Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2926.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2926 Author: eem Time: 7 January 2021, 10:43:47.351813 am UUID: 4f3cf7c5-7b78-41b7-8113-8e45970a4daf Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2925 Include some more include files in the Cogits that are included by sq.h. Rename clone: to cloneObject: to avoid the clash with Unix pthread.h/sched.h's definition of clone, a variant of fork. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2925 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit class>>declareCVarsIn: (in category 'translation') ----- declareCVarsIn: aCCodeGenerator | backEnd | backEnd := CogCompilerClass basicNew. #( 'coInterpreter' 'objectMemory' 'methodZone' 'objectRepresentation' 'cogBlockMethodSurrogateClass' 'cogMethodSurrogateClass' 'nsSendCacheSurrogateClass' 'threadManager' 'processor' 'lastNInstructions' 'simulatedAddresses' 'simulatedTrampolines' 'simulatedVariableGetters' 'simulatedVariableSetters' 'processorFrameValid' 'printRegisters' 'printInstructions' 'clickConfirm' 'singleStep') do: [:simulationVariableNotNeededForRealVM| aCCodeGenerator removeVariable: simulationVariableNotNeededForRealVM]. NewspeakVM ifFalse: [#( 'selfSendTrampolines' 'dynamicSuperSendTrampolines' 'implicitReceiverSendTrampolines' 'outerSendTrampolines' 'ceEnclosingObjectTrampoline' 'numIRCs' 'indexOfIRC' 'theIRCs') do: [:variableNotNeededInNormalVM| aCCodeGenerator removeVariable: variableNotNeededInNormalVM]]. aCCodeGenerator removeConstant: #COGMTVM. "this should be defined at compile time" "N.B. We *do not* include sq.h; it pulls in conflicting definitions now that sqVirtualMachine.h declares cointerp's functions, and declares some of them inaccurately for histrical reasons. We pull in CoInterpreter's api via cointerp.h which is accurate." aCCodeGenerator addHeaderFile:'<stddef.h>'; "for e.g. offsetof" + addHeaderFile:'<stdio.h>'; + addHeaderFile:'<stdlib.h>'; + addHeaderFile:'<string.h>'; addHeaderFile:'"sqConfig.h"'; addHeaderFile:'"sqMemoryAccess.h"'; addHeaderFile:'"sqCogStackAlignment.h"'; addHeaderFile:'"dispdbg.h"'; "must precede cointerp.h & cogit.h otherwise NoDbgRegParms gets screwed up" addHeaderFile:'"cogmethod.h"'. NewspeakVM ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator addHeaderFile:'"nssendcache.h"']. aCCodeGenerator addHeaderFile:'#if COGMTVM'; addHeaderFile:'"cointerpmt.h"'; addHeaderFile:'#else'; addHeaderFile:'"cointerp.h"'; addHeaderFile:'#endif'; addHeaderFile:'"cogit.h"'. aCCodeGenerator var: #ceGetFP declareC: 'usqIntptr_t (*ceGetFP)(void)'; var: #ceGetSP declareC: 'usqIntptr_t (*ceGetSP)(void)'; var: #ceCaptureCStackPointers declareC: 'void (*ceCaptureCStackPointers)(void)'; var: #ceInvokeInterpret declareC: 'void (*ceInvokeInterpret)(void)'; var: #ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*ceEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*realCEEnterCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #ceCallCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*ceCallCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #realCECallCogCodePopReceiverReg declareC: 'void (*realCECallCogCodePopReceiverReg)(void)'; var: #ceCallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs declareC: 'void (*ceCallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs)(void)'; var: #realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs declareC: 'void (*realCECallCogCodePopReceiverAndClassRegs)(void)'; var: #postCompileHook declareC: 'void (*postCompileHook)(CogMethod *)'; var: #openPICList declareC: 'CogMethod *openPICList = 0'; var: #maxMethodBefore type: #'CogBlockMethod *'; var: 'enumeratingCogMethod' type: #'CogMethod *'. aCCodeGenerator var: #ceTryLockVMOwner declareC: '#if COGMTVM\usqIntptr_t (*ceTryLockVMOwner)(usqIntptr_t)\#endif'. backEnd numICacheFlushOpcodes > 0 ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator var: #ceFlushICache declareC: 'static void (*ceFlushICache)(usqIntptr_t from, usqIntptr_t to)']. aCCodeGenerator var: #ceFlushDCache declareC: '#if DUAL_MAPPED_CODE_ZONE\static void (*ceFlushDCache)(usqIntptr_t from, usqIntptr_t to)\#endif'; var: #codeToDataDelta declareC: '#if DUAL_MAPPED_CODE_ZONE\static sqInt codeToDataDelta\#else\# define codeToDataDelta 0\#endif'. aCCodeGenerator declareVar: 'aMethodLabel' type: #'AbstractInstruction'; "Has to come lexicographically before backEnd & methodLabel" var: #backEnd declareC: 'AbstractInstruction * const backEnd = &aMethodLabel'; var: #methodLabel declareC: 'AbstractInstruction * const methodLabel = &aMethodLabel'. self declareC: #(abstractOpcodes stackCheckLabel blockEntryLabel blockEntryNoContextSwitch stackOverflowCall sendMiss entry noCheckEntry selfSendEntry dynSuperEntry fullBlockNoContextSwitchEntry fullBlockEntry picMNUAbort picInterpretAbort endCPICCase0 endCPICCase1 cPICEndOfCodeLabel) as: #'AbstractInstruction *' in: aCCodeGenerator. aCCodeGenerator declareVar: #cPICPrototype type: #'CogMethod *'; declareVar: #blockStarts type: #'BlockStart *'; declareVar: #fixups type: #'BytecodeFixup *'; declareVar: #methodZoneBase type: #usqInt. aCCodeGenerator var: #ordinarySendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt ordinarySendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #superSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt superSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'. BytecodeSetHasDirectedSuperSend ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator var: #directedSuperSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt directedSuperSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #directedSuperBindingSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt directedSuperBindingSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]']. NewspeakVM ifTrue: [aCCodeGenerator var: #selfSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt selfSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #dynamicSuperSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt dynamicSuperSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #implicitReceiverSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt implicitReceiverSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]'; var: #outerSendTrampolines declareC: 'sqInt outerSendTrampolines[NumSendTrampolines]']. aCCodeGenerator addConstantForBinding: self bindingForNumTrampolines; var: #trampolineAddresses declareC: 'static char *trampolineAddresses[NumTrampolines*2]'; var: #objectReferencesInRuntime declareC: 'static usqInt objectReferencesInRuntime[NumObjRefsInRuntime+1]'; var: #labelCounter type: #int; var: #traceFlags declareC: 'int traceFlags = 8 /* prim trace log on by default */'; var: #cStackAlignment declareC: 'const int cStackAlignment = STACK_ALIGN_BYTES'. aCCodeGenerator declareVar: #minValidCallAddress type: #'usqIntptr_t'. aCCodeGenerator vmClass generatorTable ifNotNil: [:bytecodeGenTable| aCCodeGenerator var: #generatorTable declareC: 'static BytecodeDescriptor generatorTable[', bytecodeGenTable size printString, ']', (self tableInitializerFor: bytecodeGenTable in: aCCodeGenerator)]. "In C the abstract opcode names clash with the Smalltalk generator syntactic sugar. Most of the syntactic sugar is inlined, but alas some remains. Rename the syntactic sugar to avoid the clash." (self organization listAtCategoryNamed: #'abstract instructions') do: [:s| aCCodeGenerator addSelectorTranslation: s to: 'g', (aCCodeGenerator cFunctionNameFor: s)]. aCCodeGenerator addSelectorTranslation: #halt: to: 'haltmsg'. self declareFlagVarsAsByteIn: aCCodeGenerator! Item was changed: ----- Method: Cogit>>handleCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap: (in category 'simulation only') ----- handleCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap + | variableValue | - | variableValue accessor | variableValue := (simulatedVariableGetters at: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap address ifAbsent: [self errorProcessingSimulationTrap: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap in: simulatedVariableGetters]) value asInteger. + processor setFlagsForCompareAndSwap: variableValue = aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap expectedValue. variableValue = aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap expectedValue ifTrue: [(simulatedVariableSetters at: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap address ifAbsent: [self errorProcessingSimulationTrap: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap in: simulatedVariableSetters]) value: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap storedValue]. - processor setFlagsForCompareAndSwap: variableValue = aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap expectedValue. - accessor := aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap registerAccessor. processor + perform: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap registerAccessor - perform: accessor with: (processor convertIntegerToInternal: variableValue). processor pc: aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap nextpc. aCompareAndSwapSimulationTrap resume: processor! Item was changed: ----- Method: CroquetPlugin>>primitiveOrthoNormInverseMatrix (in category 'transforms') ----- primitiveOrthoNormInverseMatrix | srcOop dstOop src dst x y z rx ry rz | <export: true> <var: #src type: #'float *'> <var: #dst type: #'float *'> <var: #x type: #double> <var: #y type: #double> <var: #z type: #double> <var: #rx type: #double> <var: #ry type: #double> <var: #rz type: #double> interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount = 0 ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. srcOop := interpreterProxy stackObjectValue: 0. interpreterProxy failed ifTrue:[^nil]. ((interpreterProxy isWords: srcOop) and:[(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: srcOop) = 16]) ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. + dstOop := interpreterProxy cloneObject: srcOop. - dstOop := interpreterProxy clone: srcOop. "reload srcOop in case of GC" srcOop := interpreterProxy stackObjectValue: 0. src := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: srcOop. dst := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: dstOop. "Transpose upper 3x3 matrix" "dst at: 0 put: (src at: 0)." dst at: 1 put: (src at: 4). dst at: 2 put: (src at: 8). dst at: 4 put: (src at: 1). "dst at: 5 put: (src at: 5)." dst at: 6 put: (src at: 9). dst at: 8 put: (src at: 2). dst at: 9 put: (src at: 6). "dst at: 10 put: (src at: 10)." "Compute inverse translation vector" x := src at: 3. y := src at: 7. z := src at: 11. rx := (x * (dst at: 0)) + (y * (dst at: 1)) + (z * (dst at: 2)). ry := (x * (dst at: 4)) + (y * (dst at: 5)) + (z * (dst at: 6)). rz := (x * (dst at: 8)) + (y * (dst at: 9)) + (z * (dst at: 10)). dst at: 3 put: (self cCoerce: 0.0-rx to: #float). dst at: 7 put: (self cCoerce: 0.0-ry to: #float). dst at: 11 put: (self cCoerce: 0.0-rz to: #float). interpreterProxy pop: 1 thenPush: dstOop! Item was changed: ----- Method: CroquetPlugin>>primitiveTransformDirection (in category 'transforms') ----- primitiveTransformDirection | x y z rx ry rz matrix vertex v3Oop | <export: true> <var: #vertex declareC:'float *vertex'> <var: #matrix declareC:'float *matrix'> <var: #x declareC:'double x'> <var: #y declareC:'double y'> <var: #z declareC:'double z'> <var: #rx declareC:'double rx'> <var: #ry declareC:'double ry'> <var: #rz declareC:'double rz'> interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount = 1 ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. v3Oop := interpreterProxy stackObjectValue: 0. interpreterProxy failed ifTrue:[^nil]. ((interpreterProxy isWords: v3Oop) and:[(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: v3Oop) = 3]) ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. vertex := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: v3Oop. matrix := self stackMatrix: 1. (matrix == nil) ifTrue:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. x := vertex at: 0. y := vertex at: 1. z := vertex at: 2. rx := (x * (matrix at: 0)) + (y * (matrix at: 1)) + (z * (matrix at: 2)). ry := (x * (matrix at: 4)) + (y * (matrix at: 5)) + (z * (matrix at: 6)). rz := (x * (matrix at: 8)) + (y * (matrix at: 9)) + (z * (matrix at: 10)). + v3Oop := interpreterProxy cloneObject: v3Oop. - v3Oop := interpreterProxy clone: v3Oop. vertex := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: v3Oop. vertex at: 0 put: (self cCoerce: rx to: 'float'). vertex at: 1 put: (self cCoerce: ry to:'float'). vertex at: 2 put: (self cCoerce: rz to: 'float'). interpreterProxy pop: 2. ^interpreterProxy push: v3Oop. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CroquetPlugin>>primitiveTransformVector3 (in category 'transforms') ----- primitiveTransformVector3 | x y z rx ry rz rw matrix vertex v3Oop | <export: true> <var: #vertex declareC:'float *vertex'> <var: #matrix declareC:'float *matrix'> <var: #x declareC:'double x'> <var: #y declareC:'double y'> <var: #z declareC:'double z'> <var: #rx declareC:'double rx'> <var: #ry declareC:'double ry'> <var: #rz declareC:'double rz'> <var: #rw declareC:'double rw'> interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount = 1 ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. v3Oop := interpreterProxy stackObjectValue: 0. interpreterProxy failed ifTrue:[^nil]. ((interpreterProxy isWords: v3Oop) and:[(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: v3Oop) = 3]) ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. vertex := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: v3Oop. matrix := self stackMatrix: 1. (matrix == nil) ifTrue:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. x := vertex at: 0. y := vertex at: 1. z := vertex at: 2. rx := (x * (matrix at: 0)) + (y * (matrix at: 1)) + (z * (matrix at: 2)) + (matrix at: 3). ry := (x * (matrix at: 4)) + (y * (matrix at: 5)) + (z * (matrix at: 6)) + (matrix at: 7). rz := (x * (matrix at: 8)) + (y * (matrix at: 9)) + (z * (matrix at: 10)) + (matrix at: 11). rw := (x * (matrix at: 12)) + (y * (matrix at: 13)) + (z * (matrix at: 14)) + (matrix at: 15). + v3Oop := interpreterProxy cloneObject: v3Oop. - v3Oop := interpreterProxy clone: v3Oop. vertex := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: v3Oop. rw = 1.0 ifTrue:[ vertex at: 0 put: (self cCoerce: rx to: 'float'). vertex at: 1 put: (self cCoerce: ry to:'float'). vertex at: 2 put: (self cCoerce: rz to: 'float'). ] ifFalse:[ rw = 0.0 ifTrue:[rw := 0.0] ifFalse:[rw := 1.0 / rw]. vertex at: 0 put: (self cCoerce: rx*rw to:'float'). vertex at: 1 put: (self cCoerce: ry*rw to:'float'). vertex at: 2 put: (self cCoerce: rz*rw to: 'float'). ]. interpreterProxy pop: 2. ^interpreterProxy push: v3Oop. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CroquetPlugin>>primitiveTransposeMatrix (in category 'transforms') ----- primitiveTransposeMatrix | srcOop dstOop src dst | <export: true> <var: #src declareC:'float *src'> <var: #dst declareC:'float *dst'> interpreterProxy methodArgumentCount = 0 ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. srcOop := interpreterProxy stackObjectValue: 0. interpreterProxy failed ifTrue:[^nil]. ((interpreterProxy isWords: srcOop) and:[(interpreterProxy slotSizeOf: srcOop) = 16]) ifFalse:[^interpreterProxy primitiveFail]. + dstOop := interpreterProxy cloneObject: srcOop. - dstOop := interpreterProxy clone: srcOop. "reload srcOop in case of GC" srcOop := interpreterProxy stackObjectValue: 0. src := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: srcOop. dst := interpreterProxy firstIndexableField: dstOop. "dst at: 0 put: (src at: 0)." dst at: 1 put: (src at: 4). dst at: 2 put: (src at: 8). dst at: 3 put: (src at: 12). dst at: 4 put: (src at: 1). "dst at: 5 put: (src at: 5)." dst at: 6 put: (src at: 9). dst at: 7 put: (src at: 13). dst at: 8 put: (src at: 2). dst at: 9 put: (src at: 6). "dst at: 10 put: (src at: 10)." dst at: 11 put: (src at: 14). dst at: 12 put: (src at: 3). dst at: 13 put: (src at: 7). dst at: 14 put: (src at: 11). "dst at: 15 put: (src at: 15)." interpreterProxy pop: 1. ^interpreterProxy push: dstOop. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Interpreter>>primitiveClone (in category 'object access primitives') ----- primitiveClone "Return a shallow copy of the receiver." | newCopy | + newCopy := self cloneObject: self stackTop. - newCopy := self clone: self stackTop. newCopy = 0 ifTrue: "not enough memory most likely" [^self primitiveFail]. self pop: argumentCount + 1 thenPush: newCopy! Item was changed: ----- Method: InterpreterPrimitives>>primitiveClone (in category 'object access primitives') ----- primitiveClone "Return a shallow copy of the receiver." | rcvr newCopy | rcvr := self stackTop. (objectMemory isImmediate: rcvr) ifTrue: [newCopy := rcvr] ifFalse: [(argumentCount = 0 or: [(objectMemory isForwarded: rcvr) not]) + ifTrue: [newCopy := objectMemory cloneObject: rcvr] - ifTrue: [newCopy := objectMemory clone: rcvr] ifFalse: [newCopy := 0]. newCopy = 0 ifTrue: "not enough memory most likely" [^self primitiveFail]]. self pop: argumentCount + 1 thenPush: newCopy! Item was removed: - ----- Method: InterpreterProxy>>clone: (in category 'instance creation') ----- - clone: oop - ^oop shallowCopy! Item was added: + ----- Method: InterpreterProxy>>cloneObject: (in category 'instance creation') ----- + cloneObject: oop + ^oop shallowCopy! Item was removed: - ----- Method: NewObjectMemory>>clone: (in category 'allocation') ----- - clone: obj - "Return a shallow copy of the given object. May cause GC. - Assume: Oop is a real object, not a small integer. - Override to assert it's not a married context and maybe fix cloned methods." - | extraHdrBytes bytes newChunk remappedOop fromIndex toIndex lastFrom newOop header hash | - <inline: false> - <var: #lastFrom type: #usqInt> - <var: #fromIndex type: #usqInt> - self assert: ((self isContext: obj) not - or: [(coInterpreter isMarriedOrWidowedContext: obj) not]). - - self assert: (self isNonIntegerObject: obj). - extraHdrBytes := self extraHeaderBytes: obj. - bytes := self sizeBitsOf: obj. - bytes := bytes + extraHdrBytes. - - "allocate space for the copy, remapping obj in case of a GC" - self pushRemappableOop: obj. - "check it is safe to allocate this much memory. Return 0 if not" - (self sufficientSpaceToAllocate: 2500 + bytes) ifFalse:[^0]. - newChunk := self allocateChunk: bytes. - remappedOop := self popRemappableOop. - - "copy old to new including all header words" - toIndex := newChunk - self wordSize. "loop below uses pre-increment" - fromIndex := (remappedOop - extraHdrBytes) - self wordSize. - lastFrom := fromIndex + bytes. - [fromIndex < lastFrom] whileTrue: - [self longAt: (toIndex := toIndex + self wordSize) - put: (self longAt: (fromIndex := fromIndex + self wordSize))]. - newOop := newChunk + extraHdrBytes. "convert from chunk to oop" - - "fix base header: compute new hash and clear Mark and Root bits" - hash := self newObjectHash. - header := (self longAt: newOop) bitAnd: 16r1FFFF. - "use old ccIndex, format, size, and header-type fields" - header := header bitOr: ((hash << HashBitsOffset) bitAnd: HashBits). - self longAt: newOop put: header. - (self isCompiledMethodHeader: header) ifTrue: - [coInterpreter maybeFixClonedCompiledMethod: newOop]. - ^newOop - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: NewObjectMemory>>cloneObject: (in category 'allocation') ----- + cloneObject: obj + "Return a shallow copy of the given object. May cause GC. + Assume: Oop is a real object, not a small integer. + Override to assert it's not a married context and maybe fix cloned methods." + | extraHdrBytes bytes newChunk remappedOop fromIndex toIndex lastFrom newOop header hash | + <inline: false> + <var: #lastFrom type: #usqInt> + <var: #fromIndex type: #usqInt> + self assert: ((self isContext: obj) not + or: [(coInterpreter isMarriedOrWidowedContext: obj) not]). + + self assert: (self isNonIntegerObject: obj). + extraHdrBytes := self extraHeaderBytes: obj. + bytes := self sizeBitsOf: obj. + bytes := bytes + extraHdrBytes. + + "allocate space for the copy, remapping obj in case of a GC" + self pushRemappableOop: obj. + "check it is safe to allocate this much memory. Return 0 if not" + (self sufficientSpaceToAllocate: 2500 + bytes) ifFalse:[^0]. + newChunk := self allocateChunk: bytes. + remappedOop := self popRemappableOop. + + "copy old to new including all header words" + toIndex := newChunk - self wordSize. "loop below uses pre-increment" + fromIndex := (remappedOop - extraHdrBytes) - self wordSize. + lastFrom := fromIndex + bytes. + [fromIndex < lastFrom] whileTrue: + [self longAt: (toIndex := toIndex + self wordSize) + put: (self longAt: (fromIndex := fromIndex + self wordSize))]. + newOop := newChunk + extraHdrBytes. "convert from chunk to oop" + + "fix base header: compute new hash and clear Mark and Root bits" + hash := self newObjectHash. + header := (self longAt: newOop) bitAnd: 16r1FFFF. + "use old ccIndex, format, size, and header-type fields" + header := header bitOr: ((hash << HashBitsOffset) bitAnd: HashBits). + self longAt: newOop put: header. + (self isCompiledMethodHeader: header) ifTrue: + [coInterpreter maybeFixClonedCompiledMethod: newOop]. + ^newOop + ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: ObjectMemory>>clone: (in category 'allocation') ----- - clone: obj - "Return a shallow copy of the given object. May cause GC" - "Assume: Oop is a real object, not a small integer." - - | extraHdrBytes bytes newChunk remappedOop fromIndex toIndex lastFrom newOop header hash | - <inline: false> - <var: #lastFrom type: #usqInt> - <var: #fromIndex type: #usqInt> - self assert: (self isNonIntegerObject: obj). - extraHdrBytes := self extraHeaderBytes: obj. - bytes := self sizeBitsOf: obj. - bytes := bytes + extraHdrBytes. - - "allocate space for the copy, remapping obj in case of a GC" - self pushRemappableOop: obj. - "check it is safe to allocate this much memory. Return 0 if not" - (self sufficientSpaceToAllocate: 2500 + bytes) ifFalse:[^0]. - newChunk := self allocateChunk: bytes. - remappedOop := self popRemappableOop. - - "copy old to new including all header words" - toIndex := newChunk - self wordSize. "loop below uses pre-increment" - fromIndex := (remappedOop - extraHdrBytes) - self wordSize. - lastFrom := fromIndex + bytes. - [fromIndex < lastFrom] whileTrue: - [self longAt: (toIndex := toIndex + self wordSize) put: (self longAt: (fromIndex := fromIndex + self wordSize))]. - newOop := newChunk + extraHdrBytes. "convert from chunk to oop" - - "fix base header: compute new hash and clear Mark and Root bits" - hash := self newObjectHash. - header := (self longAt: newOop) bitAnd: 16r1FFFF. - "use old ccIndex, format, size, and header-type fields" - header := header bitOr: ((hash << HashBitsOffset) bitAnd: HashBits). - self longAt: newOop put: header. - ^newOop - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: ObjectMemory>>cloneObject: (in category 'allocation') ----- + cloneObject: obj + "Return a shallow copy of the given object. May cause GC" + "Assume: Oop is a real object, not a small integer." + + | extraHdrBytes bytes newChunk remappedOop fromIndex toIndex lastFrom newOop header hash | + <inline: false> + <var: #lastFrom type: #usqInt> + <var: #fromIndex type: #usqInt> + self assert: (self isNonIntegerObject: obj). + extraHdrBytes := self extraHeaderBytes: obj. + bytes := self sizeBitsOf: obj. + bytes := bytes + extraHdrBytes. + + "allocate space for the copy, remapping obj in case of a GC" + self pushRemappableOop: obj. + "check it is safe to allocate this much memory. Return 0 if not" + (self sufficientSpaceToAllocate: 2500 + bytes) ifFalse:[^0]. + newChunk := self allocateChunk: bytes. + remappedOop := self popRemappableOop. + + "copy old to new including all header words" + toIndex := newChunk - self wordSize. "loop below uses pre-increment" + fromIndex := (remappedOop - extraHdrBytes) - self wordSize. + lastFrom := fromIndex + bytes. + [fromIndex < lastFrom] whileTrue: + [self longAt: (toIndex := toIndex + self wordSize) put: (self longAt: (fromIndex := fromIndex + self wordSize))]. + newOop := newChunk + extraHdrBytes. "convert from chunk to oop" + + "fix base header: compute new hash and clear Mark and Root bits" + hash := self newObjectHash. + header := (self longAt: newOop) bitAnd: 16r1FFFF. + "use old ccIndex, format, size, and header-type fields" + header := header bitOr: ((hash << HashBitsOffset) bitAnd: HashBits). + self longAt: newOop put: header. + ^newOop + ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>clone: (in category 'allocation') ----- - clone: objOop - | numSlots fmt newObj | - numSlots := self numSlotsOf: objOop. - fmt := self formatOf: objOop. - numSlots > self maxSlotsForNewSpaceAlloc - ifTrue: - [newObj := self allocateSlotsInOldSpace: numSlots - format: fmt - classIndex: (self classIndexOf: objOop)] - ifFalse: - [newObj := self allocateSlots: numSlots - format: fmt - classIndex: (self classIndexOf: objOop)]. - newObj ifNil: - [^0]. - (self isPointersFormat: fmt) - ifTrue: - [| hasYoung | - hasYoung := false. - 0 to: numSlots - 1 do: - [:i| | oop | - oop := self fetchPointer: i ofObject: objOop. - (self isNonImmediate: oop) ifTrue: - [(self isForwarded: oop) ifTrue: - [oop := self followForwarded: oop]. - ((self isNonImmediate: oop) - and: [self isYoungObject: oop]) ifTrue: - [hasYoung := true]]. - self storePointerUnchecked: i - ofObject: newObj - withValue: oop]. - (hasYoung - and: [(self isYoungObject: newObj) not]) ifTrue: - [scavenger remember: newObj]] - ifFalse: - [0 to: numSlots - 1 do: - [:i| - self storePointerUnchecked: i - ofObject: newObj - withValue: (self fetchPointer: i ofObject: objOop)]. - fmt >= self firstCompiledMethodFormat ifTrue: - [coInterpreter maybeFixClonedCompiledMethod: newObj. - ((self isOldObject: newObj) - and: [(self isYoungObject: objOop) or: [self isRemembered: objOop]]) ifTrue: - [scavenger remember: newObj]]]. - ^newObj! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>cloneObject: (in category 'allocation') ----- + cloneObject: objOop + | numSlots fmt newObj | + numSlots := self numSlotsOf: objOop. + fmt := self formatOf: objOop. + numSlots > self maxSlotsForNewSpaceAlloc + ifTrue: + [newObj := self allocateSlotsInOldSpace: numSlots + format: fmt + classIndex: (self classIndexOf: objOop)] + ifFalse: + [newObj := self allocateSlots: numSlots + format: fmt + classIndex: (self classIndexOf: objOop)]. + newObj ifNil: + [^0]. + (self isPointersFormat: fmt) + ifTrue: + [| hasYoung | + hasYoung := false. + 0 to: numSlots - 1 do: + [:i| | oop | + oop := self fetchPointer: i ofObject: objOop. + (self isNonImmediate: oop) ifTrue: + [(self isForwarded: oop) ifTrue: + [oop := self followForwarded: oop]. + ((self isNonImmediate: oop) + and: [self isYoungObject: oop]) ifTrue: + [hasYoung := true]]. + self storePointerUnchecked: i + ofObject: newObj + withValue: oop]. + (hasYoung + and: [(self isYoungObject: newObj) not]) ifTrue: + [scavenger remember: newObj]] + ifFalse: + [0 to: numSlots - 1 do: + [:i| + self storePointerUnchecked: i + ofObject: newObj + withValue: (self fetchPointer: i ofObject: objOop)]. + fmt >= self firstCompiledMethodFormat ifTrue: + [coInterpreter maybeFixClonedCompiledMethod: newObj. + ((self isOldObject: newObj) + and: [(self isYoungObject: objOop) or: [self isRemembered: objOop]]) ifTrue: + [scavenger remember: newObj]]]. + ^newObj! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>outOfPlaceBecome:and:copyHashFlag: (in category 'become implementation') ----- outOfPlaceBecome: obj1 and: obj2 copyHashFlag: copyHashFlag <inline: #never> "in an effort to fix a compiler bug with two-way become post r3427" "Allocate two new objects, n1 & n2. Copy the contents appropriately. Convert obj1 and obj2 into forwarding objects pointing to n2 and n1 respectively" | clone1 clone2 | clone1 := (self isContextNonImm: obj1) ifTrue: [coInterpreter cloneContext: obj1] + ifFalse: [self cloneObject: obj1]. - ifFalse: [self clone: obj1]. clone2 := (self isContextNonImm: obj2) ifTrue: [coInterpreter cloneContext: obj2] + ifFalse: [self cloneObject: obj2]. - ifFalse: [self clone: obj2]. (self isObjImmutable: obj1) ifTrue: [self setIsImmutableOf: clone1 to: true]. (self isObjImmutable: obj2) ifTrue: [self setIsImmutableOf: clone2 to: true]. copyHashFlag ifTrue: [self setHashBitsOf: clone1 to: (self rawHashBitsOf: obj1). self setHashBitsOf: clone2 to: (self rawHashBitsOf: obj2)] ifFalse: [self setHashBitsOf: clone1 to: (self rawHashBitsOf: obj2). self setHashBitsOf: clone2 to: (self rawHashBitsOf: obj1)]. self forward: obj1 to: clone2; forward: obj2 to: clone1. ((self isYoungObject: obj1) ~= (self isYoungObject: clone2) or: [(self isYoungObject: obj2) ~= (self isYoungObject: clone1)]) ifTrue: [becomeEffectsFlags := becomeEffectsFlags bitOr: OldBecameNewFlag]! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterPrimitives>>primitiveClone (in category 'object access primitives') ----- primitiveClone "Return a shallow copy of the receiver. Special-case non-single contexts (because of context-to-stack mapping). Can't fail for contexts cuz of image context instantiation code (sigh)." | rcvr newCopy | rcvr := self stackTop. (objectMemory isImmediate: rcvr) ifTrue: [newCopy := rcvr] ifFalse: [(objectMemory isContextNonImm: rcvr) ifTrue: [newCopy := self cloneContext: rcvr] ifFalse: [(argumentCount = 0 or: [(objectMemory isForwarded: rcvr) not]) + ifTrue: [newCopy := objectMemory cloneObject: rcvr] - ifTrue: [newCopy := objectMemory clone: rcvr] ifFalse: [newCopy := 0]]. newCopy = 0 ifTrue: [^self primitiveFailFor: PrimErrNoMemory]]. self pop: argumentCount + 1 thenPush: newCopy! |
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