Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMaker.oscog-nice.2679.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-nice.2679 Author: nice Time: 28 January 2020, 12:29:02.819279 am UUID: 7b4b7f36-4bf2-4911-88ea-df99e8bb3ccb Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-nice.2678 Fixup incorrect count of double registers required to ffiPushStructure: =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-nice.2678 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ThreadedX64SysVFFIPlugin>>ffiPushStructure:ofSize:typeSpec:ofLength:in: (in category 'marshalling') ----- ffiPushStructure: pointer ofSize: structSize typeSpec: argSpec ofLength: argSpecSize in: calloutState <var: #pointer type: #'void *'> <var: #argSpec type: #'sqInt *'> <var: #calloutState type: #'CalloutState *'> <inline: true> | roundedSize registerType numDoubleRegisters numIntegerRegisters passField0InXmmReg passField1InXmmReg | structSize <= 16 ifTrue: ["See sec 3.2.3 of http://people.freebsd.org/~obrien/amd64-elf-abi.pdf. (dravft version 0.90). All of the folowing are passed in registers: typedef struct { long a; } s0; typedef struct { double a; } s1; typedef struct { long a; double b; } s2; typedef struct { int a; int b; double c; } s2a; typedef struct { short a; short b; short c; short d; double e; } s2b; typedef struct { long a; float b; } s2f; typedef struct { long a; float b; float c; } s2g; typedef struct { int a; float b; int c; float d; } s2h;" registerType := self registerTypeForStructSpecs: (self cCoerce: argSpec to: #'unsigned int *') OfLength: argSpecSize. passField0InXmmReg := (registerType bitAnd: 1) = 0. structSize <= 8 ifTrue: [numIntegerRegisters := registerType bitAnd: 1. numDoubleRegisters := 1 - numIntegerRegisters] ifFalse: [passField1InXmmReg := (registerType bitAnd: 2) = 0. + numIntegerRegisters := (registerType bitAnd: 2) >> 1 + (registerType bitAnd: 1). + numDoubleRegisters := 2 - numIntegerRegisters]. - numIntegerRegisters := (registerType bitAnd: 2) >> 1 + (registerType bitAnd: 1). - numDoubleRegisters := 1 - numIntegerRegisters]. (calloutState floatRegisterIndex + numDoubleRegisters <= NumFloatRegArgs and: [calloutState integerRegisterIndex + numIntegerRegisters <= NumIntRegArgs]) ifTrue: [passField0InXmmReg ifTrue: [self ffiPushDoubleFloat: ((self cCoerceSimple: pointer to: #'double *') at: 0) in: calloutState] ifFalse: [self ffiPushSignedLongLong: ((self cCoerceSimple: pointer to: #'long long *') at: 0) in: calloutState]. structSize > 8 ifTrue: [passField1InXmmReg ifTrue: [self ffiPushDoubleFloat: ((self cCoerceSimple: pointer to: #'double *') at: 1) in: calloutState] ifFalse: [self ffiPushSignedLongLong: ((self cCoerceSimple: pointer to: #'long long *') at: 1) in: calloutState]]. ^0]]. roundedSize := structSize + 7 bitClear: 7. calloutState currentArg + roundedSize > calloutState limit ifTrue: [^FFIErrorCallFrameTooBig]. self memcpy: calloutState currentArg _: (self cCoerceSimple: pointer to: 'char *') _: structSize. calloutState currentArg: calloutState currentArg + roundedSize. ^0! |
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