Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMakerUI to project VM Maker: http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker/VMMakerUI-eem.7.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: VMMakerUI-eem.7 Author: eem Time: 26 December 2019, 6:41:54.306274 pm UUID: 3f8bdf1c-f5cb-4643-8294-2e0822731c44 Ancestors: VMMakerUI-eem.6 Extend the CogOopInspector to allow switching between printOop: format and longOopFormat:. Extend PluggableTextAttribute to pass in the model and string if the action block takes two agruments, hence allowing deferring oop parsing until the click action. =============== Diff against VMMakerUI-eem.6 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CogAbstractFrameInspector>>addressFromString: (in category 'private') ----- addressFromString: aString + ^(ExtendedNumberParser on: aString readStream skipSeparators) nextInteger! - ^(ExtendedNumberParser on: ((ReadStream on: aString) skipSeparators; yourself)) nextInteger! Item was added: + ----- Method: CogOopInspector>>interpretOopString: (in category 'evaluating') ----- + interpretOopString: aStringContainingAnOop + ^self copy + oop: (ExtendedNumberParser on: aStringContainingAnOop readStream skipSeparators) nextInteger; + displayPinnable: aStringContainingAnOop withBlanksTrimmed! Item was changed: ----- Method: CogOopInspector>>printer: (in category 'accessing') ----- printer: anObject + printer := anObject. + self changed: #text! - printer := anObject.! Item was changed: ----- Method: CogOopInspector>>text (in category 'accessing - ui') ----- text ^Text streamContents: + [:s| + coInterpreter + perform: printer + with: oop + with: s + with: (PluggableTextAttribute evalBlock: [:me :oopString| self interpretOopString: oopString])]! - [:s| coInterpreter perform: printer with: oop with: s with: (PluggableTextAttribute evalBlock: [:oopString| self interpretOopString: oopString])]! Item was added: + ----- Method: CogOopInspector>>textMenu: (in category 'accessing - ui') ----- + textMenu: aMenuMorph + aMenuMorph + addTitle: 'Select print format'; + add: #printOop: action: [self printer: #printOop:on:oopAttribute:]; + add: #longPrintOop: action: [self printer: #longPrintOop:on:oopAttribute:]. + ^aMenuMorph! Item was added: + ----- Method: NewObjectMemory>>printHeaderTypeOf:on: (in category '*VMMakerUI-debug printing') ----- + printHeaderTypeOf: obj on: aStream + <doNotGenerate> + aStream nextPutAll: + ((self headerType: obj) caseOf: { + [HeaderTypeFree] -> [' HeaderTypeFree (4 bytes)']. + [HeaderTypeShort] -> [' HeaderTypeShort (4 bytes)']. + [HeaderTypeClass] -> [' HeaderTypeClass (8 bytes)']. + [HeaderTypeSizeAndClass] -> [' HeaderTypeSizeAndClass (12 bytes)'] })! Item was added: + ----- Method: PluggableTextAttribute>>actOnClickFor:in:at: (in category '*VMMakerUI-convenience') ----- + actOnClickFor: model in: aParagraph at: clickPoint + "Override to pass in the string with this attribute to the block if it takes two arguments." + | range | + (evalBlock notNil and: [evalBlock numArgs = 2]) ifFalse: + [^super actOnClickFor: model in: aParagraph at: clickPoint]. + range := aParagraph text + rangeOf: self + startingAt: (aParagraph characterBlockAtPoint: clickPoint) stringIndex. + evalBlock value: model value: (aParagraph text string copyFrom: range first to: range last). + ^true! Item was added: + ----- Method: SpurMemoryManager>>printHeaderTypeOf:on: (in category '*VMMakerUI-debug printing') ----- + printHeaderTypeOf: objOop on: aStream + <doNotGenerate> + aStream + nextPutAll: ((self numSlotsOfAny: objOop) >= self numSlotsMask + ifTrue: [' hdr16 '] + ifFalse: [' hdr8 ']); + nextPut: ((self isImmutable: objOop) ifTrue: [$i] ifFalse: [$.]); + nextPut: ((self isRemembered: objOop) ifTrue: [$r] ifFalse: [$.]); + nextPut: ((self isPinned: objOop) ifTrue: [$p] ifFalse: [$.]); + nextPut: ((self isMarked: objOop) ifTrue: [$m] ifFalse: [$.]); + nextPut: ((self isGrey: objOop) ifTrue: [$g] ifFalse: [$.])! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>hex:withAttribute: (in category '*VMMakerUI-debug printing') ----- hex: anInteger withAttribute: oopTextAttribute <doNotGenerate> + ^(anInteger digitLength >= 4 + ifTrue: [anInteger storeStringBase: 16] + ifFalse: [(String new: 8 - (anInteger digitLength * 2) withAll: Character space), + (anInteger storeStringBase: 16)]) + asText addAttribute: oopTextAttribute + ! - ^((String new: 8 - (anInteger digitLength * 2) withAll: Character space), (anInteger storeStringBase: 16)) asText addAttribute: oopTextAttribute! Item was added: + ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>hexnp:withAttribute: (in category '*VMMakerUI-debug printing') ----- + hexnp: anInteger withAttribute: oopTextAttribute + <doNotGenerate> + ^(anInteger storeStringBase: 16) asText addAttribute: oopTextAttribute! Item was changed: ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>longPrintOop:on:oopAttribute: (in category '*VMMakerUI-debug printing') ----- longPrintOop: oop on: aStream oopAttribute: oopTextAttribute <doNotGenerate> | fmt lastIndex startIP bytecodesPerLine column field | ((objectMemory isImmediate: oop) or: [(objectMemory addressCouldBeObj: oop) not or: [(oop bitAnd: objectMemory allocationUnit - 1) ~= 0 or: [(objectMemory isFreeObject: oop) or: [objectMemory isForwarded: oop]]]]) ifTrue: [^self printOop: oop on: aStream oopAttribute: oopTextAttribute]. self printHex: oop on: aStream. (objectMemory fetchClassOfNonImm: oop) ifNil: [aStream nextPutAll: ' has a nil class!!!!'] ifNotNil: [:class| aStream nextPutAll: ': a(n) '. self printNameOfClass: class count: 5 on: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: ' ('. objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [self printHexnp: (objectMemory compactClassIndexOf: oop) on: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '=>']. aStream nextPutAll: (self hexnp: class withAttribute: oopTextAttribute); nextPut: $)]. fmt := objectMemory formatOf: oop. + aStream nextPutAll: ' format '. fmt printOn: aStream base: 16. - aStream nextPutAll: ' format '; nextPutAll: (self hexnp: fmt). fmt > objectMemory lastPointerFormat ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: ' nbytes '; print: (objectMemory numBytesOf: oop)] ifFalse: [(objectMemory isIndexableFormat: fmt) ifTrue: [| len | len := objectMemory lengthOf: oop. aStream nextPutAll: ' size '; print: len - (objectMemory fixedFieldsOf: oop format: fmt length: len)]]. objectMemory printHeaderTypeOf: oop on: aStream. + aStream nextPutAll: ' hash '. (objectMemory rawHashBitsOf: oop) printOn: aStream base: 16. aStream cr. - aStream - nextPutAll: ' hash '; nextPutAll: (self hexnp: (objectMemory rawHashBitsOf: oop)); - cr. (fmt between: objectMemory firstByteFormat and: objectMemory firstCompiledMethodFormat - 1) ifTrue: [self printStringOf: oop on: aStream. ^aStream cr]. (fmt between: objectMemory firstLongFormat and: objectMemory firstByteFormat - 1) ifTrue: [0 to: ((objectMemory num32BitUnitsOf: oop) min: 256) - 1 do: [:i| field := objectMemory fetchLong32: i ofObject: oop. aStream space; print: i; space. (self printHex: field on: aStream). aStream space; cr]. ^self]. objectMemory hasSpurMemoryManagerAPI ifTrue: [fmt = objectMemory sixtyFourBitIndexableFormat ifTrue: [0 to: ((objectMemory num64BitUnitsOf: oop) min: 256) - 1 do: [:i| field := objectMemory fetchLong64: i ofObject: oop. aStream space; print: i; space. (self printHex: field on: aStream). aStream space; cr]. ^self]. (fmt between: objectMemory firstShortFormat and: objectMemory firstShortFormat + 1) ifTrue: [0 to: ((objectMemory num16BitUnitsOf: oop) min: 256) - 1 do: [:i| field := objectMemory fetchShort16: i ofObject: oop. aStream space; print: i; space. (self printHex: field on: aStream). aStream space; cr]. ^self]]. "this is nonsense. apologies." startIP := (objectMemory lastPointerOf: oop) + objectMemory bytesPerOop - objectMemory baseHeaderSize / objectMemory bytesPerOop. lastIndex := 256 min: startIP. lastIndex > 0 ifTrue: [1 to: lastIndex do: [:i| field := objectMemory fetchPointer: i - 1 ofObject: oop. aStream space; print: i - 1; space; nextPutAll: (self hex: field withAttribute: oopTextAttribute); space. (i = 1 and: [objectMemory isCompiledMethod: oop]) ifTrue: [self printMethodHeaderOop: field on: aStream] ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: (self shortPrint: field)]. + aStream cr]]. - self cr]]. (objectMemory isCompiledMethod: oop) ifFalse: [startIP > lastIndex ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: '...'; cr]] ifTrue: [startIP := startIP * objectMemory wordSize + 1. lastIndex := objectMemory lengthOf: oop. lastIndex - startIP > 100 ifTrue: [lastIndex := startIP + 100]. bytecodesPerLine := 8. column := 1. startIP to: lastIndex do: [:index| | byte | column = 1 ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: (oop+objectMemory baseHeaderSize+index-1) hex; nextPutAll: ': ']. byte := objectMemory fetchByte: index - 1 ofObject: oop. aStream space. byte printOn: aStream base: 16. aStream nextPut: $/. byte printOn: aStream. column := column + 1. column > bytecodesPerLine ifTrue: + [column := 1. aStream cr]]. - [column := 1. self cr]]. column = 1 ifFalse: + [aStream cr]]! - [self cr]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>printHexnp:on: (in category '*VMMakerUI-debug printing') ----- + printHexnp: anInteger on: aStream + <doNotGenerate> + anInteger printOn: aStream base: 16! Item was added: + ----- Method: StackInterpreter>>shortPrintOop:on: (in category '*VMMakerUI-debug printing') ----- + shortPrintOop: oop on: aStream + <doNotGenerate> + oop printOn: aStream base: 16. + (objectMemory isImmediate: oop) ifTrue: + [((objectMemory isIntegerObject: oop) + or: [objectMemory isImmediateCharacter: oop]) ifTrue: + [^aStream nextPutAll: (self shortPrint: oop); cr]. + (objectMemory isImmediateFloat: oop) ifTrue: + [^aStream nextPut: $=; print: (objectMemory floatValueOf: oop); cr]. + ^aStream nextPutAll: ' unknown immediate'; cr]. + (objectMemory addressCouldBeObj: oop) ifFalse: + [^aStream nextPutAll: ((oop bitAnd: objectMemory allocationUnit - 1) ~= 0 + ifTrue: [' is misaligned'] + ifFalse: [self whereIs: oop]); cr]. + ((objectMemory isFreeObject: oop) + or: [objectMemory isForwarded: oop]) ifTrue: + [^self printOop: oop on: aStream oopAttribute: nil]. + aStream nextPutAll: ': a(n) '. + self printNameOfClass: (objectMemory fetchClassOfNonImm: oop) count: 5 on: aStream. + aStream cr! Item was changed: ----- Method: VMObjectInspector>>buildWith: (in category 'accessing - ui') ----- buildWith: builder | windowSpec textSpec | (windowSpec := builder pluggableWindowSpec new) model: self; label: #windowTitle; extent: 400@200; children: OrderedCollection new. (textSpec := builder pluggableTextSpec new) model: self; getText: #text; frame: (0@0 corner: 1@1); yourself. + (self textMenu: MenuMorph new) ifNotNil: + [textSpec menu: #textMenu:]. windowSpec children add: textSpec. ^(builder build: windowSpec) paneColor: (coInterpreter ifNotNil: [coInterpreter windowColorToUse] ifNil: [self defaultWindowColor]); yourself! Item was added: + ----- Method: VMObjectInspector>>textMenu: (in category 'accessing - ui') ----- + textMenu: aMenuMorph + "Subclasses wishing to have a text menu should override." + ^nil! |
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