Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-eem.2938.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2938 Author: eem Time: 20 January 2021, 7:17:02.642438 pm UUID: d0498f14-0205-4d9d-925f-016fa65847a3 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2937 SmartSyntaxPlugin Slang compilation: Eliminate a little dead code following final conditional return. Don't bother to check for failure when returning results of positive32BitIntegerFor:, which cannot fail. Cleaner adding of prologs/epilogs to parseTree's statements. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2937 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>endsWithMethodReturnExpression (in category 'testing') ----- endsWithMethodReturnExpression | operativeReturn methodReturns | operativeReturn := (parseTree statements last isReturn and: [parseTree statements last expression isLeaf]) ifTrue: [(parseTree statements last: 2) first] ifFalse: [parseTree statements last]. + (operativeReturn isSend + and: [operativeReturn selector == #ifFalse: + and: [operativeReturn receiver isSend + and: [operativeReturn receiver selector == #failed + and: [operativeReturn receiver receiver isLeaf + and: [operativeReturn receiver receiver name = 'interpreterProxy' + and: [operativeReturn args size = 1 + and: [operativeReturn args first statements first isReturn]]]]]]]) ifTrue: + [operativeReturn := operativeReturn args first statements first expression]. methodReturns := #( methodReturnReceiver methodReturnFloat: methodReturnValue: methodReturnInteger: methodReturnBool: methodReturnString: + methodReturnStringOrNil: + + asBooleanObj + asFloatObj + asPositiveIntegerObj + asSmallIntegerObj). - methodReturnStringOrNil:). ^operativeReturn isSend and: [(methodReturns includes: operativeReturn selector) or: [operativeReturn isConditionalSend and: [(operativeReturn args collect: [:stmts| stmts statements last]) anySatisfy: [:stmt| stmt isSend and: [methodReturns includes: stmt selector]]]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>extractPrimitiveDirectives (in category 'specifying primitives') ----- extractPrimitiveDirectives "Save selector in fullSelector and args in fullArgs. Scan top-level statements for a directive of the form: self primitive: <string> or self primitive: <string> parameters: <list of class names> or self primitive: <string> parameters: <list of class names> receiver: <class name> or an assignment of that expression to a local, and manipulate the state and parse tree accordingly." parseTree setStatements: (Array streamContents: [:sStream | parseTree statements do: [:stmt | (self primitiveDirectiveWasHandled: stmt on: sStream) ifFalse: [sStream nextPut: stmt]]]). isPrimitive ifTrue: [export := true. + parseTree statements addAllFirst: self namedPrimitiveProlog. - parseTree - setStatements: self namedPrimitiveProlog, - parseTree statements. self fixUpReturns. self replaceSizeMessages. ^true] ifFalse: [self removeFinalSelfReturnIn: nil]. ^false! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>resultExpressionCanFail: (in category 'private') ----- resultExpressionCanFail: aTSendNode + "Neither asSmallIntegerObj nor asBooleanObj nor asPositiveIntegerObj can fail. + asPositiveIntegerObj maps to positive32BitIntegerFor: which uses + eeInstantiateSmallClassIndex:format:numSlots: which does not GC and does not fail." + ^(#(asSmallIntegerObj asPositiveIntegerObj asBooleanObj nilObject trueObject falseObject) includes: aTSendNode selector) not! - "Neither asSmallIntegerObj nor asBooleanObj can fail." - ^(#(asSmallIntegerObj asBooleanObj nilObject trueObject falseObject) includes: aTSendNode selector) not! Item was changed: ----- Method: TMethod>>preparePrimitivePrologue (in category 'primitive compilation') ----- preparePrimitivePrologue "Add a prolog and postlog to a primitive method. The prolog copies any instance variables referenced by this primitive method into local variables. The postlog copies values of assigned-to variables back into the instance. The names of the new locals are added to the local variables list. The declarations dictionary defines the types of any non-integer variables (locals, arguments, or instance variables). In particular, it may specify the types: int * -- an array of 32-bit values (e.g., a BitMap) short * -- an array of 16-bit values (e.g., a SoundBuffer) char * -- an array of unsigned bytes (e.g., a String) double -- a double precision floating point number (e.g., 3.14159) Undeclared variables are taken to be integers and will be converted from Smalltalk to C ints." "Current restrictions: o method must not contain message sends o method must not allocate objects o method must not manipulate raw oops o method cannot access class variables o method can only return an integer" | prolog postlog instVarsUsed varsAssignedTo instVarList primArgCount varName endsWithReturn aClass | self assert: selector ~~ #setInterpreter:. aClass := definingClass. prolog := OrderedCollection new. postlog := OrderedCollection new. instVarsUsed := self freeVariableReferences asSet. varsAssignedTo := self variablesAssignedTo asSet. instVarList := aClass allInstVarNames. primArgCount := args size. "add receiver fetch and arg conversions to prolog" prolog addAll: self fetchRcvrExpr. 1 to: args size do: [:argIndex | varName := args at: argIndex. prolog addAll: (self argConversionExprFor: varName stackIndex: args size - argIndex)]. "add success check to postlog" postlog addAll: self checkSuccessExpr. "add instance variable fetches to prolog and instance variable stores to postlog" 1 to: instVarList size do: [:varIndex | varName := instVarList at: varIndex. (instVarsUsed includes: varName) ifTrue: [ locals add: varName. prolog addAll: (self instVarGetExprFor: varName offset: varIndex - 1). (varsAssignedTo includes: varName) ifTrue: [ postlog addAll: (self instVarPutExprFor: varName offset: varIndex - 1)]]]. prolog addAll: self checkSuccessExpr. ((locals includes: 'rcvr') or: [(locals intersection: args) notEmpty]) ifTrue: [self error: 'local name conflicts with instance variable name']. locals add: 'rcvr'; addAll: args. args := args class new. endsWithReturn := self endsWithReturn. self fixUpReturns: primArgCount postlog: postlog. + parseTree statements addAllFirst: prolog. + endsWithReturn ifFalse: + [postlog addAll: (self popArgsExpr: primArgCount). + parseTree statements addAllLast: postlog]. - endsWithReturn - ifTrue: [parseTree setStatements: prolog, parseTree statements] - ifFalse: [ - postlog addAll: (self popArgsExpr: primArgCount). - parseTree setStatements: prolog, parseTree statements, postlog]. ! |
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