Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2918.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2918 Author: eem Time: 2 January 2021, 1:29:06.750497 pm UUID: 17130111-28bf-421b-b6f1-722773efdaee Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-nice.2917 Simulator: Fix C stack alignment checking for non-RISC simulators. With the changes to invoking the interpreter via ceInvokeInterpreter and ceReturnToInterpreter we need to change the simulation machinery to better mimic the production VM, and so handleCallOrJumpSimulationTrap: sends simulateJumpCallOf:memory: immediately before raising ReturnToInterpreter, and getReturnAddress will answer #enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation rather than #initialEnterSmalltalkExecutive Get rid of a break accidentally left behind =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-nice.2917 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CogObjectRepresentationFor32BitSpur>>genPrimitiveAtPutSigned: (in category 'primitive generators') ----- genPrimitiveAtPutSigned: signedVersion "Generate the code for primitives 61 & 165, at:put:/basicAt:put: & integerAt:put:. If signedVersion is true then generate signed accesses to the bits classes (a la 164 & 165). If signedVersion is false, generate unsigned accesses (a la 60, 61, 63 & 64)." | formatReg nSlotsOrBytesReg methodInBounds jumpImmediate jumpBadIndex jumpImmutable jumpNotIndexablePointers jumpNotIndexableBits jumpIsContext jumpIsCompiledMethod jumpIsBytes jumpIsShorts jumpHasFixedFields jumpArrayOutOfBounds jumpFixedFieldsOutOfBounds jumpWordsOutOfBounds jumpShortsOutOfBounds jumpBytesOutOfBounds jumpShortsOutOfRange jumpWordsOutOfRange jumpBytesOutOfRange jumpNonSmallIntegerValue jumpNotPointers | - self break. "c.f. StackInterpreter>>stSizeOf: SpurMemoryManager>>lengthOf:format: fixedFieldsOf:format:length:" nSlotsOrBytesReg := ClassReg. cogit genLoadArgAtDepth: 1 into: Arg0Reg. cogit genLoadArgAtDepth: 0 into: Arg1Reg. jumpImmediate := self genJumpImmediate: ReceiverResultReg. jumpBadIndex := self genJumpNotSmallInteger: Arg0Reg scratchReg: TempReg. self genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: Arg0Reg. cogit SubCq: 1 R: Arg0Reg. "1-rel => 0-rel" "formatReg := self formatOf: ReceiverResultReg" self cppIf: IMMUTABILITY ifTrue: [ self genGetFormatOf: ReceiverResultReg into: (formatReg := SendNumArgsReg) leastSignificantHalfOfBaseHeaderIntoScratch: TempReg. jumpImmutable := self genJumpBaseHeaderImmutable: TempReg ] ifFalse: [ self genGetFormatOf: ReceiverResultReg into: (formatReg := SendNumArgsReg) leastSignificantHalfOfBaseHeaderIntoScratch: NoReg ]. self genGetNumSlotsOf: ReceiverResultReg into: nSlotsOrBytesReg. "dispatch on format in a combination of highest dynamic frequency order first and convenience. 0 = 0 sized objects (UndefinedObject True False et al) 1 = non-indexable objects with inst vars (Point et al) 2 = indexable objects with no inst vars (Array et al) 3 = indexable objects with inst vars (MethodContext AdditionalMethodState et al) 4 = weak indexable objects with inst vars (WeakArray et al) 5 = weak non-indexable objects with inst vars (ephemerons) (Ephemeron) 6 unused, reserved for exotic pointer objects? 7 Forwarded Object, 1st field is pointer, rest of fields are ignored 8 unused, reserved for exotic non-pointer objects? 9 64-bit indexable 10 - 11 32-bit indexable 12 - 15 16-bit indexable 16 - 23 byte indexable 24 - 31 compiled method" cogit CmpCq: objectMemory weakArrayFormat R: formatReg. jumpNotPointers := cogit JumpAbove: 0. "optimistic store check; assume index in range (almost always is)." self genStoreCheckReceiverReg: ReceiverResultReg valueReg: Arg1Reg scratchReg: TempReg inFrame: false. cogit CmpCq: objectMemory arrayFormat R: formatReg. jumpNotIndexablePointers := cogit JumpBelow: 0. jumpHasFixedFields := cogit JumpNonZero: 0. cogit CmpR: Arg0Reg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. jumpArrayOutOfBounds := cogit JumpBelowOrEqual: 0. cogit AddCq: objectMemory baseHeaderSize >> objectMemory shiftForWord R: Arg0Reg. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg Xwr: Arg0Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit genPrimReturn. jumpHasFixedFields jmpTarget: cogit Label. self genGetClassIndexOfNonImm: ReceiverResultReg into: formatReg. cogit CmpCq: ClassMethodContextCompactIndex R: formatReg. jumpIsContext := cogit JumpZero: 0. "get # fixed fields in formatReg" cogit PushR: nSlotsOrBytesReg. self genGetClassObjectOfClassIndex: formatReg into: nSlotsOrBytesReg scratchReg: TempReg. self genLoadSlot: InstanceSpecificationIndex sourceReg: nSlotsOrBytesReg destReg: formatReg. cogit PopR: nSlotsOrBytesReg. self genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: formatReg. cogit AndCq: objectMemory fixedFieldsOfClassFormatMask R: formatReg. cogit SubR: formatReg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. cogit AddCq: objectMemory baseHeaderSize >> objectMemory shiftForWord R: formatReg. cogit CmpR: Arg0Reg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. jumpFixedFieldsOutOfBounds := cogit JumpBelowOrEqual: 0. cogit AddR: formatReg R: Arg0Reg. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg Xwr: Arg0Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit genPrimReturn. jumpNotPointers jmpTarget: cogit Label. jumpNonSmallIntegerValue := self genJumpNotSmallInteger: Arg1Reg scratchReg: TempReg. cogit CmpCq: objectMemory firstByteFormat R: formatReg. jumpIsBytes := cogit JumpAboveOrEqual: 0. cogit CmpCq: objectMemory firstShortFormat R: formatReg. jumpIsShorts := cogit JumpAboveOrEqual: 0. cogit CmpCq: objectMemory firstLongFormat R: formatReg. "For now ignore 64-bit indexability." jumpNotIndexableBits := cogit JumpBelow: 0. "fall through to words" cogit CmpR: Arg0Reg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. jumpWordsOutOfBounds := cogit JumpBelowOrEqual: 0. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: TempReg. self genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: TempReg. signedVersion ifFalse: [(cogit lastOpcode setsConditionCodesFor: JumpLess) ifFalse: [cogit CmpCq: 0 R: TempReg]. "N.B. FLAGS := TempReg - 0" jumpWordsOutOfRange := cogit JumpLess: 0]. cogit AddCq: objectMemory baseHeaderSize >> objectMemory shiftForWord R: Arg0Reg. cogit MoveR: TempReg Xwr: Arg0Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit genPrimReturn. signedVersion ifTrue: [jumpIsBytes jmpTarget: (cogit ArithmeticShiftRightCq: 7 + objectMemory numSmallIntegerTagBits R: Arg1Reg R: TempReg). "Maps in range to -1,0". cogit AddCq: 1 R: TempReg. "Maps in range to 0,1" cogit CmpCq: 1 R: TempReg] ifFalse: [jumpIsBytes jmpTarget: (cogit CmpCq: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: 255) R: Arg1Reg)]. jumpBytesOutOfRange := cogit JumpAbove: 0. cogit LogicalShiftLeftCq: objectMemory shiftForWord R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. cogit AndCq: objectMemory wordSize - 1 R: formatReg R: TempReg. cogit SubR: TempReg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. cogit CmpR: Arg0Reg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. jumpBytesOutOfBounds := cogit JumpBelowOrEqual: 0. cogit CmpCq: objectMemory firstCompiledMethodFormat R: formatReg. jumpIsCompiledMethod := cogit JumpAboveOrEqual: 0. methodInBounds := cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: TempReg. self genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: TempReg. cogit AddCq: objectMemory baseHeaderSize R: Arg0Reg. cogit MoveR: TempReg Xbr: Arg0Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit genPrimReturn. signedVersion ifTrue: [jumpIsShorts jmpTarget: (cogit ArithmeticShiftRightCq: 15 + objectMemory numSmallIntegerTagBits R: Arg1Reg R: TempReg). "Maps in range to -1,0". cogit AddCq: 1 R: TempReg. "Maps in range to 0,1" cogit CmpCq: 1 R: TempReg] ifFalse: [jumpIsShorts jmpTarget: (cogit CmpCq: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: 65535) R: Arg1Reg)]. jumpShortsOutOfRange := cogit JumpAbove: 0. cogit LogicalShiftLeftCq: objectMemory shiftForWord - 1 R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. cogit AndCq: objectMemory wordSize / 2 - 1 R: formatReg. cogit SubR: formatReg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. cogit CmpR: Arg0Reg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. jumpShortsOutOfBounds := cogit JumpBelowOrEqual: 0. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: TempReg. self genConvertSmallIntegerToIntegerInReg: TempReg. cogit AddR: Arg0Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit AddR: Arg0Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit MoveR: TempReg M16: objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: ReceiverResultReg. cogit MoveR: Arg1Reg R: ReceiverResultReg. cogit genPrimReturn. "Now check that the index is beyond the method's literals..." jumpIsCompiledMethod jmpTarget: cogit Label. self getLiteralCountOf: ReceiverResultReg plusOne: true inBytes: true into: nSlotsOrBytesReg scratch: TempReg. cogit CmpR: Arg0Reg R: nSlotsOrBytesReg. cogit JumpBelow: methodInBounds. jumpIsContext jmpTarget: (jumpNotIndexableBits jmpTarget: (jumpBytesOutOfRange jmpTarget: (jumpShortsOutOfRange jmpTarget: (jumpIsCompiledMethod jmpTarget: (jumpArrayOutOfBounds jmpTarget: (jumpBytesOutOfBounds jmpTarget: (jumpShortsOutOfBounds jmpTarget: (jumpWordsOutOfBounds jmpTarget: (jumpNotIndexablePointers jmpTarget: (jumpNonSmallIntegerValue jmpTarget: (jumpFixedFieldsOutOfBounds jmpTarget: cogit Label))))))))))). signedVersion ifFalse: [jumpWordsOutOfRange jmpTarget: jumpIsContext getJmpTarget]. self cppIf: IMMUTABILITY ifTrue: [jumpImmutable jmpTarget: jumpIsContext getJmpTarget]. cogit AddCq: 1 R: Arg0Reg. "0-rel => 1-rel" self genConvertIntegerToSmallIntegerInReg: Arg0Reg. jumpBadIndex jmpTarget: (jumpImmediate jmpTarget: cogit Label). ^0 "Can't be complete because of contexts."! Item was changed: ----- Method: CogVMSimulator>>getReturnAddress (in category 'simulation only') ----- getReturnAddress + "In the real VM this answers the return address for its caller, i.e. for interpret. + In the simulator we're playing fast and loose with initialEnterSmalltalkExecutive + and enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation and need them to look and act the same." + | selector | + selector := (thisContext findContextSuchThat: [:ctxt| ctxt selector == #interpret]) sender method selector. + ^selector == #initialEnterSmalltalkExecutive + ifTrue: [#enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation] + ifFalse: [selector]! - ^(thisContext findContextSuchThat: [:ctxt| ctxt selector == #interpret]) sender method selector! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>handleCallOrJumpSimulationTrap: (in category 'simulation only') ----- handleCallOrJumpSimulationTrap: aProcessorSimulationTrap <doNotGenerate> | evaluable function memory result savedFramePointer savedStackPointer savedArgumentCount retpc | "This is a hack fix before we revise the simulators. When a jump call is made, the next pc is effectively the return address on the stack, not the instruction following the jump." aProcessorSimulationTrap type == #jump ifTrue: [processor hackFixNextPCOfJumpFor: aProcessorSimulationTrap using: objectMemory]. evaluable := simulatedTrampolines at: aProcessorSimulationTrap address ifAbsent: [self errorProcessingSimulationTrap: aProcessorSimulationTrap in: simulatedTrampolines]. function := evaluable isBlock ifTrue: ['aBlock; probably some plugin primitive'] ifFalse: + [evaluable receiver == backEnd ifTrue: "this is for invoking ARMv5 floating-point intrinsics" - [evaluable receiver == backEnd ifTrue: [^self handleABICallOrJumpSimulationTrap: aProcessorSimulationTrap evaluable: evaluable]. evaluable selector]. memory := coInterpreter memory. function == #interpret ifTrue: "i.e. we're here via ceInvokeInterpret/ceReturnToInterpreterTrampoline and should discard all state back to enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation" [self recordInstruction: {'(simulated jump call of '. aProcessorSimulationTrap address. '/'. function. ')'}. + processor simulateJumpCallOf: aProcessorSimulationTrap address memory: memory. - processor smashCallerSavedRegistersWithValuesFrom: 16r80000000 by: objectMemory wordSize. coInterpreter reenterInterpreter. "NOTREACHED" self halt]. function ~~ #ceBaseFrameReturn: ifTrue: [coInterpreter assertValidExternalStackPointers]. (backEnd wantsNearAddressFor: function) ifTrue: [^self perform: function with: aProcessorSimulationTrap]. processor simulateCallOf: aProcessorSimulationTrap address nextpc: aProcessorSimulationTrap nextpc memory: memory. retpc := processor retpcIn: memory. self recordInstruction: {'(simulated call of '. aProcessorSimulationTrap address. '/'. function. ')'}. savedFramePointer := coInterpreter framePointer. savedStackPointer := coInterpreter stackPointer. savedArgumentCount := coInterpreter argumentCount. result := ["self halt: evaluable selector." clickConfirm ifTrue: [(self confirm: 'skip run-time call?') ifFalse: [clickConfirm := false. self halt]]. evaluable valueWithArguments: (processor postCallArgumentsNumArgs: evaluable numArgs in: memory)] on: ReenterMachineCode do: [:ex| ex return: #continueNoReturn]. coInterpreter assertValidExternalStackPointers. "Verify the stack layout assumption compileInterpreterPrimitive: makes, provided we've not called something that has built a frame, such as closure value or evaluate method, or switched frames, such as primitiveSignal, primitiveWait, primitiveResume, primitiveSuspend et al." (function beginsWith: 'primitive') ifTrue: [coInterpreter primFailCode = 0 ifTrue: [(CogVMSimulator stackAlteringPrimitives includes: function) ifFalse: ["This is a rare case (e.g. in Scorch where a married context's sender is set to nil on trapTrpped and hence the stack layout is altered." (function == #primitiveSlotAtPut and: [objectMemory isContext: (coInterpreter frameReceiver: coInterpreter framePointer)]) ifFalse: [self assert: savedFramePointer = coInterpreter framePointer. self assert: savedStackPointer + (savedArgumentCount * objectMemory wordSize) = coInterpreter stackPointer]]] ifFalse: [self assert: savedFramePointer = coInterpreter framePointer. self assert: savedStackPointer = coInterpreter stackPointer]]. result ~~ #continueNoReturn ifTrue: [self recordInstruction: {'(simulated return to '. processor retpcIn: memory. ')'}. processor simulateReturnIn: memory. self assert: processor pc = retpc. processor smashCallerSavedRegistersWithValuesFrom: 16r80000000 by: objectMemory wordSize]. self assert: (result isInteger "an oop result" or: [result == coInterpreter or: [result == objectMemory or: [result == nil or: [result == #continueNoReturn]]]]). processor cResultRegister: (result ifNil: [0] ifNotNil: [result isInteger ifTrue: [result] ifFalse: [16rF00BA222]])! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>initialEnterSmalltalkExecutive (in category 'initialization') ----- initialEnterSmalltalkExecutive "Main entry-point into the interpreter at system start-up. + In the non-threaded VM this is identical to enterSmalltalkExecutive + + N.B. It also provides the simulator's implementation of ceReturnToInterpreter/ceInvokeInterpreter, which + via a simulation trap raise the ReenterInterpreter signal in handleCallOrJumpSimulationTrap:/reenterInterpreter. + So when ReenterInterpreter is caught this metod invokes interpret directly. " - In the non-threaded VM this is identical to enterSmalltalkExecutive" <cmacro: '() enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation()'> "Simulation of the setjmp in enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation for reentry into interpreter." + | caught | + caught := false. + [([caught + ifFalse: [self enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation] + ifTrue: [self interpret]] - [([self enterSmalltalkExecutiveImplementation] on: ReenterInterpreter + do: [:ex| + caught := true. + ex return: ex returnValue]) = ReturnToInterpreter] whileTrue! - do: [:ex| ex return: ex returnValue]) = ReturnToInterpreter] whileTrue! Item was removed: - ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>queueForwardedEvent: (in category 'I/O primitive support') ----- - queueForwardedEvent: event - "SimulatorMorphicModel browse" - <doNotGenerate> - self eventQueue nextPut: event. - self inputSemaphoreIndex - ifNotNil: - [:isi| self signalSemaphoreWithIndex: isi] - ifNil: - [nextPollUsecs := self ioUTCMicroseconds. - self forceInterruptCheck]! |
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