VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2907.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2907.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2907
Author: eem
Time: 22 December 2020, 4:32:46.670664 pm
UUID: 5bf10ff3-9f29-4f07-b93a-91354783cb32
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-tpr.2906

Fix regression in SocketPluginSimulator due to changes to CArray>>coerceTo:sim: in VMMaker.oscog-eem.2905; 'char *' is assumed to be unsigned.
Add a missing Socket primitive simulation (hit when running the SocketTests under simulation).
Add a useful error message to CLiteralArray>>at:put:

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-tpr.2906 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CArray>>coerceTo:sim: (in category 'converting') -----
  coerceTo: cTypeString sim: interpreterSimulator
  ^cTypeString caseOf: {
  ['int'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['float *'] -> [self asSingleFloatAccessor].
  ['double *'] -> [self asDoubleFloatAccessor].
  ['sqInt *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: interpreter bytesPerOop; beSigned].
  ['unsigned int *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; beUnsigned].
  ['int *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; beSigned].
  ['unsigned short *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 2; beUnsigned].
  ['short *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 2; beSigned].
  ['unsigned char *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beUnsigned].
+ ['char *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beUnsigned]. "C is ambivalent on the issue; sigh... SocketPlugin assumes unsigned"
- ['char *'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beSigned]. "C is ambivalent on the issue; sigh..."
  ['unsigned'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['sqInt'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['usqInt'] -> [self ptrAddress].
  ['sqIntptr_t'] -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: interpreter bytesPerOop; yourself] }!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CLiteralArray>>at:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
  at: offset put: val
+ self error: 'Literals are immutable; proceed to attempt to assign anyway...'.
  ^object at: offset + 1 put: val!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocket:ListenOnPort:BacklogSize: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocket: socketHandle ListenOnPort: portNumber BacklogSize: backlog
+ ^[Socket basicNew
+ primSocket: ((self hostSocketHandleFromSimSocketHandle: socketHandle) ifNil: [^self])
+ listenOn: portNumber
+ backlogSize: backlog]
+ on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+ do: [:ex|
+ interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+ 0]!

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Re: VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2907.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
Hi Eliot,
IMO no C code should assume that char is signed nor unsigned...
If socket plugin assumes unsigned, shouldn't it better use unsigned char* explicitelitely?

Le mer. 23 déc. 2020 à 01:33, <[hidden email]> a écrit :
Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2907
Author: eem
Time: 22 December 2020, 4:32:46.670664 pm
UUID: 5bf10ff3-9f29-4f07-b93a-91354783cb32
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-tpr.2906

Fix regression in SocketPluginSimulator due to changes to CArray>>coerceTo:sim: in VMMaker.oscog-eem.2905; 'char *' is assumed to be unsigned.
Add a missing Socket primitive simulation (hit when running the SocketTests under simulation).
Add a useful error message to CLiteralArray>>at:put:

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-tpr.2906 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CArray>>coerceTo:sim: (in category 'converting') -----
  coerceTo: cTypeString sim: interpreterSimulator

        ^cTypeString caseOf: {
                ['int']                         -> [self ptrAddress].
                ['float *']                     -> [self asSingleFloatAccessor].
                ['double *']                    -> [self asDoubleFloatAccessor].
                ['sqInt *']                     -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: interpreter bytesPerOop; beSigned].
                ['unsigned int *']      -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; beUnsigned].
                ['int *']                               -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 4; beSigned].
                ['unsigned short *']    -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 2; beUnsigned].
                ['short *']                     -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 2; beSigned].
                ['unsigned char *']     -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beUnsigned].
+               ['char *']                      -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beUnsigned]. "C is ambivalent on the issue; sigh... SocketPlugin assumes unsigned"
-               ['char *']                      -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: 1; beSigned]. "C is ambivalent on the issue; sigh..."
                ['unsigned']            -> [self ptrAddress].
                ['sqInt']                               -> [self ptrAddress].
                ['usqInt']                      -> [self ptrAddress].
                ['sqIntptr_t']          -> [self shallowCopy unitSize: interpreter bytesPerOop; yourself] }!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CLiteralArray>>at:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
  at: offset put: val
+       self error: 'Literals are immutable; proceed to attempt to assign anyway...'.
        ^object at: offset + 1 put: val!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketPluginSimulator>>sqSocket:ListenOnPort:BacklogSize: (in category 'simulation') -----
+ sqSocket: socketHandle ListenOnPort: portNumber BacklogSize: backlog
+       ^[Socket basicNew
+                       primSocket: ((self hostSocketHandleFromSimSocketHandle: socketHandle) ifNil: [^self])
+                       listenOn: portNumber
+                       backlogSize: backlog]
+               on: SocketPrimitiveFailed
+               do: [:ex|
+                       interpreterProxy primitiveFail.
+                       0]!