Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-nice.2492 Author: nice Time: 11 December 2018, 10:52:00.075091 pm UUID: 8fac9bb8-92b6-41f2-8646-230a75c04ee9 Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2491 Fix the FloatMathPluginTests and classify them in 'VMMaker-Tests' All the reference md5 hash have been produced with specific series of number generated with a specific Park-Miller Pseudo-Random-Number-Generator. The tests cannot rely on Random implementation (or should I say random implementation) which happens to change from time to time, so hardcode the PRNG. =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2491 =============== Item was changed: TestCase subclass: #FloatMathPluginTests + instanceVariableNames: 'seed' - instanceVariableNames: 'random' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'VMMaker-Tests'! - category: 'VMMaker-Plugins'! !FloatMathPluginTests commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! FloatMathPluginTests buildSuite run.! Item was changed: ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>makeTestData:using:seed:rounds: (in category 'running') ----- makeTestData: fileName using: aBlock seed: seed rounds: rounds | bytes out float result | bytes := ByteArray new: 8. out := FileStream newFileNamed: fileName. [ out binary. out nextNumber: 4 put: rounds. out nextNumber: 4 put: seed. + self seed: seed. - random := Random seed: seed. float := Float basicNew: 2. 'Creating test data for: ', fileName displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint from: 1 to: rounds during:[:bar| 1 to: rounds do:[:i| i \\ 10000 = 0 ifTrue:[bar value: i]. + [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (self nextInt: 256)-1]. - [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (random nextInt: 256)-1]. float basicAt: 1 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 1 bigEndian: true). float basicAt: 2 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 5 bigEndian: true). float isNaN] whileTrue. result := aBlock value: float. out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 1). out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 2). ]. ]. ] ensure:[out close]. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>nextInt: (in category 'rand') ----- + nextInt: anInteger + "Answer a random integer in the interval [1, anInteger]." + + | a m q r lo hi aLoRHi | + a := 16r000041A7 asFloat. " magic constant = 16807 " + m := 16r7FFFFFFF asFloat. " magic constant = 2147483647 " + q := (m quo: a) asFloat. + r := (m \\ a) asFloat. + hi := (seed quo: q) asFloat. + lo := seed - (hi * q). " = seed rem: q" + aLoRHi := (a * lo) - (r * hi). + seed := (aLoRHi > 0.0) + ifTrue: [aLoRHi] + ifFalse: [aLoRHi + m]. + ^ (seed / m * anInteger) truncated + 1! Item was changed: ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>runTest: (in category 'running') ----- runTest: aBlock | bytes out float result | bytes := ByteArray new: 8. out := WriteStream on: ByteArray new. float := Float basicNew: 2. 1 to: 10000 do:[:i| + [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (self nextInt: 256)-1]. - [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (random nextInt: 256)-1]. float basicAt: 1 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 1 bigEndian: true). float basicAt: 2 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 5 bigEndian: true). float isNaN] whileTrue. result := [aBlock value: float] on: Error do:[:ex| "we convert all errors into NaNs to have a value for testing" ex return: Float nan. ]. out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 1). out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 2). ]. ^self md5HashMessage: out contents.! Item was added: + ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>seed: (in category 'rand') ----- + seed: anInteger + seed := anInteger! Item was changed: ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>setUp (in category 'running') ----- setUp + self seed: 253213.! - random := Random seed: 253213.! Item was changed: ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>testTimesTwoPower (in category 'tests') ----- testTimesTwoPower | hash | + hash := self runTest:[:f| self timesTwoPower: f with: (self nextInt: 200) - 100]. - hash := self runTest:[:f| self timesTwoPower: f with: (random nextInt: 200) - 100]. self assert: hash = 278837335583284459890979576373223649870.! Item was changed: ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>verifyTestData:using: (in category 'running') ----- verifyTestData: fileName using: aBlock | rounds seed bytes float result in expected count bits | in := [FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName] on: FileDoesNotExistException do:[:ex| ex return: nil]. in ifNil:[^nil]. count := bits := 0. bytes := ByteArray new: 8. [ in binary. rounds := in nextNumber: 4. seed := in nextNumber: 4. + self seed: seed. - random := Random seed: seed. float := Float basicNew: 2. expected := Float basicNew: 2. 'Verifying test data from: ', fileName displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint from: 1 to: rounds during:[:bar| 1 to: rounds do:[:i| i \\ 10000 = 0 ifTrue:[bar value: i]. + [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (self nextInt: 256)-1]. - [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (random nextInt: 256)-1]. float basicAt: 1 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 1 bigEndian: true). float basicAt: 2 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 5 bigEndian: true). float isNaN] whileTrue. result := aBlock value: float. expected basicAt: 1 put: (in nextNumber: 4). expected basicAt: 2 put: (in nextNumber: 4). ((expected isNaN and:[result isNaN]) or:[expected = result]) ifFalse:[ (expected basicAt: 1) = (result basicAt: 1) ifFalse:[self error: 'Verification failure']. count := count + 1. bits := bits + ((expected basicAt: 2) - (result basicAt: 2)) abs. ]. ]. ]. ] ensure:[in close]. self assert: count = 0. "all the same"! |
Hi Nicolas, That's a good fix! Just one comment. > On 11.12.2018, at 22:52, [hidden email] wrote: > > > Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: > > > ==================== Summary ==================== > > Name: VMMaker.oscog-nice.2492 > Author: nice > Time: 11 December 2018, 10:52:00.075091 pm > UUID: 8fac9bb8-92b6-41f2-8646-230a75c04ee9 > Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.2491 > > Fix the FloatMathPluginTests and classify them in 'VMMaker-Tests' > > All the reference md5 hash have been produced with specific series of number generated with a specific Park-Miller Pseudo-Random-Number-Generator. > > The tests cannot rely on Random implementation (or should I say random implementation) which happens to change from time to time, so hardcode the PRNG. > > =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-eem.2491 =============== > > Item was changed: > TestCase subclass: #FloatMathPluginTests > + instanceVariableNames: 'seed' > - instanceVariableNames: 'random' > classVariableNames: '' > poolDictionaries: '' > + category: 'VMMaker-Tests'! > - category: 'VMMaker-Plugins'! > > !FloatMathPluginTests commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! > FloatMathPluginTests buildSuite run.! > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>makeTestData:using:seed:rounds: (in category 'running') ----- > makeTestData: fileName using: aBlock seed: seed rounds: rounds > | bytes out float result | > bytes := ByteArray new: 8. > out := FileStream newFileNamed: fileName. > [ > out binary. > out nextNumber: 4 put: rounds. > out nextNumber: 4 put: seed. > + self seed: seed. > - random := Random seed: seed. This shadows the instVar now, right? I recon its nit a problem atm, but maybe we rename the Arg? Best regards -Tobias > float := Float basicNew: 2. > 'Creating test data for: ', fileName > displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint > from: 1 to: rounds during:[:bar| > 1 to: rounds do:[:i| > i \\ 10000 = 0 ifTrue:[bar value: i]. > + [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (self nextInt: 256)-1]. > - [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (random nextInt: 256)-1]. > float basicAt: 1 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 1 bigEndian: true). > float basicAt: 2 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 5 bigEndian: true). > float isNaN] whileTrue. > result := aBlock value: float. > out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 1). > out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 2). > ]. > ]. > ] ensure:[out close]. > ! > > Item was added: > + ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>nextInt: (in category 'rand') ----- > + nextInt: anInteger > + "Answer a random integer in the interval [1, anInteger]." > + > + | a m q r lo hi aLoRHi | > + a := 16r000041A7 asFloat. " magic constant = 16807 " > + m := 16r7FFFFFFF asFloat. " magic constant = 2147483647 " > + q := (m quo: a) asFloat. > + r := (m \\ a) asFloat. > + hi := (seed quo: q) asFloat. > + lo := seed - (hi * q). " = seed rem: q" > + aLoRHi := (a * lo) - (r * hi). > + seed := (aLoRHi > 0.0) > + ifTrue: [aLoRHi] > + ifFalse: [aLoRHi + m]. > + ^ (seed / m * anInteger) truncated + 1! > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>runTest: (in category 'running') ----- > runTest: aBlock > | bytes out float result | > bytes := ByteArray new: 8. > out := WriteStream on: ByteArray new. > float := Float basicNew: 2. > 1 to: 10000 do:[:i| > + [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (self nextInt: 256)-1]. > - [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (random nextInt: 256)-1]. > float basicAt: 1 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 1 bigEndian: true). > float basicAt: 2 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 5 bigEndian: true). > float isNaN] whileTrue. > result := [aBlock value: float] on: Error do:[:ex| > "we convert all errors into NaNs to have a value for testing" > ex return: Float nan. > ]. > out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 1). > out nextNumber: 4 put: (result basicAt: 2). > ]. > ^self md5HashMessage: out contents.! > > Item was added: > + ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>seed: (in category 'rand') ----- > + seed: anInteger > + seed := anInteger! > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>setUp (in category 'running') ----- > setUp > + self seed: 253213.! > - random := Random seed: 253213.! > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>testTimesTwoPower (in category 'tests') ----- > testTimesTwoPower > | hash | > + hash := self runTest:[:f| self timesTwoPower: f with: (self nextInt: 200) - 100]. > - hash := self runTest:[:f| self timesTwoPower: f with: (random nextInt: 200) - 100]. > self assert: hash = 278837335583284459890979576373223649870.! > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: FloatMathPluginTests>>verifyTestData:using: (in category 'running') ----- > verifyTestData: fileName using: aBlock > | rounds seed bytes float result in expected count bits | > in := [FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName] > on: FileDoesNotExistException > do:[:ex| ex return: nil]. > in ifNil:[^nil]. > count := bits := 0. > bytes := ByteArray new: 8. > [ > in binary. > rounds := in nextNumber: 4. > seed := in nextNumber: 4. > + self seed: seed. > - random := Random seed: seed. > float := Float basicNew: 2. > expected := Float basicNew: 2. > 'Verifying test data from: ', fileName > displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint > from: 1 to: rounds during:[:bar| > 1 to: rounds do:[:i| > i \\ 10000 = 0 ifTrue:[bar value: i]. > + [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (self nextInt: 256)-1]. > - [1 to: 8 do:[:j| bytes at: j put: (random nextInt: 256)-1]. > float basicAt: 1 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 1 bigEndian: true). > float basicAt: 2 put: (bytes unsignedLongAt: 5 bigEndian: true). > float isNaN] whileTrue. > result := aBlock value: float. > expected basicAt: 1 put: (in nextNumber: 4). > expected basicAt: 2 put: (in nextNumber: 4). > ((expected isNaN and:[result isNaN]) or:[expected = result]) ifFalse:[ > (expected basicAt: 1) = (result basicAt: 1) > ifFalse:[self error: 'Verification failure']. > count := count + 1. > bits := bits + ((expected basicAt: 2) - (result basicAt: 2)) abs. > ]. > ]. > ]. > ] ensure:[in close]. > self assert: count = 0. "all the same"! > |
Le mer. 12 déc. 2018 à 09:13, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> a écrit :
Ah yes, good point, that's inelegant. I did not remember having any warning when compiling (accepting) this code. So maybe we can continue improvig our tools. > float := Float basicNew: 2. |
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