Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMakerUI to project VM Maker:
http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMakerUI-eem.32.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: VMMakerUI-eem.32
Author: eem
Time: 30 October 2020, 6:34:41.325848 pm
UUID: febcf45e-d6a8-4561-80b2-47509f37750a
Ancestors: VMMakerUI-eem.31
revert back to the simpler simulateLeafCallOf:
=============== Diff against VMMakerUI-eem.31 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Cogit>>setClickStepBreakBlock (in category '*VMMakerUI-user interface') -----
"Set the break block to present a confirmer, breaking if true, and restoring the previous break block.
If an open debugger on the receiver can be found, proceed it."
| previousBreakBlock previousAtEachStepBlock previousBreakPC previousSingleStep previousClickConfirm result |
(breakBlock isNil or: [breakBlock method ~~ thisContext method]) ifTrue:
[previousBreakBlock := breakBlock.
previousAtEachStepBlock := coInterpreter atEachStepBlock.
previousBreakPC := breakPC.
previousSingleStep := singleStep.
previousClickConfirm := clickConfirm.
breakBlock := [:ign|
(processor pc ~= previousBreakPC
and: [(result := self promptClickStep) == true])
ifTrue: [false]
ifFalse: [breakBlock := previousBreakBlock.
coInterpreter atEachStepBlock: previousAtEachStepBlock.
breakPC := previousBreakPC.
singleStep := previousSingleStep.
clickConfirm := previousClickConfirm.
coInterpreter atEachStepBlock:
[previousAtEachStepBlock value.
(coInterpreter localIP ~= previousBreakPC
and: [(result := self promptClickStep) == true]) ifFalse:
[breakBlock := previousBreakBlock.
coInterpreter atEachStepBlock: previousAtEachStepBlock.
breakPC := previousBreakPC.
singleStep := previousSingleStep.
clickConfirm := previousClickConfirm.
self halt]].
singleStep := breakPC := clickConfirm := result ~~ #proceed].
(World submorphs
m model isDebugger
and: [(m model interruptedProcess suspendedContext findContextSuchThat:
(ctxt receiver == self
and: [ctxt selector == #simulateCogCodeAt:
+ or: [ctxt selector == #simulateLeafCallOf:]])
- or: [ctxt selector == #simulateLeafCallOf:marshaling:]])
or: [ctxt receiver == coInterpreter
and: [ctxt selector == #interpret]]]) notNil]]
ifNone: []) ifNotNil:
WorldState addDeferredUIMessage:
[debuggerWindow model proceed]]!