Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMakerUI to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMakerUI-eem.27.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMakerUI-eem.27 Author: eem Time: 26 July 2020, 12:47:38.901108 pm UUID: ac8c4a65-9aef-4923-a182-41cee05503b1 Ancestors: VMMakerUI-eem.26 Fix several bugs in SimulatorEventTransformer. The UI is now "usable", i.e. I managed to bring up the About dialog. Now I at least have a chance of debugging the corrupted fixed pitch font output bug observed in the System reporter. =============== Diff against VMMakerUI-eem.26 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CogVMSimulator>>handleListenEvent: (in category '*VMMakerUI-I/O primitive support') ----- handleListenEvent: aMorphicEvent "openAsMorph[NoTranscript] registered me for listen events via HandMorph>>addEventListener. Transform the listen event and add it to my event queue. ALso check if the displayForm should resize." (displayForm ~~ fakeForm and: [displayForm extent ~= displayView extent]) ifTrue: [| newForm | newForm := Form extent: displayView extent depth: displayForm depth. displayForm displayOn: newForm. displayForm := newForm. displayView image: displayForm]. ((aMorphicEvent isMouse or: [aMorphicEvent isKeyboard]) and: [displayView bounds containsPoint: aMorphicEvent position]) ifTrue: + [[eventTransformer degenerateEvent: aMorphicEvent for: self] + on: Error + do: [:ex| + displayView activeHand removeEventListener: self. + ex pass]]! - [eventTransformer degenerateEvent: aMorphicEvent for: self]! Item was changed: Object subclass: #SimulatorEventTransformer + instanceVariableNames: 'buttons modifiers lastMouseMoveEvent' - instanceVariableNames: 'buttons modifiers' classVariableNames: 'Default' poolDictionaries: 'EventSensorConstants' category: 'VMMakerUI-InterpreterSimulation-Morphic'! !SimulatorEventTransformer commentStamp: 'eem 7/14/2015 17:05' prior: 0! A SimulatorEventTransformer takes events as wrapped by HandMorph and converts them to a form a StackInterpreterSimulator can deal with. See HandMorph >> handleEvent to see what the wrapping entails. See HandMorph >> ProcessEvents or EventSensor >> fetchMoreEvents for examples of what an unwrapped event looks like when given to the system for pre-wrapping. Instance Variables ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SimulatorEventTransformer>>degenerateKeyboardEvent:for: (in category 'event transformation') ----- degenerateKeyboardEvent: aMorphicEvent for: aClient "Convert the keyboard event into a low-level event for the VM simulator (aClient). See HandMorph>>generateKeyboardEvent and EventSensor class comment" aClient queueForwardedEvent: + { EventTypeKeyboard. + aClient ioUTCMicroseconds // 1000. + aMorphicEvent keyValue. "<--this is wrong. See nextCharFrom:firstEvt: for what needs to be undone. hooo boy" - { 2. - aMorphicEvent timeStamp. - aMorphicEvent keyValue. "<--this is wrong. See Sensor FirstEvt: for what needs to happen. hooo boy" aMorphicEvent type caseOf: { [#keyDown] -> [EventKeyDown]. [#keyUp] -> [EventKeyUp]. [#keystroke] -> [EventKeyChar] }. modifiers. aMorphicEvent keyValue. 0. self windowIndex }! Item was changed: ----- Method: SimulatorEventTransformer>>degenerateMouseEvent:for: (in category 'event transformation') ----- degenerateMouseEvent: aMorphicEvent for: aClient "Convert the mouse event into low-level events for the VM simulator (aClient). Filter-out mouse moves, and generate a fake mouse move before each button press. See HandMorph>>generateMouseEvent" | translated | - translated := aMorphicEvent position - aClient displayView bounds origin. modifiers := aMorphicEvent buttons >> 3. "Sad, but modifiers come in on mouse move events..." + "filter-out mouse moves unless buttons are pressed, so simulation doesn't get window leave events when we leave its window" + aMorphicEvent type == #mouseMove ifTrue: + [(aClient displayView bounds containsPoint: aMorphicEvent position) ifFalse: + [^self]. + "If buttons (which includes modifiers) change, or are pressed, communicate the event, otherwise (at least potentially) filter it out." + (aMorphicEvent buttons = 0 + and: [lastMouseMoveEvent notNil + and: [lastMouseMoveEvent buttons = 0]]) ifTrue: + [lastMouseMoveEvent := aMorphicEvent copy. + lastMouseMoveEvent timeStamp: (aClient ioUTCMicroseconds // 1000). + lastMouseMoveEvent position: lastMouseMoveEvent position - aClient displayView bounds origin. + ^self]]. + lastMouseMoveEvent ifNotNil: + [aClient queueForwardedEvent: + { EventTypeMouse. + lastMouseMoveEvent timeStamp. + lastMouseMoveEvent position x. + lastMouseMoveEvent position y. + lastMouseMoveEvent buttons bitAnd: 7. + lastMouseMoveEvent buttons >> 3. + 0. + self windowIndex }. + lastMouseMoveEvent := nil]. + buttons := aMorphicEvent buttons. + translated := aMorphicEvent position - aClient displayView bounds origin. - aMorphicEvent type == #mouseMove - ifTrue: "filter-out mouse moves unless buttons are pressed, so simulation doesn't get window leave events when we leave its window" - [buttons = 0 ifTrue: [^nil]] - ifFalse:"If the buttons are going down, make sure to add a mouse move event to the current position before the buttons are pressed." - [((buttons bitAnd: 7) = 0 and: [(aMorphicEvent buttons bitAnd: 7) ~= 0]) ifTrue: - [aClient queueForwardedEvent: - { 1. - aMorphicEvent timeStamp. - translated x. - translated y. - 0. - buttons >> 3. "Thanks dtl" - 0. - self windowIndex }]. - buttons := aMorphicEvent buttons]. aClient queueForwardedEvent: + { EventTypeMouse. + aClient ioUTCMicroseconds // 1000. - { 1. - aMorphicEvent timeStamp. translated x. translated y. + buttons bitAnd: 7. "thanks Ron T." + buttons >> 3. "Thanks dtl" - buttons bitAnd: 7. "thanks Ron T." - buttons >> 3. "Thanks dtl" 0. self windowIndex }! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreterSimulator>>handleListenEvent: (in category '*VMMakerUI-I/O primitive support') ----- handleListenEvent: aMorphicEvent "openAsMorph[NoTranscript] registered me for listen events via HandMorph>>addEventListener. Transform the listen event and add it to my event queue. ALso check if the displayForm should resize." (displayForm ~~ fakeForm and: [displayForm extent ~= displayView extent]) ifTrue: [| newForm | newForm := Form extent: displayView extent depth: displayForm depth. displayForm displayOn: newForm. displayForm := newForm. displayView image: displayForm]. ((aMorphicEvent isMouse or: [aMorphicEvent isKeyboard]) and: [displayView bounds containsPoint: aMorphicEvent position]) ifTrue: + [[eventTransformer degenerateEvent: aMorphicEvent for: self] + on: Error + do: [:ex| + displayView activeHand removeEventListener: self. + ex pass]]! - [eventTransformer degenerateEvent: aMorphicEvent for: self]! |
> On 2020-07-26, at 12:47 PM, [hidden email] wrote: > Now I at least have a chance of debugging the corrupted fixed pitch font output bug observed in the System reporter. The weird thing is that I *still* don't see it on any of my machines - Mac OS 64bit image (5.3 & latest 6alpha), Pi (32bit only), x86 linux (64 bit only). A colleague doesn't see it on Windows either. tim -- tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim Strange OpCodes: SEOB: Set Every Other Bit |
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