VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.936.mcz

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VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.936.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.936
Author: eem
Time: 17 November 2014, 8:44:35.833 pm
UUID: e52558f4-f06e-4d8b-8e7a-ee476528106b
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.935

Add Spur64BitMMLESimulator, fleshing it out from
Implement allocateSlots:format:classIndex: in
Spur32BitMemoryManager and Spur64BitMemoryManager.
Make the superclass implementatiuon a subclassResponsibility.
Delete the simulator isIntegerObject:'s that check for
rewritten clients.  They have served their purpose.
Nuke the obsolete longLongAt:[put:].
Make positive64BitValueOf: always answer a value.
Move the cogitClass implementations up into VMClass.

=============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.935 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>computeKernelReturnTypes (in category 'public') -----
  ^Dictionary newFromPairs:
  #(oopAt: #sqInt oopAt:put: #sqInt
  oopAtPointer: #sqInt oopAtPointer:put: #sqInt
  byteAt: #sqInt byteAt:put: #sqInt
  byteAtPointer: #sqInt byteAtPointer:put: #sqInt
  shortAt: #sqInt shortAt:put: #sqInt
  shortAtPointer: #sqInt shortAtPointer:put: #sqInt
  intAt: #sqInt intAt:put: #sqInt
  intAtPointer: #sqInt intAtPointer:put: #sqInt
  longAt: #sqInt longAt:put: #sqInt
  longAtPointer: #sqInt longAtPointer:put: #sqInt
  long32At: #sqInt long32At:put: #sqInt
+ long64At: #sqLong long64At:put: #sqLong
- longLongAt: #sqLong longLongAt:put: #sqLong
- longLongAtPointer: #sqLong longLongAtPointer:put: #sqLong
- long64At: #sqLong long64At:put: #sqLong
  fetchFloatAt:into: #void storeFloatAt:from: #void
  fetchFloatAtPointer:into: #void storeFloatAtPointer:from: #void
  fetchSingleFloatAt:into: #void storeSingleFloatAt:from: #void
  fetchSingleFloatAtPointer:into: #void storeSingleFloatAtPointer:from: #void
  pointerForOop: #'char *' oopForPointer: #sqInt)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>isKernelSelector: (in category 'utilities') -----
  isKernelSelector: sel
  "Answer true if the given selector is one of the kernel selectors that are implemented as macros."
  oopAt: oopAt:put: oopAtPointer: oopAtPointer:put:
  byteAt: byteAt:put: byteAtPointer: byteAtPointer:put:
  shortAt: shortAt:put: shortAtPointer: shortAtPointer:put:
  intAt: intAt:put: intAtPointer: intAtPointer:put:
+ longAt: longAt:put: longAtPointer: longAtPointer:put:
+ long32At: long32At:put: long64At: long64At:put:
- longAt: longAt:put: longAtPointer: longAtPointer:put: long32At: long32At:put:
- longLongAt: longLongAt:put: longLongAtPointer: longLongAtPointer:put: long64At: long64At:put:
  fetchFloatAt:into: storeFloatAt:from: fetchFloatAtPointer:into: storeFloatAtPointer:from:
  fetchSingleFloatAt:into: storeSingleFloatAt:from: fetchSingleFloatAtPointer:into: storeSingleFloatAtPointer:from:
  pointerForOop: oopForPointer:
  cCoerce:to: cCoerceSimple:to:)
  includes: sel)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CoInterpreter class>>cogitClass (in category 'accessing class hierarchy') -----
- cogitClass
- ^Smalltalk classNamed: (initializationOptions
- at: #Cogit
- ifAbsent: [#SimpleStackBasedCogit])!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CogObjectRepresentation class>>cogitClass (in category 'accessing class hierarchy') -----
- cogitClass
- ^initializationOptions ifNotNil:
- [Smalltalk classNamed: (initializationOptions
- at: #Cogit
- ifAbsent: [#SimpleStackBasedCogit])]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Cogit class>>cogitClass (in category 'accessing class hierarchy') -----
- cogitClass
- ^Smalltalk classNamed: (initializationOptions
- at: #Cogit
- ifAbsent: [#SimpleStackBasedCogit])!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: InterpreterPrimitives>>positive64BitValueOf: (in category 'primitive support') -----
  positive64BitValueOf: oop
  "Convert the given object into an integer value.
  The object may be either a positive SmallInteger or an eight-byte LargePositiveInteger."
  <returnTypeC: #usqLong>
  | sz value ok |
  <var: #value type: #usqLong>
  (objectMemory isIntegerObject: oop) ifTrue:
  [(objectMemory integerValueOf: oop) < 0 ifTrue:
  [^self primitiveFail].
  ^objectMemory integerValueOf: oop].
  (objectMemory isNonIntegerImmediate: oop) ifTrue:
  [self primitiveFail.
  ok := objectMemory
  isClassOfNonImm: oop
  equalTo: (objectMemory splObj: ClassLargePositiveInteger)
  compactClassIndex: ClassLargePositiveIntegerCompactIndex.
  (ok and: [(sz := objectMemory lengthOf: oop) <= (self sizeof: #sqLong)]) ifFalse:
+ [self primitiveFail.
+ ^0].
- [^self primitiveFail].
  value := 0.
  0 to: sz - 1 do: [:i |
  value := value + ((self cCoerce: (objectMemory fetchByte: i ofObject: oop) to: #usqLong) <<  (i*8))].

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: LittleEndianBitmap>>longLongAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
- longLongAt: byteAddress
- "memory is a Bitmap, a 32-bit indexable array of bits"
- | hiWord loWord |
- byteAddress - 1 \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
- loWord := self at: byteAddress - 1 // 4 + 1.
- hiWord := self at: byteAddress - 1 // 4 + 2.
- ^hiWord = 0
- ifTrue: [loWord]
- ifFalse: [(hiWord signedIntFromLong bitShift: 32) + loWord]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: LittleEndianBitmap>>longLongAt:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
- longLongAt: byteAddress put: a64BitValue
- byteAddress - 1 \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
- self
- longAt: byteAddress put: (a64BitValue bitAnd: 16rffffffff);
- longAt: byteAddress + 4 put: a64BitValue >> 32.
- ^a64BitValue!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLECoSimulator>>isIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
- isIntegerObject: oop
- "This list records the valid senders of isIntegerObject: as we replace uses of
-  isIntegerObject: by isImmediate: where appropriate."
- "| sel |
- sel := thisContext sender method selector.
- (#( DoIt
- DoItIn:
- baseFrameReturn
- bereaveAllMarriedContextsForSnapshotFlushingExternalPrimitivesIf:
- bytecodePrimAt
- bytecodePrimAtPut
- bytesOrInt:growTo:
- ceBaseFrameReturn:
- checkIsStillMarriedContext:currentFP:
- checkedIntegerValueOf:
- cogMethodDoesntLookKosher:
- commonAt:
- commonAtPut:
- commonVariable:at:put:cacheIndex:
- compare31or32Bits:equal:
- digitBitLogic:with:opIndex:
- digitLength:
- displayBitsOf:Left:Top:Right:Bottom:
- ensureContextHasBytecodePC:
- externalInstVar:ofContext:
- fetchIntOrFloat:ofObject:
- fetchIntOrFloat:ofObject:ifNil:
- fetchStackPointerOf:
- fileValueOf:
- frameOfMarriedContext:
- functionForPrimitiveExternalCall:
- genSpecialSelectorArithmetic
- genSpecialSelectorComparison
- inlineCacheTagForInstance:
- instVar:ofContext:
- isCogMethodReference:
- isLiveContext:
- isMarriedOrWidowedContext:
- isNegativeIntegerValueOf:
- isNormalized:
- loadBitBltDestForm
- loadBitBltSourceForm
- loadFloatOrIntFrom:
- loadPoint:from:
- magnitude64BitValueOf:
- makeBaseFrameFor:
- numPointerSlotsOf:
- objCouldBeClassObj:
- on:do: ""from the debugger""
- positive32BitValueOf:
- positive64BitValueOf:
- primDigitAdd:
- primDigitBitShiftMagnitude:
- primDigitCompare:
- primDigitDiv:negative:
- primDigitMultiply:negative:
- primDigitSubtract:
- primitiveAllInstances
- primitiveAsCharacter
- primitiveContextAt
- primitiveContextAtPut
- primitiveExternalCall
- primitiveFileSetPosition
- primitiveFileTruncate DoIt
- primitiveForwardSignalToSemaphore
- primitiveGrowMemoryByAtLeast
- primitiveInputSemaphore
- primitiveMakePoint
- primitiveNewMethod
- primitiveObjectAtPut
- primitiveSizeInBytesOfInstance
- primitiveVMParameter
- printContext:
- quickFetchInteger:ofObject:
- shortPrint:
- shortPrintOop:
- signed32BitValueOf:
- signed64BitValueOf:
- subscript:with:storing:format:
- unlockSurfaces
- establishFrameForContextToReturnTo:
- positiveMachineIntegerValueOf:) includes: sel) ifFalse:
- [self halt]."
- ^super isIntegerObject: oop!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLECoSimulator>>isNonIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
- isNonIntegerObject: oop
- "This list records the valid senders of isNonIntegerObject: as we replace uses of
-  isNonIntegerObject: by isNonImmediate: where appropriate."
- "(#( on:do: ""from the debugger""
- reverseDisplayFrom:to:
- primitiveObjectAtPut
- isCogMethodReference:) includes: thisContext sender method selector) ifFalse:
- [self halt]."
- ^super isNonIntegerObject: oop!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLECoSimulator>>longLongAt: (in category 'memory access') -----
- longLongAt: byteAddress
- "memory is a Bitmap, a 32-bit indexable array of bits"
- | hiWord loWord |
- byteAddress \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
- loWord := memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 1.
- hiWord := memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 2.
- ^hiWord = 0
- ifTrue: [loWord]
- ifFalse: [(hiWord bitShift: 32) + loWord]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLECoSimulator>>longLongAt:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
- longLongAt: byteAddress put: a64BitValue
- byteAddress \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
- self
- longAt: byteAddress put: (a64BitValue bitAnd: 16rffffffff);
- longAt: byteAddress + 4 put: a64BitValue >> 32.
- ^a64BitValue!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLESimulator>>isIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
- isIntegerObject: oop
- "This list records the valid senders of isIntegerObject: as we replace uses of
-  isIntegerObject: by isImmediate: where appropriate."
- "| sel |
- sel := thisContext sender method selector.
- (#( DoIt
- DoItIn:
- baseFrameReturn
- bereaveAllMarriedContextsForSnapshotFlushingExternalPrimitivesIf:
- bytecodePrimAt
- bytecodePrimAtPut
- bytesOrInt:growTo:
- ceBaseFrameReturn:
- checkIsStillMarriedContext:currentFP:
- checkedIntegerValueOf:
- cogMethodDoesntLookKosher:
- commonAt:
- commonAtPut:
- commonVariable:at:put:cacheIndex:
- compare31or32Bits:equal:
- digitBitLogic:with:opIndex:
- digitLength:
- displayBitsOf:Left:Top:Right:Bottom:
- ensureContextHasBytecodePC:
- externalInstVar:ofContext:
- fetchIntOrFloat:ofObject:
- fetchIntOrFloat:ofObject:ifNil:
- fetchStackPointerOf:
- fileValueOf:
- frameOfMarriedContext:
- functionForPrimitiveExternalCall:
- genSpecialSelectorArithmetic
- genSpecialSelectorComparison
- inlineCacheTagForInstance:
- instVar:ofContext:
- isCogMethodReference:
- isLiveContext:
- isMarriedOrWidowedContext:
- isNegativeIntegerValueOf:
- isNormalized:
- loadBitBltDestForm
- loadBitBltSourceForm
- loadFloatOrIntFrom:
- loadPoint:from:
- magnitude64BitValueOf:
- makeBaseFrameFor:
- numPointerSlotsOf:
- objCouldBeClassObj:
- on:do: ""from the debugger""
- positive32BitValueOf:
- positive64BitValueOf:
- primDigitAdd:
- primDigitBitShiftMagnitude:
- primDigitCompare:
- primDigitDiv:negative:
- primDigitMultiply:negative:
- primDigitSubtract:
- primitiveAllInstances
- primitiveAsCharacter
- primitiveContextAt
- primitiveContextAtPut
- primitiveExternalCall
- primitiveFileSetPosition
- primitiveFileTruncate DoIt
- primitiveForwardSignalToSemaphore
- primitiveGrowMemoryByAtLeast
- primitiveInputSemaphore
- primitiveMakePoint
- primitiveNewMethod
- primitiveObjectAtPut
- primitiveSizeInBytesOfInstance
- primitiveVMParameter
- printContext:
- quickFetchInteger:ofObject:
- shortPrint:
- shortPrintOop:
- signed32BitValueOf:
- signed64BitValueOf:
- subscript:with:storing:format:
- unlockSurfaces
- establishFrameForContextToReturnTo:
- positiveMachineIntegerValueOf:) includes: sel) ifFalse:
- [self halt]."
- ^super isIntegerObject: oop!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLESimulator>>isNonIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
- isNonIntegerObject: oop
- "This list records the valid senders of isNonIntegerObject: as we replace uses of
-  isNonIntegerObject: by isNonImmediate: where appropriate."
- "(#( on:do: ""from the debugger""
- reverseDisplayFrom:to:
- primitiveObjectAtPut
- isCogMethodReference:) includes: thisContext sender method selector) ifFalse:
- [self halt]."
- ^super isNonIntegerObject: oop!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLESimulator>>longLongAt: (in category 'memory access') -----
- longLongAt: byteAddress
- "memory is a Bitmap, a 32-bit indexable array of bits"
- | hiWord loWord |
- byteAddress \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
- loWord := memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 1.
- hiWord := memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 2.
- ^hiWord = 0
- ifTrue: [loWord]
- ifFalse: [(hiWord bitShift: 32) + loWord]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Spur32BitMMLESimulator>>longLongAt:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
- longLongAt: byteAddress put: a64BitValue
- byteAddress \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
- self
- longAt: byteAddress put: (a64BitValue bitAnd: 16rffffffff);
- longAt: byteAddress + 4 put: a64BitValue >> 32.
- ^a64BitValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur32BitMemoryManager>>allocateSlots:format:classIndex: (in category 'allocation') -----
+ allocateSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex
+ "Allocate an object with numSlots space.  If there is room beneath scavengeThreshold
+ allocate in newSpace, otherwise alocate in oldSpace.  If there is not room in newSpace
+ and a scavenge is not already scheduled, schedule a scavenge."
+ <inline: true>
+ | numBytes newObj |
+ "Object headers are 8 bytes in length if the slot size fits in the num slots field (max implies overflow),
+ 16 bytes otherwise (num slots in preceeding word).
+ Objects always have at least one slot, for the forwarding pointer,
+ and are multiples of 8 bytes in length."
+ numSlots >= self numSlotsMask
+ ifTrue:
+ [newObj := freeStart + self baseHeaderSize.
+ numBytes := self largeObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots]
+ ifFalse:
+ [newObj := freeStart.
+ numBytes := self smallObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots].
+ freeStart + numBytes > scavengeThreshold ifTrue:
+ [needGCFlag ifFalse: [self scheduleScavenge].
+ ^self allocateSlotsInOldSpace: numSlots bytes: numBytes format: formatField classIndex: classIndex].
+ numSlots >= self numSlotsMask
+ ifTrue: "for header parsing we put a saturated slot count in the prepended overflow size word"
+ [self flag: #endianness.
+ self longAt: freeStart put: numSlots.
+ self longAt: freeStart + 4 put: self numSlotsMask << self numSlotsHalfShift.
+ self long64At: newObj put: (self headerForSlots: self numSlotsMask format: formatField classIndex: classIndex)]
+ ifFalse:
+ [self long64At: newObj put: (self headerForSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex)].
+ self assert: numBytes \\ self allocationUnit = 0.
+ self assert: newObj \\ self allocationUnit = 0.
+ freeStart := freeStart + numBytes.
+ ^newObj!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur32BitMemoryManager>>isIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
+ isIntegerObject: oop
+ ^(oop bitAnd: 1) ~= 0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur32BitMemoryManager>>isNonIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
+ isNonIntegerObject: oop
+ ^(oop bitAnd: 1) = 0!

Item was added:
+ Spur64BitMemoryManager subclass: #Spur64BitMMLESimulator
+ instanceVariableNames: 'parent bootstrapping'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'VMMaker-SpurMemoryManagerSimulation'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>bootstrapping (in category 'accessing') -----
+ bootstrapping
+ ^bootstrapping!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>bootstrapping: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ bootstrapping: aBoolean
+ bootstrapping := aBoolean.
+ segmentManager initForBootstrap!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>byteAt: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ byteAt: byteAddress
+ | lowBits long32 |
+ lowBits := byteAddress bitAnd: 3.
+ long32 := self long32At: byteAddress - lowBits.
+ ^(lowBits caseOf: {
+ [0] -> [ long32 ].
+ [1] -> [ long32 bitShift: -8  ].
+ [2] -> [ long32 bitShift: -16 ].
+ [3] -> [ long32 bitShift: -24 ].
+ }) bitAnd: 16rFF!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>byteAt:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ byteAt: byteAddress put: byte
+ | lowBits long32 longAddress |
+ lowBits := byteAddress bitAnd: 3.
+ longAddress := byteAddress - lowBits.
+ long32 := self long32At: longAddress.
+ long32 := (lowBits caseOf: {
+ [0] -> [ (long32 bitAnd: 16rFFFFFF00) bitOr: byte ].
+ [1] -> [ (long32 bitAnd: 16rFFFF00FF) bitOr: (byte bitShift: 8) ].
+ [2] -> [ (long32 bitAnd: 16rFF00FFFF) bitOr: (byte bitShift: 16) ].
+ [3] -> [ (long32 bitAnd: 16r00FFFFFF) bitOr: (byte bitShift: 24) ].
+ }).
+ self long32At: longAddress put: long32.
+ ^byte!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>byteAtPointer: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ byteAtPointer: pointer
+ "This gets implemented by Macros in C, where its types will also be checked.
+ pointer is a raw address."
+ ^self byteAt: pointer!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>eek (in category 'debug support') -----
+ eek
+ self halt!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>endianness (in category 'memory access') -----
+ endianness
+ ^#little!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>fetchFloatAt:into: (in category 'float primitives') -----
+ fetchFloatAt: floatBitsAddress into: aFloat
+ aFloat at: 1 put: (self long64At: floatBitsAddress)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>fetchPointer:ofObject: (in category 'object access') -----
+ fetchPointer: fieldIndex ofObject: objOop
+ self assert: (self isForwarded: objOop) not.
+ self assert: (fieldIndex >= 0 and: [fieldIndex < (self numSlotsOfAny: objOop)
+ or: [fieldIndex = 0 "forwarders and free objs"]]).
+ ^super fetchPointer: fieldIndex ofObject: objOop!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>firstIndexableField: (in category 'object format') -----
+ firstIndexableField: objOop
+ "NOTE: overridden from SpurMemoryManager to add coercion to CArray, so please duplicate any changes.
+ There are only two important cases, both for objects with named inst vars, i.e. formats 2,3 & 5.
+ The first indexable field for formats 2 & 5 is the slot count (by convention, even though that's off the end
+ of the object).  For 3 we must go to the class."
+ | fmt classFormat |
+ <returnTypeC: #'void *'>
+ fmt := self formatOf: objOop.
+ fmt <= self lastPointerFormat ifTrue: "pointer; may need to delve into the class format word"
+ [(fmt between: self indexablePointersFormat and: self weakArrayFormat) ifTrue:
+ [classFormat := self formatOfClass: (self fetchClassOfNonImm: objOop).
+ ^self cCoerce: (self pointerForOop: objOop
+ + self baseHeaderSize
+ + ((self fixedFieldsOfClassFormat: classFormat) << self shiftForWord))
+ to: #'oop *'].
+ ^self cCoerce: (self pointerForOop: objOop
+ + self baseHeaderSize
+ + ((self numSlotsOf: objOop) << self shiftForWord))
+ to: #'oop *'].
+ "All bit objects, and indeed CompiledMethod, though this is a non-no, start at 0"
+ self assert: (fmt >= self sixtyFourBitIndexableFormat and: [fmt < self firstCompiledMethodFormat]).
+ ^self
+ cCoerce: (self pointerForOop: objOop + self baseHeaderSize)
+ to: (fmt < self firstByteFormat
+ ifTrue:
+ [fmt = self sixtyFourBitIndexableFormat
+ ifTrue: ["64 bit field objects" #'long long *']
+ ifFalse:
+ [fmt < self firstShortFormat
+ ifTrue: ["32 bit field objects" #'int *']
+ ifFalse: ["16-bit field objects" #'short *']]]
+ ifFalse: ["byte objects (including CompiledMethod" #'char *'])!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>freeLists (in category 'spur bootstrap') -----
+ freeLists
+ ^freeLists!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>globalGarbageCollect (in category 'gc - global') -----
+ globalGarbageCollect
+ "If we're /not/ a clone, clone the VM and push it over the cliff.
+ If it survives, destroy the clone and continue.  We should be OK until next time."
+ parent ifNil:
+ [coInterpreter cr; print: 'GC number '; print: statFullGCs; tab; flush.
+ coInterpreter cloneSimulation objectMemory globalGarbageCollect.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect].
+ ^super globalGarbageCollect!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>growOldSpaceByAtLeast: (in category 'growing/shrinking memory') -----
+ growOldSpaceByAtLeast: minAmmount
+ "Attempt to grow memory by at least minAmmount.
+ Answer the size of the new segment, or nil if the attempt failed.
+ Override to not grow during the Spur image bootstrap."
+ ^bootstrapping ifFalse:
+ [super growOldSpaceByAtLeast: minAmmount]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>halfWordHighInLong32: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ halfWordHighInLong32: long32
+ "Used by Balloon"
+ ^long32 bitAnd: 16rFFFF!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>halfWordLowInLong32: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ halfWordLowInLong32: long32
+ "Used by Balloon"
+ ^long32 bitShift: -16!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>headerForSlots:format:classIndex: (in category 'header format') -----
+ headerForSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex
+ "The header format in LSB is
+ MSB: | 2 bits |
+ | 22: identityHash |
+ | 8: slotSize |
+ | 3 bits |
+ | 5: format |
+ | 2 bits |
+ | 22: classIndex | : LSB"
+ self assert: (numSlots bitAnd: self numSlotsMask) = numSlots.
+ self assert: (formatField bitAnd: self formatMask) = formatField.
+ self assert: (classIndex bitAnd: self classIndexMask) = classIndex.
+ ^super headerForSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>heapMapAtWord: (in category 'debug support') -----
+ heapMapAtWord: address
+ ^heapMap heapMapAtWord: address!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>inSortedFreeListLink:to:given: (in category 'compaction') -----
+ inSortedFreeListLink: freeChunk to: nextFree given: prevFree
+ "thisContext sender selector = #sweepToCoallesceFreeSpaceForPigCompactFrom: ifTrue:
+ [| pit |
+ pit := [:label :thing|
+ coInterpreter print: label; space; printHex: thing.
+ (thing ~= 0 and: [self isFreeObject: thing]) ifTrue:
+ [coInterpreter print: ' (free) ']].
+ pit value: 'link ' value: freeChunk.
+ pit value: ' to ' value: nextFree.
+ pit value: ' from ' value: prevFree.
+ coInterpreter cr]."
+ "freeChunk = 16r10B0730 ifTrue:
+ [self halt]."
+ super inSortedFreeListLink: freeChunk to: nextFree given: prevFree!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
+ initialize
+ super initialize.
+ bootstrapping := false!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>intAt:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ intAt: byteAddress put: a32BitValue
+ ^self longAt: byteAddress put: (a32BitValue bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>loadImageSegmentFrom:outPointers: (in category 'image segment in/out') -----
+ loadImageSegmentFrom: segmentWordArray outPointers: outPointerArray
+ self leakCheckImageSegments ifTrue:
+ [self halt].
+ ^super loadImageSegmentFrom: segmentWordArray outPointers: outPointerArray!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>long32At: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ long32At: byteAddress
+ "Note: Adjusted for Smalltalk's 1-based array indexing."
+ byteAddress \\ 4 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
+ ^memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 1!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>long32At:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ long32At: byteAddress put: a32BitValue
+ "Note: Adjusted for Smalltalk's 1-based array indexing."
+ "(byteAddress = 16r183FB00 and: [a32BitValue = 16r3FFFFC]) ifTrue:
+ [self halt]."
+ "(byteAddress between: 16r33FBB8 and: 16r33FBCF) ifTrue:
+ [self halt]."
+ byteAddress \\ 4 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
+ ^memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 1 put: a32BitValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>long64At: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ long64At: byteAddress
+ "memory is a Bitmap, a 32-bit indexable array of bits"
+ | hiWord loWord |
+ byteAddress \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
+ loWord := memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 1.
+ hiWord := memory at: byteAddress // 4 + 2.
+ ^hiWord = 0
+ ifTrue: [loWord]
+ ifFalse: [(hiWord bitShift: 32) + loWord]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>long64At:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ long64At: byteAddress put: a64BitValue
+ byteAddress \\ 8 ~= 0 ifTrue: [self unalignedAccessError].
+ self
+ long32At: byteAddress put: (a64BitValue bitAnd: 16rffffffff);
+ long32At: byteAddress + 4 put: a64BitValue >> 32.
+ ^a64BitValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>longAt: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ longAt: byteAddress
+ "Answer the 64-bit word at byteAddress which must be 0 mod 4."
+ ^self long64At: byteAddress!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>longAt:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ longAt: byteAddress put: a32BitValue
+ "Store the 64-bit value at byteAddress which must be 0 mod 4."
+ ^self long64At: byteAddress put: a32BitValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>markAndTrace: (in category 'gc - global') -----
+ markAndTrace: objOop
+ "objOop = 16rB26020 ifTrue: [self halt].
+ objOop = 16rB25FD8 ifTrue: [self halt].
+ objOop = 16rB26010 ifTrue: [self halt]."
+ ^super markAndTrace: objOop!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>memoryBaseForImageRead (in category 'snapshot') -----
+ memoryBaseForImageRead
+ "Answer the address to read the image into.  Override so that when bootstrapping,
+ the segmentManager's segments are undisturbed in adjustSegmentSwizzlesBy:"
+ ^bootstrapping
+ ifTrue: [0]
+ ifFalse: [super memoryBaseForImageRead]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>moveARunOfObjectsStartingAt:upTo: (in category 'compaction') -----
+ moveARunOfObjectsStartingAt: startAddress upTo: limit
+ | result |.
+ "self checkTraversableSortedFreeList."
+ result := super moveARunOfObjectsStartingAt: startAddress upTo: limit.
+ "self checkTraversableSortedFreeList."
+ ^result!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>numClassTablePages (in category 'spur bootstrap') -----
+ numClassTablePages
+ ^numClassTablePages!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>parent (in category 'accessing') -----
+ parent
+ ^ parent!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>parent: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ parent: anObject
+ parent := anObject!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>return:restoringObjectsIn:savedHashes:and:savedHashes: (in category 'image segment in/out') -----
+ return: errCode restoringObjectsIn: firstArray savedHashes: firstSavedHashes and: secondArray savedHashes: secondSavedHashes
+ self leakCheckImageSegments ifTrue:
+ [self halt: errCode printString].
+ ^super return: errCode restoringObjectsIn: firstArray savedHashes: firstSavedHashes and: secondArray savedHashes: secondSavedHashes!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>runLeakCheckerForFullGC:excludeUnmarkedNewSpaceObjs:classIndicesShouldBeValid: (in category 'debug support') -----
+ runLeakCheckerForFullGC: fullGCFlag excludeUnmarkedNewSpaceObjs: excludeUnmarkedNewSpaceObjs classIndicesShouldBeValid: classIndicesShouldBeValid
+ (coInterpreter displayView isNil
+ and: [fullGCFlag
+ ifTrue: [self leakCheckFullGC]
+ ifFalse: [self leakCheckNewSpaceGC]]) ifTrue:
+ [coInterpreter transcript nextPutAll: 'leak-checking...'; flush].
+ ^super
+ runLeakCheckerForFullGC: fullGCFlag
+ excludeUnmarkedNewSpaceObjs: excludeUnmarkedNewSpaceObjs
+ classIndicesShouldBeValid: classIndicesShouldBeValid!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>scavengingGCTenuringIf: (in category 'generation scavenging') -----
+ scavengingGCTenuringIf: tenuringCriterion
+ "Run the scavenger."
+ "self halt: (statScavenges + 1) printString, ((statScavenges between: 9 and: 19)
+ ifTrue: ['th']
+ ifFalse: [#('st' 'nd' 'rd') at: (statScavenges + 1) \\ 10 ifAbsent: 'th']), ' scavenge'."
+ "statFullGCs > 0 ifTrue:
+ [self halt]."
+ ^super scavengingGCTenuringIf: tenuringCriterion!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>setIsMarkedOf:to: (in category 'header access') -----
+ setIsMarkedOf: objOop to: aBoolean
+ "objOop = 16rB26020 ifTrue: [self halt]."
+ "(#(16r1971D0 16r196EE0 16r197048 16r197148) includes: objOop) ifTrue:
+ [self halt]."
+ super setIsMarkedOf: objOop to: aBoolean.
+ "(aBoolean
+ and: [(self isContextNonImm: objOop)
+ and: [(coInterpreter
+ checkIsStillMarriedContext: objOop
+ currentFP: coInterpreter framePointer)
+ and: [(coInterpreter stackPages stackPageFor: (coInterpreter frameOfMarriedContext: objOop)) trace = 0]]]) ifTrue:
+ [self halt]"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>shortAt: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ shortAt: byteAddress
+     "Return the half-word at byteAddress which must be even."
+ | lowBits long |
+ lowBits := byteAddress bitAnd: 2.
+ long := self long32At: byteAddress - lowBits.
+ ^ lowBits = 2
+ ifTrue: [ long bitShift: -16 ]
+ ifFalse: [ long bitAnd: 16rFFFF ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>shortAt:put: (in category 'memory access') -----
+ shortAt: byteAddress put: a16BitValue
+     "Return the half-word at byteAddress which must be even."
+ | lowBits long longAddress |
+ lowBits := byteAddress bitAnd: 2.
+ lowBits = 0
+ ifTrue: "storing into LS word"
+ [long := self long32At: byteAddress.
+ self longAt: byteAddress
+ put: ((long bitAnd: 16rFFFF0000) bitOr: a16BitValue)]
+ ifFalse: "storing into MS word"
+ [longAddress := byteAddress - 2.
+ long := self long32At: longAddress.
+ self long32At: longAddress
+ put: ((long bitAnd: 16rFFFF) bitOr: (a16BitValue bitShift: 16))].
+ ^a16BitValue!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>storeFloatAt:from: (in category 'float primitives') -----
+ storeFloatAt: floatBitsAddress from: aFloat
+ self long32At: floatBitsAddress put: (aFloat at: 1).
+ self long32At: floatBitsAddress+4 put: (aFloat at: 2)!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>storeImageSegmentInto:outPointers:roots: (in category 'image segment in/out') -----
+ storeImageSegmentInto: segmentWordArray outPointers: outPointerArray roots: arrayOfRoots
+ self leakCheckImageSegments ifTrue:
+ [self halt].
+ ^super storeImageSegmentInto: segmentWordArray outPointers: outPointerArray roots: arrayOfRoots!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMMLESimulator>>vmEndianness (in category 'memory access') -----
+ vmEndianness
+ "1 = big, 0 = little"
+ ^0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager class>>simulatorClass (in category 'simulation only') -----
+ simulatorClass
+ ^Spur64BitMMLESimulator!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>allocateSlots:format:classIndex: (in category 'allocation') -----
+ allocateSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex
+ "Allocate an object with numSlots space.  If there is room beneath scavengeThreshold
+ allocate in newSpace, otherwise alocate in oldSpace.  If there is not room in newSpace
+ and a scavenge is not already scheduled, schedule a scavenge."
+ <inline: true>
+ | numBytes newObj |
+ "Object headers are 8 bytes in length if the slot size fits in the num slots field (max implies overflow),
+ 16 bytes otherwise (num slots in preceeding word).
+ Objects always have at least one slot, for the forwarding pointer,
+ and are multiples of 8 bytes in length."
+ numSlots >= self numSlotsMask
+ ifTrue:
+ [numSlots >> 56 > 0 ifTrue:
+ [^nil]. "overflow size must fit in 56-bits"
+ newObj := freeStart + self baseHeaderSize.
+ numBytes := self largeObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots]
+ ifFalse:
+ [newObj := freeStart.
+ numBytes := self smallObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots].
+ freeStart + numBytes > scavengeThreshold ifTrue:
+ [needGCFlag ifFalse: [self scheduleScavenge].
+ ^self allocateSlotsInOldSpace: numSlots bytes: numBytes format: formatField classIndex: classIndex].
+ numSlots >= self numSlotsMask
+ ifTrue: "for header parsing we put a saturated slot count in the prepended overflow size word"
+ [self flag: #endianness.
+ self longAt: freeStart put: self numSlotsMask << self numSlotsFullShift + numSlots.
+ self longAt: newObj put: (self headerForSlots: self numSlotsMask format: formatField classIndex: classIndex)]
+ ifFalse:
+ [self longAt: newObj put: (self headerForSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex)].
+ self assert: numBytes \\ self allocationUnit = 0.
+ self assert: newObj \\ self allocationUnit = 0.
+ freeStart := freeStart + numBytes.
+ ^newObj!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>isIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
+ isIntegerObject: oop
+ ^(oop bitAnd: self tagMask) = 1!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>isIntegerValue: (in category 'interpreter access') -----
+ isIntegerValue: intValue
+ "Answer if the given value can be represented as a Smalltalk integer value.
+ In 64-bits we use a 3 bit tag which leaves 61 bits for 2's complement signed
+ integers. In C, use a shift add and mask to test if the top 4 bits are all the same."
+ <api>
+ ^self
+ cCode: [(intValue >> 60 + 1 bitAnd: 16rF) <= 1]
+ inSmalltalk: [intValue >= -16r2000000000000000 and: [intValue <= 16r1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>isNonIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
+ isNonIntegerObject: oop
+ ^(oop bitAnd: self tagMask) ~= 1!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Spur64BitMemoryManager>>rawOverflowSlotsOf: (in category 'object access') -----
  rawOverflowSlotsOf: objOop
  <returnTypeC: #usqLong>
  <inline: true>
  self flag: #endianness.
+ ^self
+ cCode: [((self longAt: objOop - self baseHeaderSize) << 8) asUnsignedLong >> 8]
+ inSmalltalk: [(self longAt: objOop - self baseHeaderSize) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]!
- ^((self longAt: objOop - self baseHeaderSize) << 8) asUnsignedLong >> 8!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>allocateSlots:format:classIndex: (in category 'allocation') -----
  allocateSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex
  "Allocate an object with numSlots space.  If there is room beneath scavengeThreshold
  allocate in newSpace, otherwise alocate in oldSpace.  If there is not room in newSpace
  and a scavenge is not already scheduled, schedule a scavenge."
+ self subclassResponsibility!
- <inline: true>
- | numBytes newObj |
- "Object headers are 8 bytes in length if the slot size fits in the num slots field (max implies overflow),
- 16 bytes otherwise (num slots in preceeding word).
- Objects always have at least one slot, for the forwarding pointer,
- and are multiples of 8 bytes in length."
- numSlots >= self numSlotsMask
- ifTrue:
- [(self wordSize >= 8 and: [numSlots > 16rffffffff]) ifTrue:
- [^nil]. "overflow size must fit in 32-bits"
- newObj := freeStart + self baseHeaderSize.
- numBytes := self largeObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots]
- ifFalse:
- [newObj := freeStart.
- numBytes := self smallObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots].
- freeStart + numBytes > scavengeThreshold ifTrue:
- [needGCFlag ifFalse: [self scheduleScavenge].
- ^self allocateSlotsInOldSpace: numSlots bytes: numBytes format: formatField classIndex: classIndex].
- numSlots >= self numSlotsMask
- ifTrue: "for header parsing we put a saturated slot count in the prepended overflow size word"
- [self flag: #endianness.
- self longAt: freeStart put: numSlots.
- self longAt: freeStart + 4 put: self numSlotsMask << self numSlotsHalfShift.
- self long64At: newObj put: (self headerForSlots: self numSlotsMask format: formatField classIndex: classIndex)]
- ifFalse:
- [self long64At: newObj put: (self headerForSlots: numSlots format: formatField classIndex: classIndex)].
- self assert: numBytes \\ self allocationUnit = 0.
- self assert: newObj \\ self allocationUnit = 0.
- freeStart := freeStart + numBytes.
- ^newObj!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>isIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
  isIntegerObject: oop
+ ^self subclassResponsibility!
- ^(oop bitAnd: 1) ~= 0!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>isNonIntegerObject: (in category 'object testing') -----
  isNonIntegerObject: oop
+ ^self subclassResponsibility!
- ^(oop bitAnd: 1) = 0!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: VMClass class>>cogitClass (in category 'accessing class hierarchy') -----
+ ^initializationOptions ifNotNil:
+ [Smalltalk classNamed: (initializationOptions
+ at: #Cogit
+ ifAbsent: [#SimpleStackBasedCogit])]!
- ^nil!