Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2920.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2920 Author: eem Time: 3 January 2021, 9:19:28.019823 am UUID: 30a49581-87d4-4b92-b7bc-a109c8a430a2 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2919 Cogit: nuke a couple of unused inst vars. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2919 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CogVMSimulator>>initializeThreadSupport (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initializeThreadSupport "Do this post new if you want to simulate with thread support." + cogThreadManager := CogThreadManager new setInterpreter: self cogit: cogit! - cogThreadManager := CogThreadManager new setInterpreter: self cogit: cogit. - cogit setThreadManager: cogThreadManager! Item was changed: CogClass subclass: #Cogit (excessive size, no diff calculated) Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>setInterpreter: (in category 'initialization') ----- setInterpreter: aCoInterpreter "Initialization of the code generator in the simulator. These objects already exist in the generated C VM or are used only in the simulation." <doNotGenerate> coInterpreter := aCoInterpreter. objectMemory := aCoInterpreter objectMemory. - threadManager := aCoInterpreter threadManager. "N.B. may be nil" methodZone := self class methodZoneClass new. objectRepresentation := objectMemory objectRepresentationClass forCogit: self methodZone: methodZone. methodZone setInterpreter: aCoInterpreter objectRepresentation: objectRepresentation cogit: self. generatorTable := self class generatorTable. processor := ProcessorClass new. simulatedAddresses := Dictionary new. coInterpreter class clusteredVariableNames do: [:cvn| self simulatedAddressFor: (cvn first = $C ifTrue: ['get', cvn] ifFalse: [cvn]) asSymbol]. simulatedTrampolines := Dictionary new. simulatedVariableGetters := Dictionary new. simulatedVariableSetters := Dictionary new. traceStores := 0. traceFlags := (self class initializationOptions at: #recordPrimTrace ifAbsent: [true]) ifTrue: [8] "record prim trace on by default (see Cogit class>>decareCVarsIn:)" ifFalse: [0]. singleStep := printRegisters := printInstructions := clickConfirm := false. backEnd := CogCompilerClass for: self. methodLabel := CogCompilerClass for: self. (literalsManager := backEnd class literalsManagerClass new) cogit: self. ordinarySendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines). superSendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines). BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend ifTrue: [directedSuperSendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines). directedSuperBindingSendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines). directedSendUsesBinding := false]. NewspeakVM ifTrue: [selfSendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines). dynamicSuperSendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines). implicitReceiverSendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines). outerSendTrampolines := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumSendTrampolines)]. "debug metadata" objectReferencesInRuntime := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumObjRefsInRuntime). runtimeObjectRefIndex := 0. "debug metadata" trampolineAddresses := CArrayAccessor on: (Array new: NumTrampolines * 2). trampolineTableIndex := 0. extA := numExtB := extB := 0. compilationTrace ifNil: [compilationTrace := self class initializationOptions at: #compilationTrace ifAbsent: [0]]. debugOpcodeIndices := self class initializationOptions at: #debugOpcodeIndices ifAbsent: [Set new]. debugBytecodePointers := self class initializationOptions at: #debugBytecodePointers ifAbsent: [Set new]. self class initializationOptions at: #breakPC ifPresent: [:pc| breakPC := pc]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Cogit>>setThreadManager: (in category 'initialization') ----- - setThreadManager: aCogThreadManager - "Initialization of the code generator in the simulator. - Used in the separate VM since this VM does not do a second initialization of the interpreter, - only a second initialization of the objectMemory." - <doNotGenerate> - threadManager := aCogThreadManager "N.B. may be nil"! |
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