VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2905.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2905.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2905
Author: eem
Time: 1 December 2020, 7:54:43.160518 pm
UUID: b2778a08-d45d-4f84-8467-21a8eccf46dc
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2904

Cogit: extend the assert in cogMethodContaining: to handle interruption at backward branches.  Rename ceCheckForInterrupts to ceCheckForInterrupt to match Cogit's ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline inst var.

SoundPlugin/SmartSyntaxPlugin Slang:Fix a compile-time warning due to a bad cast of firstIndexableField: for WordsOrBytes parameters.
Nuke usobsoleted generators (ccgLoad:expr:asCharPtrFrom: superceded by ccgLoad:expr:asCharPtrFrom:andThen:, etc).
Avoid the unnecessary cast of the void * return type of firstIndexableField to parameters.

Add SignedCArray and coercion between it and CArray.

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2904 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BalloonArray>>beSigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beSigned!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BalloonArray>>beUnsigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beUnsigned
+ self shouldNotImplement!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CArray>>beSigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beSigned
+ SignedCArray adoptInstance: self!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CArray>>beUnsigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beUnsigned!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CArray>>coerceTo:sim: (in category 'converting') -----
  coerceTo: cTypeString sim: interpreterSimulator
  ^cTypeString caseOf: {
  ['int'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['float *'] -> [self asSingleFloatAccessor].
  ['double *'] -> [self asDoubleFloatAccessor].
+ ['sqInt *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: interpreter bytesPerOop; beSigned].
+ ['unsigned int *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; beUnsigned].
+ ['int *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; beSigned].
+ ['unsigned short *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 2; beUnsigned].
+ ['short *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 2; beSigned].
+ ['unsigned char *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beUnsigned].
+ ['char *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beSigned]. "C is ambivalent on the issue; sigh..."
- ['sqInt *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: interpreter bytesPerOop; yourself].
- ['unsigned int *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; yourself].
- ['int *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; yourself].
- ['char *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; yourself].
- ['unsigned char *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; yourself].
  ['unsigned'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['sqInt'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['usqInt'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['sqIntptr_t'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: interpreter bytesPerOop; yourself] }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CFloatArray>>beSigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beSigned!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CFloatArray>>beUnsigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beUnsigned
+ self shouldNotImplement!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CoInterpreter>>ceCheckForInterrupt (in category 'trampolines') -----
+ ceCheckForInterrupt
+ <api>
+ | switched |
+ self cCode: [] inSmalltalk:
+ [self maybeCheckStackDepth: 0 sp: stackPointer pc: instructionPointer].
+ switched := self checkForEventsMayContextSwitch: true.
+ self returnToExecutive: false postContextSwitch: switched!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CoInterpreter>>ceCheckForInterrupts (in category 'trampolines') -----
- ceCheckForInterrupts
- <api>
- | switched |
- self cCode: [] inSmalltalk:
- [self maybeCheckStackDepth: 0 sp: stackPointer pc: instructionPointer].
- switched := self checkForEventsMayContextSwitch: true.
- self returnToExecutive: false postContextSwitch: switched!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CogMethodZone>>cogMethodContaining: (in category 'jit - api') -----
  cogMethodContaining: mcpc
  "Answer the method containing mcpc for the purposes of code zone compaction,
  where mcpc is actually the value of instructionPointer at the time of a compaction."
  <var: 'mcpc' type: #usqInt>
  | cogMethod prevMethod |
  mcpc > limitAddress ifTrue:
  mcpc < baseAddress ifTrue:
  [cogit assertMcpcIsPrimReturn: mcpc.
  self assert: mcpc < self limitZony.
  cogMethod := coInterpreter cCoerceSimple: baseAddress to: #'CogMethod *'.
  [cogMethod asUnsignedInteger < mcpc] whileTrue:
  [prevMethod := cogMethod.
  cogMethod := self methodAfter: cogMethod].
  "Since mcpc is actually instructionPointer we expect that it is either at the stack check
  (normal code zone reclamation invoked through checkForEventsMayContextSwitch:)
  or is in a primitive, immediately following the call of the C primitive routine."
  self assert: (prevMethod notNil
  and: [mcpc = (prevMethod asUnsignedInteger + prevMethod stackCheckOffset)
+ or: [(cogit backEnd isCallPrecedingReturnPC: mcpc)
+ and: [(coInterpreter
+ primitiveIndexOfMethod: prevMethod methodObject
+ header: prevMethod methodHeader) > 0
+ or: [(cogit backEnd callTargetFromReturnAddress: mcpc) = cogit ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline]]]]).
- or: [(coInterpreter
- primitiveIndexOfMethod: prevMethod methodObject
- header: prevMethod methodHeader) > 0
- and: [cogit backEnd isCallPrecedingReturnPC: mcpc]]]).

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Cogit>>ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline
+ <cmacro: '() ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline'>
+ ^ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Cogit>>genCheckForInterruptsTrampoline (in category 'initialization') -----
  <inline: true>
  self zeroOpcodeIndex.
  "if we have a link register we will assume that it does not get automatically pushed onto the stack
  and thus there is no need to pop it before saving to instructionPointerAddress"
  backEnd hasLinkRegister
  [self MoveR: LinkReg Aw: coInterpreter instructionPointerAddress]
  [self PopR: TempReg. "instruction pointer"
  self MoveR: TempReg Aw: coInterpreter instructionPointerAddress].
+ ^self genTrampolineFor: #ceCheckForInterrupt
+ called: 'ceCheckForInterruptTrampoline'
- ^self genTrampolineFor: #ceCheckForInterrupts
- called: 'ceCheckForInterruptsTrampoline'
  numArgs: 0
  arg: nil
  arg: nil
  arg: nil
  arg: nil
  regsToSave: self emptyRegisterMask
  pushLinkReg: false
  resultReg: NoReg
  appendOpcodes: true!

Item was added:
+ CArray subclass: #SignedCArray
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'VMMaker-InterpreterSimulation'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SignedCArray>>at: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ at: offset
+ | value |
+ value := super at: offset.
+ (value bitShift: unitSize * -8 + 1) = 0 ifTrue:
+ [^value].
+ ^value - (1 bitShift: unitSize * 8)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SignedCArray>>at:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ at: offset put: value
+ super
+ at: offset
+ put: (value >= 0
+ ifTrue: [value]
+ ifFalse: [value bitAnd: (1 bitShift: unitSize * 8) - 1]).
+ ^value!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SignedCArray>>beSigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beSigned!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SignedCArray>>beUnsigned (in category 'converting') -----
+ beUnsigned
+ CArray adoptInstance: self!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginAssignmentCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asCharPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asCharPtrFrom: stackIndex
- ^self assign: aString coerceTo: #'char *' from: stackIndex!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginAssignmentCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asIntPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asIntPtrFrom: stackIndex
- ^self assign: aString coerceTo: #'int *' from: stackIndex!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginAssignmentCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asOopPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asOopPtrFrom: stackIndex
- ^self assign: aString coerceTo: 'sqInt *' from: stackIndex!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginAssignmentCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asShortPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
+ ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asShortPtrFrom: stackIndex andThen: valBlock
+ ^self assign: aString coerceTo: #'short *' from: stackIndex!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asCharPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asCharPtrFrom: anInteger
- "Answer codestring for character pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
- ^aBlock value: (String streamContents: [:aStream | aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- nextPutAll: anInteger asString;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''char *'''])!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asCharPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
  ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asCharPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
  "Answer codestring for character pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect unless specified in valBlock), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
+ ^self ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock!
- ^(valBlock value: anInteger), '.',
- (aBlock value: (String streamContents: [:aStream | aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- nextPutAll: anInteger asString;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''char *''']))
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asIntPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asIntPtrFrom: anInteger
- "Answer codestring for integer pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
- ^aBlock value: (String streamContents: [:aStream | aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- nextPutAll: anInteger asString;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''int *'''])!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asIntPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
  ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asIntPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
  "Answer codestring for integer pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect unless specified in valBlock), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
+ ^self ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock!
- ^(valBlock value: anInteger), '.',
- (aBlock value: (String streamContents: [:aStream | aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- nextPutAll: anInteger asString;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''int *''']))!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asOopPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asOopPtrFrom: anInteger
- "Answer codestring for integer pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
- ^aBlock value: (String streamContents:
- [:aStream |
- aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- print: anInteger;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''sqInt *'''])!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asOopPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
  ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asOopPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
  "Answer codestring for integer pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect unless specified in valBlock), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
+ ^self ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock!
- ^(valBlock value: anInteger), '.',
- (aBlock value: (String streamContents:
- [:aStream |
- aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- print: anInteger;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''sqInt *''']))!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
+ ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
+ "Answer codestring for void pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect unless specified in valBlock), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
+ ^(valBlock value: anInteger),
+  '.',
+  (aBlock value: 'interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:(interpreterProxy stackValue:', anInteger asString, '))')!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asShortPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
+ ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asShortPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
+ ^self ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asUnsignedLong64PtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
  ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asUnsignedLong64PtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
  "Answer a codestring for integer pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect unless specified in valBlock), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
+ ^self ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock!
- ^(valBlock value: anInteger), '.',
- (aBlock value: (String streamContents: [:aStream | aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- nextPutAll: anInteger asString;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''unsigned long long *''']))!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asUnsignedPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
  ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asUnsignedPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
  "Answer a codestring for integer pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect unless specified in valBlock), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
+ ^self ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock!
- ^(valBlock value: anInteger), '.',
- (aBlock value: (String streamContents: [:aStream | aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- nextPutAll: anInteger asString;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''unsigned *''']))!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asUnsignedShortPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
  ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asUnsignedShortPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock
  "Answer a codestring for integer pointer to first indexable field of object (without validating side-effect unless specified in valBlock), as described in comment to ccgLoad:expr:asRawOopFrom:"
+ ^self ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asPtrFrom: anInteger andThen: valBlock!
- ^(valBlock value: anInteger), '.',
- (aBlock value: (String streamContents: [:aStream | aStream
- nextPutAll: 'self cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField:';
- crtab: 4;
- nextPutAll: '(interpreterProxy stackValue:';
- nextPutAll: anInteger asString;
- nextPutAll: '))';
- crtab: 3;
- nextPutAll: 'to: ''unsigned short *''']))!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginSimulator>>ccgLoad:expr:asShortPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ ccgLoad: codeGen expr: exprBlock asShortPtrFrom: stackIndex andThen: validateBlock
+ ^[:oop|
+   validateBlock value: oop.
+   interpreterProxy cCoerce: (interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: oop) asInteger to: #'short *']!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginValidationCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asCharPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asCharPtrFrom: stackIndex
- ^self loadAs: #isWordsOrBytes: from: stackIndex!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginValidationCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asIntPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asIntPtrFrom: stackIndex
- ^self loadAs: #isWordsOrBytes: from: stackIndex!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginValidationCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asOopPtrFrom: (in category 'coercing') -----
- ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asOopPtrFrom: stackIndex
- ^self loadAs: #isNonImmediate: from: stackIndex!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginValidationCodeGenerator>>ccgLoad:expr:asShortPtrFrom:andThen: (in category 'coercing') -----
+ ccgLoad: aBlock expr: aString asShortPtrFrom: stackIndex andThen: validationString
+ ^validationString, (self stackAccessorFor: stackIndex)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WordsOrShorts class>>ccg:prolog:expr:index: (in category 'plugin generation') -----
  ccg: cg prolog: aBlock expr: aString index: anInteger
  ccgLoad: aBlock
  expr: aString
+ asShortPtrFrom: anInteger
- asCharPtrFrom: anInteger
  andThen: (cg ccgValBlock: 'isWordsOrShorts')!