Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMaker.oscog-nice.2913 Author: nice Time: 29 December 2020, 2:35:15.410054 pm UUID: 7424bace-30d6-4cff-87e5-8bed5d7709fc Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-nice.2910 Complexify the rule for generating hex literal constants when more intellegible than decimal. This is useful for having a chance to decipher generated code for bit tricks. Document the intended behavior with a small test. This replaces VMMaker.oscog-nice.2912 that screwed things up (had a copy/paste bug). VMMaker.oscog-nice.2912 should be thrown away as well as previus attempt VMMaker.oscog-nice.2911 =============== Diff against VMMaker.oscog-nice.2910 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGenerator>>cLiteralFor: (in category 'C code generator') ----- cLiteralFor: anObject "Return a string representing the C literal value for the given object." + anObject isNumber ifTrue: [anObject isInteger ifTrue: + [| hex dec useHexa | + hex := anObject printStringBase: 16. + dec := anObject printStringBase: 10. + useHexa := (anObject > 255 + and: [(hex asSet size * 3) <= (dec asSet size * 2) + or: [((hex as: RunArray) runs size * 4) < ((dec as: RunArray) runs size * 3)]]) + or: [anObject > 0 - [| hex | - hex := (anObject > 0 and: [(anObject >> anObject lowBit + 1) isPowerOfTwo and: [(anObject highBit = anObject lowBit and: [anObject > 65536]) + or: [anObject highBit - anObject lowBit >= 4]]]]. + ^self cLiteralForInteger: anObject hex: useHexa]. - or: [anObject highBit - anObject lowBit >= 4]]]). - ^self cLiteralForInteger: anObject hex: hex]. anObject isFloat ifTrue: [^anObject printString]] ifFalse: [anObject isSymbol ifTrue: [^self cFunctionNameFor: anObject]. anObject isString ifTrue: [^'"', (anObject copyReplaceAll: (String with: Character cr) with: '\n') , '"']. anObject == nil ifTrue: [^ 'null' ]. anObject == true ifTrue: [^ '1' ]. anObject == false ifTrue: [^ '0' ]. anObject isCharacter ifTrue: [^anObject == $' ifTrue: ['''\'''''] "i.e. '\''" ifFalse: [anObject asString printString]]]. self error: 'Warning: A Smalltalk literal could not be translated into a C constant: ', anObject printString. ^'"XXX UNTRANSLATABLE CONSTANT XXX"'! Item was changed: ----- Method: CCodeGeneratorTests>>testIntegerGeneration (in category 'tests') ----- testIntegerGeneration + "Test the 32-bit integers. They need to be marked as unsigned. - "Test the 32-bit integers. They need to be marked as unsigned longs. Test 16rFFFFFFFF, 16rFFFFFFFE, ... through to ..., 16rC0000000, 16r80000000" ((0 to: 31) collect: [:shift| 16rFFFFFFFF bitClear: (1 bitShift: shift) - 1]) do: + [:number| | literal isHex isDec | - [:number| | literal | literal := self cg cLiteralFor: number. + isHex := (literal beginsWith: '0x') and: [((literal allButFirst: 2) allButLast: 1) allSatisfy: [:c| '0123456789CEF' includes: c]]. + isDec := (literal allButLast: 1) allSatisfy: [:c| c isDigit]. + self assert: isHex | isDec. + self assert: (literal endsWith: 'U'). - self assert: ((literal allButLast: 2) allSatisfy: [:c| c isDigit]). - self assert: (literal endsWith: 'UL'). literal := self cg cLiteralFor: number name: 'Mask'. self assert: (literal beginsWith: '0x'). + self assert: (((literal allButFirst: 2) allButLast: 1) allSatisfy: [:c| '0123456789CEF' includes: c]). + self assert: (literal endsWith: 'U')]. - self assert: (((literal allButFirst: 2) allButLast: 2) allSatisfy: [:c| '0123456789CEF' includes: c]). - self assert: (literal endsWith: 'UL')]. "Test the 64-bit integers. They need to be marked as unsigned long longs." ((32 to: 63) collect: [:shift| 16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF bitClear: (1 bitShift: shift) - 1]) do: + [:number| | literal isHex isDec | - [:number| | literal | literal := self cg cLiteralFor: number. + isHex := (literal beginsWith: '0x') and: [((literal allButFirst: 2) allButLast: 3) allSatisfy: [:c| '0123456789CEF' includes: c]]. + isDec := (literal allButLast: 3) allSatisfy: [:c| c isDigit]. + self assert: isHex | isDec. - self assert: ((literal allButLast: 3) allSatisfy: [:c| c isDigit]). self assert: (literal endsWith: 'ULL'). literal := self cg cLiteralFor: number name: 'Mask'. self assert: (literal beginsWith: '0x'). self assert: (((literal allButFirst: 2) allButLast: 3) allSatisfy: [:c| '0123456789CEF' includes: c]). self assert: (literal endsWith: 'ULL')]! Item was added: + ----- Method: CCodeGeneratorTests>>testIntegerGenerationHexOrDec (in category 'tests') ----- + testIntegerGenerationHexOrDec + | decPrefered hexPrefered | + hexPrefered := #( + 16r100 16r400 16r10000 "powers of two (more than 8 bits)" + 16r1F 16r3FF 16rFFFF "powers of two minus 1 - with at least 5 bits set" + 16r3E 16r3FF00 16r1FE0 "shifted powers of two minus 1 - wih at least 5 bit set..." + 16r38000 "... or having highBit >= 16" + 16rC00 "... or requiring 1.5 times less different characters than decimal form - here 2 instead of 4" + 16r1F1F 16rCCCC 16r112233 "some regular bit patterns" + 2r111000111000111000111 "not necessarily falling on 4 bits boundaries" + ). + decPrefered := #( + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "single digit" + 10 100 1000 10000 "powers of ten" + 9 99 999 9999 "powers of ten minus 1" + 16r10 16r20 16r40 16r80 "small powers of two" + 16r60 16rC0 16rF0 16r1E00 "shifted powers of two minus 1 - with less than 5 bits set" + 112233 15341 "random patterns when no hex rule apply" + 2r1111100000111110000011111000001111100000 "regular bit pattern if the decimal form appear somehow also regular - here it uses a pattern of only 4 different digits : 1066193093600"). + hexPrefered do: [:number || literal | + literal := self cg cLiteralFor: number. + self assert: (literal beginsWith: '0x')]. + decPrefered do: [:number || literal | + literal := self cg cLiteralFor: number. + self deny: (literal beginsWith: '0x')].! Item was changed: ----- Method: SlangTests>>testSimpleMethod (in category 'tests') ----- testSimpleMethod | codeGenerator tMethod code | codeGenerator := CCodeGenerator new. tMethod := codeGenerator compileToTMethodSelector: #extBBytecode in: StackInterpreter. self assert: #( #'[' byte #':=' self fetchByte #'.' self fetchNextBytecode #'.' extB #':=' #(numExtB #= 0 and: #'[' byte #> 127 #']') ifTrue: #'[' byte #- 256 #']' ifFalse: #'[' #(extB bitShift: 8) #+ byte #']' #'.' numExtB #':=' numExtB #+ 1 #'.' #'^' self #']') equals: (Scanner new scanTokens: tMethod parseTree printString). code := String streamContents: [:s| tMethod emitCCodeOn: s generator: codeGenerator]. code := code allButFirst: (code indexOfSubCollection: 'sqInt') - 1. self assert: #('sqInt' 'extBBytecode(void)' '{' 'sqInt' 'byte;' 'byte' '=' 'fetchByte();' 'fetchNextBytecode();' 'extB' '=' '((numExtB' '==' '0)' '&&' '(byte' '>' '0x7F)' + '?' 'byte' '-' '0x100' + ':' '((((sqInt)((usqInt)(extB)' '<<' '8))))' '+' 'byte);' - '?' 'byte' '-' '256' - ':' '(((usqInt)' 'extB' '<<' '8))' '+' 'byte);' 'numExtB' '+=' '1;' 'return' 'self;' '}') equals: (code findTokens: Character separators) asArray ! |
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