointerAddress; following the CallRT to this CISCs will have pushed it on the stack, so pop it first; RISCs will have it in their link register so just write it directly." backEnd hasLinkRegister ifTrue: [self MoveR: LinkReg Aw: coInterpreter instructionPointerAddress] ifFalse: [self PopR: TempReg. "instruction pointer" self MoveR: TempReg Aw: coInterpreter instructionPointerAddress]. ^self genTrampolineFor: #ceNonLocalReturn: called: 'ceNonLocalReturnTrampoline' numArgs: 1 arg: ReceiverResultReg arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: false resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: true! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genPICAbortTrampoline (in category 'initialization') ----- genPICAbortTrampoline "Generate the abort for a PIC. This abort performs either a call of ceInterpretMethodFromPIC:receiver: to handle invoking an uncogged target or a call of ceMNUFromPICMNUMethod:receiver: to handle an MNU dispatch in a closed PIC. It distinguishes the two by testing ClassReg. If the register is zero then this is an MNU." + <inline: true> self zeroOpcodeIndex. backEnd hasLinkRegister ifTrue: [self PushR: LinkReg]. ^self genInnerPICAbortTrampoline: 'cePICAbort'! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genReturnTrampolineFor:called:arg: (in category 'initialization') ----- genReturnTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 "Generate a trampoline for a routine used as a return address, that has one argument. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 1 arg: regOrConst0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: false "Since the routine is reached by a return instruction it should /not/ push the link register." resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString "Generate a trampoline with no arguments" <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 "Generate a trampoline with one argument. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 1 arg: regOrConst0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:arg: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 "Generate a trampoline with two arguments. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 2 arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:arg:arg: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: regOrConst2 "Generate a trampoline with three arguments. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 3 arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: regOrConst2 arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:arg:arg:arg: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: regOrConst2 arg: regOrConst3 "Generate a trampoline with four arguments. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 4 arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: regOrConst2 arg: regOrConst3 regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:arg:arg:result: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: regOrConst2 result: resultReg "Generate a trampoline with two arguments that answers a result. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 3 arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: regOrConst2 arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: resultReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:arg:regsToSave: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 regsToSave: regMask "Generate a trampoline with two arguments. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 2 arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: regMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:arg:result: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 result: resultReg "Generate a trampoline with two arguments that answers a result. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 2 arg: regOrConst0 arg: regOrConst1 arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: resultReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:regsToSave: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 regsToSave: regMask "Generate a trampoline with one argument. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 1 arg: regOrConst0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: regMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:regsToSave:result: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 regsToSave: regMask result: resultReg "Generate a trampoline with one argument that answers a result. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 1 arg: regOrConst0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: regMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: resultReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:arg:result: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString arg: regOrConst0 result: resultReg "Generate a trampoline with one argument that answers a result. Hack: a negative value indicates an abstract register, a non-negative value indicates a constant." <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 1 arg: regOrConst0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: resultReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>genTrampolineFor:called:regsToSave: (in category 'initialization') ----- genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString regsToSave: regMask "Generate a trampoline with no arguments" <var: #aRoutine type: #'void *'> <var: #aString type: #'char *'> + <inline: #always> ^self genTrampolineFor: aRoutine called: aString numArgs: 0 arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil arg: nil regsToSave: regMask pushLinkReg: true resultReg: NoReg appendOpcodes: false! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>frameCallerFP: (in category 'frame access') ----- frameCallerFP: theFP <inline: true> <var: #theFP type: #'char *'> + <returnTypeC: #'char *'> - <returnTypeC: 'char *'> ^self pointerForOop: (stackPages longAt: theFP + FoxSavedFP)! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>postGCUpdateDisplayBits (in category 'object memory support') ----- postGCUpdateDisplayBits "Update the displayBits after a GC may have moved it. Answer if the displayBits appear valid. The wrinkle here is that the displayBits could be a surface handle." <inline: false> | displayObj bitsOop bitsNow | displayObj := objectMemory splObj: TheDisplay. ((objectMemory isPointers: displayObj) and: [(objectMemory lengthOf: displayObj) >= 4]) ifFalse: [^false]. bitsOop := objectMemory fetchPointer: 0 ofObject: displayObj. (objectMemory isIntegerObject: bitsOop) ifTrue: "It's a surface; our work here is done..." [^true]. + self assert: ((objectMemory addressCouldBeObj: bitsOop) + and: [objectMemory isWordsOrBytes: bitsOop]). - ((objectMemory addressCouldBeObj: bitsOop) - and: [objectMemory isWordsOrBytes: bitsOop]) ifFalse: - [^false]. (objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI and: [objectMemory isPinned: bitsOop]) ifFalse: [bitsNow := self cCode: [objectMemory firstIndexableField: bitsOop] inSmalltalk: [(objectMemory firstIndexableField: bitsOop) asInteger]. displayBits ~= bitsNow ifTrue: [displayBits := bitsNow. self ioNoteDisplayChanged: displayBits width: displayWidth height: displayHeight depth: displayDepth]. objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [objectMemory pinObject: bitsOop]]. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>printStackCallStackOf: (in category 'debug printing') ----- printStackCallStackOf: aContextOrProcessOrFrame <api> | theFP context | <var: #theFP type: #'char *'> (self cCode: [false] "In the stack simulator, frame pointers are negative which upsets addressCouldBeObj:" inSmalltalk: [stackPages couldBeFramePointer: aContextOrProcessOrFrame]) ifFalse: [(objectMemory addressCouldBeObj: aContextOrProcessOrFrame) ifTrue: [((objectMemory isContext: aContextOrProcessOrFrame) and: [self checkIsStillMarriedContext: aContextOrProcessOrFrame currentFP: nil]) ifTrue: [^self printStackCallStackOf: (self frameOfMarriedContext: aContextOrProcessOrFrame) asInteger]. aContextOrProcessOrFrame = self activeProcess ifTrue: + [^self printStackCallStackOf: (self cCode: [framePointer asInteger] inSmalltalk: [self headFramePointer])]. - [^self printStackCallStackOf: (self cCode: [framePointer] inSmalltalk: [self headFramePointer])]. (self couldBeProcess: aContextOrProcessOrFrame) ifTrue: [^self printCallStackOf: (objectMemory fetchPointer: SuspendedContextIndex ofObject: aContextOrProcessOrFrame)]. ^nil]]. theFP := aContextOrProcessOrFrame asVoidPointer. [context := self shortReversePrintFrameAndCallers: theFP. ((self isMarriedOrWidowedContext: context) and: [theFP := self frameOfMarriedContext: context. self checkIsStillMarriedContext: context currentFP: theFP]) ifFalse: [^nil]] repeat! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>>genPICAbortTrampolineFor: (in category 'initialization') ----- genPICAbortTrampolineFor: numArgs "Generate the abort for a PIC. This abort performs either a call of ceInterpretMethodFromPIC:receiver: to handle invoking an uncogged target or a call of ceMNUFromPICMNUMethod:receiver: to handle an MNU dispatch in a closed PIC. It distinguishes the two by testing ClassReg. If the register is zero then this is an MNU." + <inline: true> self zeroOpcodeIndex. backEnd genPushRegisterArgsForAbortMissNumArgs: numArgs. ^self genInnerPICAbortTrampoline: (self trampolineName: 'cePICAbort' numRegArgs: numArgs)! Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>addTypesFor:to:in: (in category 'type inference') ----- addTypesFor: node to: typeSet in: aCodeGen "Add the value types for the node to typeSet. Answer if any type was derived from an as-yet-untyped method or variable, which allows us to abort inferReturnTypeFromReturnsIn: if the return type depends on a yet-to-be-typed method or variable." | expr | expr := node. [expr isAssignment or: [expr isStmtList]] whileTrue: [expr isAssignment ifTrue: [expr := expr variable]. expr isStmtList ifTrue: [expr := expr statements last]]. expr isSend ifTrue: [(#(ifTrue: ifFalse: ifTrue:ifFalse: ifFalse:ifTrue:) includes: expr selector) ifTrue: [^expr args inject: false into: [:asYetUntyped :block| asYetUntyped | (self addTypesFor: block to: typeSet in: aCodeGen)]]. (aCodeGen returnTypeForSend: expr in: self ifNil: nil) ifNil: [^(aCodeGen methodNamed: expr selector) notNil and: [expr selector ~~ selector]] ifNotNil: [:type | typeSet add: type. ^false]]. expr isVariable ifTrue: [(aCodeGen typeOfVariable: expr name) ifNotNil: [:type| typeSet add: type] + ifNil: [expr name ~= 'nil' ifTrue: "nil could be a pointer or integer value, so it is effectively untyped." + [(typeSet add: (expr name = 'self' "self definitely means no type, at least in non-struct classes..." - ifNil: [(typeSet add: (expr name = 'self' ifTrue: [#void] ifFalse: [#sqInt])) == #sqInt ifTrue: + [^true]]]]. - [^true]]]. expr isConstant ifTrue: [(expr value isInteger and: [expr value >= 0]) "cannot determine if signed or unsigned yet..." ifTrue: [typeSet add: expr value] ifFalse: [(expr typeOrNilFrom: aCodeGen in: self) ifNotNil: [:type | typeSet add: type]]]. ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: TMethod>>allReferencedArgumentsUsing: (in category 'accessing') ----- + allReferencedArgumentsUsing: aCodeGen + "Answer the set of all variables referenced in the receiver." + | refs | + refs := Set new. + "Find all the variable names referenced in this method. + Don't descend into conditionals that won't be generated." + parseTree + nodesWithParentsDo: + [:node :parent| + node isVariable ifTrue: [refs add: node name asString]. + (node isSend + and: [node selector beginsWith: #cCode:]) ifTrue: + [aCodeGen addVariablesInVerbatimCIn: node to: refs]] + unless: + [:node :parent| + parent notNil + and: [parent isSend + and: [aCodeGen nodeIsDeadCode: node withParent: parent]]]. + ^refs intersection: args! Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>argAssignmentsFor:send:except:in: (in category 'inlining') ----- argAssignmentsFor: meth send: aSendNode except: elidedArgs in: aCodeGen + "Answer a collection of assignment nodes that assign the given argument expressions to the formal parameter variables of the given method." + "Optimization: If the actual parameters are either constants or local variables in the target method (the receiver), substitute them directly into the body of meth. Note that global variables cannot be substituted because the inlined method might depend on the exact ordering of side effects to the globals. + Optimization: Don't answer statements for formal parameters which are unused in the method body." - "Return a collection of assignment nodes that assign the given argument expressions to the formal parameter variables of the given method." - "Optimization: If the actual parameters are either constants or local variables in the target method (the receiver), substitute them directly into the body of meth. Note that global variables cannot be subsituted because the inlined method might depend on the exact ordering of side effects to the globals." + | stmtList substitutionDict argList referencedArguments | - | stmtList substitutionDict argList | meth args size > (argList := aSendNode args) size ifTrue: [self assert: (meth args first beginsWith: 'self_in_'). argList := {aSendNode receiver}, aSendNode args]. - stmtList := OrderedCollection new: argList size. substitutionDict := Dictionary new: argList size. meth args with: argList do: [:argName :exprNode | (self isNode: exprNode substitutableFor: argName inMethod: meth in: aCodeGen) ifTrue: [substitutionDict at: argName put: (aCodeGen node: exprNode typeCompatibleWith: argName inliningInto: meth in: self). locals remove: argName ifAbsent: [self assert: (argName beginsWith: 'self_in_')]. declarations removeKey: argName ifAbsent: nil] ifFalse: "Add an assignment for anything except an unused self_in_foo argument" [(elidedArgs includes: argName) ifFalse: [self deny: exprNode isLiteralBlock. stmtList addLast: (TAssignmentNode new setVariable: (TVariableNode new setName: argName) expression: (aCodeGen node: exprNode copy typeCompatibleWith: argName inliningInto: meth in: self))]]]. meth parseTree: (meth parseTree bindVariablesIn: substitutionDict). + referencedArguments := meth allReferencedArgumentsUsing: aCodeGen. + ^stmtList select: [:assignment| referencedArguments includes: assignment variable name]! - ^stmtList! |
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